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Wings Over Israel [Official Thread]

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Guns kills are the shizzle! Was egressing the target (First mission, 67 campaign) and diverted to chase a Mig21F on final to Cairo West. Tried to lead him from 90 degrees off his nose in a Mirage III. That did not work, so just lined up and got him from his 6 at very close range. He never knew what hit him!

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Where did you get that bad ass F-14 pit Ceasar?


Please don't include the screenies when you post a quote guys.


Thanks :yes:

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It's the second sentance in the final line, The Trooper made it, he sent it to me when I was trying to fix my stock cockpit. He hasn't finished it yet tho, but it does indeed kick ass.



How close to finished is it? I want it, can you see the saliva?



On a second note...

Sorry for including the pics, wanted to get ceasars attention with the ???




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Well first off I want to say that this truly is awsome. Only flown the Kurnas and Mirage but I can't wait for Kfir ownage!

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Well, I'm not sure, might want to ask the man himself!

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Yes, the Giza Pleatau is there...as are the Pyramids. The Sphinx isnt, however. Didn't get a screenie...


As to Air Defenses, all the unit's tagged as "AAA" will show up in the expected places -- Stingers, M-42s, SA-7, SA-8, SA-9, Chaparrell, generic guns and such. The SA-3s will show, as the targets ini calls out "SAM_Launchers"


After I get the loadouts straightened out -- and it's a freeking nightmare!!!! Half the stuff don't show - some EAF/SyAF/Irag/Jordanian/Lybian may be stuck with a pure "Soviet" as their attachement type* -- I've got some ideas as to where to place generic HAWK batteries.


Anybody else notice the docked ships at Port Said and Suez???


The gun editor seem to be working fine...I had to use it last night to add the Bradley's chain gun. You can always just copy an existing one, with all the weapons. My EAF Veltro's seem to have their Breda 12.7s!



kevin stein


* remember - you can't load a friendly nations' weapons on a enemy aircraft!!! Even in the stock, unmodified version, it dosen't work either. Just add a cockpit to the Lybian Mirage, and notice NO french weapons; just commie stuff

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Scored my first gun kill :rofl: on F-16 vs. Mig-21. :haha: Wasn't that easy 'cause the Arab kept killing throttle and engaging the airbrake getiing on my tail in a second. Tried to get some more kills with the gun, expended ammo and nearly at the same moment fuel ran out. Had to glide home. Mission failed - the bomb-loaded Migs we were to intercept kept low profile and got to target without many losses.


And now for something completely different. NEVER piss off a Fishbed



They also managed to gun down one of my flight.

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Yeah, with this new AI you can't get cocky just because you are in an F-16. Gun kills are tough as hell. I find short range shots with the 9L and Python to be very effective though if you lead the target enough to lessen the g the missile has to pull.

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I've found the opposite to be true.


All the heat seekers now suck! And the Radars are even worse.


I get a good tone, wait 5 seconds for stabilization, pull a bit off lead, and they still come off stupid 75 to 85% of the time.


May have to fire up the new weapons editor and check the "L" model percentages, but so far this all aspect missile seems no aspect...

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well... no easy shots anymore... you have to maneuver to get into the envelope for a shot... :ninja:

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I like it that it's harder to get a missile kill. Makes you think that bit more to line up the killer shot, in the envelope as you say. I enjoy using the guns though, I'm pretty good at judging deflection and leading a target and find it easier that way than right on someones six.

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I've found the opposite to be true.


All the heat seekers now suck! And the Radars are even worse.


I get a good tone, wait 5 seconds for stabilization, pull a bit off lead, and they still come off stupid 75 to 85% of the time.


May have to fire up the new weapons editor and check the "L" model percentages, but so far this all aspect missile seems no aspect...

Finally managed a kill with a Sidewinder tonight, Speccers. This MiG 21 was headed home or he didn't see me or whatever, but he didn't maneuver. Closed to 0.7 NM, got tone, pulled the Mirage's nose up just a hair, waited a few seconds, and fired. Sidewinder flew right up the MiG's tailpipe. Actually surprised me! :biggrin:

Edited by Pancho

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Yep, you have to fire in the correct parameters or your missiles wont engage, don't tell me people are complaining because TK upped the anti. Now that would be sad..... :smile:

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I realized that the static aircraft will only work for the stock israel terrain for woi. Any other terrain added to the game will work fine but with no static aircraft

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I was wondering if the resolution settings have been upgraded on WOI?

The max on WOE was something like 1600x 1200. I just ordered a 1920X 1080p

monitor and I am kind of a Noob in the scaleability department, not sure if there

will be pixilation problems if the settings do not match. Do any of you run at 1920X1080p?


Thanks :rolleyes:

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Took 2 Skyhawks on a radar-busting mission. Got in easily, hit the targets, headed back. Wingman was a bit behind and got hit badly by SAM. So he's falling down in flames slowly (with pilot ejected) when I hit Alt+N, Z-z-z-zap! and we are above home base. WE. The flaming carcass of my wingie was obviously keping formation on my left wing. Naturally he started falling again. But imagine my feelings when I saw my pit lit by flames when I knew I was alone... :blink:

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I was wondering if the resolution settings have been upgraded on WOI?

The max on WOE was something like 1600x 1200. I just ordered a 1920X 1080p

monitor and I am kind of a Noob in the scaleability department, not sure if there

will be pixilation problems if the settings do not match. Do any of you run at 1920X1080p?


Thanks :rolleyes:


I don't know what you are talking about.

I have played fully patched WOE on a 1920x1200 laptop and a 1920x1080 46" LCD TV.

If you didn't see a resolution higher than 1600x1200, it is because your monitor or video card didn't support it or communicate it to the game.

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Hm... Migs also work really good with rockets agains tanks

NQ3: Kfir's radar serves only as rangefinder, right? Nice plane for CAS if loaded properly... still difficult to distinguish enemy from friendly at such speeds. And delta wings of this and Mirage make you pull up really carefully :dntknw:


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Just been reading 'First In, Last Out', the story of the Wild Weasels. There is a description of a MiG trap laid by a Sidewinder-armed F-105 WW flight, with a 12-strong flight of F-4s masquerading as the follow-up F-105 strike force. MiGs, including 21s came up to greet them. It is instructive reading how many Sparrows and Sidewinders were expended by 16 fighters for a nil result, and how difficult and restricted the parameters were for the Thuds' Sidewinders. TK's got it right, it seems.

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WHAT????? No ground targets lock with AG Radar in WOI?????


What a rip off i´m gonna kill myself.


Why TK why are you doing this to me??



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I leave for a week and not only does the Gripen arrive, WOI is released.


Now I really have to get it, the new Kfir looks great.

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WHAT????? No ground targets lock with AG Radar in WOI?????


What a rip off i´m gonna kill myself.


Why TK why are you doing this to me??




:rofl: That's some funny stuff Carlos_Tex.

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Ok... :blush:

Guys (and girl) how do you manage to fly Mirage? When I'm in control that's more of an unguided rocket. Can't roll, pitch input leads to turbulence and complete loss of lift. Not to mention lack of any air-to-ground targeting assistance. SEAD missions in Six Days War are real pain in the...

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While I can't say for certain, it is my impressions from beta testing that the changes to radar ecm/eccm are universally applied to AI and player.

I can say for sure, AI flys low and behind hills while approaching targets and MiG-21s do maneuver to break F-15 locks.

It is hard (almost impossible) to get a Sparrow kill against a target that is aware of your presence and able to counter your shot.

The best way to get a Sparrow kill is to get in relatively close while the target is head on or tail on so that the time of flight is too short for the MiG to turn his beam to you.


okay here's my finding in this area.


in front approach (head to head) with stock sparrows (semi active homing missile), a kill is nearly impossible (can't get one to this moment), as soon as i get a lock the ai beam my radar and break the lock and the sparrow go fool.

with a amraam (active missile homing), even if my radar lose the lock, the missile still track the target and mostly hit it


but i notice a thing, when you make a rear approach, you can achieve successful sparrow kills (did it several times), the ai still try to beam your radar but seems to not be able to do it as well as in front approach (but they could do it). Aand you can achieve kill even against target equipped with chaffs (but always in the rear sector)


i notice too in the weapon editor that the sparrows are limited as "rear sector 60°" only, i think they should be all aspect (but i doubt it will change anything in the front sector area)


Now what i get to try is to get and try to kill a target flying in a perpendicular way to me.

Edited by Murphy'S

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