605 files
FGR2 Experimental Schemes
By Sundowner
Yet another F-4 for your pleasure, this time it's the F-4M [FGR2], complete aircraft with 11 "What if" skins.
You will need the original FGR2 pack [ http://combatace.com/topic/78155-f-4m-phantom-fgr2/ ] as it includes the decals, sounds etc needed for this to work correctly.
Go on, enjoy yourself....you know you want to.
F-35A/B Lightning II International Operators skin pack
By dtmdragon
F-35A/B Lightning II International Operators skin pack.
National markings are based on the way the RAM compatible markings have been done in real life on the Dutch and British F-35 aircraft.
The squadrons I’ve chosen for the Dutch, Japanese, Royal Airforce and Royal Navy Lightning’s are the ones that will operate the Lightning first for those particular countries. I couldn’t find any information for the rest so I’ve taken an (un)educated guess.
Includes the following skins:
Level 1 Partners.
United Kingdom:
-F-35B Royal Air Force No. 617 Squadron 'Dam Busters.'
-F-35B Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm 809 Naval Squadron.
-F-35B Royal Navy/ Royal Air Force 'Joint Force Lightning' - No squadron markings (like the GR.7/9 Joint Force Harrier Aircraft).
-F-35B Royal Navy/ Royal Air Force 'Joint Force Lightning' - With dual squadron markings.
Level 2 Partners.
-F-35A Italian Air Force 6 Stormo 154 Gruppo.
-F-35B Italian Naval Aviation 1 Gurpaer.
-F-35A Royal Netherlands Air Force 322 Squadron 'Polly Parrot'.
Level 3 Partners.
-F-35A Royal Australian Air Force No. 3 Squadron.
-F-35A Royal Canadian Air Force 409 Nighthawks Squadron.
-F-35A Royal Danish Air Force skadrille 726 "Phantom".
-F-35A Royal Norwegian Air Force 332 skv 'Eagle.'
-F-35A Turkish Air Force 132. Filo Hancer.
Security Cooperative Participants (SCP).
-F-35A Israeli Air Force No. 116 Flying Wing Squadron.
Export Orders.
-F-35A Japan Air Self Defence Force 301 Squadron.
South Korea:
-F-35A Republic of Korea Air Force 152th FS / 17th FW.
Potential exports.
-F-35A Belgian Air Component 1ère Escadrille "Chardons."
-F-35A Hellenic Air Force 336th Bomber Squadron.
-F-35B Spanish Navy Air Arm (Armada Española) 9ª Ella.
Fictional 'What If' orders.
New Zealand:
-F-35A Royal New Zealand Air Force No. 75 Squadon.
-F-35B Royal New Zealand Navy No. 6 Squadron.
There is a screenshot of each skin here: http://combatace.com/topic/83069-f-35ab-lightning-ii-international-operators-skin-pack-wip/?p=668077
Also included is a modified pilot skin.
Instillation Instructions:
-1 If you don't alraedy have it you will need to install 'F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2' http://combatace.com/files/file/9051-f-35abc-lightning-ii-v-25-for-sf2/
-2 Delete any old International skins from your F-35A or F-35B folders as they might have the same name etc.
-3 Extract files then copy and paste the objects folder into your mods folder. Click yes when you are asked to override (required for the new pilot skin).
Viper Team
MiG-17K and KP carrier borne fighters
By Gepard
MiG-17K and MiG-17KP Soviet Navy carrierborne fighters (What if) v1.1
This mod is made for SF2NA.
I. History
In 1946 the UK had a lot of major problems. It suffered high losses during WW2 and war damages all over the country were significant. The industry layed down and a lot of war depts pressed the economy further. On the other hand the Royal Navy had a lot of ships which were not neccessary anymore. So it was decided to sell some major ships, including aircraft carriers. So the HMS Colossus was sold to France, the HMS Warrior went to Canada. The Netherlands wanted to buy the Venerable and Australia was interessted in the Venegance.
1946 the Soviet Union showed their wish to buy 3 carriers of the Colossus class and offered a price of 50tons of fine gold. So the last 3 carriers of the Colossus class, the Theseus, Triumph and Perseus were handed over to the Soviet Sea War Fleet and became the names TAKR Odessa, TAKR Kronstadt and TAKR Sewastopol.
Odessa and Kronstadt were operated by the Northern Fleet, while the Sewastopol was operated by the Baltic fleet for 6 years. In 1952 all carriers were sent back to Navy wharfs to refit them with an angle deck. the blueprints of this innovative design was stolen by the Cambridge Five. In 1955 the Odessa became operational again The Kronstadt followed one year later and the Sewastopol reentered the service in 1957. All 3 carriers were used till mid 70th.
After refit with angle deck the MiG-17 became the core of the Odessa flight group. The MiG-17K was developed from the MiG-17F and was used for daylight operations and in the air to ground role. For bad weather and night operations the MiG-17KP was developed from the MiG-17PF. In 1967 both types were updated to carry the AA-2 Atoll (R-3S) missile.
While making the MiG-17K and KP i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
The LOD file is made:
by TK
The skin based:
TK's stock skin, modified by me.
The flight model is made :
by TK
and modded
by me
The Cockpit is made
by Stary
Who made the MiG-17 pylon i have forgotten. Sorry. Please contact me, that i can give you the proper credit.
-Unzip the folders into your object folder
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
VI. Changelog
- removed the Early_MiG pilot as Old Diego demanded
- problem of not appearing soviet Navy Flag on plane is solved
-missing loading screens for MiG-17KP and MiG-17KP_67 included
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
June 2014
[Fictional] Lockheed F-90 Sentinel for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock MiG-15bis to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the USAF and the USMC.
In January of 1950, a soviet spy operating in Japan got uncovered by the local secret service. His task was to spy on local american industrial and military efforts in Japan and, at the same time, to hamper the secret services of both Japan and the US. The hampering was a top priority mission, since the Soviet Union was transferring fighter aircraft using container ships from Vladivostok to the communist movements in China and Korea.
Since the punishment for spying is death, the russian spy hoped to escape that fate by collaborating with the locals and asking for political asylum. In exchange, he offered top secret information for his life.
Among many interesting details concerning military and internal matters, the soviet spy also revealed, that the container ships were transporting weapons, heavy material and a new combat aircraft. All that goods were hidden in between
food and health supplies. Tanks and weapon caches got covered with huge tarpaulins, which were then covered with rice or grain shipments.
This information was but nothing compared to the fact, that the new soviet jet fighter, the MiG-15, was transported in large containers which were declared containing agricultural equipment and even toys.
The spy handed out a coded document, which contained all transports including their shipment and their routes. With the pretense of a security control, the japanese coast guard and some american marines boarded one of the ships containing the "Fagot". After a short firefight, where three of the crewmen, one japanese and one american soldier died, the crew surrendered and the control team was able to inspect the containers, finding twelve fully operational MiGs, destined to northern Korea. The ship was re-routed to Yokohama, where a CIA-operated containership brought the aircraft to the US. The Soviet Union accused the US of stealing goods from one of their ships, not stating the kind of goods.
After having presented these accusations during a United Nations conference two weeks later, the representatives of several countries wanted to know from the soviet delegate what exactly had been stolen. The soviet delegate refused to answer and stated, that the matter had already been discussed in between the ambassadors of both countries (during a secret meeting). The Soviet Union had to fear harsh international reactions and economical damage when it came out, that the country was selling weapons the "contraband"-style.
Back in the US, the fighter did undergo several testings, specially concerning acceleration and manouverability checks. It was also tested, how much damage this aircraft was able to bear before crashing down.
All test pilots agreed that the MiG was not that easy to fly, but that it pardoned a lot.
The ministry of defense, after the evaluation of the results, got of the opinion, that it would be a great enrichment to use this technology for their own aircraft industry and started a competition parting from the MiG-15.
North American, Bell and Lockheed got under the final three with their designs resulting in Lockheed being the winner with the F-90 Sentinel. Their aircraft was the existing MiG, using different materials, engine and armament but preserving the flight characteristics of the plane.
The engine was changed to the Pratt & Whitney J48, which had to be slightly adapted to the fuselage of the aircraft. The cannons of the MiG got replaced with two 20mm M3 and one 37mm M4 Cannons for targets with heavier armor.
It's maiden flight was on the 19th of May of 1951. Two squadrons in the USAF and one USMC squadron received the Sentinel.
While the USAF used the aircraft for anti-air missions, the USMC Sentinels performed ground support and striking sorties.
The Sentinel entered service on the 24th of August of 1951 in the USAF and 9th of September of 1951 in the USMC.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Kindest regards
P.S.: The creator of this mod is aware that there really existed a Lockheed F-90, but this is "what-if", so please don't mind.
[Fictional] Grumman / KAI KF-14A2 Tomcat
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock F-14A_77 to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the south korean air force
The Tomcat has been upgraded with anti-ground and anti-ship capabilities.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Thanks to pappychksix for his awesome Tomcat templates.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Kindest regards
By Gepard
MiG-21bisD1-3 german updateprogram (What if)
I. This mod is written for SF2
(a special WoE version is available in the download section)
II. History:
In January 1991 the Bundesverteidigungsministerium (ministery of defence of the Federal Republic Germany) decided to phase out all MiG-21 which were handed over after the reunification of Germany and scrap them.
Two mounth later ingenieurs of the german DASA company (became later part of EADS) wrote a letter of memorandum to the chairmen of their company. In their memo they stated, that an updateprogram for the MiG-21 would be a profitable cashcow for the DASA company. As reasons for their statement they gave some points:
1. Repair and updatefacilities are already existing with the Flugzeugwerft Dresden
2. Skilled personal is available
3. Good connections to eastern Europe contries are given, because a lot of WP MiG's were repaired and overhauled in Dresden in the past.
4. The eastern european states are attempting to leave the zone of influence of the Sovietunion and will try to become closer to the western alliance.
5. The economic situation of the former WP states is so weak, that it is unlikely, that they will be able to purchase modern western equipment in the next decade. What means, that they will use the weapons they already have for a while.
6. The backbone of the fighter fleet of states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania is still the MiG-21. Its an easy and cheap to operate plane and it is believed, that this plane will held in operational status till the year 2000.
Conclusion: For states which are willing to become members of the NATO and still operating the MiG-21 is an offer of a german made MiG-21 update program a welcome gift. It brings the MiG-21 to NATO standard and helps the economic weak states to operate a significant fighter fleet.To support our selling attempts is is neccessary, that the Luftwaffe must operate the updated MiG-21 in significant numbers over a periode of 5 years minimum.
In March 1991 the chairmen of the DASA decided to start a MiG-21 update program. Close informal connections to the Bundeskanzleramt and the MOD changed the fate of the MiG-21 in german service. The former east german Jagdgeschwader 8, based in Preschen, was relaunched under the new name "Erprobungsgeschwader 8". As operating aircraft only the MiG-21bis was choosen.
In April 1991, the DASA offered 3 update levels for the MiG-21 with the task to improve the combat capabilities of the plane by minimal changes in original design. The project name was MiG-21bisD. The D stands for Deutschland, the german name for Germany.
MiG-21bisD1, electronic update. It consist of the replacement of the RP-22 radar with the italian Grifo-7M, the implementation of an avionics container at the tailfin root, which contains an internal jammer SPS-142, a chaff - flare dispenser and parts of the NATO compatible radio equipment. The weapon system was modified to operate Sidewinder missiles, side by side with soviet made weapons. Only the R-3R missile was withdrawn, because the radar was unable to guide this weapon. The first MiG-21bisD1 was ready in November 1991 and entered the german service in spring 1992. In August 1992 the first MiG-21bisD1 was sold to Poland.
MiG-21bisD2, agility update. With this update the MiG-21bis got a pair of canards to improve the agility of the plane, an inflight refuel probe, new NATO compatible radio and a new french made IFF system. The radar RP-22 was slightly improved by better computers, so that the range was increased by 10% and the target quisition time reduced by 50%. The weapon system changes consist only of the Sidewinder implementation. The first D2 was completed in December 1991 and entered german service in summer 1992. First costumer was the Hungary in spring 1993, followed by Croatia in summer 1993.
A subversion was the MiG-21bisD2Cz for the Czech Republic which based on the MiG-21MF-75 and was delivered in mid 1993. This planes got the updated RP-22DM radars taken from the former east german MiG-21bis, but still had the old R-13-300 engines.
MiG-21bisD3, full NATO compatibility. This modification included the MiG-21bisD1 avionic update and the D2 agility update. Additionally the plane plane got a new engine. The old R-25-300 was replaced by the RB-199 Mk.105 which was developed for the Tornado ECR. It was ~ 5% stronger than the R-25 and a good piece shorter. The now existing space was used for a bigger internal fuel volume. In Spring 1992 the first MiG-21bisD3 started for maiden flight, but the program came to a temporary stop, when the british company GEC Marconi Avionics offered their Blue Hawk and Blue Vixen radars to the program. In summer 1992 the implementation of the Blue Vixen was finished and in spring 1993 the plane became able to operate the new american AIM-120A AMRAAM missile. The first MiG-21bisD3 entered the german service in November 1993. It proofed as a reliable, capable and cheap to operate aircraft. In 1993 the "Erprobungsgeschwader 8" was renamed in JG75 "Erich Hartmann". It operated the MiG-21bisD3 and a later D4 update till it was replaced by the first Eurofighter Typhoon in 2004.
Poland got the D3 in 1995, Romania in 1996. India showed an increased interesse for a licence production of the D3, but when the USA denied the AMRAAM capability India retreated from program and purchased the MiG-21BISON from Russia.
I want to say thank you to Alejandro from Argentina who made the aditionally parts which i used to create this plane.
The great MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian
-Unzip all files into your objects folder.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
May 2014
- mig-21
- update program
- (and 1 more)
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas A-4K Skyhawk 'BAF'
By Spinners
McDonnell Douglas A-4K Skyhawk 'BAF' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire DLC A-4K to give a fictional Belgian A-4K with markings for No.1, No.2 and No.42 squadrons of the Belgian Air Force with service years ranging from 1970 to 1991. If you haven't actually got the A-4K DLC you'll quickly be able to hack the contents to suit whatever you've got available to you. Please note that for simplicity (i.e. laziness) I've used the stock Mirage 5BA serial numbers.
In early February 1968 the outgoing Belgian Paul Van den Boeynants announced that the Dassault Mirage 5 was to be purchased as the desperately needed Thunderstreak replacement for the Belgian Air Force. However, within days, massive student unrest and questions of discrimination against the ethnic Flemish population led to the bringing down of the Van den Boeynants government and a new incoming government led by Gaston Eyskens. The new government immediately cancelled the order for the Mirage 5BA and instead purchased the American A-4K Skyhawk in a reduced purchase of 48 A-4K single-seaters and 12 TA-4K two-seat trainers.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-4K_BAF folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-4K_BAF folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_BAF folder into your main Pilots folder.
4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the Orpheus folder into your main Weapons folder.
Thanks to TK and Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
Thanks also to Steve S for the splendid Orpheus reconnaissance pod.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 25/05/14
Fairchild A-14A Thunderfire (USAF AMX)
By Spinners
Fairchild A-14A 'AMX' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of Rafaels' AMX 2.0 to represent a fictional USAF version. I'm releasing this 'as is' (in response to a request) but it could do with a host of further refinements and I've quickly put the Third Wire A-7E_74 pit in there to get you up and running although I think there is a later AMX in the downloads section that might have a better cockpit.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-14A folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-14A folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AMX_EFT_580lts folder into your Weapons folder.
As always, big thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
Massive thanks to Rafael Rodrigues for the AMX.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 05/05/14
[Fictional] McDonnell Douglas F-4P Phantom II
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock F-4D_78 to create a fictional fighter plane for the portuguese air force.
It comes with two skins:
1. 3-Tone Camo for the 301st Squadron "Jaguares"
2. Anti-Radiation-Green camo for the 201st Squadron "Falcoes"
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Also to Sundowner for the great templates!
Best regards
Parani Air Force Pack 1
By Centurion-1
-=Parani Air Force Pack 1=-
*****by Centurion 1******
This pack adds a bunch of nation specifc, flyable aircraft that depicts the fictional Parani Air Force of the 1970s. All the skins are high-resolution and custom made for this. The baddies have never looked so good :) The fighters also have kill markings included.
Included are:
Mirage 3 called PC
Mirage 5** called PD
Mirage F.1 (early type, Cyrano IV radar and no RWR. Inboard Atoll pylons included)
and a skin for the Tu-22KD. The reason for this not being a nation specific variant is I cant make cruise missiles work for other nations than the Soviets.
The MiG-21s are based on the latest MiG-21 pack by Ataribaby and include the "hard" handling model.
*The MiG-21MF have provisions for mounting Matra550 Magic 1 IRMS, because of the poor performance of the Atolls. This was done IRL by the Iraqi air force in the 1980s. If you dont like it, feel free to edit it out.
**Converesly, the Mirage 5s have the possibility to mount WP IRMs and dumb ordnance, like the Libyan Mirage 5D
Unzip to a mod folder of your choice. Suggested to use with Piecemeals excellent Desert 4 terrain.
MiG-21s, Il-28, Su-7, Tu-22: Any SF2 title more or less.
Mirage 3 and 5: SF2 Israel (based on the Nesher and Shahak)
Tu-22KD: SF2: North Atlantic
Thirdwire for making Sf2
The CombatAce community for being very friendly, supporting and making SF2 live on!
Piecemeal for making the Desert 4 terrain, the main reason for me making this pack
Me (Centurion): Su-7BMK templates. Skins. Misc tweaks.
Ataribaby, Paladrian, Spillone104,Howling1,Klavs81,Wrench,Lindr2,Zdenek Kussior, 4plus: MiG-21 pack (cockpits, data tweaks, sounds etc)
Soulfreak: MiG-21 templates
LudoM54: Mirage temps
Flogger23: Il-28 and Tu-22 temps
Stary: Su-7 and Il-28 cockpits
Lindr2 for some weapons
Ravenclaw for some weapons
LudoM54, Crusader and me and the rest of the F.1 team for the Mirage F.1
And anyone else I might have forgot.
Avro Arrow FGR3
By Sundowner
"What if" RAF version of the Avro Arrow, no internal weapons, weapons carried on [new] wing pylons.
Original model made by Fastcargo...........thanks m8.
Added a Hotfix for an issue with the cockpit gauges.....thanks to Coupi for fixing this.
[Fictional] Eurofighter EF-2000IQ Al I'ssar (Typhoon)
By ValAstur
Fictional Mod of Bongodrivers fantastic EF-2000 to create a plane for the iraqi air force. It includes modifications according to Trench 3.
After three conflicts with heavy losses, the iraqi air force got almost completely destroyed. The fall of Saddam Hussein and the political system turning from dictatorship to democracy made it necessary to accept foreign help in reconstructing the country. This also meant the rebuilding of the air force.
In this matter, a meeting of actual british prime minister and his colleague in the iraqi government took place in London, where a contract was meant to be signed about the purchase of 60 new, to the needs of the iraqi air force adapted, Typhoons. The modifications were, among others:
- added CFTs on the fuselage for the enhancement of the range
- highly upgraded ECM and electronic warfare systems
- modified engines with higher thrust
- use of western armament
The most important upgrade, the CFTs, were necessary due to the fact that the Al I'ssars (iraqi for Typhoon) had to takeoff from Bagdad and Al Sahra and had to travel a long way before reaching their patrolling routes.
Along with the Typhoons, Iraq signed a contract with Russia for the purchase of 60 Super Flanker with the designation SU-35IQ Asifat al Turab (Sandstorm).
Features :
- CFTs by teras
- Desert camouflage skin by nazghul
- new radar by teras
- new ecm systems by teras
- carrier based
- imporved engines by nazghul
- improved flight model " FM " by teras
note : this is not a new set it is only improvments and upgrades for the original ef-2000
Note 2 : this is SF2 & SF2V & SF2E & SF2I addons ( didn't tried it on SFP1 )
note 3 : *** for very long range strike operations ( 600 NM and Longer ) loading external fuel tank recommended!
Work Team
Nazghul & Teras
Installation :
- *unzip Al'Isaar archive to your HDD
- *drop all folders into your mod folder
- *FLY!
Special thanks go to Brain32 for adapting the plane to SF2-Standards and to Bongodriver for creating this bird!
A BIG BIG thanks to
USAFMTL (and various partners in crime) for his help and guidance and support.
Jimmybib and Sundowner for initial consultation on skinning and all credit to Sundowner for producing the final skins which are superb.
Moonjumper for his advice on some avionics matters
All of you for you encouragement and kind words through it's development
My Producers....etc...etc :) Oh god I'm going to cry..
Anyway I decided to release slightly early because I'd like some of you to enjoy tweaking this thing, theres a lot of talent out there who can make this thing great.
Absolutely no part of this is to be used in payware but moddify the model any way you wish and re distribute in your own freeware mods as you wish with no permission required from me, just give me the relevant credit.
have fun
Nazghul & Teras
October 2011
[Fictional] Mitsubishi/Embraer F-2BR Vibora (Viper)
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of Dels superb F-2A Viper Zero creating a multirole combat aircraft for the brazilian air force
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Aircraft 3d model, canopy frame, .ini work and packaging - Me
Additional .ini work and alternate loading and hangar screens - ace888
Aircraft skin/template and _DATA.ini tweaks - ace888
Afterburner effect - spillone104 (with some modifications by ace888)
Vapour effects - ravenclaw (with some modifications by ace888)
Decals - Nengajyou (with some modifications by me)
Cockpit and ACESII Ejection seat - ravenclaw (with some modifications by me)
Weapons - WhiteBoySamurai (with some modifications by me)
FM - Thirdwire (with some modifications by me)
Pilot 3d model - Old Diego
Pilot skin - Originally by Old Diego modified by ace888
Big Thanks to Dels and all people involved in creating this fine plane.
Also to ace888 for the great templates!
If I missed someone, please contact me and I change that ASAP!
Kindest regards
[Fictional] Hawker Hunter FGA.9B
By Spinners
Hawker Hunter FGA.9B for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Hawker Hunter FGA.73 (a DLC) to give a fictional Hawker Hunter FGA.9B fighter-bomber aircraft as it might have appeared in service with the Royal Air Force during the 1972-1979 timeline with the tactical markings of that era. No.45 and No.58 Squadrons actually did operate a mix of Hunter F.6's and FGA.9's during the early-mid 1970's so I've used these two squadrons but given them a slightly more advanced 'six pylon' version of the Hunter and with scabbed-on countermeasures. Also included (as a request) is a SEAC skin with markings for No.28 Squadron who operated Hunters out in the Far East during the 1960's.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the HunterFGA9B folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the HunterFGA9B folder into your Decals folder.
3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AIM-9K folder into your Decals folder.
The AIM-9K is a fictional UK version of the AIM-9G simply created to enable you to carry four Sidewinders without also opening up those pylons to the full range of NATO weapons as I wanted to keep the weapons UK only.
As always, big thanks to Third Wire for creating a great little game/sim.
Special thanks to ndicki for his superb Hunter templates that helped me to create the 'SEAC' scheme.
And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 29/03/14
[Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 4
By ValAstur
This pack consists of two planes. The Mirage IIIOA and the stock Mirage 5F have been modded to create attacker planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
1. Mirage 3Dh, 3rd Squadron "The Bats"
2. Mirage 5Dh, 5th Squadron "The Leopards"
1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis and userlist.inis
I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
There are several people I have to thank:
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Spinners for the dhimari decals.
Sundowners Sharkmouth included in his F-105 Template.
If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
Kindest regards
New Zealand F-16C/D Block 52+ Fictional Order
By dtmdragon
What If, Royal New Zealand Air Force F-16C/D Block 52 Plus.
- No. 75 Squadron, RNZAF Base Ohakea 2014
- 148th Fighter Squadron Arizona ANG 162d Fighter Wing, Tucson ANG Base 2012
You will need the The F-16C Block 50/52 by The Viper Team for the sounds and effects etc http://combatace.com/topic/72842-f-16c-block-5052-by-the-viper-team/
Instillation: As usual simply drop into your mods folder and allow it to override when prompted.
Dec 17/2013: Final Delivery. The Royal New Zealand Air force (RNZAF) celebrates the arrival of its first Lockheed Martin F-16C/D aircraft. The first Block 52+ F-16s to be based in New Zealand were received by Sir Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General of New Zealand and Commander-in-Chief of the New Zealand Defense Force.
March 4/2012: First Delivery. Lockheed Martin holds a ceremony at its Fort Worth, TX facility to deliver the first F-16 aircraft to the RNZAF. This F-16D was accepted by the U.S. government (as the agent for New Zealand in the FMS process) on Feb 19/12, three month ahead of schedule. The first single-seat F-16C version will fly in March 2012, and be accepted in April 2012. These 2 aircraft and all subsequent deliveries will head to Tucson ANG Base on attachment to the ANG 148th FS for up to two years to train the initial squadron of RNZAF pilots.
Jan 2010: F-16 order. The New Zealand Minister of Defence signs an agreement with the U.S. government to purchase 24 Advanced Block 52 F-16s in the ‘Peace Star’ Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. The agreement includes 16 single-seat F-16Cs and 8 two-seat F-16Ds, associated equipment and services, weapons, initial pilot and aircraft technician training. The RNZAF also announced the re-activation of No. 75 Squadron in anticipation of the order.
Aug 2009: The US DSCA announces New Zealand’s formal request for 24 F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $2.7 billion. Funds will be provided under the Foreign Military Financing Program with repayments spread over 10 years. The proposed sale includes:
24 F-16C/D Block 52 Plus aircraft with F100-PW-229 Engines, and APG-68v9 radars;
24 Conformal Fuel Tanks (pairs);
30 AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispensing Systems (CMDS);
30 AN/ALR-93 Radar Warning Receivers (RWR);
28 AN/ALQ-211 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites (AIDEWS);
26 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems;
16 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper ATP;
5 TERMA Modular Reconnaissance Pod (MRP)
24 AN/ARC-238 Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) radios with HAVE QUICK I/II;
24 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals (MIDS-LVT);
24 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Embedded GPS/ Inertial Navigation Systems (INS);
24 AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) Systems;
30 AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles.
ENJJPT (Advanced flight training and F-16 operational conversion) for up to 50 initial RNZAF F-16C/D pilots;
30 AIM-120-C7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to Air Missiles (AMRAAM);
60 AIM-9X SIDEWINDER Missiles;
20 AGM-88C HARM Missiles;
50 AGM-65G MAVERICK Missiles;
50 AGM-119A Mk III Penguin ASM Missiles;
30 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) 2,000 lb bombs;
30 GBU-10, PAVEWAY II 2,000 lb. bombs;
60 Enhanced GBU-12 PAVEWAY II bombs, with dual-mode GPS/laser guidance;
8 AGM-65G Maverick training missiles;
16 Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) pods;
Note on loadouts: Attack/ CAS loadouts are set for engaging large amounts of armour. However you can select a GBU-49 CAS loadout with the mission editor, along with a few other unique loadout options.
The Viper Team for their stunning viper packs
Ravenclaw_007 for his new weapon packs
- f-16c/d block 52
- rnzaf
- (and 4 more)
[Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 3
By ValAstur
This pack consists of three planes. The stock A-4F, A-6A and A-7E have been modded to create attacker planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
1. AF-4Dh Desert Skyhawk, 6th Squadron "The Eagles"
2. A-6Dh Desert Intruder, 9th Squadron "The Fennec Foxes"
3. AE-7Dh Desert Corsair, 7th Squadron "The Rattlesnakes"
1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis and userlist.inis
I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
The Intruder uses an aliased A-7 cockpit. If you have a fully modded pit of the Intruder, you can switch to it by simply changing the correspondent entry in the A-6Dh.ini
There are several people I have to thank:
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Spinners for the dhimari decals.
Sundowners Sharkmouth included in his F-105 Template I used for the AF-4Dh.
Ravenclaws Sharkmouth included in his F-4 Template I used for the AE-7Dh.
If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
Kindest regards
[Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 2
By ValAstur
This pack consists of three planes. The stock F-4J, F-100D and Ravenclaws F-4E (HAF) have been modded to create planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
1. EF-4Dh Desert Phantom II, 4th Squadron "The Falcons"
2. F-100Dh Desert Sabre, 11th Squadron "The Rams"
3. JF-4Dh Desert Phantom, 2nd Squadron "The Hawks"
1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis and userlist.inis
I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
Furthermore, there is a folder called "Alternate camo versions EF-4Dh" which includes two folders: Black Nose and Camo Nose. Those folders contain a JPG and a decals.ini each.
The EF-4Dh comes standard with the black nose. If you want to fly with a camoed nose, simply copy the contents of the folder "Camo nose" to the skin folder and overwrite.
If you want to return to the standard black nose, simply copy the contents of the black nose folder and paste them into the skin folder.
This applies to the EF-4Dh only!
There are several people I have to thank:
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Ravenclaw_007 for his great F-4 (HAF) I used as a base for the EF-4Dh and the great templates for the Phantom.
Spinners for the dhimari decals and the sharkmouth decal from the F-100 I've been using to create this mod.
Sundowners Sharkmouth included in his F-105 Template I used for the EF-4Dh and JF-4Dh.
If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
Kindest regards
[Fictional] BF-5A 'Freedom Fighter'
By Spinners
BF-5A Freedom Fighter for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of 'The Mirage Factory' F-5A/F-5C to create a fictional export version in service with the Belgian Air Force during the 1970-1991 timeline with markings for No.1, No.2, No.8 and No.42 smaldeel (the latter unit tasked with reconnaissance).
During the first half of the 1960's, Belgium and the Netherlands both started looking for a replacement for their F-84F Thunderstreak fighter-bombers and the Lockheed T-33 advanced trainer for delivery around 1970. After both countries had written their individual requirements 12 potential aircraft were studied resulting in a shortlist consisting of the A-7 Corsair, the A-4 Skyhawk, the CL-984 (a version of the F-104), the Mirage 5 and the F-5A. In the mood of the times, Europe was awash with joint requirements and collaborative programmes so it was quite appropriate for the two nations to work together for maximum standarisation so the BAF and KLu issued 'Specification TFT70' a joint requirement for a tactical fighter and advanced trainer.
After exhaustive testing and evaluation both airforces reported to their respective Ministers of Defence, that with some adjustments, the F-5A fighter-bomber and the F-5B advanced trainer were their preferred choice. However, the Belgians had a problem in that Wallonia (the French-speaking part of the country) preferred a French plane (i.e. the Mirage) but after protracted political discussions including the promise of a good share in the license production of the airframe by SABCA and the engines by FN (both based in Wallonia) the F-5 was chosen. In the Netherlands Fokker was chosen to participate in the manufacturing program.
However, during this time Northrop had increased the price of the baseline F-5A by no less than 11% leading both countries to make a deal with Canadair who had recently acquired a production license for their CF-5 derivative. With its more powerful Orenda J85-15 engines and a more sophisticated navigation system this was a step in the direction the BAF and the KLu needed. With further modifications including more advanced avionics, moving-map navigation, radar altimeter, SAAB BT9 bombing computer, bigger underwing droptanks, a two-position nose wheel strut, extra auxiliary louvre-type air inlets for take off and manoeuvering flaps it resulted in the most advanced F-5A ever produced. Compared to the F-5A the more advanced BF/NF-5A promised to be a superb multi-role tactical fighter with a useful air-to-air capability due to it's 50% increase in turn rate over the 'vanilla' F-5A.
In early 1968 both Belgium and the Netherlands each ordered 80 single-seat BF/NF-5A's and 20 two-seat BF/NF-5B's advanced trainers for delivery during 1970 and by the beginning of 1972 both countries had 4 front-line squadrons and an OCU operational in service. The aircraft were generally popular with pilots and ground-crew alike and served both airforces well before slowly being retired during the latter part of the 1980's and by the early 1990's most BF/NF-5's had been retired with most being sold on to Greece, Turkey and Venezuela.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the BF-5A folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the BF-5A folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_BAF folder into you main Pilots folder.
4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the F-5C_TIPTANK and F-5C_WINGTANK folders into your main Weapons folder.
Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
Thanks to Sony Tuckson of 'The Mirage Factory' for permission to mod their F-5A and F-5C.
Thanks to Derk for the BF-5A idea and for the bulk of the backstory. This is more of a 'nearly was' than a 'what if'.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 30/03/13
[Fictional] Mikoyan MiG-21bis Croatia (Two-Tone Grey)
By Spinners
Mikoyan MiG-21bis 'Croatia' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire MiG-21bis to create a semi-fictional MiG-21bis in service with the Croatian Air Force who actually operate the type but not in this two-tone grey scheme. Perhaps a more talented modder can reproduce their excellent real world schemes and add them to this package.
This revised pack simply adds two USAF skins as bonus content and with basic decals.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-21bisC folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-21bisC folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_CRO folder into you main Pilots folder.
4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the TANK_MiG21BISC folder into your main Weapons folder.
Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
Thanks to Paladrian for the MiG-21 pit.
And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 2 - 02/03/14
Version 1 - 27/03/13
[Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 1 for SF2
By ValAstur
This pack consists of two planes. The stock F-105D_66 and F-104G have been modded to create planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
1. F-104Dh DesertStar, 8th Squadron "The Scorpions"
2. F-105Dh DesertChief, 1st Squadron "The panthers"
1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis, textureset.inis and userlist.inis
I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
There are several people I have to thank:
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Spinners for the dhimari decals I've been using to create this mod.
Bobrock and Sundowner for the great work with the templates I used. From Sundowners template I also used the Sharkmouth for the F-104Dh.
If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
Kindest regards
[Fictional] MiG-15 'Fagot-A' Parani Air Force
By Spinners
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 'Fagot-A' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire MiG-15 to create a fictional export version in service with the Parani Air Force during the 1955-1973 timeline.
First off, you'll need Expansion Pack 2 and then add Paulopanz' MiG-15's for the seat and sounds.
1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-15_Pa folder into your Aircraft folder.
2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-15_Pa folder into your main Decals folder.
3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_PARAN folder into you main Pilots folder.
Thanks to TK and Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
Thanks to Stary for the superb MiG-15 cockpit.
Thanks to Paulopanz for his MiG-15 anthology and, in particular, his Romanian FAR Camo used here for Parani Camo.
And finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
Version 1 - 20/02/14
[Fictional] Lockheed F-104GZ for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock F-104G to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the south african air force.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
And also big thanks to bobrock for the templates!
Kindest regards
[Fictional] Hawker Hunter FGA.9 SAAF
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock Hunter FGA.9 to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the south african air force.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
And also big thanks to ndicki for the templates!
Kindest regards
USN F-16N Sea Falcon "What-If' Skin
By Geary
USN F-16N Sea Falcon 'What-If' Skin for ThirdWire F-16A_Netz
This is a separate aircraft that uses the ThirdWire SF2 F-16A_Netz lods and cockpit/avionics. It contains the relevant .ini files to convert it to USN but you must have at least whichever SF2 game(s) gives you the F-16A_Netz, such SF2 Israel and SF2 NA for the F-14A decals.
It is in .jpg format for SF2.
INSTALLATION: Unzip to a folder/place of your choice. Copy, Move, Drag-n-Drop or do whatever you wish to get the F-16N folder into your aircraft folders. Choose the desired skin in the loadout section. Fly.
I'm releasing this under the Combat Ace Fair Use Agreement. Use it anyway you wish for personal use. For any other use, please contact me first.
If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
Thanks to all who are helping me learn to skin by direct involvement and/or by inspiration.
If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.
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