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Showing most liked content on 12/22/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    "2 weeks" ---------- required screenshot
  2. 3 points
    I have one of these...haven't flown it in a couple of years though.
  3. 3 points
    Another of TK's F-14 in Adversary colors...just a quick improvement over the stock skin
  4. 2 points
    A little plane is ready for 2018, we wish you a nice Xmas and a blessed year 2018. Hope you guys will do well. So far, best regards, the Sukhoi Team
  5. 2 points
    Coming Soon... (And Happy birthday to the F-14)
  6. 2 points
    SF2 WW2 Fi-156 Storch RHAF =Royal Hellenic Air Force ( Greece) SKIN
  7. 2 points
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    i think that such entity is actually entities, in the sense that if there are intelligent species, we can be sure that there are lots of them, not only one. Very likely, the universe is big enough to contain everything you hypothesize, and yet much more. We tend also much to see this subject as an interaction between human and "others", when actually it makes much more sense that these different entities interact among each other. Why is the human race and Earth in general being somehow "ignored"? Some users talk about our tendency to kill and make suffer each other, and I think that it's the right track. If there is a condition by which such "advanced" (again, we focus on technology, but i suspect that it's a much more general aspect) beings can't or don't want to, approach the humans is that humans are divided and do not act with a single will, which should be the "most general good possible" at their level of culture, society, etc. I sincerely doubt that anybody who is able to perform voyages over light years distances would enter in contact with our current leaderships - so that they can keep it secret and try to exploit it to their advantage and to the disadvantage of the other creatures of the Earth. There is also another problem, and this one is pretty much "human only" - religions. The disclosure of the knowledge that we "aren't alone" would force all the human religions to readapt to a much more universal context. It would also probably mean that some of them, especially some of the monotheistic, would be subtracted of most of their fundamental reason d'etre. The way human matters are managed these days, I don't think that such adjustements will be allowed in any short period of time.
  12. 1 point
    Gents, you all know that you're complaining about a mod package that's nearly 10 years old, right?? And that the people that built it aren't even around anymore? My suggestion is, if you have documented proof of the ECM issue and the capabilites the aircraft is SUPPOSED to have, is the make the adjustments in the data inis of said aircraft, state the reasons for the changes in your readme (documenting the appropriate USAF T.O.s or whatever), and upload the corrected data ini's to one of our many convenient categories (suggestion: Object Mods / Ini File Edits) so the community can share in the correction. Don't forget to include a screenshot, either (required) Because complaining about it in a 10 year thread, accomplishes nothing. Work the problem and share it with the community. That's how we do things here
  13. 1 point
    still WIP.. Carst region North of Gorizia (Bainsiza plateau) Isonzo valley Caporetto with mount Matajour in the background (where E. Rommel captured the whole mountain during the Caporetto battle)


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