Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
G-91Y, German Skinpack Vol.1
By Soulfreak
Fiat G-91Y, German Skins (fictional)
These skins are for the great G-91Y from Enrico
Skins done with the templates from him & my own for the tanks.
Also includet is a modified userlist for the Yankee,
to make it usable for German Navy & German Air Force.
You have to read the readme.txt!!!
this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
I hope you´ll like these skins.
Schapen, 11th July 2010
Carlo "Souli" Vecchi
IAF F/A-18
By HrntFixr
This is a FA-18A skin.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>"Fictional"</span> IAF skin.
Thanks to the makers of the model.
Aeritalia G.91Y SFP1 Edition
By Spillone104
The G 91Y was a tactical fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft capable of carrying out direct support, close interdiction, photographic reconnaissance and air combat missions.
This aircraft is for SFP1, WOV, WOE, WOI at Oct08 patch standard.
1) Unzip the file G91Y.rar
2) Copy Object and Sounds folders into your game directory (for example: C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters\...).
And use the weapon editor to install the drop tank
For people with 4/3 monitors : remember to change the entries into G91Y.ini for Loading / HangarScreen.
Animation 1: canopy open
In order to open the drag-chute land with the airbrakes open.
As the real one this model can reach speed over the airframe limit , be careful with the afterburner.
README file includedCredits:
kreelin for the great FM; thaks a lot Andriam
Spillone104 for the jet sound, photos and suggestions during beta testing and SFP1 conversion
Steve S for the invaluable infos about the cockpit , grazie Stefano
bobrock, Soulfreak, Dave, Canadair, 76.IAP-Blackbird, Veltro2k and Nghengo as beta testers
myself ... 3D, skins, pit, blood and tears.
Thank you very much guys
Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
Enrico "erikgen" Gennari
SeaHawks over Suez update
By Tomb
what started out as a flightmodel tweak soon took on a life of its own and
became a lot more
basically what we have here is changes in the flight model so the Seahawk FB3/FGA4/FGA6 aircraft
handling is a lot closer to whats described in the aircrew manual part 3
(handling) and while we had the book open part 6 (operating data) and one
thing led to another and you have the result before you
i have adjusted the load out to be "realistic" and as in the manual so they
respect the wieght limits, you can maually oveload if you wish but if you
wish to fly "realistically" take fuel out to compensate for the extra
with a full load of rockets and fuel cant partially fill them
so if you drop your internal fuel to 75% the wieghts (and fuel) you will be
the bomb/fuel pylons should be jettionable but i dont know the code for
this yet so your aircraft state is pre-mod N.247 so you cant, so you keep the
pylons on jettison for now
others major changes are the FB3 has no rockets
the FGA4/6 rockets and load out now work correctly though visually the
inner pair will appear too far inboard...this is a visual model thing and i
may revisit this later to see if i can move them...unless someone beats me
to it, hint hint
thier are signifcant changes to the handling but the most usefull advice i
will give is 110kts clean in landing config on the approach to put here on
the carrier deck..heck even the AI can land it...
last but not least the hunter cockpit is used instead of the meteor cockpit
you must have the SUEZ mod installed or at least the SEAhawks with thier
default names from it
Simply drop the objects folder into your Mods folder in my documents or
wherever you put your strikefighter mods (SF2merged+exp1 for suez)
and hopefully the relevent update files will install in the right place
otherwise just go to the update folder, remove the 3 files for each aircraft you need and
manually place them
as always back your files up FIRST before applying..if you dont like what i
have done you can then revert
as always credit goes to the original creators of the SEAhawk, all i have
done is alter some update of the seahawk if you will
T-38A Força Aérea Portuguesa
By Soulfreak
T-38A Força Aérea Portuguesa Skin
This skin is for the great T-38A from Fast Carrgo
Skin is done with the templates from him.
this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
I hope you´ll like this skin.
Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
Schapen, 10th of July 2010
This Mod is a cockpit repaint and small instrument upgrade (Mig-19S only) for Wrench’s “Early MiG Series Cockpit Upgrade/Repair Package for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E 6/5/09”
You must have that Upgrade/Repair Package to use this one.
This mod is only been tested with the TW Mig-19S Upgraded with the package listed above. WOE Patched 10/8
To Install:
Unzip The File and drop the Cockpit folder and the MiG19_COCKPIT.ini into your MiG-19S folder, Let it overwrite, and go fly.
Ordway: Mig-15Bis/Mig-17 cockpit repaint and instrument reposition of the Scooter(North Korean-modified). 03/15/08
Original readme included.
Wrench: Early MiG Series Cockpit Upgrade/Repair Package for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E 6/5/09
Original readme included.
Third Wire: Mig-19S
Notes: I replaced (source TW) or repainted (made from scratch) the painted on instruments. Fixed the fuel gage and added a working external fuel gage. Replaced the Red lockout handles on the cockpit side panels (ref; Mig -17 cockpit photo) repositioned the Ammo counters (they now lineup with the Arm switches).
Note 2: This mod is "Aircraft and Modded cockpit Specific".
These files are Freeware and not to be sold.
Fiat G-91Y, 101° Grp 8° Str heavy weathered
By Soulfreak
Fiat G-91Y, 101° Grp 8° Str heavy weathered
This skin is for the great G-91Y from Enrico
Skin is done with the templates from him.
You have to read the readme.txt!!!
this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
I hope you´ll like this skin.
Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
Schapen, 9th of July 2010
Lockheed/Mitsubishi F-104J SF-2 Upgrade
By paulopanz
This is the kit to convert in SF-2 Spillone104's great work.
For Ace888, Carlo & Kevin who asked for.
This is NOT a complete plane.
You will need original mod here:
And F-104G cockpit folder plus extracted from SF-1/WoE or following Kevin's hints here:
Some easy work:
1. extract my upgrade pack
2. extract Spillo's original mod, in aircraft/F-104J folder copy ALL skins folders
3. paste ALL skin folders in my upgrade pack aircraft/F-104J folder
4. take from SF-1/WoE F-104G F-104G cockpit folder and and paste in my upgrade pack aircraft/F-104J folder, too
5. that's all folks
I added only a SF-2 F-104_Loadout.tga, made by myself.
Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.6
By paulopanz
SeaHawk F.6 (i.e. F.4 upgraded)
A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
- Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
- Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
- Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
- Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
- Paolo "Paulopanz" (18!) Skins, decals etc. etc.
To Install:
Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.
Northrop 2 seaters for SF2 (Version 2.0)
By FastCargo
Readme for the Northrop 2 seater aircraft.
********************************* Version 2.0 Release ********************************
This release combines all previous Northrop 2 seaters into one package and updates them to Jun 2010 standards. Only aircraft not included is T-38C due to lack of a suitable cockpit. Several enhancements to all aircraft have been added, including available bump mapping, new F-5A cockpit enhancements, various other tweaks and fixes.
Thanks to the following folks:
331KillerBee - For the skins, additional information and hanger/loadout/loading screens, SF2 weapons pack.
ChampionsVA56 - For his early T-38A paint scheme.
Deigo - For his very nice MODusaf pilot skin!
EricJ - Textures, loading screens, readme construction.
JAT81500 - For most of the avionics work on which the Saeqeh avionics are based.
JSF_Aggie - Range addition for the NATIONS.INI.
Jug - Flight evaluation and assistance.
Lexx_Luthor - For the Airshow Smoke effect for the Thunderbird T-38A (borrowed from his missile exhaust effects).
PappyChkSix - For the original skins, which unfortunately were lost when the models were remapped.
Soulfreak - Reference materials.
Sundowner - Tips, advice and help.
The Mirage Factory - For allowing me to use the cockpit, effects, damage textures and sounds from the F-5A and F-5E FM based off of Mirage Factory F-5A and F-5E.
TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
USAFMTL - For beta testing and advice.
Vampyre - Technical assistance.
Wrench - Reference materials.
To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
What you will need first:
Strike Fighters 2/Vietnam/Europe/Israel patched to Jun 2010 standards. This is not for Generation 1 ThirdWire sims.
JSF_Aggie's SF2 Series Range Terrain for the AT-38B single missions.
What is in this archive:
1. This readme (duh!) and the Readme folder.
2. Effects, Objects, Sounds, Flight folder.
3. Alternate Hanger/Loading screens in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens folder.
4. AT-38B missions in the Missions folder.
1. Read and understand this entire readme FIRST!
2. Copy the Effects, Objects, Missions, and Sounds folders to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Allow directory merging and overwrites (anything overwritten either belongs to me, is part of the SF2 Weapons Pack or is the exact same as the Mirage Factory F-5 effects and sounds).
3. Optional step: Copy the 2 files located in the F-5B Vietnam Hanger Screens directory to your mods/Objects/Aircraft/F-5B directory and overwrite.
4. Optional step: Copy the Flight folder to your SF2/V/E/I mod directory. Contains a NATIONS.INI file that changes Iran from Friendly to Enemy and adds the Range nation. If you have a modded NATIONS.INI already, you may want to insert the proper entry by hand. You will NOT need the Range NATIONS.INI.
5. Optional step: Download and install the SF2 Series Range.
6. That's it! You should see the aircraft in your selection screen.
Aircraft Information:
Consult the various readmes included here for specific variant information.
Notes and Limitations:
This uses the 'Open Cockpit' method to place the cockpit model 'inside' the external model. This also allows the ability to add flight controls to the cockpit, which originally didn't have them modeled for the F-5F. Downsides are the that during inclement weather, it will appear 'foggy' inside the cockpit.
Capable of being flown from either seat through editing of the main aircraft ini file. Simply uncomment the lines that have the seat you want to fly in, and comment out the lines with the seats you don't want to fly in. The default is the front seat.
The gunsight is new and part of the aircraft. You will not have a gunsight if you fly without a cockpit. Also, the gunsight has an ability not normally available to ThirdWire aircraft...use your thrust vectoring control to activate it (make sure your thrust vectoring control is in the neutral position before you start the mission).
The FM is reasonably 'close' to the real thing...but defaults to being 'fun' vs being 'perfect numbers'. It gives a reasonable impression on how the aircraft actually flies...but don't expect to hit all the 'numbers' perfectly.
This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part. Released IAW the freeware accords at CombatAce.
Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
10 Jul 10
Hawker Sea Hawk Fb.5
By paulopanz
SeaHawk F.5 (i.e. F.3 upgraded)
A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
- Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
- Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
- Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
- Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
_ Paolo "Paulopanz" (2) Skins, decals etc. etc.
To Install:
Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.
Hawker Sea Hawk FGA.4
By paulopanz
SeaHawk F.4
A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
- Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
- Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
- Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
- Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
- Paolo "Paulopanz" (4) Skins, historical decals etc.
To Install:
Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.
Some Suez squadrons, scheduled as FGA.4 equipped, that had (by serial numbers) Fga.6 (800) or were mixed beetween the Fga.4 and Fga.6 (810), I have put on Fga.6.
BTW You can copy the relative folders in F.4 too if You want. They will work fine.
Polish Lisunov Li-2
By Kulbit80
Air Force of the Polish Army (People's Polish Air Force) skin for Lisunov Li-2 by Dev A-Team.
There are two historical numbers and six fictional.
Alternate loading screen included.
Skin based on stock russian skin. Painted and repainted by tavarish Kulbit.
Decals and ini works also.
Put it to main Li-2 directory.
Michal (Mike) Minta
F-104, SF2 Hangar Screen
By Wrench
F-104 Hangar screen for SF2
This is a modification of the stock, SF/Wo* F-104G hangar screen to match the format used in SF2.
It's a rather simple addon, but adds just that little 'something' for you to look at whilst in the Hangar.
These screens can also be used on the CF-104, CF-104_72 and CF-104_76.
(sorry, no screenie!)
As always, full instructions in the enclosed readme. So read it!!!
Have Fun!!
Kevin Stein
Hawker Sea Hawk Fb.3
By paulopanz
SeaHawk F.3
A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
- Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
- Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
- Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
- Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
- Paolo "Paulopanz" (6) Skins (2 Suez), historical decals etc.
To Install:
Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.
Hawker Sea Hawk F.2
By paulopanz
SeaHawk F.2
A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
- Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
- Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
- Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
- Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
- Paolo "Paulopanz" (2) Skins, decals etc.
To Install:
Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.
Hawker Sea Hawk F.1
By paulopanz
SeaHawk F.1 + F.1 Early
A complete SF-2 pack upgrade
- Bunyap for this old but gold plane;
- Hugh "Baffmeister" FM tweakings (see own readme)
- Alex "Spillone104" sound & testings;
- Matteo "Spitwulf" testings;
_ Paolo "Paulopanz" (5) Skins and decals
To Install:
Put all in main mod folder. You need SF-2 Weapon pack.
By Spillone104
Lockheed/Mitsubishi F-104J for SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch standard:
This mod recreate the F-104J version of the Starfighter used by the JASDF as interceptor from 1962 to 1990.
Armament consisted only of Sidewinders missiles for a maximum of 4 and the internal M61A1 20mm gun with 750 rounds.
Natural metal/silver= 201st, 202nd, 203rd, 204th, 205th, 206th, 207th and APW
2 tone light blue camo with sharkmout= 207th Late
Test units with daygloo or red tail= UF-104 and Late test unit
Included there are new silver tip and wing drop tanks and daygloo orange tip tanks.
To open the canopy use Shift+0
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
And add the code lines of the fuel tanks to your WEAPONDATA.INI
Note: You need to have the stock SFP1 F-104G in your install
Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, INI work, flight model, sounds and effects: Spillone104
Texture and decals: Spillone104 (Bobrock templates) and JetZ for serial and squadron decals
Fake Pilot mod: FastCargo
BETA testers: Steve_S, Silverbolt
Special thanks to JetZ for the original F-104J mod on his site.
Thank you all guys!
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy and good flight. :)
Strike Fighters 2 Israel Patch: June 2010
By Fubar512
Strike Fighters 2 Israel Jun 2010
Readme File
Table of Contents
1. Update Notes
2. Troubleshooting
3. Contacting Customer Support
1. Update Notes
This update is for Strike Fighters 2 Israel without the Expansion
Pack 1 installed, either stand-alone or merged to other Strike
Fighters 2 games.
This update contains all the fixes from previous updates, and
it can be applied to any version of the game. Earlier updates
do not need to be applied.
If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the
ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files
you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete
and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run
Previous campaign saved data may not load after an upgrade.
List of changes in this Update include:
Jun 2010
* Mission timing after Alt-N has been further tweaked.
* Campaign front line handles neutral boundary better.
May 2010-B
* Alt-N sometimes causing bombers to not show up on time is fixed.
* Speech subtitle not displaying correctly is fixed.
* Messages not displaying even on Normal or Easy HUD mode is fixed.
* Some campaign crash bugs have been fixed.
* Campaign now ends properly when the player squadron has less than
4 active pilots.
May 2010
Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 Initial Release
Mar 2010
* Radars on early A-4H versions not working is fixed.
* Texture resolution of the cockpit mirror has been increased.
* Terrain objects cast shadows correctly.
* Target friendly keys not working is fixed.
* Aircraft are made eaiser to spin on Hard Flight Model option.
Feb 2010
* Water textures not rendering correctly on some graphics cards
is fixed
* F-4M models missing some detail pieces is fixed.
* Service selection drop down has been added to the Single
Mission screen.
* Save mission button has been added to the Debriefing screen.
* Screenshot sound effect is no longer muted by pausing the game.
* Earlier sub-versions of A-4H, with more limtied weapons options,
are added.
Dec 2009
* Terrain missing tiles on some graphics cards is fixed.
* Sound is now turned off when the game is paused.
* The game not recognizing some display settings as TripleHead2Go
Surround Gaming is fixed.
* HUD flight information window now shows speed in Mach number when
current speed is more than Mach 0.9.
* Support for Force Feedback effects has been added.
* A-7D Squadrons have been added to On Strike Fighters 2 Europe
1979 campaign.
Nov 2009-B
* Speech subtitle is now color coded - red indicates warning against
the player, yellow indicates other speeches to/from player's flight,
and blue indicates all other radio chatter.
* Less messages are displayed when HUD option is set at Hard setting.
* Overcast sky is rendered correctly in cockpit mirror.
* Reduced some graphical artifacts showing on horizon with Effects
setting at Unlimited.
* V-sync is enabled by default in DX10 mode.
* Full-screen anti-alisasing now defaults to a lower-quality (and
better performance) setting.
* Version number displaying incorrectly on the Main Screen is fixed.
Nov 2009
* Runway lights not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* Blackout/redout not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* Maverick view not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* ForceDX9= option to manually fallback to DX9 rendering is added to
the Options.INI.
Oct 2009-B
* Third-party add-on terrain not loading textures is fixed.
* A-4H Ahit (73)'s RWR not working is fixed.
* Ammo weight showing up as 0 lb and ammo drop down being greyed out
on the loadout screen is fixed.
* The View Medal screen displays background JPG correctly.
Oct 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Israel Initial Release
Jun 2009b
* The game occasionally crashing to desktop when running on Windows XP
has been fixed.
* A-10A fuel gauge not working properly is fixed
* Weapons on multiple weapons rack not mounting at correct angle is fixed.
* Harrier's altimeter counter not working properly is fixed.
* Hunter's alitmeter missing the 1000ft needle is fixed.
* Hunter's 1000 RPM needle not moving is fixed.
* Hunter's cockpit missing the light texture .tga is fixed.
* A-10A's pitch control authority has been increased.
* F-100's squadron marking decals not showing correctly is fixed.
* Additonal nation specific skins and decals are included.
Jun 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Europe Initial Release
May 2009b
* Screenshot format can now be selected by editing Options.INI,
supported formats are: BMP, JPG and PNG.
* The installer updates DirectX correctly now.
* Original Strike Fighters 2 missions are no longer listed on Load
Mission Screen unless the game is merged with Strike Fighters 2.
* Fixes problem where the original Strike Fighters 2 would no longer
start on some merged install configuration.
* Later versions of A-7B/C with updated TF-30-P-408 engine are added.
May 2009
* Screenshot format can now be selected by editing Options.INI,
supported formats are: BMP, JPG and PNG.
* The installer updates DirectX correctly now.
* Original Strike Fighters 2 missions are no longer listed on Load
Mission Screen unless the game is merged with Strike Fighters 2.
* Fixes problem where the original Strike Fighters 2 would no longer
start on some merged install configuration.
* Later versions of A-7B/C with updated TF-30-P-408 engine are added.
Apr 2009b
* 3d model for Mk 84 bomb not displaying is fixed.
* F-105D tail hook not being animated is fixed.
* Internal ECM and chaff dispenser are removed from A-7D.
* Damage textures on A-1 not appearing correctly is fixed.
* Serial numbers and squadron decals for A-7D are added.
* A-4F assigned wrong engine data is fixed.
* Bridge spans not aligned in height is fixed.
* Hull number decals not showing up on aircraft carrier is fixed.
* Campaign missions always attacking the same runway is fixed.
* Campaign end screen not displaying correctly is fixed.
* ECM pods are added to default loadout for later model F-4s.
* F-4D (67)'s RWR not displaying correctly is fixed.
* F-4E's radar now have additional range setting of 5 nm.
* Squadron pilots roster screen not showing the number of missions
flown is fixed.
* New updated cockpit model for F-100D is included.
* F-100D is separated into two sub-versions, original (56) and (64)
versions. Original 1956 version lacks centerline pylon and other
armament options.
Apr 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam Initial Release
Feb 2009
* Mach indicator on F-4 cockpits not moving past M1.1 is fixed.
* Joystick settings is less likely to be lost even if the joystick
is unplugged.
* Screenshots are now saved in .JPG format.
* F-4C (67) cockpit air threat indicator always being ON is fixed.
* A-4B and C altimeter not working is fixed.
* Some of the new 3d models for weapons not showing up is fixed.
* Missing Sidewinder rails textures on A-4 is fixed.
* One of the F-4D/E (75)'s decoy dispensers not working is fixed.
* Create New Pilot pop-up dialog now displays correctly.
* F-4E (72) and (75)'s service entry dates have been corrected.
* "Desert Fury" campaign having wrong start dates for USN and
USMC squadrons have been fixed.
* Font sizes have been adjusted to fit better on different resolutions.
* Some of the campaign CTD have been fixed.
* Aircraft prices when playing Mercenary campaign have been adjusted
to better account for small differences in their ECM capabilities.
* Starting weapons supply has been increased for Mercenary campaigns.
* The game no longer searchs for decals outside Decals folder, all
decals must now be placed under Objects\Decals folder.
* A-4 and F-100 drop tanks have been added to the external models
so they use individual texture set.
Dec 2008
Strike Fighters 2 Initial Release
2. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Tips
Before installing the game, please try the following:
- Close all other applications.
- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.
If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,
please try the following solutions:
- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.
- Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:
- Install the latest update for your game from:
- Run scandisk and defragment your drive.
3. Contacting Customer Support
To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please
send an e-mail to:
Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:
· Processor type and speed
· Operating System version
· Memory (RAM)
· DirectX Version
· Video Card type
· Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.
Or visit our forums at
and leave us a message.
For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending
an e-mail to:
Strike Fighters 2 series: June 2010 Patch
By Fubar512
Strike Fighters 2 Jun 2010
Readme File
Table of Contents
1. Update Notes
2. Troubleshooting
3. Contacting Customer Support
1. Update Notes
This udpate is for any install of Strike Fighters 2, Strike
Fighters 2 Vietnam, and Strike Fighters 2 Europe without the
Strike Fighters 2 Israel merged.
This update contains all the fixes from previous updates, and
it can be applied to any version of the game. Earlier updates
do not need to be applied.
If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the
ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files
you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete
and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run
Previous campaign saved data may not load after an upgrade.
List of changes in this Update include:
Jun 2010
* Mission timing after Alt-N has been further tweaked.
* Campaign now ends properly when the player squadron has less than
4 active pilots.
* Texture resolution of the cockpit mirror has been increased.
* Terrain objects cast shadows correctly.
* Target friendly keys not working is fixed.
* Aircraft are made eaiser to spin on Hard Flight Model option.
Feb 2010
* Water textures not rendering correctly on some graphics cards
is fixed
* F-4M models missing some detail pieces is fixed.
* Service selection drop down has been added to the Single
Mission screen.
* Save mission button has been added to the Debriefing screen.
* Screenshot sound effect is no longer muted by pausing the game.
Dec 2009
* Terrain missing tiles on some graphics cards is fixed.
* Sound is now turned off when the game is paused.
* The game not recognizing some display settings as TripleHead2Go
Surround Gaming is fixed.
* HUD flight information window now shows speed in Mach number when
current speed is more than Mach 0.9.
* Support for Force Feedback effects has been added.
* A-7D Squadrons have been added to On Strike Fighters 2 Europe
1979 campaign.
Nov 2009-B
* Speech subtitle is now color coded - red indicates warning against
the player, yellow indicates other speeches to/from player's flight,
and blue indicates all other radio chatter.
* Less messages are displayed when HUD option is set at Hard setting.
* Overcast sky is rendered correctly in cockpit mirror.
* Reduced some graphical artifacts showing on horizon with Effects
setting at Unlimited.
* V-sync is enabled by default in DX10 mode.
* Full-screen anti-alisasing now defaults to a lower-quality (and
better performance) setting.
* Version number displaying incorrectly on the Main Screen is fixed.
Nov 2009
* Runway lights not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* Blackout/redout not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* Maverick view not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* ForceDX9= option to manually fallback to DX9 rendering is added to
the Options.INI.
Oct 2009-B
* Third-party add-on terrain not loading textures is fixed.
* A-4H Ahit (73)'s RWR not working is fixed.
* Ammo weight showing up as 0 lb and ammo drop down being greyed out
on the loadout screen is fixed.
* The View Medal screen displays background JPG correctly.
Oct 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Israel Initial Release
Jun 2009b
* The game occasionally crashing to desktop when running on Windows XP
has been fixed.
* A-10A fuel gauge not working properly is fixed
* Weapons on multiple weapons rack not mounting at correct angle is fixed.
* Harrier's altimeter counter not working properly is fixed.
* Hunter's alitmeter missing the 1000ft needle is fixed.
* Hunter's 1000 RPM needle not moving is fixed.
* Hunter's cockpit missing the light texture .tga is fixed.
* A-10A's pitch control authority has been increased.
* F-100's squadron marking decals not showing correctly is fixed.
* Additonal nation specific skins and decals are included.
Jun 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Europe Initial Release
May 2009b
* Screenshot format can now be selected by editing Options.INI,
supported formats are: BMP, JPG and PNG.
* The installer updates DirectX correctly now.
* Original Strike Fighters 2 missions are no longer listed on Load
Mission Screen unless the game is merged with Strike Fighters 2.
* Fixes problem where the original Strike Fighters 2 would no longer
start on some merged install configuration.
* Later versions of A-7B/C with updated TF-30-P-408 engine are added.
May 2009
* Screenshot format can now be selected by editing Options.INI,
supported formats are: BMP, JPG and PNG.
* The installer updates DirectX correctly now.
* Original Strike Fighters 2 missions are no longer listed on Load
Mission Screen unless the game is merged with Strike Fighters 2.
* Fixes problem where the original Strike Fighters 2 would no longer
start on some merged install configuration.
* Later versions of A-7B/C with updated TF-30-P-408 engine are added.
Apr 2009b
* 3d model for Mk 84 bomb not displaying is fixed.
* F-105D tail hook not being animated is fixed.
* Internal ECM and chaff dispenser are removed from A-7D.
* Damage textures on A-1 not appearing correctly is fixed.
* Serial numbers and squadron decals for A-7D are added.
* A-4F assigned wrong engine data is fixed.
* Bridge spans not aligned in height is fixed.
* Hull number decals not showing up on aircraft carrier is fixed.
* Campaign missions always attacking the same runway is fixed.
* Campaign end screen not displaying correctly is fixed.
* ECM pods are added to default loadout for later model F-4s.
* F-4D (67)'s RWR not displaying correctly is fixed.
* F-4E's radar now have additional range setting of 5 nm.
* Squadron pilots roster screen not showing the number of missions
flown is fixed.
* New updated cockpit model for F-100D is included.
* F-100D is separated into two sub-versions, original (56) and (64)
versions. Original 1956 version lacks centerline pylon and other
armament options.
Apr 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam Initial Release
Feb 2009
* Mach indicator on F-4 cockpits not moving past M1.1 is fixed.
* Joystick settings is less likely to be lost even if the joystick
is unplugged.
* Screenshots are now saved in .JPG format.
* F-4C (67) cockpit air threat indicator always being ON is fixed.
* A-4B and C altimeter not working is fixed.
* Some of the new 3d models for weapons not showing up is fixed.
* Missing Sidewinder rails textures on A-4 is fixed.
* One of the F-4D/E (75)'s decoy dispensers not working is fixed.
* Create New Pilot pop-up dialog now displays correctly.
* F-4E (72) and (75)'s service entry dates have been corrected.
* "Desert Fury" campaign having wrong start dates for USN and
USMC squadrons have been fixed.
* Font sizes have been adjusted to fit better on different resolutions.
* Some of the campaign CTD have been fixed.
* Aircraft prices when playing Mercenary campaign have been adjusted
to better account for small differences in their ECM capabilities.
* Starting weapons supply has been increased for Mercenary campaigns.
* The game no longer searchs for decals outside Decals folder, all
decals must now be placed under Objects\Decals folder.
* A-4 and F-100 drop tanks have been added to the external models
so they use individual texture set.
Dec 2008
Strike Fighters 2 Initial Release
2. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Tips
Before installing the game, please try the following:
- Close all other applications.
- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.
If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,
please try the following solutions:
- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.
- Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:
- Install the latest update for your game from:
- Run scandisk and defragment your drive.
3. Contacting Customer Support
To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please
send an e-mail to:
Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:
· Processor type and speed
· Operating System version
· Memory (RAM)
· DirectX Version
· Video Card type
· Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.
Or visit our forums at
and leave us a message.
For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending
an e-mail to:
Strike Fighters Exp Pack 1: June 2010 Patch
By Fubar512
Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 Jun 2010
Readme File
Table of Contents
1. Update Notes
2. Troubleshooting
3. Contacting Customer Support
1. Update Notes
This update is for Strike Fighters 2 Israel with the Expansion
Pack 1 installed, either stand-alone or merged to other Strike
Fighters 2 games.
This update contains all the fixes from previous updates, and
it can be applied to any version of the game. Earlier updates
do not need to be applied.
If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the
ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files
you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete
and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run
Previous campaign saved data may not load after an upgrade.
List of changes in this Update include:
Jun 2010
* Mission timing after Alt-N has been further tweaked.
* Campaign front line handles neutral boundary better.
May 2010-B
* Game sometimes freezing upon hitting ESC is fixed.
* 50 cal gun, airbrake and flaps sounds play correctly.
* Campaign Meteor and P-51 squadrons start with supplies.
* Syrain bases are no longer targeted in 1956 campaign.
2. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Tips
Before installing the game, please try the following:
- Close all other applications.
- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.
If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,
please try the following solutions:
- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.
- Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:
- Install the latest update for your game from:
- Run scandisk and defragment your drive.
3. Contacting Customer Support
To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please
send an e-mail to:
Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:
· Processor type and speed
· Operating System version
· Memory (RAM)
· DirectX Version
· Video Card type
· Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.
Or visit our forums at
and leave us a message.
For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending
an e-mail to:
skin c-130 & kc-130 Argentina 1982
By torno
modelo repintado del clasico origuinal c-130 hercules de la Fuerza Aerea Argentina,
en este caso tenemos al matriculado TC-65 y el tanquero TC-69.son para la variante C-130A origuinal del simulador y el KC-130, que usa el mismo lod.
repainting of the classic model c-130 hercules origuinal Air Force Argentina,
enrolled in this particular case we have the TC-65 TC-69. the tanker to the variant C-130A origuinal the simulator and the KC-130, which uses the same lod.
Torno (Banidos Team)
Alternate 1986 Red Storm campaign for NATO Fighters 4+ Dec 2009 Patch and Beyond
By Dave
This will add DO's carrier to use with TMF new F-14 Tomcat mod. Also uses Kess's USS Tarawa LHA-1. For that it uses AV-8B DA. I made a Det of VMFA-542 of 4 AV-8B's to be launched from the USS Tarawa.
You can get the Tomcat here.
The LHA and carrier are already in the mod for you. The campaign files have been modified. Just install the F-14 yourself.
To install:
Extract to an empty folder on your desktop. Then drag and drop the files into your SF2:Europe NF4+ install and let it overwrite any and all files. *Caution* if you have a modded squadronlist.lst, back that up as it will overwrite yours.
Only install this if you want carriers ops.
Idea based on Kulbit80's mod in which I used his carrier coordinates.
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