- SF/WO* Aircraft Skins
- SF/WO* Add-On Aircraft
- SF/WO* Add-On Cockpits
- SF/WO* Weapons Mods/Skins
- SF/WO* Sound Mods
- SF/WO* Object Mods
- SF/WO* Add-On Ships
- SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns
- SF/WO* Maps/Terrain Mods
- SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
- SF/WO* Utilities/Editors
- SF/WO* Joystick Config Files
- SF/WO* Patches
- SF1 DAT Mods
F-110A 'Wraith' Package
By Wrench
F-110A "Wraith" Mod Pak for SF/WoV/WoE
A "What If..." Cold War Aircraft
First of all, I have to extend a great deal of thanks to BadFrank from the CombatAce message boards, as this entire thing was his idea!! He's also the person that found the mesh names for the rear canopy for me to get the decal on (it's also his decal, I just repainted it).
What we have here is a mod of the F-4B creating a single-seat version of the Phantom. This version is designed for US Air Force use, as a long-range missile armed interceptor, along the lines of the F-102, F-106 and even it's older brother, the F-101A Voodoo. This aircraft has NO air-to-ground capabilities, in keeping with it's role as a continential air defense interceptor.
A gun pod (SUU-16) can be loaded as they become available (later service year dates)
All items used, excepting the new weapons, are stock 3rd Wire, and are readily available in each of the varying versions of the game. It makes use of stock, albeit renamed skin files, some of which have been repainted by me. I've included them in the package, as it's easier than having the end user transfer and rename files. And again, as they're all stock items, they exist in all versions of the game. As should all the serial decals as well.
You'll be adding a couple of new 'weapons', a modified Scooter hump and a rebuild of my 'hack job' F-104 Recon Pod, now modified/renamed/tweeked for use on the Phantom.
Full, detailed instrustions on all facets of installation are in the enclosed readme, along with full credits for folks who helped out. -- so PLEASE read the cursed thing!!! It'll make your life easier, I promise you!
Enhanced Explosions 2 -FIXED FLARES
By Stary
UPDATE 8.03.2008
-included missing 23mm.tga and pinky.tga used by 23mmobjecthiteffect -thanks to Canadair for finding it
This is full package with missing flareflash.tga included. If you already downloaded the EE2 pack, you can find the fix alone here:
Enhanced Explosions 2
By Stary
UPDATE 8.03.2008
-included missing 23mm.tga and pinky.tga used by 23mmobjecthiteffect -thanks to Canadair for finding it
-included flareflash.tga, available in separate fix download
This is a major update and extension of my "Enhanced Explosions" effects pack.
If you've been using original Enhanced Explosions, you know what to expect -Hollywood style cinematic explosions, created to give TK's sims
a blast. Also I still enjoy old "Jane's ATF" very much, and I missed some of it's spectacular fire in the sky lately.
New stuff included is mostly about ground strikes and various air2ground weapons effects.
Mirage Factory WOI-RF-4E_Phantom II-IDF Recon Pack -V1.0
By Dave
Yes folks, the F-4ES and the RF-4E for Wings Over Israel by the Mirage Factory
By vulkan
Here My first uploaded mission
FOR SFP 1 desert terrain, and you may cange, after use Deuces too.
SU-27 addon http://marcfighters.combatace.com/arq/Marc..._Su-27_v1.0.zip,
and UCAVs addon, can download in Combatace >Thirdwire Series > Add-on aircrafts section
How to install :
Extract / unzip / unrar
Just drop ( cut or copy, and paste) to the Missions folder
and fly
and free modify
Ben Dixon's VF-1A
By Hitory
The truth is i forgot about this skin so if you want a complete Macross skin take and this
Have fun and a nice fly
Modern Range and Red Range Upgrade
By Wrench
Modern Range and Red Range Targets Upgrade
This little package will update the Modern Range and Red Range with the addition of more target areas, a new movement ini for practice Armed Recon missions, and general tweeks to some of the destroyed effects. Somehow, it seems to have either gotten lost, or somebody never did upload it......
Included is the Factory Place, Truck Depot, and the Rail Yard. The 'ship target', as seen in my WW2 upgrades, has been switched over to use the stock 'Cargo Ship'.
Remember -- as there is no ocean on this map, there are NO anti-shipping missions. Also remember, since there are 2 Ranges (one for each side), you =CANNOT= fly a Western/US/NATO aircraft on the Red Range. Just as you =CANNOT= fly a Soviet/WarPac or other 'enemy' classed aircraft on the Range. The game engine WILL crash out with a 'singlemission.dll' fault. So, make sure you have BOTH terrains installed.
This mod works in SF, WoV, WoE. It -should- work in WoI with the correct terrain cat pointer; this has NOT been tested, and is at present NOT supported.
Please see the enclosed readme for relatively simple install instructions.
Happy Practicing!!!
Kevin Stein
By bigal1
This is the M270 MLRS used by many countries since the 1980's to present date .
TA-7E Corsair II
By Florian
This is the double seater version of the A-7E Corsair.
Please make use of the README file!
Enjoy it!
Strike Fighters Briefing Pack
By allenjb42
Strike Fighters Briefing Pack Readme
For some reason the creators of many of the third party terrains that have been released have omitted to include a briefing.ini file with the terrain or have included a blank document. What this means is that when you click on the briefing tab in the mission setup area you will get a black screen and a CTD, which kind of ruins the atmosphere when you're getting pumped up to go out there to defend the free world against the rampaging communist/Nazi etc hordes.
Here is a collection of briefing.ini files for most of the terrains out there that have this problem with what I hope is some appropriate text to get you in the mood for your mission. Feel free to edit them to suit your needs.
I've also included English briefing.ini files for Gepard's Israel and Suez terrains as the originals are in German.
List of briefings included:
AE - Madagascar terrain
AmericaNW - American North West terrain
ANWgreen - American North West terrain (Green)
ANWwinter - American North West terrain (Winter)
DS - Desert Storm terrain
IR - Iran Iraq terrain
Israel 2 - Israel v2 terrain
Israel - Israel terrain
Kosovo - Kosovo terrain
libya - Libya terrain
LibyaWW2 - WW2 Libya terrain
Malvinas - Malvinas terrain
mideast - Middle East terrain
scal - Southern California (Top Gun) terrain
SE - South East USA terrain
Suez - Suez terrain
SW - South West USA (Red Flag) terrain
tiawan - Taiwan terrain (the USAFMTL version)
Ibstallation is simple - just extract the briefing you want to the appropriate terrain's folder, which you will already have installed within your Strike Fighters, WOV or WOE Terrain folder. The only other thing you may need to do is to check inside the individual terrain's folder in the .ini file to make sure that the line
includes the name of the briefing.ini file. For example, in my Kosovo terrain folder the kosovo.ini file contains the line
The only terrains that I know you will have to edit are USAFMTL's mideast terrain (which points to the original desert_briefing.ini) and Wrench's WW2Libya (which points to the libya_briefing.ini). All of the rest should work just fine.
Thanks to TK for SF, WOV, WOE, FE and who knows what else, and of course to the creators of all of these fine terrains for enhancing this great game of ours.
Have fun, and good hunting...
Allen (allenjb42) Burton
Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us
By Gepard
This is a railway station for DRVv1.4.
Should also run with WoV.
Korat RTAFB for DRVv14
By Gepard
This is the Korat airbase made by Armourdave of the original Vietnam team. All hounor belongs to him, not to me. He gave me the permission to include Korat AB into my DRV terrain and i want to say thank you for it. The base is a nearly 100% copy of the big US base during the vietnam war. And it looks very excellent.
The only weak point is, that you cant destroy single objects of the base, but, i think this is no real problem, because the US bases in Vietnam war were never attacked by vietnamese airforce.
By Fubar512
A replacement for SF's default
unpaved desert airfield. Works well with Deuces Euro Terrain mod.
Libya Mod for WW2
By Wrench
Modification of USAFMTL's Libya map into a WW2 Theatre. Designed for a SF/WoV EAW intall ONLY!! You'll need many WW2 objects; some are packaged, some are not. READ THE README!
By Polak
Upgrade to concrete , metal runways, runway signs and taxieways for SF:P1 /WoV.
SF/WoV Runway Upgrade
By Polak
Graphic texture upgrade to SF:P1/WoV runways, taxiways and signs.
WoE Trees by Deuces
By Fubar512
WoE Trees by Deuces
These are actually the VietnamSEA .TOD files created by Deuces for Wings over Vietnam. At his suggestion, I've renamed them as per the WoE GermanyCE naming convention, and have been using them in WoE with no apparent issues.
To install: Simply extract the enclosed GermanyCE folder into your Wings over Europe/Terrain folder and accept when asked (or warned) if you wish to overwrite the existing files in that folder (which it actually won't).
Tree Mod For WOE's GermanyCE Terrain
By JSF_Aggie
This is a mod for Wings Over Europe's GermanyCE Terrain, that includes a new tree texture, as well as new .tod's for almost every terrain tile. The .tod files contain positioning information for trees and objects for each terrain tile type. This mod will give you a much larger amount of trees to look at, as well as a higher res tree texture.
Please read the README.
Hi-Res Runway Textures
By JSF_Aggie
This provides high resolution textures for the 4 stock concrete runways in
SFP1, WOV, and WOE.
Each airfield will have unique textures for the runway and taxiway.
Switch bettwen the Winter Summer with one button
By Firecage
If you want the fastest way to go between the two terrains then DL this and follow the install notes. You can then switch between the two with the flick of a button. (1/13/07)
Charles City and Sea repaint for BoB terrain
By Gepard
Charles City and Sea repaint.
This tileset based on an idea of Charles Gunst who mentioned, that the cities in europe are more gray instead brown. He send me a gray repaint of the city tiles and a darker sea tileset. I made some refinement work and now it is ready for release.
Thanks for the idea and to good cooperation, Charles.
WW2 Axis Red Range mod
By Wrench
WW2 Axis Bombing Red Range for SF, WoV & WoE
This is a modification of several inis, and adding objects to give The Red Range a World War 2 flavor, for the Axis Powers.
This modificaton has been thoughly tested in SF and WoE, but not WoV. You shouldn't have any problems though, by making sure you 'cat file' pointer is pointed to the correct terrain cat. (see the Knowledge Base here at CA, or the newest Range readmes)
Many of these WW2 items have been borrowed from other maps, most specificlly Edwards superb PTO and EuroWW2. Others were scattered about, like the train station and factory place.
I'd like to express thanks to the Map Builders for their tireless work, hope I mentioned everyone!!!
You'll need the original Red Range installed to make this mod to, as the terrain iteself is not changed. This is an object and ini mod, not a full terrain. You'll also have a NEW movements ini; now you can perform Armed Recon missions.
PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions as to how to install. Although this mod can be used in any install, it is designed with WW2 =ONLY= in mind. Most of these mods, however, can easily be added to any other Range terrain (specifically, the movements ini and the new target areas).
= NOTE: one of the 3 new objects is a Nazi flag. If you live in a country where it is illeagle to show the swastika, you can change the pointer in the targets.ini to remove or switch flags. To this end, I've provided an alternative flag. It has already been added to the types ini, so all you need to change is the targets pointer, see full instructions in the readme.
Now, no excuses... get out there and practice!! With thanks to Deuces for creating the Range and Red Range, and to Major Lee for pointing the way for the flags. and all the other terrain and object builders!
Happy Hunting!
Kevin Stein
SF/WoV/WoE Flag Pak 1
By Wrench
This is just a small package of flags for use in placment anywhere on (just about) any map.
Several of these were added to the WW2 Range mods I release a 'ways back, for both Axis & Allied.
There are also (hopefuly) several modern, more current flags for use in the 50-and up for NATO.
This pak includes (with their actual part name):
Imperial Japan - ijflag
Nazi Germany - 3rflag (for 3rd Reich)
Italy (fascist) - itflag (house of savoy sheild)
50s and Later:
American Flag - AMFlag
Iraq - IQFlag
Israel - isflag
Egypt - egflag
NATO sheild - NOFlag (I know, NO should be Norway, I'll that that one probably as NW)
Netherlands - NLFlag
Belgium -BLFlag
UK - UKFlag
Saudi Arabia - SDFlag
Playboy Bunny - pbflag
West Germany - GWFlag
East Germany - GEFlag
Russia - RUFlag (ok, Soviet Union -- it's still Russia to me!!)
There are full, very detailed instructions in the readme, with a complete listing of the flags that can be transfered over to your terrain of choice's ***_types ini, and instructions on how to place (or replace) an existing object with one of the flags.
Please!!! read it!!!!!
With thanks to Major Lee, who's DBS US flag inspired me to create these! Sorry, there's no screenshot.
Kevin Stein
Lybia Terrain Upgrade Ver.2
By Wrench
Update/Upgrade of USAFMTL's Lybia terrain
From the Readme:
This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis.
I've peaked and tweeked the targets, mostly to try to remove of 'floating' objects in the Gulf of Sidra, and to add more things for everyone to blow up. I've added the Factory Place, Truck Depot, a Lybian flag to wave in the breeze, and quite a few surprises.
It should be noted, the water mod is NOT included in this pak...the oceans are just plain water, no wave action. You can get Tristan's Lybia water mod here at CombatAce, in the SF/WoV/WoE Terrain Mods section. If you're so inclined...
(the DATA INI is already set up for it's usage)
As I always reccomend, unzip to a temp director that's easy to find.
(just my way of saying I ain't responsible for you doing dumb things!!)
= A REALLY Important note:
The targets ini in this pak is designed with the ORIGINAL tileset that came when this map was first released.
I've tested it, in one of my many installs, with Polak's New Desert Tile Set - and it looks SPECTACULAR! But....
there is a problem with using this newest targets ini -- all the stuff will be buried by the latest terobjects (buildings built into the tiles). It makes the cities look how they're supposed to, but the entire targets ini will need rebuilding to move or remove all the added buildings, AA & SAM units, vehicle depots, industrial centers, parked ships, POL depots, well you get the idea -- everything must be tweeked AGAIN to make use of his tile set.
So, I reccomend NOT using his latest and greatest work, until I can get things moved around again.
Which means, expect another version of the targets ini built to work with the newest desert terrain tiles. It's almost ready, so it won't be more than "2 weeks" <vbg>
This is just a sample from the readme -- it's very extensive, and give FULL, CLEAR instructions on how to get it to work in all 3 versions of the sim. It also describes in detail what you can expect to see and experience; mostly.
There is even MORE information for Vista users on disabling the shader (actually, a full DATA ini already adjusted just for them!).
REMEMBER: follow the instructions exactly as they're presented to you...you should have no problems getting this to run.
A full listing of credits and other people to blame are in the readme as well
HapPy HunTing!!
Kevin Stein
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