605 files
USN F-15N Sea Eagle 'What-If' Skin for TW F-15A
By Geary
USN F-15N Sea Eagle 'What-If' Skin for ThirdWire F-15A
This is a separate aircraft that uses the ThirdWire SF2 F-15A lods. It contains the relevant .ini files to convert it to USN but you must have at least whichever SF2 game(s) gives you the F-15A, such as SF2 Europe and/or SF2 Israel and SF2 NA for the F-14A decals.
It is in .jpg format for SF2.
INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the F-15N folder into your aircraft folders. Choose the desired skin in the loadout section. Fly.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use. For any other use, please contact me first.
If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
Thanks to all who are helping me learn to skin by direct involvement and/or by inspiration.
If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
Dhimari Mirages Pack for SF2 Series
By Piecemeal
This is a complete pack containing exactly what it says on the tin.
Represented here are the Mirage 5, Mirage IIIE, Mirage 50 and a totally fictional French made version of the Kfir powered by the Rolls Royce Spey - something in there for everybody!!
********** IMPORTANT NOTE!!! **********
You'll need SF2, SF2:I and certain DLC releases in order to use this mod:
* For the Mirage 5DH - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5E2 from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage 5BA DLC.
* For the Mirage IIIED - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5SDE from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC.
* For the Mirage 50DH - the aircraft model is from the Mirage IIIO DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC.
* For the Mirage 5DHS - the aircraft model is the Kfir C2 from SF2:I. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC.
For credits and installation instructions please refer to the Readme.
[Fictional] Scottish Electric Lightning F.6A 'Alba'
By Spinners
Scottish Electric Lightning F.6A for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Lightning F.6 to give a fictional 'Scottish' Lightning - just a bit of post-Burns Night fun!
Also included is my 'Yellowjacks' skin.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning6A folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning6A folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the AVON_DRY & AVON_WET sound files into your Sounds folder.
As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
Thanks to Sundowner for the excellent Lightning templates and to comrpnt for the Data.ini tweaks.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 27/01/14
Hawker Hunter FG Mk.61 - Dhimari Air Force
By Piecemeal
This is (of course!) a fictional depiction of the Hunter 9 for the Royal Dhimari Air Force.
PLEASE read the Readme file for full installation details!!
[Fictional] Grumman F-111B 'ADC'
By Spinners
Grumman F-111B 'ADC' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the superb F-111B by FastCargo to represent a fictional USAF version inflicted on that fine service, although it's actually not that bad when used within it's limits! I'm releasing this 'as is' as it could do with further refinements but avionics are not really my thing.
On November 24th, 1962 the US Defense Departement issued a press release announcing the award of the TFX programme to General Dynamics ahead of Boeing. There was an immediate outcry at this decision as only a few weeks earlier the Air Force Council had stated their declared preference for the Boeing submission as had the Chief of the Navy although the US Navy had, in fact, rejected both explaining that neither were fully compatible with carrier operations and neither had adequate CAP loiter endurance. It was not until March 21st, 1963 when Robert McNamara (Secretary of Defense) was called as a witness to the 'McClennan hearings' where McNamara explained the evaluation groups preference for the General Dynamics submission based on the higher degree of commonality when compared to Boeing's submission adding that, in their view, Boeing were proposing two different airplanes. After the dust had settled General Dynamics and the US Air Force battled on with their version of the TFX which would eventually lead to the F-111A entering squadron service (and operational service in Vietnam) in 1968.
However, for the US Navy things were different. Initially, by appointing Grumman to develop the naval version of the TFX (as the F-111B) the US Navy had hoped that this experienced and trusted contractor would turn the heavy tactical bomber into something that would meet their carrier-based interception requirement and at least they also had Hughes onboard for the radar/missile system with the promising AWG-9 radar and AIM-54A missile. But by early 1964 the Navy were determined that the F-111B would not proceed except without major changes and asked that the manufacture of the F-111B development aircraft should be halted until the aircraft was redesigned but this was overruled by the Pentagon. Even the first flight of the F-111B on May 18th, 1965 failed to provide any comfort as the TF30 engine compressor stalls were evident from the start. By October 1965 the Navy Preliminary Evaluation considered the aircraft to be grossly underpowered, range was less than half of the requirement and the engines were judged to be a significant flight safety problem. Furthermore, the fixes required to bring the F-111B into something at least marginally capable of flying the mission brought commonality down from 80% down to 29% and during early 1966 the Navy became increasingly vocal about wanting to bail out but it was not until after a new and particularly scathing Navy Preliminary Evaluation held in March 1967 that they did so.
McNamara was incensed and instructed General Dynamics and Grumman to revert back to the original '80% commonality' F-111B and develop it for use as an interceptor by the USAF's Aerospace Defense Command Interceptor Squadrons as a replacement for the F-101 Voodoos and F-102 Delta Daggers and to supplement the F-106 Delta Darts. Almost as a way of denying failure, McNamara instructed the Defense Department not to allocate a new designation but to keep the F-111B designation for the Air Force interceptor. With an immediate order for 288 F-111B's a reluctant Air Force at least had some use for the short-nosed F-111 and put the aircraft to good use but the real winner was McDonnell Douglas who gained new orders from the Navy for the F-4J Phantom and also the swing-wing F-4S 'Super Phantom' ordered instead of the VFX (Tomcat).
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-111B_ADC folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-111B_ADC folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the TF30_DRY AND TF30_WET files into your Sounds folder.
4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AIM-54A_ADC folder into your Weapons folder.
As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
Massive thanks to FastCargo for the full and complete F-111 family. The F-111 Super Vark Pack by FastCargo gives comprehensive thanks to everyone who has played a part and his credits include thanks to Norman Knight for the F-111 pit.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 18/01/14
F-86K IDF 'What-If' 3-Tone Camo Skin
By Geary
F-86K IDF 'What-IF' 3-Tone Camo Skin.
This skin is for the F-86K/D/L Sabre by Bunyap, Fubar512. Original 3D model by Zur.
This skin textures are in .jpg format. It uses SF2 Israel decals.
(It 'should' work in SF1 by converting the .jpg's to .bmp's and re-decaling using your SF1 Wings Over Israel decals.)
It was painted using the F-86D/K/L templates by suhsjake and bobrock.
INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the skin folder into your F-86D, K or L folders. Choose IDF Camo in the loadout section. Fly.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use. For any other use, please contact me first.
If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
Thanks to all who are helping me learn to skin by direct involvement and/or by inspiration.
If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
[Fictional] English Electric F.6I Lightning for SF 2
By ValAstur
Simple mod of the stock Lightning F.6 to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the israeli air force the way it may have served after the french weapons embargo.
- added rocketpod capability for CAS-Missions
- added dual IRM-launchrails for a higher payload
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
To Sundowner for the great templates I used for the camo version.
Kindest regards
USAF F-86K 'What-If' SF2 Sand Camo Skin
By Geary
F-86K USAF Sand Camo 'What-If' SF2 Skin
This skin is for the F-86K Sabre by Bunyap, Fubar512. Original 3D model by Zur.
This skin textures are in .jpg format. It uses default SF2 full 5+2 merged install decals. Although most are common USAF decals, it uses F104TAILNUM for numbers. If you don't have these numbers in your install, you'll have to substitute numbers.
(It 'should' work in SF1 by converting the .jpg's to .bmp's and re-decaling using your SF1 game's decals.)
It was painted using the F-86D/K/L templates by suhsjake and bobrock.
INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the skin folder into your F-86D, K or L folders. Choose USAF Sand Camo in the loadout section. Fly.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use. For any other use, please contact me first.
If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
Thanks to all who are helping me learn to skin by direct involvement and/or by inspiration.
If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
[Fictional] Republic F-105N & FGA.1 SeaChief for SF 2
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock F-105D_66 to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for both the US and Royal Navy.
The F-105N comes with a skin for the VA-86 "Sidewinders" of the US Navy.
The FGA.1 comes with a skin for the 899 NAS of the Royal Navy.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Thanks to Spinners, from whom I borrowed the Royal Navy Fist decal used in this mod.
Kindest regards
TSF Saab JAS 39 Sea Gripen-C Package.
By JonathanRL
Unzip the entire package into your mod folder, usually Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 or similar.
The Sea Gripen is Saabs take on a Carrier Borne Fighter, based off their Saab Gripen NG Project. It was however some ideas that the C version also
would be an ideal platform for navies with smaller Carriers as a gap-filler until the Gripen NG entered the market. The idea has since been scrapped.
However, this is the What-If Section and since we like Saab does not have a Gripen NG (E/F) available, we made one off the Gripen-C instead.
Good Gripen-C Templates are included and free for use.
This package contains one Aircraft with five skins, correct serials, nation-specific loadouts and correct weapons.
Saab Demonstrator: Two made, modified from Swedish Air Force Gripen-Cs. Initally built as a proof-of-concept but then transferred for demonstrations and
practical trials. First naval operation trials was made on the USS George H.W Bush during 2012. Alongside the many details in the contract, Saab retained
the right to the US Navy Digital Camo for use upon the airframe. Official demonstrations of these Aircraft is said to have been boosted by Saabs decision to
give out free copies of The Scandinavian Front during air shows.
Swedish Air Force: The Swedish Air Force, in a frenzy to find new budget cuts for their Armed Forces decided to refit a Wing of Fighters from the Gripen-C to
the Sea Gripen-C instead of upgrading them to the Gripen NG. The wing was then activated in 2014 as part of the Swedish Air Force Rapid Reaction Force where
Carrier Landings in NATO Operations may be a requirement. The wing is based at F 21 Luleå and have access to the USS Queen Elizabeth for Carrier Training for their pilots.
Brazilian Naval Avitation: The Brazilian Navy was the first nation to adopt the Aircraft for their navy, making the development of the Aircraft a requirement
for the later approval of the Gripen NG Contract. VF-1 recived the Aircraft and begun training in 2014 and declared themselves operation for duty on the A 12
Sao Paulo in early 2016, making a flyover at the Olympic Games. Brazil has scored most kills with their Gripens, shooting down dozens of Drug Smuggling Aircraft
and boats every month.
Indian Fleet Air Arm: Following the defence paper of 2011, the carrier INS Viraat was to be decomissioned in 2020. However, without the Sea Harriers, she had been
reduced to a Helicopter Carrier. Doubting both the Gripen NGs and the Rafaeles capacity to land upon her decks, the Sea Gripen-C was tested and subsequently bought 20 aircraft
with a requirement for a quick delivery. The Indian Navy has expressed interest to retain the INS Viraat for a longer period of time, satisfied with the combination.
Royal Navy: Following the near-crash-and-recovery of the F-35 Project saw the Royal Navy reducing the ammount of Aircraft to equip their Queen Elizabeth Class Carriers with.
In order to retain maximum value for the Carriers built, the F-35B entered a Fleet Defence and offensive air combat role with the Gripen-C with both low purchase and operating costs
deemed the best alternative. The 801th Naval Air Squadron with battle honours from world war II, Korea and the Falklands was reactivated to fly the aircraft, putting them in the front line
for Britannic Security Policy once again. The Royal Navy is pleased with the Aircraft and has expressed interest to upgrade to the Gripen NG in the 2020s.
Gripen-C 3D Model by Gux, updated by CadetteBra.
Sea Gripen adjustments by Ravenclaw.
Adjustments by dtmdragon
Flight Model by Column5
Avionics by Jat & Moonjumper
Skins by Team TSF, Decals by Paulopanz, Spinners & denissoliveira
Weapons by Ravenclaw
Serials by Team TSF
Fact Checking and application by Team TSF
Loadouts and .ini editing by Team TSF
Templates by Ravenclaw
[Fictional] Hawker Hunter F.6M - Irish Air Corps
By Spinners
Hawker Hunter F.6M for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire DLC Hawker Hunter F.6(60) to give a fictional Hunter F.6M in service with the Irish Air Corps during the 1966 to 1988 timeline.
You'll need DLC001 - the Hunter F.6 (60) of the Royal Netherlands Air Force for this to work but if you haven't got it you can hack this package to use whatever stock Hunters you have but expect to lose some functionality.
Colourful fictional markings for all four Irish provinces are included;
No.1 Connacht Squadron
No.2 Leinster Squadron
No.3 Munster Squadron
No.4 Ulster Squadron
If you'd prefer to use the standard RAF scheme then I've included a Patch template to help you easily produce the Patch.bmp for your skin folders.
Also included are an Irish Air Corps Pilot and the 'Sleagh' infra-red homing air-to-air missile which is simply a licence-built Red Top but with the familiar IRM growl and an orange skin. Stock RedTops can be used and these Hunters are equipped with the Lightning gunsight which gives a quirky visual confirmation that your missile has lock-on.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Hunter6iac folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Hunter6iac folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_IAC folder into your Pilots folder.
4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the SLEAGH folder into your Weapons folder.
As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - 01/01/14
[Fictional] Corsair GR.1 - RAF South East Asia Command
By Spinners
This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-7B to give a fictional BAC/Vought Corsair GR.1 with markings for No.8 and No.20 squadrons of RAF South East Asia Command.
The UK General Election of October 1964 saw a new Labour government slip into power with a slender four-seat majority but this did not deter their planned shake-up of the UK Defence Budget. Whilst many observers felt that the TSR.2 programme would survive until at least the 1965 April budget it was not that great a shock when the axe fell earlier than expected in November 1964 with a bland announcement that a three-month study period of the RAF's tactical strike and recconnaisance requirements would be immediately started as part of a much broader Emergency Defence Review.
The Emergency Defence Review of February 1965 concluded that the RAF needed a more flexible force and recommended a mix of aircraft with a small force of sophisticated all-weather tactical strike aircraft, a much larger force of tactical attack machines plus an improved interceptor-fighter force equipped with longer-range aircraft than the totally inadequate Lightning.
Whilst initially ordered as a replacement for the Hunter the Spey-enginned Phantoms already on order (thanks to an order placed by the outgoing Conservative Government in February 1964) were now allocated to air defence duties to replace the Lightnings in the UK and RAF Germany squadrons. For the tactical strike role it was no surprise that the F-111 was ordered but, like the Phantoms, with Spey engines which soon hit many of same problems encountered by the Spey-Phantoms.
For the RAF's tactical attack role almost no one foresaw the purchase of Ling-Temco Vought's VAL contender (later designated A-7 Corsair II) as it had only just been selected, literally days earlier, by the US Navy as their A-4 Skyhawk replacement. The UK Government simply couldn't resist putting the non-afterburning Spey into their version of the Corsair but, thankfully, this was a much happier marriage and LTV had actually already planned their A-7 to use this engine as an insurance policy and to be able to offer an export version of their promising design. As some sort of feeble compensation to BAC for the loss of the TSR.2 the UK Government negotiated with LTV a manufacturing licence for BAC to licence-build all British production aircraft although this
was more of a final assembly deal plus partnering on all European and Commonwealth sales which actually became quite lucrative for BAC.
Development moved swiftly and apart from minor delays due to the substitution of the TF-30 for the Rolls-Royce Spey RB.168-2A turbofan engine the only other delay was caused by the substitution of the Colt Mk12 20mm cannon for British 30mm Aden (with reduced round capacity) and progress was certainly helped by having the prototypes built and test-flown in the USA and the British Corsairs simply slotted into the very smooth and highly successful LTV Corsair programme that saw the A-7A move from operational requirement to squadron service in three years. Entering service as the Corsair GR.1 in early 1968 the aircraft was extremely popular in RAF service and served until late 1991 after seeing service in Desert Storm.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the CorsairGR1 folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the CorsairGR1 folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the Spey_Dry file into your main Sounds folder.
Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 3 - 30/12/13
[Fictional] A-7B Corsair II - Armada Española Arma Aérea
By Spinners
Vought A-7B Corsair II 'Armada Española' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-7B to give a fictional A-7B in service with the Armada Española Arma Aérea (Spanish Naval Air Arm).
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-7B_Esp folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-7B_Esp folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the TF30_Dry file into your main Sounds folder.
Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 3 - 29/12/13
[Fictional] A-7A Corsair II - Ejército del Aire
By Spinners
Vought A-7A Corsair II 'Ejército del Aire' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-7P (DLC) to give a fictional A-7A in service with the Ejército del Aire with markings for 121 Esc. and 122 Esc. of Ala 12.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-7A_Esp folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-7A_Esp folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the TF30_Dry file into your main Sounds folder.
Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 3 - 29/12/13
SF Su-51
By KnightWolf45
Using a drawing made Bagera3005 i made this alternative to the russian 5º gen fighter T-50
the Su-51 multi role stealth heavy fighter.
FM his just copy paste has usal
Cockpit by Dels many for all the great moodern cockpits
all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
model ini edits by me Cocas
skins and decals by FLOGGER23
to install just drop the your on you savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
SF 2 MiG LFI 4.12
By KnightWolf45
MiG LFI 4.12
light wheight fighter project to replace the MiG-29 and co-work whit much bigger MiG MFI
this his the single engine version of the project another porject whit same show bigger wings and two
FM his just copy paste has usal
Cockpit by DELS
all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
model and ini edits by me Cocas
Special thanks to Logan4 for helping me whit a nasty deform that i was having trouble fixing
skins and decals by FLOGGER23
to install just drop the r on you savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
SF Su-54 Marmotini
By KnightWolf45
Sukhoy Su-54 Marmotini
part of the Russian contest for a new supersonic trainer light attack aircraft and rival off the Yak-130
FM his just copy paste has usal
Cockpit by DELS
all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
model and ini edits by me Cocas
skins and decals by FLOGGER23
to install just drop the r on you savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
SF 2 Etendar VI
By KnightWolf45
The Etendar 6 was part of the NATO contest for light strike fighter for a standart Strike and CAS aircraft.
this his a two aircraft pack whit a early and late version of this aircraft
FM his just copy paste has usal
Cockpit by TW
all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
model ini edits by me Cocas
skins and decals by FLOGGER23
to install just drop the your on you savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
SF 2 FA-21 Raaven
By KnightWolf45
This Lookheed conterder for the ATF program CL-2016
I named it FA-21 Raven its a good multi-role capability but looks a lot more like a bomber then a fighter to me.
FM his just copy paste has usal
skin cloud better in outher hands try my best has usal
Cockpit by Bongodriver
all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
decal are stock
model, skin and ini edits by me Cocas
to install just drop the r on you savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
templets included.
SF 2 Boreas GR.3
By KnightWolf45
This his a new more advance version of the Bac P.45 Strike aircraft named Boreas by Spinners
a lot of stuf made up by me basing my self on the fewe information i have inthis new version i used the tornado has reference for many things
FM his just copy paste has usal
skin cloud better in outher hands try my best but ran out of patience sorry!
Cockpit by FLorian and Sundonwer
P45 twin rack was sent by IanH755 many thanks solved a lot off problems whit
F-4 370 fuel tank from Gunny´s pack included
all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
decal are stock
model, skin and ini edits by me Cocas
to install just drop the r on you savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
templets included.
SF Javelin FGR.1
By KnightWolf45
this started whit playing around whit my Hs-1202-9 model aka Storm FGR 1
i give it a delta wing much like the M4000 i liked the result and for it
here a bit off a back story
in 1985 after receving the Storm FGR.1 RAF made a Operational Requirement 6.85 for a Multi ROLE fighter bomber whit better payload the the Storm FGR.1.
after one year in the 1986 BAE´s Javelin FGR Mk.1 took its frist flight! IOC was reached in 1989.
BAE´s solution has a Delta wing and belly stores lift was gainned and FBW and the new give more agilty then ever!
Javelin FGR1 replace both jaguar in strike and CAS the Tornados F1 in air to air role!
FM his just copy paste has usal
Cockpit by Ravenclaw
all weapons are on Gunny weapons pack
model skins and ini edits by me Cocas
decals by Spinners
to install just drop the on your savegames etc StrikeFighters folder
Vought F-118 Raider - Israeli Air Force Pack
By ianh755
************************ Israeli Air Force F-118 Pack for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 ************************
This pack contains several Israeli Air Force versions of the Vought Raider F-118 - created by Cocas (Daniel) - and it has been tested on a May '13 fully merged install of all 5 games. It requires SF2:Israel for the A/C serial numbers to show up on the tails, however, it will run without SF2:I but the tails will be blank.
***Aircraft can be found under "VOUGHT F-118" in the In-Game Menu***
In 1974 the USAF started the Light Weight Fighter competition for a new light combat Fighter to complement the F-15A Eagle and in this version of History the winner was..........The Vought F-118A Raider. The aircraft's low cost and advanced design meant that it was exported widely, with Israel in particular buying a sizeable amount and modifying them well beyond what the original designers had ever thought possible.
This pack is designed to roughly mirror the service history of the F-16C/D/I so the design of a Blk30 F-118 is fairly similar to that of a Blk30 F-16 for example.
Unzip then copy and paste the Effects/Flight/Objects folders into your Mod folder, usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 **or whatever yours is called**.
Aircraft Specific Info -
Single Seat -
Vought Raider F-118C 'Netz-A' ('87 - '94) - Initially designed as a fighter with a limited Air to Ground capability the IAF transformed it into a capable multi-role aircraft, able to dominate the airspace whilst improving the original designs limited Air to Ground capabilities.
Vought Raider F-118H 'Barak' ('95 - '30) - This upgrade saw everything from the engine to weapons to the avionics all upgraded, especially with the addition of Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT's) to allow the pylons to be fully loaded with the latest smart weapons instead of fuel tanks creating a true multi-role aircraft whilst still allowing it to retain a significant Air to Air capability should the need arise.
Two Seat -
Vought Raider F-118D 'Netz-B' ('87 - '94) - Originally designed as a trainer the IAF transformed it into a superb Strike & Wild Weasel aircraft. More importantly for the IAF, the 2nd crew member also turned it into a deadly CAS aircraft.
Vought Raider F-118I 'Barak II' ('95 - '04) - This upgrade saw everything from the engine to weapons to the avionics all upgraded, especially with the addition of Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT's) to allow the pylons to be fully loaded with the latest smart weapons instead of fuel tanks which, with it's 2nd crew member and advanced avionics, makes it ideal for the Wild Weasel role.
Vought Raider F-118M 'Sufa' ('05 - '30) - This massive upgrade once more saw everything uprated, from the engine to the weapons it can carry and, with this version, the avionics were all hugely upgraded, allowing it survive far behind any future enemy's lines, a mission for which it was especially designed. In addition to the CFT's fitted on the Barak II there was now a Spine Rack fitted to store all the extra Avionics required to make this the most advanced F-118 in Israel's inventory and possibly the deadliest aircraft in the Middle East.
Issues -
Python Missiles & Fuselage Pylons - Due to the size of the rear fins on the Python Missiles then can sometimes touch the stores put on the inboard wing pylon.
MApping - The mapping is difficult around the nose with some skin stretching. The USAF Euro skin was really tricky, so much so that I wanted to punch a thousand cute kittens in their cute little faces by the end, after spending hours/days trying to get the edges to match up! So sadly some of it's not as good as I'd like but the PS templates are out to so hopefully you can improve on my skin.
Weapons - PLEASE download Ravenclaw007's weapons packs, they are truly fantastic and include many unique Israeli weapons which haven't been included in this pack.
*******If you find any issues or find that I've got something wrong please contact me on CombatAce - http://combatace.com/user/64030-ianh755/ *******************
Cocas for creating the 3D model and then patiently modifying it every-time I asked for any/every crazy little thing!
Ravenclaw007 for creating the superb F-16 cockpits used here with his kind permission, the Ejection Seats and yet again the stunning weapons he makes and I continue to enjoy using.
RussoUK2004 for the use of his Hawk T1A models Damage DDS files which I used to create the damage DDS files for this pack.
Spillone104 for his Improved Afterburner Effects.
Old Diego (Diego Lozano) for the use of his F-16 Pilot.
Have fun and thanks for Downloading.............................................IanH
Vought F-118 Raider - United States Air Force Pack
By ianh755
************************ United States Air Force F-118 Pack for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 ************************
This pack contains several United States Air Force versions of the Vought Raider F-118 - created by Cocas (Daniel) - and it has been tested on a May '13 fully merged install of all 5 games.
***Aircraft can be found under "VOUGHT F-118" in the In-Game Menu***
In 1974 the USAF started the Light Weight Fighter competition for a new light combat Fighter to complement the F-15A Eagle and in this version of History the winner was..........The Vought F-118A Raider.
This pack is designed to roughly mirror the service history of the F-16C/D/I so the design of a Blk30 F-118 is fairly similar to that of a Blk30 F-16 for example although not exactly the same (i.e the cockpits will be different).
Unzip then copy and paste the Effects/Flight/Objects folders into your Mod folder, usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 **or whatever yours is called**.
Aircraft Specific Info -
Vought Raider F-118 Block 30/32 ('87 - '01) - With the "A" initially designed as a fighter with a limited Air to Ground capability the USAF modified it into the "C" variant, a capable multi-role aircraft able to dominate the airspace whilst improving the original designs limited Air to Ground capabilities.
Vought Raider F-118 Block 40/42 ('02 - '08) - This upgrade saw everything from the engine to weapons to the avionics all upgraded, especially with the addition of Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT's) to allow the pylons to be fully loaded with the latest smart weapons instead of fuel tanks creating a true multi-role aircraft whilst still allowing it to retain a significant Air to Air capability should the need arise.
Vought Raider F-118 Block 50/52 ('09 - '40) - This massive upgrade once more saw everything uprated, from the engine to the weapons it can carry and, with this version, the avionics were all hugely upgraded, allowing it survive far behind any future enemys lines, a mission for which it was especially designed. In addition to the CFT's fitted on the Block 40/42 there was now a Spine Rack fitted to store all the extra Avionics required to make this the most advanced F-118 in the USAF's inventory.
Issues -
Bonus Skin - In the Blk 50/52 aircraft there's a Greek skin too!
The mapping is "interesting" around the nose with some skin stretching. The USAF Euro skin was really tricky, so much so that I wanted to punch a thousand cute kittens in their cute little faces by the end, after spending hours/days trying to get the edges to match up! So sadly some of it's not as good as I'd like but the PS templates are out to so hopefully you can improve on my skin.
Weapons - PLEASE download Ravenclaw007's weapons packs, they are truely fantastic and include many unique Israeli weapons which haven't been included in this pack.
*******If you find any issues or find that I've got something wrong please contact me on CombatAce - http://combatace.com/user/64030-ianh755/ *******************
Cocas for creating the 3D model and then patiently modifying it everytime I asked for any/every crazy little thing!
Ravenclaw007 for creating the superb F-16 cockpits used here with his kind permission, the Ejection Seats and yet again the stunning weapons he makes and I continue to enjoy using.
RussoUK2004 for the use of his Hawk T1A models Damage DDS files which I used to create the damage DDS files for this pack.
Spillone104 for his Improved Afterburner Effects.
Old Diego (Diego Lozano) for the use of his F-16 Pilot.
Have fun and thanks for Downloading.............................................IanH
- raiderusaf
- vought
- (and 2 more)
Sea Harrier FA4 2007-2020 "What-If"
By ianh755
"What If" - Sea Harrier FA.4 for SF2 V1.1
This is my "What If" version of the SF2 Sea Harrier FRS.2 I helped update with Wrench and DTMDragon.
Shortly before the paperwork scrapping the Sea Harrier FRS.2 was supposed to have been signed a Secret memo came from the US DOD claiming that its replacement,the F-35, was going to be much delayed, probably until 2015-2020. Rather than leave the Royal Navy toothless for a generation the decision was made to upgrade the Sea Harrier to FA4 status as a stop-gap until the F-35 was ready.
As well as a new cockpit, strengthened wings, improved avionics including a new ECM jamming suite and a slightly upgraded Air to Air weapons suite the Navy now decided that it needed it's Aircraft to have a precision capability if was to play any part in any possible upcoming conflicts. By this point the technical boffins at the MOD had upgraded the RAFs precision strike armoury with some World Class munitions, which gave the Navy access to these new weapons allowing it to greatly expand the previously limited strike role of the Sea Harrier. The newly designated FA4 (Fighter/Attack) will lead the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy into a bright future which makes the descision to scrap them look short-sighted.
This has been designed to work on everything from any of the Stock Games (May '12 patched) including SF2:NA to a fully Modded install with NATO Fighters IV etc. The new weapons are standalone and will not affect other weapons packs, however you may see other weapons from your pack are available. Please use the ones labelled "Royal Navy/RAF (WEAPONS NAME)", they're all fairly grouped together for ease of use. These have all been designed and/or modified for this Sea Harrier release specifically, even though the Weapons may seem to be identical to ones you already have and may include upgrades to my previous weapons packs.
Unzip then copy and paste these folders into your Mod folder (usually C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 or whatever yours is called).
Aircraft Specific Info -
Sea Harrier FA4 (2007-2020) - Originally used by the Royal Navy primarily for Fleet defence this upgrade makes it a truly multirole weapons platform with a world leading capability. With it's immense power to weight ratio it accelerates/decelerates like a sports car and the new wing makes it 10G capable with a sustained 8G turn possible.
Loadout Screen -
If you want to add the 2 Belly AMRAAM's (Group 5) in place of the gun pods (Group 4) then you also have to add the Belly Pylons which are also in Group 4 and they will replace the Gun Pods.
Sniper Pod - As this is the F-16 Chin Sniper pod in the loadout it shows up on the centreline but in-game it's where the right gun pod would be. The stock loadouts which require the Sniper pod also have the Left gunpod included which isn't possible through the In-Game Loadout Screen.
There is a nice update in 2015 when the RAF Meteor Air to Air Missile becomes available.
Issues -
Refuel Probe - Sadly this was never skinned in the original model and with the new high resolution skins we now have it looked truly terrible and just didn't work so we've removed it until such time as a new one can be made and added via Fake-Pilot.
Cockpit - There's no nozzle gauge and the Weapons locations on the Left MFD can be a bit glitchy.
*******If you find any issues or find that I've got something wrong please contact me on CombatAce - http://combatace.com/user/64030-ianh755/ *******************
Change Log
V1.0 - Initial Release
V1.1 - Carrier Take offs possible
This update was a collaberation between the following and my thanks for all their hard work and efforts go to them entirely -
"GUEST" - Original SF1 release with Automatic Nozzles.
DTMDragon - Various Ini Edits, Gun Pods/Belly Pylons & Manual Nozzles.
Wrench - Various Ini Edits & Hangar/Loading Screens.
ChrisBV - SKin and Decals.
AmokFloo & AleDucat - Pilot and Seat.
Dels - F-31 Cockpit.
Ravenclaw007 - Once again for his fantastic weapons + Sniper Pod.
IanH (me!) - Weapons Pack, Loadouts & Various Ini Edits.
Have fun and thanks for Downloading.............................................IanH
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