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Showing most liked content on 07/07/2018 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. 4 points
    New one currently in the workshop...
  3. 3 points
    Nice day for a trip into some hostile territory. Not the best time to try to get airborne though. Sqn mates burning in the distance...reduced to MiG spare parts...airbase blown up.. Heading home for some coffee..
  4. 2 points
    Progress shots below of an experiment, showing Nungesser's Nieuport 24. We are trying to figure out a way to run multiple versions of one aircraft ingame, each utilizing dedicated artwork, or decals, or both.
  5. 1 point
    I found an interesting channel on YouTube and thought I would share some of the videos. I have heard about some of these before but I still learned some details that I was unaware of. Note: The Intro can be a bit loud so beware headphone users. The story of the S.S. Stephen Hopkins. The History of the First Combat Helicopter Rescue. Battle of the Bulge: Duel at St. Vith, Belgium Note: He makes a slight range error in the excitement of telling this story. The range should be 25 Yards = 75 feet. The Night Witches Icarus versus U-352
  6. 1 point
    WIP 3W Bf109 G-10 (S-99)
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    It's taken a looooong time to develop new FMs for the new aircraft, in addition it takes me a long time to make the models and skins. Having said that, the Pfalz D3 and D3a, plus the Nieuport 17 and 23 are nearing completion. For variety, we also worked on the Caudron R11 and it is also nearing completion. All have been developed for FE2 to take advantage of dds format artwork, which reduces workload on the game engine. Crawford succeeded in converting the art to bmp format so he could run the aircraft in FE1. All releases will include a graphics pack of templates and baseline artwork, similar to my earlier releases of the Gladiator and CR42, plus developer notes from VonS and Crawford included with the aircraft release. Once we push the aircraft listed out the door, we will continue work on the Nieuport 24, 24bis, 27, and 28. Eventually, every Nieuport sesquiplane release will have a Lewis gun armed version - it's less confusing to complete baseline aircraft first. Then, the Pfalz D8 and Halberstadt CL4 will be refined and finished, followed by the Breguet 14 bomber. Models inwork for next year are Bleriot 11, Sopwith Triplane and Pup, and Berg D1. More dawn patrol shots below.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    One for the Marines.
  13. 1 point
    Old aircraft. Old school. Old fun.
  14. 1 point
    I'm going to resume this thread with some recent test shots over gterl's revision of Gepard's Vosges map. In regard to the SF fanboyz who posted earlier, I point out two things: 1) It is a FACT that FE objects are 63% of actual size because TK designed the sim that way. Gterl - a superb FE map maker - and I have discussed this. He uses whatever objects he can find, and laments that many of them are NOT the required 63%. 2) True professionals don't ignore facts. Interpret them, yes. Ignore them, no.


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