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Strike Fighters 2: Israel RELEASE

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Go get it you crazy kids!



Edited by FastCargo

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I know what I'm doing when I get home from work!

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Well, there goes another $20...lol. Looking forward to flying that F-16. :clapping:

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Damn thats no more in my budget this month...

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(Spinners adopts a Meg Ryan voice and runs his fingers through his hair...)


Yes, yes, yes, OMG yes, yes, yes, oh, yes

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Happy happy joy joy! drinks.gifdance2.gifgirl_haha.gifstars.gif I can't wait to see what's new and improved! Only 10 mins to go!!!

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The manual is fully updated with plane references. 3 Kfrir and 2 Mirages included.

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I am on duty....you all suck. :lol: j/k

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Ace - will check it out


only £12.55 for 616MB of goodness!

Edited by MigBuster

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I was going to go 'scorched earth' but impatience got the better of me and I've just installed it in my merged install. No problems! First flight was in the A-4H Ahit/Ayit (73) - sweet!



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And you all continue to suck. :lol:

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And you all continue to suck. lol.gif


I agree. Im not going to be able to get this til 5:00PM TOMORROW EVENING. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Work should be banned when TK releases anything new......



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Hmm, menu screens etc are now jpegs.....should save a bit of memory.

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Downloading :grin:

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80% DL'd! It's a 616MB DL for those wanting to know.

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I just saw some really crappy weather in flat as a board Germany. At least I don't remember inclement cover having large cloud patches at 300m before. :blink:

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