Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
Stryker M-1134 ATGM
Stryker M-1134 ATGM (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART
thank you very much to my great friend.Tercera Escuadrilla
For the Excellent 3D-model of BGM 71 Tow
Also many thanks for the help of my friend EricJ.
Original 3D model and skin, taken from my Blog.
Used under license GNU
To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
You also have to put the WeaponData in the corresponding INI.
-This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
future projects as long as proper credit is given..
MiG-17PF camo skins (WOI)
By ekek
Here are 3 camo skins for Spillone104's great MiG-17PF mod.
I used the same basic WOI stock skin for all of the skins because the mod allows only one skin to be used at a time (because of the new nose addition).
Luckily, Arab air-forces use similar camo patterns so it's not a big deal.
Included are an Egyptian, Iraqi and Syrian skins.
Drop the files in the right folders and it should work great (tested on WOI). Overwrite files if necessary.
Have fun!!!
Stryker M-1113 CV
Stryker M-1113 CV (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART
Original 3D model and skin, taken from my Blog.
Used under license GNU
To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
-This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
future projects as long as proper credit is given..
MiG-23UB decals pack
By lindr2
MiG-23UB decals pack
Historical correct plane numbers & S/N
Romania - 8 planes
Poland - 6 planes
Hungary - 4 planes
Cuba - 8 planes
CzSSR - 10 planes
Bulgaria - 15 planes
M38JEEP-Bombtrailer Repaints
By Badfrank
Repaints of the Stock Skins for the Bombtrailer (in Yellow) and M38Jeep (Yellow + Red)
Use at own Risk, should work with all Versions of the Games
By Badfrank
Made in Germany 2010
To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
You also have to put the GunData in the corresponding INI.
-This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
future projects as long as proper credit is given..
Fictional SeaHawk F1 Flotille 14F Suez
By Soulfreak
Fictional Hawker Sea Hawk France Aeronavalle 14 Flotille F Suez
This skin is for the SeaHawkF_1 originally done by Bunyap, converted for SF2 by HGBN
This MOD will only work in Gen 2 Sims
Skin is done with the templates from Bunyap.
I painted it, caused of a request by Stratos.
In General, I´m not a friend of these fictional things!!!!
You have to read the readme.txt!!!
this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement
I hope you´ll like this fictional skin.
Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
Schapen, 9th of June 2010
SFP2 Israeli-modified Super Mystere Cockpit
By ordway
New SFP2 Israeli-modified Dassault Super
Mystere B.2 Early-Mid life cockpit for Wings Over
Israel2 (I could not get the SFP1 version to work
in SFP2 and had to start over again with SFP2).
Gages have been moved, eliminated and added. Bitmaps were added.
Color photos and cockpit diagrams of the Super Mystere were used as reference.
You need the Wings over Israel 2 for the
Dassault SMB2 Super Mystere.
Originally inspired by CA_Stary (photo-realistic
early to mid life additions added by Richard
version 1.0
June 07, 2010
You NEED SFP2 Israel and a previous SFP2 addon (with the F-100D Super Sabre) such as SFP2, WOV2, WOE2, to use it!
3D .LOD files not included!
CA_Stary for all his hard work to make the
brilliant basic Super Mystere B.2. in
Thanks to Frank Safrenek and Michel Gerard of
Mirage Aircraft of for pics of
the Mystere IVA and Ouragan-many of which
carry over to the Super Mystere.
TK for Wings Over Israel2 and a bitmap image of
a Meteor battery gage.
Lexx_Luthor for his "Generic Cockpits:
applications to strategic air warfare" at Thirdwire
forums and cockpits MOVE editing discoveries.
Really great stuff there!
Wrench, for his tutorial about adding F-100D
cockpit to unflyable WOI 1 planes.
And suggestions to use Hun's pit in Super Mystere.
This is a modification of Thirdwire F-100D sfp2
cockpit to represent the Dassault Super Mystere
B.2 Early-Mid life cockpit.
The 3D F-100D base cockpit is NOT included! If you have any previous merged SFP2 installs,
you can just add the contents of this download to the Super Mystere folder and it should work.
If you have only the SFP2 Israel alone, then you need to extract the F-100 contents and add it to the
Super Mystere folder. It's two
minutes work anyway.
CAT File Extract Utility can be found at:
Included are ini files and all repainted textures.
1. Extract the archive to your C:
MydocumentsThirdwireWings Over
Israel2ObjectsAircraftSuperMystereB2 folder
2. Using the CAT File Extract Utility extract from
SFP2 the F-100D_PIT.LOD...and all the
other F-100 files if you want.
More precisely, from "" found in
directory extract the file:
-this file is the geometry of the Super Sabre
cockpit. It's core file and cannot be redistributed.
3. Copy this file into C:
MydocumentsThirdwireWings Over
4.That's it. Nothing more needed. Go flying!
The Dassault SMB2 Super Mystere was the
basic equivalent of the North American F-100
Super Sabre except smaller and much less powerful. It saw much air-air combat and gave
stellar value to Israel.
Over Saykal, the Israeli Super Mysteres
encountered a pair of Syrian MiG-21s and
although outclassed by the MiGs, shot both of
them down.
By the end of the first day of 1967 Six Days War
hositilities, Super Mysteres had destroyed 5
aircraft in the air.
In 1975, Israel sold 12 complete airframes and 6
sets of spares to Honduras. The aircraft were
involved in numerous border skirmishes with
Nicaragua and were finally withdrawn from
service in 1996.
Tactics: The Super Mystere has almost the same
thrust/weight t/w ratio as the F-100. It has a
noticeably lower wing loading than the F-100 so
can out turn it all other things being equal. It can't
climb as fast as the F-100-(Mike Spick, Illustrated
Directory of Fighters). Against the Mig-19 and
Mig-21 and MiG 23, try to out turn them.
Against the Vampire, Meteor, Mig-15, Mig-17 try
to do vertical yo yos while turning.
Legal stuff:
You can do whatever you want with this, as long as you don't include it in any payware package.
Giving us credits would be fine.
Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway
Przemek "CA_Stary" Starkiewiczfor Wings Over
Mustang MkIV, Royal Air Force, 1944-45
By ndicki
Mustang MkIV, Royal Air Force, 1945
These will add a specific version of the P-51D included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers and correct markings for Mustang MkIV aircraft of the RAF in early 1945. Admittedly, few RAF Mustangs remained unpainted, but there were some! The squadrons represented served in North-West Europe and in the Mediterranean area.
This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.
Mustang MkIV, 5 Sqn SAAF
By ndicki
Mustang MkIV, No. 5 Squadron, South African Air Force, Italy 1945
These will add a specific version of the P-51D included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers and correct markings for Mustang MkIV aircraft of the SAAF in Italy in early 1945.
This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.
F-51D, Republic of Korea Air Force, 1950s
By ndicki
F-51D, Republic of Korea Air Force
These will add a specific version of the P-51D included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers and correct markings for F-51D aircraft of the Republic of Korea Air Force, early 1950s.
This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.
VMF-312 "Day's Knights" Squadron Skin For Wolf's F4U-1 Corsair For SP1/WO* PTO Installs.
Assigned to Marine Aircraft Group 11 on June 25, 1944, the squadron was transported to Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, where they received 24 Corsairs. VMF-312's first combat action came on April 12, 1945 during the Battle of Okinawa as part of Marine Aircraft Group 33 (MAG-33), when four squadron aircraft intercepted 20 Japanese Zeros and achieved eight kills without a loss
To install: Just unzip and drop the VMF-312 Folder and the new Loadout.bmp into your F4U-1 folder, Go fly.
F4U-1 - WOLF (WWII Aircraft pack).
Original Readme included.
US Insignia tga - Unkown Thankyou.
See included readme for more infomation.
F4u-1c VF-85
VF-85 Squadron Skin For Wolf's F4U-1C Corsair For SP1/WO* WWII PTO Installs.
VF-85: F4U-1Cs were flown by a small number of units in the Pacific, including VF-85 off the USS Shangri-La from the spring of 1945 until the end of the war.
To install: Just unzip the VF-85 Folder and drop it into your F4U-1C folder and Go fly.
See inclosed Readme for more details and notes,credits.
Small mistake, Delete "numbers,LST" file From VF_85 folder to stop tail number no shows.
Mitsubishi F1M "Pete"
By JimBeamer5
I needed a Pete for a scenario I'm running, there didn't seem to be one available, so here is The A-Team Ar-95 re-done as the Mitsubishi F1M "Pete". You'll need the original LOD from the Ar-95 package, I'm sure you've done the install dance with lots of aircraft before, I won't repeat it here.
Credits as in the orginal readme (enclosed, thanks A-Team), with the following exceptions:
Skin by me, based on the original by Pappychksix
Loading & Hangar screens by me.
This was done quickly as I needed it right away, shouldn't be any issues. If they're are, it's only supposed to be a target but the original is fully flyable, so this will be too (complete with original German cockpit).
6 June 2010
As freeware you can use this mod however you wish.
Battletech: Clan Paintscheme Pack
Clan Pack
coppy paint scheems inside forlder to....
/program files/Wings over Veitnam/Objecs/Talon
have fun!
F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits
By NeverEnough
F-84F ThirdWire SF2 Tweaks and Bits 06-04-10
F-86F Cockpit by Zurawski
Early 1960's French Pilot by Corktip 14, based on Diego's USAF Korean War pilot.
Martin Baker Mk3 Ejection Seat by ravenclaw_007
F-84f Hangar Screen from the Mirage Factory F-84F Package
F-84F Loadout tga by Paulopanz
F-84F Data.INI tweaks and F-84F Loading Screens by NeverEnough
The Thirdwire F-84F model is very nicely done for an AI only model, and can be easily finished into a real fine ride.
The latest version included in the SF2 Expansion Pack did not have the flap deploy and retract settings in the Data.ini, so these have been
added in this tweaked Data.ini. The taillight was located about six feet behind the aircraft, and the navigation lights on each side of the tail
are modeled but have no entries in the stock Data.ini. The tailight location was corrected and the tail navigation lights are added in the included
Data.ini. The front landing light has also been added, and SHIFT 0 will open and close the cockpit canopy.
The early 1960's French pilot is a nice addition, and he looks great sitting in ravenclaw_007's beautiful new Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat.
The new loading screen is a French F-84F with Suez campaign stripes, which looks especially fitting when used with Paulopanz's Suez SuperPack skins!
An alternate loading screen of a beautifully restored Italian F-84F is also included for a SF2E installation.
Give this kite a test drive, and discover what a treat it is. Be sure to include Paulopanz's Suez skins, and you will be looking good.
Installation notes:
Simply copy the contents of the included Objects folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 Israel, Mods\StrikeFighters2 Exp1, or Mods\StrikeFighters2 Europe folder.
To use the Italian F-84F Loading Screen, change the line in the F-84F.INI as shown below:
AircraftFullName=F-84F Thunderstreak
Loadingscreen=F84F_Loading.bmp <<<<<<<< Change this to F-84F_Loading.bmp
4 weapons pack
By wingwiner
I have build a 4 new weapons models. ALL OF THEM ARE FICTIONAL. All files have txt file with properties you must add to WEAPONDATA INI fle. Change all effects because these are my own. Notice that the bombs have animated wings so dont forget to add properies to weapondata.
MiG-17PF/PFU Pack
By Spillone104
Mikoyan I Gurevic MiG-17PF/PFU Mod for SFP-1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch
In this pack there are:
3 aircraft:
MiG-17PF SP-7 = Initial production version of the PF model whith the Izumrud-5 radar and 3 NR-23 cannons
MiG-17PF SP-8 = This version introduced the Izumrud-2 radar with better range.
MiG-17PFU = The PFU eliminated the guns in favour of 4 RS-1U (AA-1 Alkali) missiles.
2 missiles:
New droptanks
And real Klimov VK-1F sound recorded from a MiG-17.
These MiGs were heavier than the standard F model because of the radar equipment so the performances are somewhat lower.
The PFU variant have to be used only when facing bombers as the missiles have very limited spectrum of operation and are unreliable. So no dogfight with this. ;)
To open the canopy simply use Shift+0 .
If anyone want to change or do other nose colors there is a .psd template in the "MiG-17PF_SP-7_mod" folder.
Installation instructions:
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
And add the code lines of the weapons and tank to your WEAPONDATA.INI
Spillone104: Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, Weapons, INI work, flight model and sounds.
Paulopanz and Soulfreak: Texture and decals for the LSK, CVL and Polish skins.
Paladrian,MAGO, BADGER the BAD and Gepard: MiG-21PFM cockpit and modification.
FastCargo: Fake pilot.
BETA Testers: Canadair, Muesli, Spitwulf and Paulopanz.
Thanks to Svetlinnh to let me notice the lack of pylon on the original TW MiG-17 droptanks ;)
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Have a nice flight and landing :D
Alex (Spillone104)
EAF Harvard
By LloydNB
Egyptian Air Force 1956
This is a set of decals and a repaint of the HarvardIIB_IDF by Rob "Bunyap" McCray. The original Harvard skin by Pappychksix. All credit for the rest of the skin goes to him.
Elements of this skin come from the Harvard/Texan by Alphasim for Flight Simulator X (base textures by Frank Safranek) and a re-paint by Henry William.
CsAF skin for Avia S-199
By Kulbit80
This is Czechoslovakian Air Force skin for great Avia S-199 by ID(io)T team.
Based on Israeli skin by Alex with some repaints by me. Eight real fuselage numbers.
Decals by me. (I haven't found s/n so there isn't any)
Also added fuel tank (Tank_300_LTR_109) with my skin similar to aircraft colour.
WeaponData entry inside archive.
Tested on WOE.
Drop Green CsAF folder into main S-199 folder.
Updated 04.06.2010
!!!You need ID(io)T Team Avia S-199 Lod Fix by Spillone104 for decals work properly!!!
Michal Minta
By paulopanz
- historical numbers and skin
- bonus SF2 Mig-17PF loadout immage Tga
To Install:
all in Your main mod folder
for loadout immage:
LoadoutImage=MIG-17PF_loadout.tga <---- change this
VF-62 'Boomerangs', CVW-10 (1965) for the Mirage Factory F-8E
By Gocad
VF-62 'Boomerangs', CVW-10 (1965) for the Mirage Factory F-8E
Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys!
Installation instructions
Extract the contents of the rar file named '62_65' into a TEMP folder.
Read the text file for further instructions.
Legal stuff
1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms.
2. You must give proper credit in your readme file.
3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod.
VMF-333 'Shamrocks' (1963) skin for the Mirage Factory F-8C
By Gocad
VMF-333 'Shamrocks' (1963) skin for the Mirage Factory F-8C
Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys!
Installation instructions
Extract the contents of the rar file named 'SR_63' into a TEMP folder.
Read the text file for further instructions.
Legal stuff
1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms.
2. You must give proper credit in your readme file.
3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod.
ID(io)T Team Avia S-199 Lod Fix
By Spillone104
This is a fix for the ID(io)T Team Avia S-199
As Reported by Kulbit80 the lod had some issues with the decals in some places.
So here is the fixed lod.
Inside there are 5 files:
Put all these files inside the S-199 folder and replace the older ones.
Happy flight.
Strike Fighters 2: Israel May 2010-B
By Dave
Strike Fighters 2 May 2010-B
Readme File
Table of Contents
1. Update Notes
2. Troubleshooting
3. Contacting Customer Support
1. Update Notes
This update is for Strike Fighters 2 Israel, either stand-alone or
merged to other Strike Fighters 2 games.
This update contains all the fixes from previous updates, and it can
be applied to any version of the game. Earlier updates do not need
to be applied.
If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the
ChangeList.txt for a list of updated files. If any data files
you've extracted have been changed, you must manually delete
and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run
Previous campaign saved data may not load after an upgrade.
List of changes in this Update include:
May 2010-B
* Alt-N sometimes causing bombers to not show up on time is fixed.
* Speech subtitle not displaying correctly is fixed.
* Messages not displaying even on Normal or Easy HUD mode is fixed.
* Some campaign crash bugs have been fixed.
* Campaign now ends properly when the player squadron has less than
4 active pilots.
May 2010
Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 Initial Release
Mar 2010
* Radars on early A-4H versions not working is fixed.
* Texture resolution of the cockpit mirror has been increased.
* Terrain objects cast shadows correctly.
* Target friendly keys not working is fixed.
* Aircraft are made eaiser to spin on Hard Flight Model option.
Feb 2010
* Water textures not rendering correctly on some graphics cards
is fixed
* F-4M models missing some detail pieces is fixed.
* Service selection drop down has been added to the Single
Mission screen.
* Save mission button has been added to the Debriefing screen.
* Screenshot sound effect is no longer muted by pausing the game.
* Earlier sub-versions of A-4H, with more limtied weapons options,
are added.
Dec 2009
* Terrain missing tiles on some graphics cards is fixed.
* Sound is now turned off when the game is paused.
* The game not recognizing some display settings as TripleHead2Go
Surround Gaming is fixed.
* HUD flight information window now shows speed in Mach number when
current speed is more than Mach 0.9.
* Support for Force Feedback effects has been added.
* A-7D Squadrons have been added to On Strike Fighters 2 Europe
1979 campaign.
Nov 2009-B
* Speech subtitle is now color coded - red indicates warning against
the player, yellow indicates other speeches to/from player's flight,
and blue indicates all other radio chatter.
* Less messages are displayed when HUD option is set at Hard setting.
* Overcast sky is rendered correctly in cockpit mirror.
* Reduced some graphical artifacts showing on horizon with Effects
setting at Unlimited.
* V-sync is enabled by default in DX10 mode.
* Full-screen anti-alisasing now defaults to a lower-quality (and
better performance) setting.
* Version number displaying incorrectly on the Main Screen is fixed.
Nov 2009
* Runway lights not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* Blackout/redout not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* Maverick view not working when using DX10 shader is fixed.
* ForceDX9= option to manually fallback to DX9 rendering is added to
the Options.INI.
Oct 2009-B
* Third-party add-on terrain not loading textures is fixed.
* A-4H Ahit (73)'s RWR not working is fixed.
* Ammo weight showing up as 0 lb and ammo drop down being greyed out
on the loadout screen is fixed.
* The View Medal screen displays background JPG correctly.
Oct 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Israel Initial Release
Jun 2009b
* The game occasionally crashing to desktop when running on Windows XP
has been fixed.
* A-10A fuel gauge not working properly is fixed
* Weapons on multiple weapons rack not mounting at correct angle is fixed.
* Harrier's altimeter counter not working properly is fixed.
* Hunter's alitmeter missing the 1000ft needle is fixed.
* Hunter's 1000 RPM needle not moving is fixed.
* Hunter's cockpit missing the light texture .tga is fixed.
* A-10A's pitch control authority has been increased.
* F-100's squadron marking decals not showing correctly is fixed.
* Additonal nation specific skins and decals are included.
Jun 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Europe Initial Release
May 2009b
* Screenshot format can now be selected by editing Options.INI,
supported formats are: BMP, JPG and PNG.
* The installer updates DirectX correctly now.
* Original Strike Fighters 2 missions are no longer listed on Load
Mission Screen unless the game is merged with Strike Fighters 2.
* Fixes problem where the original Strike Fighters 2 would no longer
start on some merged install configuration.
* Later versions of A-7B/C with updated TF-30-P-408 engine are added.
May 2009
* Screenshot format can now be selected by editing Options.INI,
supported formats are: BMP, JPG and PNG.
* The installer updates DirectX correctly now.
* Original Strike Fighters 2 missions are no longer listed on Load
Mission Screen unless the game is merged with Strike Fighters 2.
* Fixes problem where the original Strike Fighters 2 would no longer
start on some merged install configuration.
* Later versions of A-7B/C with updated TF-30-P-408 engine are added.
Apr 2009b
* 3d model for Mk 84 bomb not displaying is fixed.
* F-105D tail hook not being animated is fixed.
* Internal ECM and chaff dispenser are removed from A-7D.
* Damage textures on A-1 not appearing correctly is fixed.
* Serial numbers and squadron decals for A-7D are added.
* A-4F assigned wrong engine data is fixed.
* Bridge spans not aligned in height is fixed.
* Hull number decals not showing up on aircraft carrier is fixed.
* Campaign missions always attacking the same runway is fixed.
* Campaign end screen not displaying correctly is fixed.
* ECM pods are added to default loadout for later model F-4s.
* F-4D (67)'s RWR not displaying correctly is fixed.
* F-4E's radar now have additional range setting of 5 nm.
* Squadron pilots roster screen not showing the number of missions
flown is fixed.
* New updated cockpit model for F-100D is included.
* F-100D is separated into two sub-versions, original (56) and (64)
versions. Original 1956 version lacks centerline pylon and other
armament options.
Apr 2009
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam Initial Release
Feb 2009
* Mach indicator on F-4 cockpits not moving past M1.1 is fixed.
* Joystick settings is less likely to be lost even if the joystick
is unplugged.
* Screenshots are now saved in .JPG format.
* F-4C (67) cockpit air threat indicator always being ON is fixed.
* A-4B and C altimeter not working is fixed.
* Some of the new 3d models for weapons not showing up is fixed.
* Missing Sidewinder rails textures on A-4 is fixed.
* One of the F-4D/E (75)'s decoy dispensers not working is fixed.
* Create New Pilot pop-up dialog now displays correctly.
* F-4E (72) and (75)'s service entry dates have been corrected.
* "Desert Fury" campaign having wrong start dates for USN and
USMC squadrons have been fixed.
* Font sizes have been adjusted to fit better on different resolutions.
* Some of the campaign CTD have been fixed.
* Aircraft prices when playing Mercenary campaign have been adjusted
to better account for small differences in their ECM capabilities.
* Starting weapons supply has been increased for Mercenary campaigns.
* The game no longer searchs for decals outside Decals folder, all
decals must now be placed under Objects\Decals folder.
* A-4 and F-100 drop tanks have been added to the external models
so they use individual texture set.
Dec 2008
Strike Fighters 2 Initial Release
2. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Tips
Before installing the game, please try the following:
- Close all other applications.
- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.
If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,
please try the following solutions:
- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.
- Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:
- Install the latest update for your game from:
- Run scandisk and defragment your drive.
3. Contacting Customer Support
To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please
send an e-mail to:
Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:
· Processor type and speed
· Operating System version
· Memory (RAM)
· DirectX Version
· Video Card type
· Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.
Or visit our forums at
and leave us a message.
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