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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. MiG-23MF Poland

      MiG-23MF (Poland) Readme
      MiG-23MF for Poland code 23-11MF
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MF_POL folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar Sapfir-23E
      - ASP-23D gunsight
      - MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-29-300 Engine
      - TP-23 Heat seeker
      in production - 1978 - 36 planes Skin: grey ( 36 historical plane numbers).


         (2 reviews)



    2. What if South African Mirage 5Z

      This is a "what if" skin for a South African Mirage 5
      including :
      skin for the squadron n°2 (The Flying Cheetah's)
      new userlist.ini
      Installation :
      Copy the content of the Mirage 5Z folder in your addons folder.
      Credits :
      TK for the Mirage 5
      PGC for the decals.
      For any comment or question, contact me via C6 or Combatace forums.
      You may use and modify this work, but it must remain free.


         (2 reviews)



    3. MiG-23MF (Bulgaria)

      MiG-23MF (Bulgaria) Readme
      MiG-23MF for Bulgaria code 23-11MF
      Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23MF_BUL folder to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specifications:
      - Max G: 8.5
      - Radar Sapfir-23E
      - ASP-23D gunsight
      - MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
      - Max Loadout 2000Kg
      - R-29-300 Engine
      - TP-23 Heat seeker
      in production - 1978 - 12 planes Skins: grey & camo (plane numbers are historical)


         (3 reviews)



    4. Enhanced Planning/Navigation Maps For NF4+

      These are enhanced planning/navigation maps for NF4+. I corrected Husum airfield icon to better indicate its runway orientation, enhanced the in-flight navigation map for better immersion and stuff.
      1.Unpack the archive and copy both *.BMP files to your Terrains/GermanyCE folder in MOD directorywhere you have NF4+ installed.Overwrite when asked.
      2. Enjoy!
      NF4+ Team!


         (0 reviews)



    5. Enhanced Planning/Navigation Maps For Piecemeal's Desert3 Terrain

      These are enhanced planning/navigation maps for Piecemeal's Desert3 terrain. I've added missing airfields descriptions, missing airfield icons, made all airfield icons indicate N-S runway orientation, enhanced the look of the in-flight moving map for better immersion and stuff.
      1.Unpack the archive and copy all 3 *.BMP files to your Terrains/DESERT3 folder in MOD directory and overwrite files if asked.
      2. Enjoy!


         (0 reviews)



    6. Alphasim_SkyrayFix

      Alphasim Free Skyray texture fix SF/WOV/WOE Patched 10/08
      The Mod Fixes some of the texture bugs in the Alphasim Free Skyray.
      To install: Unzip the Alphasim_SkyrayFix.Zip and copy the texture files to the correct folders.
      First copy the 2 textures from the Add_Cockpit folder to the Cockpit folder(overwright,Say Yes) then copy the
      8 textures from the Add_USNGray1 folder to the USNGray1 folder.
      Go Fly!
      Fixes :
      Addes textures to the external cockpit and jet exhaust.
      UnPainted surfaces in the external cockpit are unmaped.
      If you want to deleat all the unneeded files see full Readme.
      Credits- Model Alphasim


         (0 reviews)



    7. Updated Default SF2 Terrain by Piecemeal V 1.2

      SF2 has always been my favourite of all the platforms; and after downloading and using the various terrain mods for SF2E and SF2V with hungry anticipation I decided to HEAVILY modify the stock Desert terrain with more than enough of eye candy.
      Without giving too much away, the geographical story is now as follows:
      *As well as Dhimar amd Paran, I've added Sharnak from baffmeister's Desert 2 terrain (my inspiration for this), now a colony which is known as the British Protectorate of Sharnak. RAF squadrons are permanently based there. A couple of other bases, border posts and the like have also been added from Desert 2
      *I always thought that D9 and D10 airfields were always a little too close to the border. They've now been moved to the Dhimari 'wastelands' which you'll see on the centre left side of the enclosed planning map
      *About ten SAM sites have been added to various locations on Dhimar and the amount of SAM sites across Paran has been hugely increased, the biggest increase being Paran's capital city of Kurzah; which in SAM site and Flak battery terms is now more like Hanoi during the Vietnam War.
      *Ships, cranes, oil tanks, warehouses and the like have been added to ports on both sides. Now the capital cities of Muthala and Kurzah, have extensive docklands. Other coastal towns have at least one docking area for shipping.
      *(15TH AUG 2010): Inspired by JSF Aggie's SF2 Range terrain, all airfields on both sides have been extensively facelifted and given a new lease of life by re-populating them with huge amounts of groundobjects, both new and old. They now look a lot more like real life airfields instead of that deserted 'Chernobyl International Airport' look in the default airfields. All airfields have also been re-catagorised into two different groups; 'Red' and 'Blue'. For example, a Dhimari DESERT_AIRFIELD4 will now be 'BLUE_AIRFIELD4' and a Parani one will now be 'RED_AIRFIELD4'. New trucks have been added as default groundobjects so they'll have to be downloaded elsewhere on the site (see 'Installation' for details).
      Simply unzip the FILE and put the enclosed 'DESERT3' folder into your Terrain folder.
      Important Note: If you don't already have these, you should download them from the SF1 downloads section, otherwise they won't show up:
      *SAMs & Vehicles Pack with Desert Skins by Pasko.
      *Soviet Transport Pack by Kesselbrut.
      *M109A6 Paladin by rebel ryder.
      *'Camiones Argentinos' truck models by Banidos Team & Suicidal (the default 'USTruck' models have been totally replaced by these, so downloading these trucks is definitely a MUST or there'll be no trucks anywhere in Dhimar!!)
      *Factory Target Area, Tactical Control Centre, HeadquartersR1 and Tower H1 by Wingwiner
      *Enhanced Top Cloud Layer BMPs and PECCO Crane model by Fubar512
      *Radar Facility by Grumpapotamus
      *Railway Station by Gepard
      *Generic Hangars pack by Stary
      *Desert Factories mod by Wrench
      *Borrowed Items from Wrench's Libya Terrain :
      Tree model
      Round Tents
      Barbed Wire
      Russian Freighter
      Oil Refinery target area
      Static Helicopters
      Rotten Trawlers
      Libyan Koni Class Frigate (Now Parani)
      *Borrowed Items From Falklands Mod :
      Stanley Tower
      Atlantic Causway and Atlantic Conveyor
      Canberra Liner
      Argentine Tugboat (now a Parani Patrolboat)
      ARA Belgrano (now a Dhimari Flagship)
      Baltic & Nordic Ferries
      Type 1 & 2 Trawlers (including rotten models)
      Type 12 Frigate
      Type 42 Destroyer
      Rapier SAM launcher & Rapier Generator
      20mm RH-202 & 35mm Oerlikon AAA units
      Crane 2 object and Jetties
      All Land Rover type vehicles
      *Borrowed Items From Desert Storm Mod :
      Terrain and sea tiles
      Various target areas such as Oil Refineries, Scud Sites and Firebases
      Satellite and Radio Antennas
      D-20 artillery pieces
      Sandbag walls
      Ammo boxes
      Nuclear Plant
      *Borrowed Items From SF2 Range Terrain :
      Forklift and ShelterZU by Amokfloo
      Firetrucks by Ravenclaw
      FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock and SunShelter by Pureblue
      Static Chinook model by Banidos Team
      Tools by Polak
      Thanks to the creators of all the above mods.
      NOTE: If I've forgotten anybody please get in touch so I can give you the credit you deserve!
      Thanks to Deuces for his editing of some DS terrain tiles.
      Special thanks to Dave for his encouragement and assistance. The project wouldn't have been taken to this level only for him pointing me towards the right people.
      If you have any queries or problems please don't hesitate to send me a message.
      15th August, 2010


         (6 reviews)

      1 comment


    8. MiG-23BN (WP)

      MiG-23BN EURO pack (WP skins & decal numbers pack for MiG-23BN).
      skins is semi-historical, plane numbers is historical correct
      Model based on MiG-27 model by Wpnssgt sound by Spilione104
      This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please intall it first.
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
      http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
      To Install:
      - unpack Archive in temporary folder
      - copy MiG-23BN_** folders to Aicraft folder.
      - copy Sounds to sound folder
      Plane specification:
      - Max G: 7.0
      - MiG-23BN can use R-3S/R-13M, Kh-23
      - R-29B-300 Engine
      - 'Fon' Laser Range meter.
      - KN-23 navigation complex (same as Su-17M2)
      - ASP-17B gunsight
      - Sokol-23N Targeting system
      - DISS-7 control System
      - Delta-NM {Kh-23 control pod}
      MiG-23BN versions on pack:
      - MiG-23BN Soviet & WP Export in production 1974-84 (With ECM & KH-23 Support)
      624 MiG-23BN were producted in 1973-1984, but only ~70 for VVS, last soviet MiG-23BN Retired in 1988.


         (1 review)



    9. Portugeese "Gina" R3

      This is repaints of stock erikgen's Portugeese skin for his G.91R3. Now it has correct colours circa 1980.
      Credits goes to ERIKGEN.


         (1 review)



    10. Canberra B.2 Prototype & WGAF 2-Pack

      Two skins pack for Canberra B.2 by ajunaidr (Ahmed Juaid Raza), updated for SF 2 series by MigBuster and Spinners.
      First one is blue Canberra Prototype and second one is WGAF orange.
      Based on skin from Wings Over Timor (i think by Gramps).
      Decals and ini works by Soulfreak and me.
      Michal Minta


         (0 reviews)



    11. Fiat Cr.42CN Sicily 1942

      Fiat CR.42CN - Falco
      (Caccia Notturna - night fighter)
      377 Squadriglia Autonoma, Palermo-Boccadifalco, Winter 1942
      This squadron used the all black Cr.42 both as a night fighter and for anti-submarine patrols. The unit's most effective pilot was Tenente Luigi Torchio - 5 air victories
      Hopefully fixed.


         (0 reviews)



    12. Mig_15_Hangar

      by:dczone and http://bbs.dof.cn
      just browsing through a Chinese third-wire fan Sim site and seeing what i can get my hands on for you guys/gals , very little to go by but okay, also language barrier.


         (0 reviews)



    13. F_86F_Hanger

      by:dczone and http://bbs.dof.cn
      just browsing through a Chinese third-wire fan Sim site and seeing what i can get my hands on for you guys/gals , very little to go by but okay, also language barrier.


         (0 reviews)



    14. What if Spanish Mirage 5F

      This is a "what if" skin for a Spanish Mirage 5 inspired by Macelena's Mirage IIIEE.
      Installation :
      Copy the content of the Mirage 5E folder in your addons folder.
      Credits :
      TK for the game and the Mirage 5F
      Macelena for the decals of the ALA n°11
      Thanks to Stratos for his help.
      For any comment or question, contact me via C6 or Combatace forums.
      You may use and modify this work, but it must remain free.


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      1 comment


    15. Egyptian Air Force F-16 block 40

      The Egyptian Air Force operates 220 F-16s, making it the 4th largest F-16 operator in the world. The F-16 is the EAF's primary frontline aircraft, and is used for both air defence and ground attack.
      In June of 1990, Egypt signed an order for 35 block 40 F-16C's and 12 Block 40 F-16D's, powered by the General Electric F110 turbofan. This order was under Peace Vector III, and these planes were intended to equip two squadrons as well as to make up for attrition. The first Peace Vector III F-16s were delivered to Egypt in October of 1991.
      By 1997, all Egyptian F-16 aircraft were (or were being) modified to block 42 standard (see 'Modifications'). Since Egyptian Air Force F-16s were acquired under Foreign Military Sales, they carry USAF serial numbers for administrative purpose. In service, they carry a four-digit EAF serial number on their vertical tails.
      ++This Mod adds the F-16C block 40 for the Egyptian Air Force in WOI...
      Aircraft Armament:
      ++Air-to-Air: AIM-9P,M Sidewinder-- AIM-7F,M Sparrow
      ++Air-to-Ground: Mk.82,83,84 bombs--Mk.20 Rockeye II--M260/261 Rocket pods--AGM-65B,D Maverick--GBU-10,12 Paveway II--CBU-24B cluster bomb
      ++Aircraft is also equipped with LANTIRN navigation and targetting pods
      Installation instructions:
      1-Unzip file
      2-Copy contents to the specified folders (the folder named AAQ-14 goes to the weapons folder)
      3-Copy the contents of (weapons.txt) to the (WEAPONDATA.INI) File, don't forget about the weapons editor
      Ok, just to make things clear... All I've done here was putting together the work of other people, so the credit should go to them
      ++LloydNB , EAF skin for the F-16
      ++eankhilous, I used the Turkish F-16C made by him


         (4 reviews)



    16. M-113 A-2 EA

      M-113-A2 Ejercito Argentino (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART
      Thank you very much to Steve S for the excellent 3D-Model of Browning M2
      3D Model: SUICIDAL
      Photo Realistic Skins: SUICIDAL
      To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
      GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    17. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 Royal Netherlands Air Force (fictional)

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Erwin Welker's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    18. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 Royal Hellenic Air Force late scheme

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Manuele Villa's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    19. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 Royal Hellenic Air Force early scheme

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Manuele Villa's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    20. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 Norwegian Airforce Skinpack, 9 April 1940

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission. Morton also prepared the enclosed .pdf detailing the exploits of these Gladiators on 9 April 1940.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    21. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 Finnish Air Force Winter scheme

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    22. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 1/LeLv 16 Finnish Air Force 1942

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Jindrich Barta's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    23. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 263 Sqn, Norway 1940

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    24. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 80 Sqn, Greece 1940

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)



    25. Gloster Gladiator Mk2 80 Sqn, Egypt 1940

      Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator skins readme
      These skins are for the Gloster Gladiator MkI, MkII and Sea Gladiator aircraft released by the SFP1 Dev A-Team. The aircraft may be downloaded from the Dev A Team website at http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin.
      All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Gladiator (or Gladiator1 or SeaGladiator as appropriate) folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff.
      Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Gladiators for SF\WOV\WOE, Thicko for the original Gladiators, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with.
      This skin is based on Morton's excellent textures and converted with his kind permission.
      Enjoy, and good hunting.
      ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks


         (0 reviews)




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