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Been a Black Aces day....

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A tough job sometimes. Almost evaded the last one...but when you´re out of chaff and flares what can you do? Even though I shot down two Flankers right away, the others forced me to do all my evasive stuff I could possibly imagine and execute. 8 F-15C Wolfhounds against 8 Flankers plus some Floggers etc. in ´86. 6 of us made it back home. All Flankers, Floggers and Fencers were shot down. I can tell you guys this wounded bird wasn´t very easy to land. Love the game.

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Movie Star...


Love this shoot, and great skin ! :good:

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Edited by Spinners

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25th FIS F-80C over Korea.



Edited by Soulfreak

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Beautiful Shooting Star Soulfreak! :clapping:


Is it a new model?


Coupi. :bye:

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Yes, brand new (one of MANY coming for KAW)



kevin stein

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High mountain flying

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Miles-Mikoyan Foxbat F.1 - No.11 Air Defence Regiment, British Peoples' Republic Air Force, 1984

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Yes, brand new (one of MANY coming for KAW)



kevin stein



:yikes::clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:




just pls tell me it wont require orig SF2. got every other SF2 title except the orig and lil cash til the end of the year:dntknw:

Edited by daddyairplanes

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My first skin!



Cool :good:

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Bats Entertainment


Only fans of 'The Jam' need apply for that pun

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Heading South

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First attempt at a high alt/high speed nuke drop in the B-70A...not a bad score for eyeballing it...






Maybe McNamara was right...run Forrest run!




Swing and a miss...thank God it wasn't nuke tipped...






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BAC Thunderstrike GR.4 - No.14 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1987

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final skin for the RF-4E GAF the greek skins and cockpit´s are next :grin:






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Nice recon rf-4. BTW, what map or terrain is that?


American North West

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Calling card left...

Shouldn't that one be London Calling... by the Clash...


And FC don't give some of these guys ideas as Nuke SAM's would cause even more problems... near misses would be a whole word of hurt...

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