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The Past Decade

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With the first decade of the 21st century coming to a close how do you think it was?


I think it sucked. 9/11, the war, the financial meltdown, made this decade on I want to forget. I hope the next 10 years are better.

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I completely agree with you Dave.

It sucked badly all over the world.

Let's hope and work for the better

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Bought my first house, second son was born, met a bunch of great friends and I think, apart from a major reset of the economy, the bad has been balanced out pretty good for me.

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Nationally....sucked hairy ass


personally....rollercoaster of up and down

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Its 50/50 for me.


9/11, the wars, the bailouts...


But my dream of mounting a rifle on my chair came true and owning few firearms. Now, I'm saving $ for my own gun safe.



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It's a mix for me. The afforementioned bad stuff, the F-14's retirement.



But I met Jen :)

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Made it through school, got a great career in aviation, and my training is progressing very well. In my own little world I'm very happy with the times.

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Definitely a mixed bag.


9/11 was horrible and being recalled to The Mountain was one of those things that I will never forget. Watching my sons go to war while I manned C2 systems supporting them at home was a very, very hard thing to live through.


One thing about war coming to your home - if you are in the defense business, employment was pretty steady.


but I'd have rather it had been otherwise.........


The financial and economic disasters and political firefights have also been an intense and increasingly hostile fire-fight, in which I have been kept busy. I'll say no more here about that.


I will say, that I have never felt that our country and the future of the the world was in more danger than now.


I pray that the next decade will bring some semblance of sanity that has so far eluded us all.


on the plus side - I stumbled upon this place and nice cool hangout with a lot of cool dudes!

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ya 5 wonderfull kids got a great job had only 2 weeks off in 10 years ,

almost tore my left foot off now got 9 screws and a 6 inch plate holding my ankle together.

got a new great job.

then this year nasty case of whooping cough raged through the family 12 weeks each

first me the 5 kids all summer vaction

then my wife gets it just as baby was born.

and now the year ends.

mine was not bad other family member has worse

my sisters hubby had a blood clot kill 1/2 of one kidney, but he is better now

sister inlaws hubby lost both parents dad 2 years ago and his mum 4 weeks ago,

lost his work started drinking again and is total messed up so we are helping make ends meet.

so onwards and upwards


best to all in the next year and decade

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I didn't enjoy it.


Looking back, it was a real roller coaster, and fortunately it has ended on a high. Joined Cadets, got new house, new computer, quit my $hitty job. Looks like it'll stay here for a while too.


But I'm still here, so I can't complain. :tongue:

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Pretty crappy for me too. Unable to find full time work been quite ill, people dying etc etc. Still have this place to cheer me up though grin.gif



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I got my house, but if we'd known we'd have lived there longer than 5 years (the market was booming big time when we'd decided to get our "real" house, so we're still in the "started") we'd have had them make multiple changes to the layout so it would've been better for long-term living.


My daughter was born last year.


That's pretty much the sum of the great things that happened in the past 10 years for me. Oh, PC tech has progressed and things look better, even though I think overall I preferred the games released in the 90s as far as how they played...last X Wing game was 1999!!


So I have no fondness for this decade at ALL other than my daughter.

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There were personal blessings to be sure, ie. the birth of children. In many ways I consider the 90's to be the "false" decade. Sorry to say the falsehoods continue to grow. I always hold out hope for a better tomorrow.

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A very mixed bag for me personally.


On one side the best things in my life happent this decade. Been married and getting kids buying my own home.


On the other hand my worst nightmare became a reality this decade when I crushed a kid on a bike in a righthand turn with my truck. This accident has changed my life- Even if I know now that I couldnt have avoided the tragedy. The Kid was stupid and raced me in a blind spot. He lost and paid with his life poor kid. RIP little fellow. I know I'll ever be the same again. I was acquittal in court. But something I have to live with for rest of my life. It's hard but getting better everyday.

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Damn hgbn sorry to hear about that - must have been terrible!!



Right the noughties


The Good

Combatace (Obviously)

Me getting a good job

Lots of flings with naughty girls


Liverpool winning European Cup

Me buying reliable cars

Megan Fox

F-22 Raptor

Eurofighter Typhoon

Ford Focus RS (2009)

Great films and music

Top Gear


Help for Heroes/Support for armed forces

Mainstream adoption of Internet/www

Win XP (Yah it doesnt crash every day!)



The Bad

Death of family member

Resession (uk is still in)

ALL political parties in the UK


Liverpool 80% of the time

Reality TV shows (Big Brother etc)

Flight sim development

Jaguar/F-14/SHAR retired

Rubbish films and music

Cheap 'Z list' and materialistic worship society

Broadband running under 14kbps at peak times!!!



The Ugly

9/11 and all incidents / wars that followed

Gordon ("We are in the best position financially") Brown

Jade Goody

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With a few exceptions (all personal), the "aughts" sucked. I found the last decade to essentially be nothing more than a continuation of the nineties, a downward spiral.

It's almost as if we, as a civilization, are being forced to pay a penance for the good times we had during the eighties.

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The good:


Started a pretty good job (last week)


The Bad:

Lost a couple of friends in Afghaistan

The wars

Made redundant twice in the space of a year

Failed RAF aircrew medical


Overall, kinda sucked



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Only 2 more years until the end!!!




I also have a bridge in Brooklyn I will sell you too.

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Got to agree with the majority regarding the global events, they really were terrible. Even mother nature gave us a kicking with the Tsunami.


Like a previous member, it's been up and down. Wife broke arm in 3 places just before Xmas last year. Left me as head cook and bottle washer, which had a knock on effect on my own long running health problems.


On the Flightsimming side the decade kind of reflected real life really. Started off at ProjectAI and ended up General Manager, then moved to work for Avsim, until I fell out with the boss and then helped form Military AI Works and a had a super time making Military Mods for FS2004. Had to take a back seat though as it just became too large a drain on time and health.


Hope everyone has a better start to the new decade and to all those serving in the Stan and their families, you are in our thoughts every day.

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Jumped into this:




And, well.....you know the rest.



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Is that supposed to be a basket-case or some sort of allegory to Noah's Ark, Fates?


The Good:


Combatace and Wings over Europe (Yay! Finally something to replace Jane's Fighter's Anthology!!!).

Ending up with a nice rig but curiously running older games (nope, I haven't upgraded to the latest series of TK's sim cause I like MP!)

and Broadband Interwebz connection - no more POTS expenses!

Going through college and all the mad experiences (including the Euro cup in '04 in my country, although we didn't win).

Having had my first White Christmas in Prague back in '03 and visited other places as well (Paris, France also in '03 and Nordeste of Brazil in '04).

Many (classified!) naughty things :grin:


The Bad:


Family Break-up (parental divorce and my sister went to study and work in Germany).

Being stuck in a less-than-ideal job (WTB Lottery-winning ticket!).


The Ugly:

Having gone through my first long-term relationship - but being the one who ended it. Let's see how my current one goes...

Knowing that the world will end in 2012 before the aforementioned date - and wondering if it really would be such a bad thing since Heaven supposedly is a nice place to be and should allow us to continue with the divinal CA and TK software, nice rigs and fast connection speeds, etc... :pilotfly:



Hmmm, I think that's about it...


Merry Christmas for all!!

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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Mixed bag as well here.

Got into prestigious school and recently graduated, but I'm struggling like hell to find a job. I'm even considering enlisting in the Navy: I only hesitate because of the girl and that I'm not really the kind of guys who feels as a warrior and good enough to do so.. But if I eventually enlist, I will perhaps found out it's what I was made to do...

Up and down in my personnal life. Some years were awesome (yeah 2003 and 04), other frankly s**tty (yes, you, 2005 and 2009!)

Met a great girl but did not worked out, met another one and we'll see how it will evolve. Met also great friends.


And general issues: meh...

I'm frankly worried for the future of the western world, especially for France and Europe. And I'm afraid the next decades are to be worse.

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I have to share this....


An acquaintance writes an occasional piece for the entertainment section of a local newspaper. Every year, he's asked to pen an article on the past year's highlights in both the cinema and television. This year, he also had to include the decade in review. Television-wise, there were an impressive number of series that he endorsed, though he could not say the same for movie releases. He was still struggling to find ten that he could say were a must see.


He told me that at the end of the 1980s and 1990s, he likewise had trouble settling on the top ten...only then, it was because there were so damned many to choose from.

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