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What If Hangar

600 files

  1. Royal Air Force & Royal Navy F-35C Pack for Strike Fighters 2

    Royal Air Force & Royal Navy F-35C Pack for Strike Fighters 2
    It seems more and more likely the UK will purchase the F-35C so here is my take of the UK version replacing the current GR9 Harrier squadrons.
    -No. 1 Squadron RAF markings.
    -No. 4 (Reserve) Squadron RAF markings.
    -No. 800 Naval Air Squadron markings
    -Markings for an operational ´Joint Force Lightning´ (JFL) squadron which is a take off ´Joint Force Harrier´ (JFH)
    -UK weapon load outs including ASRAAM, Meteor, Brimstone, Storm Shadow and an upgraded ALARM missile
    -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
    -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
    INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
    NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
    Credit: FastCargo & Dave


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  2. Northrop-Loral f-19

    F-19A Nothrop-Loral project. basics stared need help to finnish it


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  3. SF2 Mirage 4000A & B - French Air Force

    This aircraft mod represents Dassault's probable initial Mirage 4000A fighter and its trainer B variant in the French Air Force service. Since the company always created several variants of each type based on costumer requirement and evolution of technology, other national oriented types and variants will be uploaded as separate packages.
    This package comes with 3 skin sets for each variant, 3 squadron specific for A (18 planes), and 3 squadron sets for B (8 planes) and special Tiger Meet skin for a single AC.
    This model is meant for SF2 games only, SF1 variants will be uploaded at the SF1 section.
    Install is the regular dropping the contents in their respective places. In case you have the prototype variant you can skip the overwrite prompt of weapons as those 4 items are identical.
    Please note: The model can be quite heavy on FPS in large formations on weaker machines, so if required, either resize skin files or use lower lods(_nd,001,002,003) as lod1.
    The model uses the general french weapons, either as part of weapon packs or the Mirage 2000 family.
    Important: The B variant comes with 2 types of cockpit, the basic setup will use a simple pit that has only the pilots cabin instrumented. The other is a fully modeled front and rear compartment, in which you want to fly you should activate the proper line in the AC's.ini file.
    CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit.ini <---- basic setup
    ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit_full1.ini <------ front seat
    ;CockpitDataFile=Mirage4000B_Cockpit_full2.ini <------ rear seat
    Be aware - the piloting seat position can not be changed during/in game, so chose wisely!
    Make sure to read the manual included with the package.
    Creators of these Aircraft mods as members of CombatAce site:
    Original 3D work: Cocas
    Aircraft 3d update and additional changes: Logan4
    Cockpit 3d work: Logan4
    Aircraft FM: Cliff7600
    Aircraft avionics: Loborojo, Cliff7600, logan4
    Skin files and decals: Flogger23, Cliff7600, logan4, loborojo
    Cockpit files: Logan4, Cliff7600
    Thanks to Crusader for additional brochure files
    Big thanks to members of CombatAce for helping and answering our questions and in sorting out some of the issues we got while creating this mod.
    Modding and distribution of files are allowed and limited according to the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.


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  4. IAI MiG-29I "Shunar"

    So here we go with the readme:
    as usual in your mod folder
    During the first Iraq War in 1991, a group of iraqi MiG-29 decided to desert trying to escape the fate their comrades faced against the overwhelming power of the USAF, US Navy and their allies. Their escape ended over the Golan Heights, where they were intercepted by a entire squadron of F-15 Baz and F-16 Netz patrolling. Due to some misunderstanding between the deserters and the defending pilots, two MiG-29 were shot down and the remaining ones got escorted to the Ramat David Airbase.
    Israel handed the pilots over to the US for further interrogation and kept the MiGs for studies. The capabilities of the plane convinced the commanders of the IDF. Israel offered Mikoyan Gurevych a offer for the license they could not refuse to accept, since MiG suffered a lot financially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The MiG-29 was modified by IAI. Two years later, the first MiG-29I Shu'Al did it's maiden flight on the 24th of June 1992.
    After only one Year of Service the Major flaws were known to the IDF. So IAI further upgraded the MiG-29I the Updates were so intense that the Shu'Al recieved a new name now it´s called the Shunar(Lynx)
    the Mig recieved Following Upgrades:
    -new Radar
    -implementation of IDF Weapons
    -additional mounts for chaff an flare dispensers
    -laserpod station
    -ability to mount F-16 wingtanks
    IDF Command transfered the "Shunar" to the 105th Scorpion Squadron and sended them to Dhimar to Protect the Kingdom and to enforce the nofly zone
    under the command of Natasha "Black Widow" Romanov in November the 2nd 1994. several other squadron will replace the aging F-16A with the start of 1995
    I´ve to thank:
    *ValAstur --> for inspiring me to do a updated Mig-29I
    --> Skin and decal work
    --> Testing
    *Crusader(Viper Team) --> for the avionic and updates
    *Mirage Factory --> for Mig-29
    *ravenclaw_007 --> for awnsering stupid questions the refuel probe and the Bird-Slicer
    *Cocas --> Testing
    *strahi --> idea for the additional CM Pods
    *lindr2 --> BVP-50-60 CM Dispenser
    *SPinner --> KillMarking Info and the what if section :-P
    *Combatace Site --> for the Knowledgebase and really nice guys from the community there
    *anyone i forgot to mention a big sry, it was not intenional. contact me and you will be added
    ValAstur wishes to thank:
    Special thanks goes to ~fantasy-coolcat (Deviantart.com) for allowing us to use her Fox-tribal for this release.
    Special thanks to tattootabatha.com for the scorpion used in this package.
    Known Bugs:
    - no loadout.ini entries
    - some possible weapon loadouts look weird.( will fix it later )


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  5. Su-21S/P "Flagpole"

    When the Su-21S, codenamed "Flagpole" by NATO, appeared in 1978, it surprised the West which initially thought the plane to be just another failed Flagon update experiment or a testbed for systems of the recently identified Ram-L or Ram-K aircrafts.
    It turned out to be a long endurance PVO interceptor, possibly meant as an interim or low-cost alternative to these new designs, using a clearly Flagon inspired but brand-new airframe and, according to some intelligence, reusing existing systems to mitigate development risk.
    The aircraft is purported to use a single uprated R-35 derived from the one already used in PVO Floggers for propulsion, also borrowing the MiG-23P's radar, albeit with a larger antenna and more powerful emitter and using R-24 and R-60 missiles (up to 4 of each for a total of 8). It has been seen using up to 3 large drop tanks to accomplish its goal of long endurance patrol in the defence of the central and eastern regions of the USSR. Going against the trend of recent PVO-only interceptors, the Su-21 has 2 internal guns, sources suggesting these to be weirdly old-fashioned NR-30 with a hundred rounds each, as well as what seems to be decoy launchers.
    This surprisingly elegant design was joined in 1980 by a dual-seat version, initially thought to be a trainer, but proving to be another interceptor, the Su-21P. While the single-seater Su-21S became a not too uncommon sight on the Soviet Western frontier, the Su-21P was almost absent, being more common on the other borders, the exact operationnal reason remains unclear as these planes seem to be otherwise identical.
    Recent sightings suggest that the plane might not be a PVO exclusive as what are thought to be Su-21s were spotted in AV-MF colours, but not enough is known at present.
    - As it was started as an AI only asset for my own use, I kept the original F-15 cockpit.
    - Likewise, as an AI only asset for my own use, I haven't taken the time to produce hangar and loading pics.
    - I did the minimal amount of modification to the INI.
    - All skins can be used on both variants if you want to switch things around.
    - I have included AV-MF inspired skins in the Su-21P folder, for those that might be interested (waves at Stratos), they should be considered a not so hidden easter egg.
    - PSD templates specific to this Soviet version should be released alongside.
    - Read the damn READ ME for install.
    Everyone at Cocas Aircraft Factory for their work on the plane, and especially Cocas for listening to my whin... errrr... suggestions and always nicely doing what I was pestering him to do (the guy is just too nice for his own good) and to Nyghtfall for giving us the templates without which I probably wouldn't have bothered to do something in a releasable form.
    AmokFlo for the ejection seats.
    The Trooper for the pilot reskin.
    (I believe) PauloPanz for the Dark Blue Soviet numbers decals.
    (I believe) Lindr2 for the R-24 and R-60.
    Any error or omission is just that, feel free to correct me if I forgot or misattributed anything, everything should be under the CA Fair Use umbrella unless I messed up.
    Have fun and good flight 
    Version 1.0 - 15/05/2020
        Nyghtfall :
            Original skins and templates, he did the hard part of the job
        Cocas :
            Dual-seat LOD
            Elevator modifications
            Specular map support
            Soviet variants
        Gunrunner :
            Mostly pestering poor Cocas for changes
            Normal/Specular/Holes maps
            Minor INI changes
            Bringing parts together
            Getting the credit for other people's hard work, then profit from it somehow and maybe, tomorrow, world domination ! Muwahahahahahahahahah... cough... cough... cough...


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  6. [Fictional] Republic F-103A Desert Warrior for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2

    Fictional Mod of FastCargo's great Thunderwarrior changing it to the F-103A
    Desert Warrior for the royal dhimari air force.
    1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
    There is a folder called "optional ini's" included. It contains all relevant ini to change the plane's nationality depending whether you have SF2 or not.
    Dhimari mode means you can fly this plane as a dhimari plane as it's intended.
    USAF mode means you don't own SF2 (like me ) and the plane would show as not belonging to any air service. This way you will at least fly as an USAF pilot.
    Big Thanks to FastCargo for bringing this great plane to the community.
    Please read the also included original readme file carefully for the use of this plane.
    Happy flying


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  7. "What If..." 2011 MiG-21MFU (Upgrade), New Iraqi Air Force

    "What If..." MiG-21MF(U), New Iraqi Airforce for SF2
    =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*)
    *Note: should work in any install with access to the MiG-21MF lods. Which, iirc, are available in all versions*
    While doing research for the "Operation Darius" mod, I came across some statments about rebuilding the New IrAF, possibly using upgraded/updated/rebuilt versions of many that were outside Iraq when OIF kicked off. This mod is the result, albeit beyond speculation, into the realms of pure fantasy.
    This assumed (oh! that word!) that the GoI chose to refurbish 18 MiG-21MFs that were in Serbia in 2003 to modern 21st Century capabilities. Think along the lines of the Mig-21-93, Lancer or even closer, the HAL-built Bison for the Indian AF. These aircraft would be used for border security, in-country airspace control, ground support and martime strike. If required.
    This aircraft has a modern HUD, TEWS, full avionics suite with multi-mode AA and AG radars, and a defensive pak with jammers and expendable decoys (ie: chaff and flares). It's speced/cleared for weapons of NATO, French and US origins, as well as being able to (re)use old Soviet/WarPac munitions. Offensive weapons mounts carry standard IRMs and medium range radar guided missiles (Magics and R-530F)
    This mod also makes use of dtmdragon's 'generic' RWR listing, so make sure you have that installed and updated. As expected, the canopy operates via manual animation keystroke, the ever popular Shift/0.
    All new serial numbers using the 2010-stle 'YI' codes have been created, as is the new IrAF insigina (same as the new flag). This is the same prefix code now seen on NIrAF C-130s, Cessna 182s, various helicoptors, and T-6A Texan IIs now in service.
    2 versions of the insignia are included; one is full color, the other a Low-Viz version. It's set for the full color now, but you can switch it, if wanted, by a simple edit of the decals.ini.
    No weapons are included (other than a "new" 2-IR mount); they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things.
    Good Hunting!!
    kevin stein


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  8. F-20A Tigershark, Skin, Decals and Ini Tweeks Pak

    F-20 Tigershark Skin, Cockpit, and Ini UPgrades Pak for SF2
    =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*)
    *Note: due to some stock decals used, USAF & RAF, at minimum, you need SF2:E*
    A bunch of new skins for Veltro2K's recently released Northrup F-20 "Tigershark". This pak will also includes some cockpit and many ini tweeks. This pak is designed to be installed OVER your existing F-20, with several caveats ... so it's important you read the install instruction =BEFORE= applying this pak. As this is an Reskin/Ini Pak, the aircraft lods are not included. A new cockpit, however, is.
    This mod represents Production variants, had they been made, for the USAF and other Allied Nations. The export customers are based upon those identified by Nothrup as "Tier 1" customers (ie: users with F-5 experience).
    A new Userlist is supplied, for those wanted to create/redecal some of the existing skins for those shown in the user list, but not provided here. A new, Generic Hangar screen is included.
    11 skin/decal sets are included in this pak. The name in paranthesis (name) designates the skin folder name. The skins are:
    Football City AF (from "The Wingman" book series) (FBCAF)
    JASDF,1 Hikotai, in overall Martime blue (JASDF)
    ROCAF, 2-tone F-15/16 style grays (ROCAF)
    RSAF, in a solid 'Air Superiority' gray (RSAF)
    RNZAF, #75 Squadron 'King Kahu', in overall green (RNZAF)
    RAF, #92 Squadron, overall gray (RAF)
    57th FW, Nellis AFB (Nellis)
    152nd FS, 162nd FW, AZANG, in a dark F-16-style gray (AZ)
    10th TFS Hahn Germany, in 2-tone F-15 style 'Compass Ghost' grays (Gray2)
    "Generic" Dark Air Superiority gray (Gray)
    "2 Tone BlueGrays", a repaint/rename of the original release skin (2Tone)
    These last 2 listed have "Generic" nation callout, and can be rebadged/decaled/reused for the creation of other user-nations of the aircraft; either through selection via the Single Mission/Loadout screen, or via creating entiely new skins. One of the massive advantages of not painting on markings...
    All markings on all skins =ARE= decals, making is quite easy to create said other user nations. A great number of new decals were created for this mod, and many borrowed from other skins. A full listing of those are in the Credits section.
    New damage textures in DDS format are also included.
    My Home-Grown Templates ™ are included, for those wishing to create new skins, and/or improve on my basic design (yeah, it could use it! LOL! -cough- RAF Euro camo -cough- various SEA 3-toned -cough-)
    No weapon are included; they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak. The drop tanks from the original release are NOT included (as they're kinda sorta stock, too)
    The cockpit included herein more than likely has more funcionality than would have been in the production aircraft. The avionics ini also makes use of dtmdragon's complied RWR tweeks/expansion pak ... if you don't have it, you should! Sounds are also not included,
    as those from the F-16 paks are referenced here.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. That section needs to be read, as it explains/offers alternatives as to WHY some of the nation-specific loadouts are NOT
    working as they should
    It is vitaly !!!IMPORTANT!!! that you read this document throughly before installing ...as you will be deleting, renaming and/or moving several files and folders to make full and correct use of this Pak. So, unzip it first to a temp folder or your desktop, or anywhere that allows ease of access to it.
    READ IT!!!
    Good Hunting!!
    kevin stein
    with special thanks to Veltro2k for bringing us the much wanted bird!


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  9. [Fictional] Lockheed F-104E Starfighter 'ANG'

    Lockheed F-104E for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-104G to create a fictional USAF F-104E with markings for;
    112th TFS of the Ohio ANG in a 'Euro One' style scheme.
    162nd TFS of the Ohio ANG in a 'Euro One' style scheme.
    198th TFS of the Puerto Rico ANG in a 'T.O. 1-1-4' style scheme.
    It goes without saying that you must have the F-104G LOD's in your install.

    Whilst, officially, USAF interest in the F-104 programme began to ebb (leading to only 77 F-104C's being built) they kept a watchful eye on Lockheed's progress into transforming the original hot-rod interceptor fighter into a multi-mission tactical fighter for export to selected 'free world' nations. As negotiations with Federal Germany reached a critical phase in 1958 concern was expressed by the Bonn government that Lockheed were attempting to sell an aircraft no longer wanted by it's home nation. Lockheed cleverly took these concerns back to Washington and claimed that lucrative export orders were at jeopardy leading to a token order for a new version of the Starfighter for the USAF.
    Designated F-104E this new version broadly represented a halfway house between the F-104C and the forthcoming F-104G. Only 60 F-104E's were planned to be produced but the success of the F-104C flown by Capt Charles E. Tofferi in the 1962 William Tell tactical weapons meet, against strong competition from F-100 and F-105 pilots, led to continued low-rate production followed by a larger batch of 240 F-104E's making an eventual total of 336. F-104E's were deployed to Vietnam and surviving aircraft were refurbished for ANG use with the type being finally retired in 1988 when the 112th TFS re-equipped with F-16A's. 

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104E folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104E folder into your main Decals folder.
    That's it!

    Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to Bobrock for uploading his superb F-104G templates to the community.
    Thanks to Wrench for uploading his Generic SEA scheme for the Zipper.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 09/02/19
    Version 1 - 01/04/12  


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  10. [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.56 'NATO'

    BAC Lightning F.56 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 (EP2)
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire BAC Lightning F.53 to give a fictional 'multi-role' Lightning F.56N in service with the Ejército del Aire and Aeronautica Militare Italiana during the 1967 to 1988 timeline. Colourful markings are included for;
    EDA Silver - Ala 11
    EDA Camo - Ala 12
    AMI Silver - 51º Stormo
    AMI Camo - 6º Stormo
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning56 folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning56 folder into your Decals folder.
    3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AS-30 folder into your Weapons folder.
    As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. Expansion Pack 2 rocks!
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 16/02/13
    Version 1 - 03/01/11


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  11. F-4M Phantom II - Royal Australian Air Force - US Style schemes

    This is the F-4M Phantom II for the Royal Australian Air Force with US style skins.
    There are three versions of the F-4M in this mod.
    TK's F-4M:
    2SQN SEA Camouflage 3SQN ADC Grey 3SQN SEA Camouflage 12SQN SEA Camouflage 30SQN ADC Grey 30SQN SEA Camouflage 75SQN ADC Grey 75SQN SEA Camouflage 76SQN ADC Grey 76SQN SEA Camouflage 77SQN ADC Grey 77SQN SEA Camouflage 79SQN ADC Grey 79SQN SEA Camouflage

    TK's F-4M (75):
    2SQN SEA Camouflage 3SQN ADC Grey 3SQN SEA Camouflage 12SQN SEA Camouflage 30SQN ADC Grey 30SQN SEA Camouflage 75SQN ADC Grey 75SQN SEA Camouflage 76SQN ADC Grey 76SQN SEA Camouflage 77SQN ADC Grey 77SQN SEA Camouflage 79SQN ADC Grey 79SQN SEA Camouflage

    TK's F-4M (80):
    2SQN Hill Grey 2SQN SEA Camouflage 2SQN SEA Wraparound 3SQN ADC Grey 3SQN Hill Grey 3SQN SEA Camouflage 3SQN SEA Wraparound 12SQN Hill Grey 12SQN SEA Camouflage 12SQN SEA Wraparound 30SQN ADC Grey 30SQN Hill Grey 30SQN SEA Camouflage 30SQN SEA Wraparound 75SQN ADC Grey 75SQN Hill Grey 75SQN SEA Camouflage 75SQN SEA Wraparound 76SQN ADC Grey 76SQN Hill Grey 76SQN SEA Camouflage 76SQN SEA Wraparound 77SQN ADC Grey 77SQN Hill Grey 77SQN SEA Camouflage 77SQN SEA Wraparound 79SQN ADC Grey 79SQN Hill Grey 79SQN SEA Camouflage 79SQN SEA Wraparound

    The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968.
    The RAAF's primary strike aircraft for the sixties was the F-105 Thunderchief. During the Vietnam War, the RAAF used its Thunderchiefs to strike targets of strategic importance to the Saigon Fascist regime. However, German air defences in South Vietnam had taken their toll on the Thuds. With the F-111C suffering serious delays, the RAAF took what was available, the F-4 Phantom. This aircraft had just been introduced by the Royal Australian Navy. In Vietnam, the Phantom enjoyed a high level of success, and showed its multi-role capacity.
    With the delivery of the F-111s, and their work up to full operational capability, the RAAF needed to find a mission for its Phantoms, or a buyer. The RAAF recommended early replacement of most of its F-104 Starfighters. The Government accepted this option, and the F-4M served as Australia's front line tactical fighter until the mid 1990s.
    The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here:
    - http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom
    Copy the contents of the ModFolder folder into your mod folder.
    There is also a version with RAF style skins. The two can be integrated together, however the RAF style version has a different name, F-4M Phantom II FGR.22.
    TK: F-4M from the SF2: Europe. Ravenclaw_007: F-4E templates, F-4B templates, high resolution AIM-7 Sundowner: F-4E templates, F-4B templates


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  12. Mikoyan Gurevych MiG-29EJ Fulcrum

    I modded the MiG-29 from The Mirage Factory to make it look like a fictional fighter and recon plane for the japanese air self defense force.
    The change in the government of North Korea (KJI jr. substituting his father) led to a fear from a neighbour who was continuing his nuclear weapon program and becoming an unstable factor in the surroundings of Japan. China, the big brother to NK, kept influencing KJI not to try anything that could lead to a greater war in the far east. Although Pyongyang assures not to threaten peace in Eastern Asia, the ministry of defense of Japan decided to act. The ministry of defense created a new squadron, the 65th Hikotai, stationed in Miho. The squadron badge was composed by a classic origami figure.
    The decision on which plane to choose for this new squadron did not take long. Two russian MiG-29 were forced to land in Japan because one of them suffered engine problems. The JASDF used this opportunity to take a closer look on this plane. It's easy maintenance and the low demand of time needed to get the plane ready were the main reasons for choosing the plane.
    1. Drop the folders into your MODS Folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
    Big thanks go to Crusader for allowing me to release this plane.
    All credit belongs to ALL the members of The Mirage Factory for their fantastic work they did with this model.
    Special credit goes to Oliver Anguille for his effort and hard work. May he rest in peace.
    Also big thanks to dast24 for porting the plane to SF2-Standards.
    Old readme from the original SFP1-Model is included.
    For any further questions don't hesitate to contact me.
    Kindest regards


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  13. SF2 NAA F-100G & F-100H Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co.

    SF2 NAA F-100G & F-100H Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co.            11/15/2017
    = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
    *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod
    makes use of many stock items, most importantly, various cockpits from the F-105 Thunderchief
    from SF2V/E.  Therefore, it's =vitally= important that your game version(s) have access to these
    cockpits. Many decals used herein also reference the stock 3W F-100s. Make sure you have them as
    The is the release of a new "What If..." aircraft for USAF and Export users, the F-100G and F-
    100H Super Sabre. Like the F2J Super Fury,  these are expansions of the F-100 series, adding more
    capabilites for air-to-air and air-to-ground.
    This package includes both aircraft, with skins for various Export customers. It should be noted
    that each skin has a set date to "turn on", using the SF2 default start date switch.
    The package is broken down into...
    = F-100G, single seater:
    NMF, 417th TFS, USAFE (Hahn AFB)
    SEA 3 tone Camoflague, USAFE (Bitburg AFB)
    NMF, Ala 12, 161 Esc.
    Overall Greeen Camo, Esk 727 (skin changes from NMF to Green in 1971)
    NMF, 1 Hikotai
    also a "Plane Jane" NMF skin for those wishing to create other users.
    = F-100H, 2 seater: 
    NMF, 510th TFS, PACAF (Clark AFB, PI)
    SEA 3 tone, 90th TFS, PACAF (Bien Hoa Air Base, RVN)
    NMF, Esq.51
    3 tone camo, 335 Mira
    NMF, 10 Hikotai
    The JASDF skins (F-100G & H) include several other squadron badges, for those wishing to switch
    or expand that air force. Those from the G should also work on the H, and vice versa, with a
    little ini editing.
    All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items.
    Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats) are
    supplied. Each skin has it own specific hangar screen. With the fact all markings are decals,
    other users can be created quite easily.
    The Standard Animation Keystrokes (tm) is used for the Caonpy (Shift/0). 
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --


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  14. [Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 4

    This pack consists of two planes. The Mirage IIIOA and the stock Mirage 5F have been modded to create attacker planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
    1. Mirage 3Dh, 3rd Squadron "The Bats"
    2. Mirage 5Dh, 5th Squadron "The Leopards"
    1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
    2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
    The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
    If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis and userlist.inis
    I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
    There are several people I have to thank:
    Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
    Spinners for the dhimari decals.
    Sundowners Sharkmouth included in his F-105 Template.
    If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
    Kindest regards


       (1 review)



  15. [Fictional] North American F-100G Super Sabre

    North American F-100G for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-100D to create a fictional F-100G for extended service with ANG units into the 1980's. Two units are included;
    The 125th TFS of the Oklahoma ANG.
    The 131st TFS of the Massachusetts ANG.
    Both units are dressed in a 'Euro One' style scheme on the upper surfaces only and with toned down national markings, codes and serials using late model F-100D serials. An additional stock T.O. 1-1-4 Camo skin for the 125th TFS is included in case they get deployed to Dhimar...

    President James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter started his presidency in January 1977 with a detailed review of the US military budget and his most high-profile decision was the cancellation of the Rockwell B-1A bomber programme in June 1977. But many smaller programmes were cut or cancelled too along with the postponement of the re-equipping of TAC and ANG units with new aircraft types. F-16A and A-10A production was slowed down and many TAC and ANG units were instructed to hold on to their F-100's and F-105's for an indefinate period. In a genuine (but actually insulting) 
    compensatory gesture Rockwell were given a $45million contract to upgrade 90 F-100D's for continued service with the ANG with the aircraft emerging from their Columbus, Ohio plant as F-100G's with refurbished engines, partially re-skinned wings and minor avionics upgrades.
    The first unit to receive F-100G's was the 131st Tactical Fighter Squadron based at Barnes Municipal Airport in Westfield, Massachusetts who had been scheduled to convert from the F-100D to A-10A's but instead received F-100G's which served until 1986.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-100G folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-100G folder into your main Decals folder.
    That's it!

    Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    Thanks to hgbn (Henrik) for uploading his superb F-100D templates to the community.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 15/02/19
    Version 1 - 27/03/12  


       (1 review)



  16. [Fictional] Saab-Fairchild F-13A Draken USAF

    Saab-Fairchild F-13A Draken for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very fictional 'what if' Saab-Fairchild F-13A Draken in USAF service and with markings for the following;
    1. 125th FW Florida ANG
    2. 177th FW New Jersey ANG
    3. 4451st TS Tonopah Test Range, Nevada
    I've used the excellent Draken J35D 'David' from the Draken pack uploaded at CombatACE by lindr2 to create this 'what if' USAF Draken but heartily recommend the Draken pack which has no less than 8 Drakens and is a superb effort by all concerned. 
    In this update I've removed the grey skin and added a black skin for the 4451st TS at Tonopah. I've also added 'extra' pylons so as to be able to have date specific loadouts and also allow for selectable silver and black drop tanks with the black drop tanks a better match for the all black 4451st TS skin from 1982 onwards. For the F-13A's early service years of 1967 to 1968 you'll be limited to AIM-4D Falcons in the default loadouts... good luck with those!

    During mid-1965 with attrition rates rising as the Vietnam conflict progressed (sic) the USAF's plans for re-equipping the ADC and ANG interceptor squadrons with F-4C's fell apart. Undaunted they launched a quick study into an off-the-shelf purchase of an alternative interceptor looking at the BAC Lightning, the Dassault Mirage IIIC, the Saab Draken J35F and the homegrown Lockheed Starfighter 'ADC' (an F-104G optimised for air-defense duties). With some considerable weighting given to low cost in the detailed analysis the Saab Draken soon became the front-runner being the only aircraft with a fly-away price below $1M but, in fact, the USAF study team scored the Draken highly in most areas. 
    In July 1966 the USAF announced that Saab's outstanding J35F was the winner of the competition and that Fairchild, who had recently taken over Republic Aviation, were to partner Saab in producing the aircraft by now redesignated F-13 (despite objections from Fairchild to the 'unlucky' number although Saab didn't seem too bothered). Entering service with the Florida Air National Guard in March 1967 the F-13 was initially viewed as the poor relation by the F-106 squadrons, a situation that soon changed with the success of the F-13 in the 1970 William Tell competition. F-13's served until the mid-1980's when they were generally replaced by F-16A's although one squadron remained in service until 1990 at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada in a ruse designed to mask operations of the F-117 Stealth Fighter.
    During the flight-testing and the early service years of the F-117A 'Nighthawk' the F-13A Draken was used as a surrogate aircraft to maintain pilot proficiency and to provide part of an eloborate cover story for the existence of the 4450th Tactical Group. Whilst in no way similar to the shape of the F-117A the rakish lines of the Draken did have an unusual planform and was therefore chosen as the 'cover' aircraft for the specially created 4451st Tactical Squadron based at Tonopah. It is believed that 18 F-13A's were given a modest refurbishment to extend their operational lives and initially wore a two-tone grey scheme to give them more of an operational 'front-line' appearance. F-13A's entered service with the 4451st TS at Nellis AFB in May 1981 and wore 'LV' tailcodes due to their proximity to Las Vegas. From about 1983 at least half of the F-13A's were re-painted matt black and operated from Tonopah at times of day to to coincide with the F-117A test programme and it became a deliberate policy to park some of the matt black F-13A's out in the open so as to give the impression that Tonopah was simply a normal operational F-13A base. At least four derelict ex-Florida ANG F-13A's arrived by low-loader and were given an overall coat of matt black paint to help maintain this impression.
    The F-13A's were extremely popular with the pilots of the 4451st TS and were often used as 'Red' assets in Red Flag exercises and even made the occasional guest appearance in 'Constant Peg' operations when MiG's became unserviceable or simply to provide dissimilar bogeys. As the F-117A gradually moved from 'black' to 'grey' towards the end of the 1980's the 4451st TS's F-13A operations slowly dwindled and the unit was disbanded on April 30th, 1990. 

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-13A_Draken folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-13A_Draken folder into your main Decals folder.
    3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop both 'Avon' files into your SOUNDS folder.
    4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop both folders into your main WEAPONS folder.
    That's it!

    I've lifted these credits from the Draken pack and also from the skin I've used. If I've left anyone out then please accept my apology and do not hesitate to contact me to allow me to amend this download.
    Lud von Pipper -- Lead 3D Modeller
    BPAO -- Additional 3D Modeling
    Sony Tuckson -- Textures and Decals
    Crab_02 -- Weapon and Drop Tank Models
    column5 -- Flight Model and INI files
    Matthew Ouellette -- Bare Metal Skin
    Jug - Landing lights, Taxi lights, ECM, Flares and Chaff mod.
    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 3 - December 17th, 2023.


       (0 reviews)



  17. [Fictional] Dassault Mirage IIIC - Irish Air Corps

    Dassault Mirage IIICI 'Irelande' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Mirage IIIC to give a fictional Irish Air Corps Mirage IIICI with equally fictitious markings for No.1 'Black Velvet' squadron. 

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Mirage3CI folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Mirage3CI folder into your Decals folder.
    That's it!

    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - November 16th, 2023


       (1 review)



  18. [Fictional] Saab-Hawker Draken F.2A

    Saab Draken F.2A for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a 'what if' Saab Draken F.2A with markings for No.23 and No.25 squadrons of the Royal Air Force as they might of appeared in the 1980's towards the end of their career.
    I've used the excellent Draken J35D 'David' from the Draken pack uploaded at CombatACE by lindr2 to create this 'what if' RAF Draken but heartily recommend the Draken pack which has no less than 8 Drakens and is a superb effort by all concerned. For this revised upload I've made a simple grey skin and decals to create these RAF Drakens as they might have looked towards the end of their lives. I've used 1978 to 1991 as the 'in service' years, basically to utilise the British Skyflash missile and I've also tweaked the data.ini and also the loadout.ini to give RAF loadouts. 
    The Draken itself was an amazing achievement and has a similar WOW factor to the contempory 'Century Series' of fighters - you just cannot believe it first flew in 1955... it just looks so cool! As much as I love the English 
    Electric Lightning you must remember that the Draken had half the power but effectively did the same job plus another half-a-dozen! In addition, it cost dramatically less and it certainly required a fraction of the maintenance man hours!
    Suggested further reading - Saab Draken (chapter) 'Early Supersonic Fighters of the West' (Bill Gunston)

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Draken_F2A folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Draken_F2A folder into your main Decals folder.
    3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the TANK_DRAKEN_F2A folder into your Weapons folder.

    I've lifted these credits from the Draken pack but if I've unwittingly left anyone out then please accept my apology and do not hesitate to contact me to allow me to amend this package.
    Lud von Pipper -- Lead 3D Modeller
    BPAO -- Additional 3D Modeling
    Sony Tuckson -- Textures and Decals
    Crab_02 -- Weapon and Drop Tank Models
    column5 -- Flight Model and INI files
    Matthew Ouellette -- Bare Metal Skin
    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 3 - January 17th, 2024.


       (0 reviews)



  19. [Fictional] PZL-60 (Polish Gloster Meteor F.8)

    PZL-60 / Gloster Meteor F.8 'Sily Powietrzne' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    Requires Expansion Pack 1
    This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Meteor F.8 to give a fictional PZL-60 in service with the Polish Air Force with markings for;
    No.302 Squadron - In a silver or bare metal finish.
    No.317 Squadron - In an earthy camo scheme.
    No.318 Squadron - In a Photo-Recon scheme (this scheme is for the camera equipped PZL-60R).
    If you wanted all three squadrons in silver it would be easy to swap things around and a 'patch' PSD is included to help you make the changes or to help you introduce your own favourite esquadron.
    The stunning success of Operation Market Garden and the subsequent push through Holland and across the North German Plain during the Autumn of 1944 shook the German Military High Command to it's core and eventually led to the assassination of Adolf Hitler on November 10th, 1944 when his Ju-52 transport aircraft was shot down by unknown rogue Luftwaffe pilots as the part of the Fighter Pilots Conspiracy.
    The new German Military High Command concluded that it would be in the best interests of the country to throw everything into the defence of the Eastern Front and allow Allied forces in the West to advance without opposition, although the logistical chain made this advance slower than expected. On the Eastern Front there was an almost immediate slowdown in the rate of the Soviet advance and soon Soviet forces inside Poland were held at the Bialystok-Rzeszow line. By January 1944 Allied forces in the West were reaching the borders of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland hampered only by roads clogged by evacuees and surrendering German troops but by the middle of January 1945 General Patton's Third US Army had punched through to liberate Warsaw before swinging north to meet up with Montgomery's 21st Army Group at Gdansk. By February 8th it was all over and the formal German surrender was signed at Lublin in Eastern Poland by Grand Admiral Karl Donitz and General Walter Bedell Smith and witnessed by Russian General Ivan Susloparov and French General Francois Sevez.
    The rescheduled Yalta Conference held on March 1st, 1945 saw Stalin demanding a "Soviet sphere of political influence" in Eastern and Central Europe in return for Soviet support in the Pacific War against Japan by invading Japan through Manchuria. However a last minute briefing made to President Roosevelt by Major General Kenneth Nichols on the progress on the Manhattan Project led to President Roosevelt's decision not to rely on Soviet support in the Pacific and to wholeheartedly support Winston Churchill's demand for free elections and democratic governments in Eastern and Central Europe and specifically in Poland. Churchill reminded all present that in September 1939 Britain and France had gone to war with Germany in support of Poland and nothing other than a free and democratic Poland would suffice. Roosevelt knew that Soviet spies at Los Alamos were aware of the power of the atomic bombs and also how close to operational status and used this knowledge that Stalin also knew to stiffen his resolve. In the horsetrading that followed the Western Allies essentially got what they wanted with regard to Poland with the new border essentially following the 1940 version of the Curzon Line but the the rest of Central and Eastern were handed over to the Soviet sphere of political influence.
    The Allied withdrawl from Poland followed during the Spring and Summer of 1945 and culminated in the declaration of "The Third Polish Republic" on November 11th, 1945 a date chosen to coincide with the existing National Independence Day. Also on this day, and wisely for a country now surrounded by Communist states and within the Soviet sphere of influence, the new Polish Government declared its neutrality as an Act of Parliament as part of the Constitution of Poland. Led by Stanislaw Mikolajczyk the new Republic of Poland had a difficult birth but the Polish people reconstructed their battered country with such vigour that by 1948 they had recovered their economy and infrastructure to pre-WW2 levels and continued this economic miracle into the 1950's and beyond.
    During this tumultuous time the new Polish Air Force had a similarly difficult birth commencing with the dove-tailing of the Polish elements of the Royal Air Force (active since 1940) with the Polish People's Air Force (created in 1943 in defence of the Soviet Union). Some RAF Spitfire IX's and USAAF P-51D's were left behind at airfields in the West of the country to reform No.302 Squadron at Swidwin and a handful of elderly Yak-1 and damaged Yak-9 fighters were scraped together in the East of the country to reform the 1st Fighter Regiment at Warsaw later renamed No.303 Squadron. During the Spring of 1946 ex-RAF Tempest V's replaced the Spitfires and Mustangs of No.302 Squadron but No.303 Squadron had to wait until 1948 to re-equip with the unpopular Avia S-199 supplied by Czechoslovakia. During 1950 both squadrons began to receive Gloster Meteor F.8's from a cancelled Egyptian order following the UN arms embargo and No.302 Squadron operated the type until 1961 when they were replaced by Dassault Super Mystères. A production licence was granted to PZL (Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze - the State Aviation Works) to manufacture the Gloster Meteor F.8 and a total of 96 aircraft were manufactured between 1952 and 1956.
    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the PZL-60 folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PZL-60 folder into your main Decals folder.
    3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the Pilot_PWL folder into your main Pilots folder.
    Thanks to TK and Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.


       (1 review)



  20. [Fictional] General Dynamics F-16A Luftwaffe

    Fictional mod of the stock F-16A Netz to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the west german air forces. It shall depict a bird that could have entered service in the german air forces
    if the military had not had the "double-engine doctrine" caused by the high losses inflicted by the Starfighter (or "Widowmaker"; nickname from the german pilots).
    1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
    The bavarian flag from the JBG 32 can be removed by just deleting the entries in the "decals.ini" in the folder "JBG 32". Just delete "bavarianflag" or you won't see the subsequent decals!
    Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
    I also have to thank PraetorH for his help in modelling this unlikely but at least a bit realistic plane.
    Also thanks to Spinners. Without his help the decaling of the serial numbers would have taken ages.
    Kindest regards


       (3 reviews)



  21. [Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 1 for SF2

    This pack consists of two planes. The stock F-105D_66 and F-104G have been modded to create planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
    1. F-104Dh DesertStar, 8th Squadron "The Scorpions"
    2. F-105Dh DesertChief, 1st Squadron "The panthers"
    1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
    2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
    The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
    If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis, textureset.inis and userlist.inis
    I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
    There are several people I have to thank:
    Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
    Spinners for the dhimari decals I've been using to create this mod.
    Bobrock and Sundowner for the great work with the templates I used. From Sundowners template I also used the Sharkmouth for the F-104Dh.
    If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
    Kindest regards


       (3 reviews)



  22. FGR2 Experimental Schemes

    Yet another F-4 for your pleasure, this time it's the F-4M [FGR2], complete aircraft with 11 "What if" skins.
    You will need the original FGR2 pack [ http://combatace.com/topic/78155-f-4m-phantom-fgr2/ ] as it includes the decals, sounds etc needed for this to work correctly.
    Go on, enjoy yourself....you know you want to.


       (3 reviews)



  23. [Fictional] English Electric Lightning F.1B

    English Electric Lightning F.1B for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
    This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Lightning F.1A to give a fictional Lightning F.1B in service with RAF Fighter Command in the early-mid 1960's and includes markings for the following ex-Javelin squadrons;
    No.25 Squadron.
    No.72 Squadron.
    No.151 Squadron.
    Important: This mod requires Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning1B folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning1B folder into your Decals folder.
    That's it!

    As always, big thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 2 - 28/02/19
    Version 1 - 04/12/11


       (1 review)



  24. [Fictional] F-100D 'Shavit' (Comet) for SF2

    North American F-100D 'Shavit' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
    This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-100D to give a fictional F-100D 'Shavit' (Comet) of the Israeli Air Force with markings for;
    117 squadron - 'The First Jet Squadron' in a natural metal scheme.
    253 squadron - 'The Negev Squadron' in a USAF SEA scheme (as transferred from USAF stocks in October 1973).
    This should work in any SF2 game featuring the stock Third Wire F-100D but has only been tested in a merged install of SF2/SF2V/SF2E/SF2I.

    Despite a very smooth test and development phase North American Aviation's superb F-107 unexpectedly lost out to Republic Aviation's F-105 Thunderchief in the competition for a new supersonic fighter-bomber for TAC. By early 1959 the end of the F-100D production line was now in sight and with the F-108 and B-70 programmes now on the far horizon North American Aviation needed to stretch the F-100 Super Sabre programme out to plug the gap and urgently proposed a variety of F-100 variants to several friendly nations, including Israel, Japan and the United Kingdom.
    In April 1959 the Israeli government signed for 50 F-100D's and the first of these entered Heyl Ha'Avir service in February 1960 replacing the obsolete Gloster Meteors of 117 Squadron. The 'Shavit' was a popular machine in Heyl Ha'Avir service and served with distinction during the 1967 'Six-Day' war but losses were heavy during the early days of the 1973 'Yom Kippur' war and two small batches of ex-USAF F-100D's were accquired as attrition replacements allowing No.253 squadron to re-equip with the F-100D before finally retiring the type in November 1977.

    1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-100Didf folder into your Aircraft folder.
    2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-100Didf folder into your Decals folder.
    That's it!

    As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
    Special thanks to guyran for suggesting the 'Shavit' name.
    And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
    Version 3 - January 19th, 2024.


       (1 review)



  25. [Fictional] Dassault Mirage F-1CI for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2

    Mod of the superb Mirage F-1CG from the Mirage F-1 Team to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the israeli air force.
    For the weapons you'll need to have one version of the F-1 already installed.
    The Weapons were created by the Mirage Factory and are therefore not covered by the permission.
    1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
    Big Thanks to the Mirage F-1 team for the creation of this superb mod.
    Also thanks to Ludo for allowing me to release it.
    - Aircraft : BPAO and Centurion-1.
    - Cockpit : Brain32 and Centurion-1
    - Skins : Ace888 and Ludo.m54.
    - Decals : Ludo.m54.
    - Templates : Brain32, ACE888 and Ludo.m54.
    - Avionics and data tweaks : Crusader.
    - FM : Baffmeister.
    - Interception light : Coupi
    - Missiles, rocket pods and seat : Ravenclaw_007.
    - Weapons : The Mirage Factory.
    - Hangars et loading screens : Ludo.m54.
    Kindest regards


       (2 reviews)




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