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Showing most liked content on 02/18/2025 in Posts
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2 pointsHello everyone, The F-4J's SOS (Served Optical Sigh)t have been a steep learning experiences when it come to cockpits and avionics.ini editing and countless of experments. I am still trying to make one more feature works: SARH version of TD_HEAT. In meanwhile, here is screenshots of F-4J's SOS: The range bars works for both gun and AAM. However, due to SF2 limitation, I can only use one min / max range for any missiles, so I chose IRM. For now, when using SARH and IRM, you will see range bar: Gun mode with range bar When using rockets or bombs, the computing lead sight also become depressed sight for them too: Eagle114th
1 pointi had a good day today and i got the early version of the F-4D cockpit done , it is still a BETA version but for everybody who likes to test it here it is PLEASE backup your ini files before overwriting it with this new ones PLEASE let me know if you have any problem with FPS drop or any other problems and on what terrain F-4D.7z the following ini files are changed and needed to get the cockpit working F-4D_Data.ini F-4D_Cockpit.ini F-4D_Loadout.ini F-4D_Avionics.ini on the right side panel you will find the DSU-94/A nuke control panel , if you load a nuke and this panel is not working check if the weapon you loaded is listed on the bottom of the Cockpit.ini and if it is not listed just add it to the list , after that the DSU-94/A panel should work if you find any problems or errors please let me know , this is still a BETA have fun , ravenclaw_007
1 pointAs one of the pilots said: "Flying a Starfighter is like driving a sports car. Just fun."
1 pointNow I know what the problem is. When I use 1920*1080 resolution, the size of these numbers is normal; when I use 3840*2160 resolution, these numbers will be weirdly enlarged, so that the display is completely abnormal. This is really a helpless error. This is the display at 1920*1080 resolution, and the size of the numbers is completely normal.
1 pointyes,the new version,so I think it's my problem,I'll check it,thanks for your work.this mod is great one,I love it
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1 pointjust made this new tga´s based on the few pictures i have AVQ10 tga NEW.7z AVQ10_Track.tga AVQ10_Lock.tga
1 pointHelloo everyone! I am hahpy with the results of the new optical sights. For early Navy Pahntoms, here is fixed A-1 sighth with tilted glass area by HUD method: Next, here is modified A-1 used by Navy F-4B / J / N and USAF F-4C: Served Optical Sight (SOS) for F-4J and UK Phantom MK I and MK II are still being worked on. Here is F-4D's new sight: Finaly, here is F-4E new soptical sight: Eagle114th
1 pointHelloo everyone! I am hahpy with the results of the new optical sights. For early Navy Pahntoms, here is fixed A-1 sighth with tilted glass area by HUD method: Next, here is modified A-1 used by Navy F-4B / J / N and USAF F-4C: Served Optical Sight (SOS) for F-4J and UK Phantom MK I and MK II are still being worked on. Here is F-4D's new sight: Finaly, here is F-4E new soptical sight: Eagle114th
1 pointIt almost validates my policy of never learning my squadmate's names...🤔
1 pointHello everyone! Hhere is report on US Air Force Phantom';s optical sights: Here is ae from F-4C / D / E flight manual, starting with F-4C: Thihs is where I realize that F-4C uses the same fixed optical sight (modified A-1 with 60 / 40 / 20 MILs) as F-4B and J (early series). Next, here is information about AN/ASG-22 (LCOSS, which stands for Lead Computing Optical Sight System) used by F-4D: Just like I do with all optical sights, by using math and pixels to craft the optical sight with specific MILs carefully. However, there is one biggest question I had about the LCOSS: Colors of optical sights. By using the comon sense, following the evolutions of the USAF post car optical sights, and finding some of the pictures. When watching the videos on DCS F-4E Phantom II, It led m eto the colusion that the dark red is very likely to be used for nighht mission, making it easy on eye for night operation. And it would make sense to have brighter optical sight durin gthe day. And from the flight manuals, military aircraft commonly have the options to adjust the brightness and possibly the colors of optical sights. Here is what I find: Since SF2 does not allow us to adjust the brightness and colors of the optical sights, so I made three different versions of AN/ASG-22 LCOSS in different colors: Next, here is the information about AN/ASG-26, used by F-4E: Three versions of AN/ASG-26 in different colros are created too: The next steps for me after implementin gthem in to SF2 is to work on the radar texture in1024 x 1024, it will be a great and fun projects! Eagle114th
1 pointHello everyone! I have been very busy on this very interesting projects which kept me from updating the projects for a while. I have been working on F-4 Phantom II series avionics projects. Spent a lot of times searching for fligh tmanusla nd docunments, and searching for the information on the opticals sighs and radar information. I have a lot of supports from our fellow modders and community! This projects requires a lot of time due to the great complexicity of the Phantom avionics. Therefore, I am focused on one aspect of aavionics a time before doing the next. Right now i am focused on doing optical sights for both US Navy / Marine Corps and US Air Force Phantoms. Here is information about the optical sights used by F-4B / J / N: ately the A-1C is created in 25 and 50 MIls for F_86 series, so I amusing that to implement the fixed A-1 sight for early F-4B and J. Next information about the next optical sights used by later version of F-4B and J, along with F-4N: Here is new sigh recenlty created, direclty based on A-1 optical sight: NOTE: Both A-1 (50 MILs) and modifeid A-1 (with 60 / 40 / 20 MILs) are fixed sight. They are not computing lead gyro sights. Next, I am surprised about how advacned this next optical sgiht used by later version of F-4J, which were used by UK's Phantom FG MK I and GFR MK II, it is known as SOS, which stands for "Served Optical Sight": Please note that the cross and dot symbol is moving computing lead sight and it also act as guide for rocket and bombs for air to ground mode. the 4 lines acta s level / horizontal line while the 70 MIL circle is fixed. SOS is intergrated with AWG-10B FCS / MCS. I have a lot of works to do implementing the SOS sights. Based on the research and studiyng the production list of Phantoms, with an educated guess and what makes snese, it seem tthat F-4J start using SOS around 1970 or so, with AWG-10B FCS / MCS. The next post will cover US Air Force Phantoms. Eagled114thh
1 pointagain, sometime you gotta make your own patches
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1 pointi´m not able to work on any mods right now but i thought that i can share something i did last year when i made my first AN/ALQ-101 ecm pod some years ago i did not have any of the reference material i have today , like manuals and original blue prints and pictures , so the first ALQ-101 pods i made are wrong by the dimensions and as well as the type names for it , that was the reason i started last year and made some new AN/ALQ-101 ecm pods thiis is what i came up with QRC-335A / AN/ALQ-101 AN/ALQ-101A with RAT AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 early version AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 late version AN/ALQ-101 (V2 Special , this are ecm pods for a specific threat expected on the mission the red markings are painted over the existing ones , this pods where always carried in a pair with an normal AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 pod ( early or late ) AN/ALQ-101 (V)3 AN/ALQ-101 (V)4 , USAF and German Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)6 , USAF and Israeli Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)8 , USAF and Iran Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)8 , Royal Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)9 , USAF and Iran Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)10 , USAF AN/ALQ-101 (V) 10 , German Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)10 , Royal Air Force all this ecm pods are in this pack , includet are new Loadout.ini for the Buccaneer because of new names for the UK pods , just drop them in to the respective folder and let overwrite if ask to PLEASE remove or delete any existing AN/ALQ-101 pods before you install this new ones ALQ-101 Pack.7z some reference material an F-4D with to AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 pods , the one in front is the one marked special original blue print from westinghouse by going true my Iran Air Force picture i came across this ecm pod , it is clearly an AN/ALQ-101 like the (V)8 but a short version of it , so i start searching for info material on a short version (V)8 and found this page in an T.O. !F-4C-35 manual and there is an AN/ALQ-101 (V)9 listed with a total lenght of 112 inches , so i found the short version pod , i just had no clue that this pod existed and that the Iranian Air Force got them the Iranian Air force modified this ecm pod to an X-Band pod around 2015 with a frequency range from 6.2 to 10.9 Ghz , the call it the Shahin X Band electronic warfare pod this pod is includet in the pack , picture is below Shahin X Band ecm pod have fun with the pods , ravenclaw_007
1 pointI had some days with not publishing much of my WIPs, but I have been busy adding details, please, if you find errors, feel free to correct me :D And at the end I may have a question for @gepard What is that lever for?
1 pointThanks for the request but right now i´m unable to fulfill your wish , i just got released from hospital and it will take some time for me to be back on modding but i will add this rocket pods and rockets to my to do list Sorry
1 pointMirage F1EE(M) is uploaded and waits for approval. A special thanks to our cockpit team for their awesome work ! The usual preview
1 pointFiles uploaded just waiting for approval, have fun A-6A Early Intruder 1.0.6 A-6A Late Intruder 1.0.3 A-6B mod0 & mod1 Intruder 1.0.2 A-6C Intruder 1.0.2
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1 pointAlpha Jet twin store carrier twin store carrier with LAU-51A twin store carrier with LAU-32B/A Harrier twin store carrier left and right twin store carrier twin store carrier with Matra Type-155 rocket pods
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1 pointhere are the Firestreak and the Red Top missiles Firestreak.7z Firestreak_green.7z Firestreak_green_late.7z RedTop.7z i did not find any pictures from the Firestreak nozzle so i used the Red Top one for it , i will change the nozzle as soon as i get a good picture of a Firestreak nozzle Firestreak , Firestreak with green camo and Firestreak with green camo late version
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1 pointwell, got the place cleaned up before 1500, congrats. i'm tryin to get you guys out here early this fine Sunday afternoon. but its up to the big bosses now what the actual release time is. until then sit tight and look busy (a little joke for anyone whose ever served in the Guard or Reserves )
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1 pointI have added the LAU-7A and LAU-34 for the A-6A early and Late thanks to Nyghtfall. what do you think did I get them correct?
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1 pointhere is the AN/ALQ-131 Beta pack for testing , includet are the Block I , Block II and the EAPUP ALQ-131 Beta pack.7z the service years as well as some settings could be subject for change if you use them on the F-16A/B/C/D you may have to adjust the centerline attachment positions thats the one i use for the TW F-16A , it is a new entry in the data.ini [CenterlineStation_ECM] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.37,-1.09 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1000.0 AllowedWeaponClass=EP AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=pylon_centerline PylonMass=78.02 PylonDragArea=0.02 includet in the pack are AN/ALQ-131 Block I AN/ALQ-131 Block II AN/ALQ-131 EAPUP
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1 pointOkay First update the A-6A has been sent to the team and we are working on two things making the data files and the textures hopfull this is what the textures will include.
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1 pointyap , the skin for the GPU-2A is almost done , still a problem are the many rivets i have to add i will have a lot of problems if i add them to the texture especially at the conical front part , if i add the rivets as 3d parts it will be a lot and increase the lod size quite a bit so still some problems to be solved
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