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Strike Fighters 2: Windows 10 Edition up for pre-order

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Still in development, expected release date: May 2020 (subject to change).


Strike Fighters 2 Win10 Edition is the latest version of Strike Fighters 2, a jet air-combat game set in the 1960's, updated to run on Windows 10 PC!

Player flyable aircraft include some of the most legendary fighters from the early jet age, including F-100 Super Sabre, F-105 Thunderchief, A-4 Skyhawk, F-4 Phantom II, and F-8 Crusader.

Campaigns feature 1960's high-flying combat action over fictional Middle Eastern sands. Join the United States Air Force, Navy, Marines, or a special operations Mercenary unit, and engage in blood-draining, G-pulling, action-packed dogfights against the enemy MiGs!

Additional aircraft, maps, and campaigns will be available as DLC in-app purchases.


Owners of Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition will receive the Win10 Edition and its DLCs for FREE as they become available.






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1 hour ago, MigBuster said:

Owners of Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition will receive the Win10 Edition and its DLCs for FREE as they become available.


lovely jubbly....

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Currently SF2 (under W10)  with the whole TW addons run works well ! :dntknw:

Really what's new ? Should we start from scratch ? "Free" ok I understand but I expect a major evolution.

Excuse me... TW practices the art of recycling. So wait and see ! :hi:

Edited by Coupi
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well, I'm glad a bought the full pack then! I'm going to have to be shopping for new comp soon ... 


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Considering i'm running Windows 10 and playing SF2 just fine, i'm a bit confused.  I take it there's not anything else like, more aircraft, updated graphics or other such things?  Good to see they're still paying attention to SF2 though.

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Perhaps they found something new related to Win10 install that we don´t know . If not, WHY????

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SF2 has never been supported on Windows 10 despite it running okay for most people. Patches and updates in the past have killed it on occasion so this would mean TK has to fix it if it stops working and do Windows support again :biggrin:. (to be clear that would only be the new Win 10 edition he would fix not the old one)

There might be game changes - possibly minimum maybe some kind of Gfx update to use DX12......will have to wait and see. 



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I appreciate an update to the game engine, just hope current CA SF2 files/addons can transfer right on over.

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SF2 was coded for Windows Vista, which inadvertently made it compatible with Windows 7. Windows 10 and the hardware drivers supporting it are a moving target. Don't expect any noticeable code changes if SF2 already runs well on your Win10 pc. What is coming will eliminate some problems under the hood and allow TK to market SF2 as a proper Win10 compatible game. Bringing the game up to Windows 10 coding standards also paves the way for future development, should TK believe it may be profitable again. I can't think of a single sim that stepped into the niche that SF2 filled: the Jane's Fighters Anthology lite survey sim. But his timing may be a little late as ED is going to release a dumbed down version of DCS World with all the main fighters in one package, which will inherently feature the things SF2 was always missing: multiplayer, recording missions, ejection sequences, and maybe air-to-air refueling.

But the beauty of SF2 is that presumably most if not all of the previous SF2 mods will still be compatible, maintaining SF2's huge advantage: comprehensive libraries of aircraft, vehicles, ships, and maps from all eras of aviation from WWI to the recent past. If TK could afford to shoe-horn in a newer graphics engine and provide the plugins and tools needed to update existing models and create new, massively updated terrains, he would have a winner.

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Also people who donated will get this too btw,in case you have forgotten...

its really a major update to iron out the problems such as directx 10 issues we had...I think its going to have selectable DXversions 9\10\11     possibly...

I know that the directx10 issues was the main reason for update....anything else is a bonus....add on a\c eh ?    wonder what ones......sounds good...

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4 hours ago, JohnLewis141997 said:

Would it be able to run on Win7 :biggrin:

SF2 WAS designed for win 7

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Notice too that the flyable aircraft include the F-105 Thunderchief and the F-8 Crusader, which were not in the Windows 7 version of the original Strike Fighters.  I bet we will see those two implemented into updated Dhimar vs. Paran campaigns where they weren't available without a bit of modding or campaign editing.  Maybe I'm being too hopeful, but having both the F-8 and A-4 could be justification for carriers to be added into the vanilla desert campaigns too right off the bat.  It always bothered me a little that the Navy F-4s and A-4s were just flying out of land bases in the vanilla game when there is a sea taking up half the map.

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The original game didn't have carriers. WoV added carriers. WoE added clouds. WoI fixed a lot of the issues with AI and flight models introduced by WoV and WoE as well as adding better modeling of radar/ecm.

If the base install of SF2 came with everything, there would have been no incentive to buy SF2V, SF2E, etc. As it was, the majority of SFP1/WoX purchasers never bought any of the SF2 releases and quite a few people exploited the lack of copy protection to pirate the series. I am not sure why TK even started messing with SF2 again given that he seems to be far more successful at generating revenue with his mobile games without investing nearly as much time, effort, and money.

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i see TK messing with SF2 for the first time since Jul 2013. on behalf of the modders i would like to now say.....

well shit.

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It's me or the opening pic is not taken in the default TK terrain, but one of our modded ones?

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Let's hope he takes this opportunity to remove some hard coded limitations that made sense with Windows 7 and older hardware but no longer make sense with Windows 10 and vastly more powerful hardware.

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SF2 works perfectly on my Windows 10 1909 PC update, without any problems or bugs. Only Wings Over Europe, Israel, and Vietnan have problems with Windows 10. I think Third Wire should focus on improving cockpit (clickable), and improving flight model. SF2 is one of the best simulators, and with a few adjustments it could get even better.
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4 hours ago, Stratos said:

It's me or the opening pic is not taken in the default TK terrain, but one of our modded ones?

There are no suitable images provided - that is my menu screen. 

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I'm sorry, but this should be an automatic update for SF 2 , not a  "new" package a cash grab in my eyes........especially as a lot of folk have no issues running SF 2 in Win 10 already.

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2 hours ago, trotski00 said:

I'm sorry, but this should be an automatic update for SF 2 , not a  "new" package a cash grab in my eyes........especially as a lot of folk have no issues running SF 2 in Win 10 already.

I can't fault Thirdwire here considering the money and time he has to invest in this. He is a one man business so I would hope that he is paid something for that work 

The Kickstarter (or whatever) for this was no where near but he is still giving it away to those very few that wanted it to go on. 

To make SF2 a viable ongoing business stream from now it needs some very visible major changes of which I doubt we will see.

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I agree MB.....he didnt have to really do anything...he is losing money in some respects...I recieved the complete pack free from TK...and im not the only one so.....he must be losing more money making this.....he in that regard deserves to recoup his losses....if it gets the game up to date im all for it....hopefully we get some suprises.along the way....dlc ?...hmmm might be good..we cant condemn him til final thing is out tbh...

Edited by russouk2004
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I think hes doing the proper thing, DCS is close to selling the Ka50 for the third time.

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54 minutes ago, Stratos said:

I think hes doing the proper thing, DCS is close to selling the Ka50 for the third time.

And effectively this sim is now being sold as complete for the third time......I already bought it twice.....once as SF gold, then as SF2 .........I will not get this free as the only thing I bought digitally  were the DLC's , and as I no longer have the disk and I have re installed the whole thing from a backup copy I had on my external drive, I am not going to get this for nowt, I object to paying for effectively the same game  3 times, especially when the game hasn't actually given me any issues thus far on Win 10......if however it was a paid upgrade in the form of a DLC, I would "get " that concept, as to be honest, I dont think that there will be any major changes or adjustments to what will essentially be the same sim as it stands in its present iteration, yeah, ok, it may make it more forward compatible, but will it be forward compatible, and more featured than an update ? to price this as a fully priced release is out of order, dont care if TK is a one man band, or if he is the Berlin Philarmonic, maybe if the bugger had fully supported the damn thing from the get go, and co operated with the modding community a bit more, this "new" version would not be needed in the first place.....I stand by my cash grab statement. 

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