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Desert Terrain V.4

This is the latest (and my final) version of the Desert terrain. After months of tweaking and testing I've come to realise that this is as good as I'm going to get it.

So thus I've decided to just release it to the masses and see how it goes....


Desert 4 is similar to Desert V.3 albeit with a few important differences:

1. MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! - This terrain has been navalised, so you'll need to have SF2:NA in order to have missions work the way they should.

As to whether this terrain will work without SF2:NA , I'm not sure and I can't guarantee it; but you're free to give it a try.

2. This terrain is based on the STOCK DESERT TERRAIN, so DON'T use the tiles from V3 as that mod is based on Polak's desert terrain. The tiles

along the coast will be totally messed up.

3. D9 and D10 Airbases are still based in the mountainous north-western region of the map. However, the problem of having AI flights crashing

into a nearby mountain soon after take-off from D10 has been solved by removing the hill in question. Huge thanks has to go to to Baffmeister

for his work with that! Credit also has to go to Baffmeister for the surface levelling and re-tiling work around those and other airbases, as

well as his work on the islands.

4. The tiles are the work of JSF_Aggie, which are a huge improvement from the stock ones. Note: the tiles within the terrain folder have been

resized to 512 X 512 pixels for better framerate performance. But for those with higher spec PCs, you can get the full size tiles in the

download section here:


5. I've used Stary's excellent Desert Ground Environment mod, which for that region of the world, brings 110% more realism to town and city

regions, with more realistic buildings and trees.

6. More target areas have been added, as well as a few more "Easter Eggs". So get flyin' and start lookin'!


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Released dream! Thanks a lot!!!

Edited by Coupi

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Great terrain.  Thanks.

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Thanks for the terrain.


Excuse my ignorance - I have all 5 SF2 parts. but haven't flown the desert based ones yet  - does this replace default desert terrain for SF2:I or is it an independant terrain to be used with custom campaigns/missions?

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Thanks for the terrain.


Excuse my ignorance - I have all 5 SF2 parts. but haven't flown the desert based ones yet  - does this replace default desert terrain for SF2:I or is it an independant terrain to be used with custom campaigns/missions?


Hi there JDUK.

The answer to your query is quite simply no. The mod folder itself is called "DESERT4"; the stock terrain folder, if it's already in your terrains folder is called "Desert".

In SF2I, the stock terrain is called "IsraelME"

Edited by Piecemeal

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This is fantastic. For years I have been collecting pieces of kit for this game; planes,ships, gound objects,and whatnot. First time I flew a single mission on this terrain I picked a Sea Harrier for armed recon. All those add ons I installed over the years came together without having to use the mission editor. I started the mission on the Invincible surrounded by type 42 escorts! The chapparal sams which never autopopulate  for me were defending blue airfields. It is such a well sorted out package, thank you very much for this plug and play mod. clapping.gif.pagespeed.ce.letqCZTOMd.gif

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Does anyone know how to fix this issue? My boats are hovering above the water?



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I have to say that this is an incredible improvement over the last desert terrain (which was itself already astounding)!! Flying over the cities is spectacular!! Thanks so much!

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yup nice one!

pit1 needs to replaced though, shadow problem


i also some weird shadows over one of the cities, but wasn't able to take a screenshot...

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I'd like to try this map out but I get a crash at 100% load, any clues why that might be? Tried in a fresh mod folder and there it was OK, could it be ground object related or something else?

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Hi, Centurion. Well, it could be ground object related but I had similar issues because of a modded FlightEngine.ini. I'm not totally sure this could be your case, though.

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Hi Centurion.

What era were you trying to fly a mission in? ('60s, '70s, '80s) More often than not I've often had the same problem when trying to fly in any time from the mid 70s onwards. I tried finding the problem by adding my groundobjects back into the game one at a time but the results were inconclusive. In the end I still wasn't able to pin down the problem. It must be a groundobject issue though cos when I removed all of them from the "OBJECTS/GROUNDOBJECT" folder it worked just fine. With all the objects in the folder it's a case of Russian roulette - sometimes it'll start, sometimes it'll crash :dntknw:


To be honest I thought more people would be having this issue but surprisingly you're the only one I've heard of (apart from me) with this. Maybe it's a bad entry in the DESERT4_TYPES.ini file. I might try and go through it over the weekend when I've time.

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Do we have different Fueltanks? The current ones cause this strange shadowbeam. I think we had an update some month or years ago

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sure it's the fuel tanks and not the stock 3W pit1?? Known shadow ropes with those for at least 3 years. Reported to TK and never fixed, other than by extracting the pit1.ini, and turning the shadow off

(hence, it's inclusion in everyone of my terrain mods. copy/paste it from one of mine, and see what happens)

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I got it to work perfectly in another modded install, so no worries. Don't know what caused the crash... But now I get to fly!

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Do we have different Fueltanks? The current ones cause this strange shadowbeam. I think we had an update some month or years ago

Its the pit walls causing shadows...use this one I made.


Edited by russouk2004
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I get the 100% lock up occansionaly too. It works fine if I just run an instant action mission or single mission on the stock Desert map first. Then it loads ok. If it's the first terrain loaded it locks at 100% though. Only other issue I've seen is that during campaign missions (using a slightly modified Desert Fury '81 campaign by arthur666) the airbases don't seem to populate with static a/c even though the parking chance on the airbases are all set to 100.


Other than those two minor annoyances (that don't halt my enjoyment) it's a fantastic terrain!

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