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    1. SF2 DH Sea Osprey S.1 "What If.."

      SF2 DH Sea Osprey S.1 Pack (What If...) by Cocas             10/29/2017
      = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
      *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many items, most importantly, a (heavily) modified version of the stock F-4B cockpit. Therefore, it's vitally important that your game version has access to this cockpit.*
      The is the release of a new "What If..." bomber by Cocas Air Factory, the DH Sea Osprey S.1 for Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm usage.  This is 4 jet engined medium bomber for use in the strike, interdiction and recon roles. The aircraft has been tested in the SF2:NA, Full-5 environment, and is carrier capable/certified/capable. Wingfold uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9.
      The aircraft comes with 2 skins:
      FAA1 - 1950s style, extra dark sea gray over FAA sky (1955-1962) as based aboard HMS Ocean and carries the 804 Squadron "Tiger & Sword" badge on the nose
      FAA2 - 1960s style EDSG over white (1962-1970, land based) RNAS Lossimouth, 738 NAS "Black Pegasus" badge on the nose.
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items. Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats, etc) are supplied. More decals are supplied for the various RN CVs and several other squadrons (see "Notes" for full list).
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One can find more fun reading all the Notes section as well!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --


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    2. Fiat G.91R pack v1.0

      This is a Fiat G.91R pack, taking the old SFP1 mods and make them SF2 compatible.
      The pack includes all three G.91R versions 1,3 & 4, with all the neccessary weapons, pilots, guns & sounds. Five missions are also included. You need to install the NATO fighters campaign for these missions and  the excellent Ravenclaw_007 USAF & Luftwaffe Phantoms.
      I tried to make as complete as possible, taking parts from the excellent G.91Y of ErikGen, such as the cockpit, sounds and the ejection seat.
      I worked the skins (converted into jpg), the loadouts and of course the data.ini trying to do it as realistic as I could.

      The real credits should go to
      First and above all
      - ErikGen
      for make them possible.
      - Andriam "Kreelin" who made the original Flight Model of the G.91Rs for SPF1.
      - Maurizio "NGHENGO" for the loading and hangar screens
      - Spillone104 for the jet sound, photos and suggestions during beta testing of the initial G.91Y release
      - Steve S for the invaluable infos about the cockpit of the initial G.91Y release
      - Steve S, Soulfreak & Muesli for the amazing skins
      - Ravenclaw_007 for the amazing weapons that made sense to rework the G.91R
      - Viper63 for the excellent pilots
      - bobrock, Soulfreak, Dave, Canadair, 76.IAP-Blackbird, Veltro2k and Nghengo as beta testers of the initial G.91Y release

      Known issues
      - The Attachment Position of the pylons are slighly wrong and should have been corrected. Hopefully in a later release.
      - The cockpit of the G.91Y looks a bit odd, since the "Yankee" was twin-engined and I hope that someone would correct this.
      - A late period ('80s) skin is missing for the Portoguese G.91R/4. I hope that someone would make a skin for it.

      I had in mind to rework the G.91R for years, and finally now I managed to do it. Better late than ever.
      I think most people know my love for small planes.
      Remember this is a


         (2 reviews)



    3. SF2 NAA F2J Super Fury Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co.

      SF2 NAA F2J Super Fury Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co.            11/15/2017
      = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
      *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many stock items, most importantly, the cockpits from the F-100 Super Sabre, F-8 Crusader. Therefore, it's =vitally= important that your game version(s) have access to these cockpits. However, alternate cockpits have supplied.*
      The is the release of a new "What If..." Us Navy & Marines carrier-based fighter-bomber, the F2J "Super Fury" series. These aircraft has been tested in the SF2:NA, Full-5 environment, and is carrier capable/certified. The Standard Animation Keystrokes (tm) are used for the Caonpy (Shift/0) and wingfold (Shift/9). 
      The F2J-3N is the only version exported, all others are USN/USMC only. 
      This package includes 4 aircraft, with skins for their various users:
      The F2J-3N is an export version with skins/decals for the following users:
      Royal Navy, FAA (Super Fury FAW.1, 893 NAS, various ships)
      Royal Australian Navy (724 NAS, HMAS Melborne)
      Royal Canadian Navy (VF-781, HMCS Bonaventure)*
      *Note, there are 2 RCN skins, for pre- and post- unification of the Armed Forces (RCN ---> CAF). Also, due to game limitations, and the non-existence of "Royal Canadian Navy", the displayed Nation Name on the Loadout screen will read either "Royal Canadain Air Force" or "Canadian Armed Forces", depending on mission year chosen.
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items. Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats) are supplied. Each skin has it own specific hangar screen.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One can find more fun reading all the Notes section as well!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --


         (1 review)



    4. SF2:I Vautour IIN Upgrade Pack

      SF2:I Vautour IIN Upgrade Pack              11/27/2017
      = For SF2:I (or Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
      Extensive modifications and upgrades to Veltro2k's S.O.4050 Vautour IIN Night/All Weather fighter-bomber as used by the IDF/AF. As seen on the CombatAce message boards, a major revamp adds 2 skins for ealy service in the IDF/AF.
      This mod is designed to replace all other versions, in toto, of the Vautour IIN. This package contains the full, entire aircraft. 
      Many modification have been performed, and all are listed in the "Notes" section of this readme. Loadouts have been adjusted, as have several other important statements in the data ini. All weapons used are stock 3W items, meaning they still use the UK bombs. End Users (tm) that wish to swap out to the various French bombs available in weapons packs may do. Be advised, I did =NOT= test with those, so their attachment positions -may- not match.
      All new, historical "plane-in-squadron/serial numbers" for IDF usage. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. However, due to the low number of aircraft (6-7) the randomization (for some reason) seems not to be working.
      Even though there isn't another Vautour IIN, I've added a statement to the "displayed name", so it now reads:
      Vautour IIN (V2K)
      This is just one of my usual "things", when more than one of the type exists.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them ... after unzipping but before installling!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    5. SF2:I Boeing C-97 "Anak", IDF/AF Pack

      SF2:I Boeing C-97 "Anak", IDF/AF Pack             11/27/2017
      = For SF2:I (or Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) =
      *Please note, as there is no B-337 Stratcruiser, the C-97 is standing in for all the civilian versions used by the IDF/AF. Also, this represents ONLY the cargo versions, not the air refueling tankers*
      This is a mod of Veltro2k's C-97G Stratofreighter depicting those as used by the Israeli Defense Force/Air Force in the mid-1960s through the late 1970s. This is the full aircraft "nationalized" for IDF/AF usage only.
      Serial numbers are 100% historical for aicraft(s) depicted (both B337 & C-97). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Pilot figures, various sounds are supplied. The new, updated/upgraded template IS included for other skinners to use.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them ... after unzipping but before installling, of course!!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


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    6. SF2 NAA F2J-1B Super Fury Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co.

      SF2 NAA F2J-1B Super Fury Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co.            12/9/2017
      = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
      *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many stock items, most importantly, the cockpit from the F-100 Super Sabre.*
      The is the release of a new "What If..." aircraft for US Navy, the F2J-1B Super Fury. This is a 2 seat version of the F2J-1 released recently in the "F2J Super Fury What If Pack. There are 2 complete skin & decal sets in this package, representing aircraft in Fleet Service, and those in later service with Training squadrons:
      USN Grey/White:
      VF-53 "Iron Angles" (at NAS Alameda, and aboard USS RANGER, WESPAC)
      USN Overall White/Orange
      VT-9 "Tigers" (as based at NAS Meridian)
      Please note, that the skins will automatically change in 1964, when they were removed from "combat duty" and used as advanced trainers.
      The skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats) are supplied. Each skin has it own specific hangar screen.  All markings, excepting the International Oranage markings on the VT-9 skin are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Modex numbers are the correct series for both skins, in the time frame represented.
      The Standard Animation Keystrokes (tm) is used for the Wingfold (Shift/9) and Canopy (Shift/0). The aircraft is carrier certified, and has been tested in the Full-5 and SF2NA envrionments. 
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. 
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --


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    7. de Havilland Sea Venom FAW.53

      Sea Venom FAW.53 - Australian designation for the Sea Venom FAW.21.
      Thirty-nine Sea Venom FAW.53s saw service with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN),
      replacing the Hawker Sea Fury. The Sea Venom entered service in 1956 and,
      during its service with the RAN, operated off the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne.
      It was taken out of first-line service in 1967, replaced by the American McDonnell
      Douglas A-4G Skyhawk.
      WHAT's IN:
      1 new plane
      6 skins
      decals, weapons, pilots
      - Veltro2k model
      - Baffmeister FM
      - Spillone104 sound, inis tweakings, testings
      - Stary pit
      - Wrench original templates, hangar templates
      - paulopanz skins, decals, screens
      - put all in your mod folder
      - hangars 1024 x 726



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    8. Bell D-188 (F-109 / XF3L) Projects for SF2

      Bell D-188 (XF-109 / XF3L) “What if” Projects for Thirdwire Strike Fighter 2
      I am big fan of Bell D-188 projects and when I saw XF-109 for SF2, I got inspired to expand XF-109.  I quote the statement from author of XF-109 mod for SF2:

      "Had it been built, the Bell D-188A project would have been one of the most unorthodox aircraft to fly, and certainly the most unusual in the US Air Force inventory." - Veltro2k, creator of XF-109 mods for SF1 / SF2.
      I want to give Bell D-188 the opportunities to be flown by anyone virtually in simulation, no matter how flawed she may be.  I decided to work on both Bell D-188 (XF-109 for USAF) and D-188A (XF3L for US Navy).

      I want to give my big thank to Veltro2K for creating XF-109 in the first place and Wrench for upgrading XF-109 mod for SF2, especially for sharing his updated files with me.  I, too, want to thank Combatace community, all of you are reasons why I worked on this project.
      And at the same time, please keep in mind that there are several files that are from other mods, I am giving credits to all modders who created each materials that is used in Bell D-188 projects:

      Note: If it is required that I must take any of the files off from D-188 Projects, please let me know.  I will fix it ASAP and I intend to respect everyone’s work, especially giving credits to everyone who is involved with D-188 projects.
      To my friends and Combatace community:
      I truly thank everyone who got involved with D-188 projects, all of you are reasons why I am able to finish this project.  All of you rocks!
      Bell XF-109 for SF2:
      I give my big thank to Veltro2k for creating XF-109 (D-188) mod for SF1 and SF2.  ( http://combatace.com/files/file/13169-bell-xf-109/ ) He is the reason why I have the opportunities to work on mod projects for SF2, along with Combatace community.
      Bell XF-109 updates:
      I express my many thanks to Wrench for being very involved with D-188 projects.  He has helped me lot with the mod, especially sending me his updated data.ini files for XF-109. ( http://combatace.com/topic/74104-f-109-tweeks-pak-for-sf2/ )

      Sound effects:
      J85-GE.wav and J85-GE_AB.wav are directly from Macelena’s F-5E mods for SF2 ( http://combatace.com/files/file/10446-mirage-factory-f-5e-for-sf2/ ), I truly thank him for the sound files for J85-GE.  Note: J85-GE.wav and J85-GE_AB.wav are renamed from F5Engine.wav and F5AB.wav. The reason why I renamed the files is because there are so many sound files from different mods for SF2.  I hope that renamed files will make it easier to find in sound folder, just for in case, if anyone need to find them.
      Afterburner effects:
      Afterburner came from Mirage Factory F-8 Crusader Superpack for SF2.  ( http://combatace.com/files/file/10646-mirage-factory-f-8-crusader-super-pack/ ) and I truly thank to everyone who is involved creating F-8 Crusader Superpack for SF2.
      To everyone who helped me:
      Wrench à Thank you for the help with feedback involved, it helped lot with D-188 projects.
      76.IAP-Blackbird à Thank you for your help with D-188 projects.
      FalconC45 à Thank you so much for helping testing the mods.
      1)    Extract D-188_Project and you will see 4 folders:
      a.     Effects
      b.     Sounds
      c.     STOL Versions
      d.     VSTOL Versions
      (Note:  For F/A-109B (USMC), I highly recommend V/STOL version for taking off / landing on USMC ships.  There are still STOL version, for in case, if you still prefer to go with STOL method.
      2)    Drop Effects and Sounds folder into main Strike Fighter 2 mod folder.
      3)    There are two different versions of Bell D-188 (F-109s and F/A-109s):
      a.     STOL version – All of aircraft have all 6 jet engines operation, especially when you are in STOL mode.  Because all engines from rotating engines and main fuselage engines are running at the same time, it is impossible to performance VTOL mode.
      b.     V/STOL version – All of aircraft only have rotating engine operation.  I divided the thrusts from main fuselage engines and added them to rotating engines, to make up for main fuselage engines not having any thrusts.  (See “Flight model” for more information about flight model for VSTOL version) This enable you to be able to performance V/STOL and VTOL mode.  However, I removed afterburner effects from main fuselage engines (except for exhaust smokes).  It does not look right if you are in VTOL mode with afterburner running from fuselage.  But you still can re-enable afterburner for main fuselage engines with few steps.  Look at bottom of README for the instruction for re-enabling afterburner effects.
      4)    For your information, XF-109s / F-109s are USAF version, XF3L / F/A-109s are US Navy and US Marine Corps version.
      5)    Go into either STOL or VSTOL version of folders, drop Objects folder into main Strike Fighter 2 mod folder.
      1)    XF-109 is based on D-188 project which is historically designed for US Air Force.  F-109s variants aircraft are fictional “What if” if US Air Force decided to accept XF-109.
      2)    XF3L is based on D-188 project which is historically designed for US Navy.  F/A-109s variants are fictional “What if” US Navy and US Marine Corp decided to accept XF3L.
      3)    Configuration/Upgrades for XF-109 / F-109s (USAF):
      a.     XF-109 (1961)
                                                      i.     Prototype version
                                                    ii.     Powered by J85-GE-5
                                                   iii.     Role: Interceptor
      b.     F-109A (1964)
                                                      i.     Role: Interceptor
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-5A
      c.     F-109A (1969)
                                                      i.     Role: Interceptor
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-13
                                                   iii.     Counter measure equipment implemented
      1.     Chaff / Flare
      d.     F-109B (1969)
                                                      i.     Role: Fighter and bomber
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-13
                                                   iii.     More capable of delivering air to ground various ordinances
                                                   iv.     Counter measure equipment implemented
      1.     Chaff / Flare
      e.     F-109B (1973)
                                                      i.     Role: Fighter - Bomber
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-21
                                                   iii.     Upgraded with capable of carrying laser guided ordinances
                                                   iv.     Upgraded counter measure
      1.     Increased numbers of chaff / flare
      f.      F-109B (1976)
                                                      i.     Role: Fighter - Bomber
                                                    ii.     Upgraded with more advanced avionics in cockpit
                                                   iii.     Capable of carrying more advanced air to air / air to ground ordinances
                                                   iv.     Upgraded counter measure
      1.     Increased numbers of chaff / flare
      g.     F-109C (1980)
                                                      i.     Role: Multi-Role
                                                    ii.     Upgraded with more advanced avionics and cockpit
      h.     F-109G (1971)
                                                      i.     Role: SEAD “Wild Weasel”
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-13
                                                   iii.     Counter measure equipment implemented
      1.     Embedded ECM
      2.     Chaff / Flare
                                                   iv.     Capable of delivering various air to ground ordinances, especially for role of SEAD.
      i.      F-109G (1976)
                                                      i.     Role: SEAD “Wild Weasel”
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-21
                                                   iii.     Upgraded with more advanced avionics in cockpit
                                                   iv.     Capable of carrying more advanced air to ground ordinances
      4)    Configuration/Upgrades for XF3L / F/A-109s (USN):
      a.     XF3L (1963)
                                                      i.     Prototype version
                                                    ii.     Powered by J85-GE-5
                                                   iii.     Role: Multi-Role
      b.     F/A-109A (1969)
                                                      i.     Role: Multi-Role
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-13
                                                   iii.     More capable of delivering air to air / air to ground various ordinances
                                                   iv.     Counter measure equipment implemented
      1.     Chaff / Flare
      c.     F/A-109A (1973)
                                                      i.     Role: Multi-Role
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-21
                                                   iii.     Upgraded with capable of carrying laser guided ordinances
                                                   iv.     Upgraded counter measure
      1.     Increased numbers of chaff / flare
      d.     F/A-109A (1977)
                                                      i.     Role: Multi-Role
                                                    ii.     Upgraded with more advanced avionics in cockpit
                                                   iii.     Capable of carrying more advanced air to air / air to ground ordinances
                                                   iv.     Upgraded counter measure
      1.     Increased numbers of chaff / flare
      5)    Configuration/Upgrades for F/A-109s (USMC):
      a.     F/A-109B (1972)
                                                      i.     Role: Multi-Role
                                                    ii.     Upgraded engine to J85-GE-21
                                                   iii.     Capable of delivering air to air / air to ground various ordinances
                                                   iv.     Counter measure equipment implemented
      1.     Chaff / Flare
      b.     F/A-109B (1976)
                                                      i.     Role: Multi-Role
                                                    ii.     Upgraded with more advanced avionics in cockpit
                                                   iii.     Upgraded with capable of carrying laser guided ordinances
                                                   iv.     Upgraded counter measure
      1.     Increased numbers of chaff / flare
      c.     F/A-109B (1984)
                                                      i.     Role: Multi-Role
                                                    ii.     Upgraded with more advanced avionics and cockpit
                                                   iii.     Capable of carrying more advanced air to air / air to ground ordinances
                                                   iv.     Upgraded counter measure
      1.     Increased numbers of chaff / flare
      1)    Re-enable Afterburner effects for STOL version:
      a.     For anyone who want to re-able afterburner effects for STOL version, open aircraft data.ini file and find this line of code:

      // Engine - Fuselage ----------------------------------------------------------
      b.     Under both [FusEngineLeft] and [FusEngineRight], you will see this code:

      c.     Remove “//” from the code, so it looks like this:

      d.     Now you have working afterburner effects back in main fuselage engines, even when you are hovering in V/STOL version of aircraft.
      Texture / Skins:
      For now, D-188 (F-109s/F3Ls) projects do not have any additional skins for each aircraft, so if anyone have plans to create skins for D-188 projects, please let me know.  Any more skins for F-109s / F3Ls are always welcomed.
      Flight model:
      I am not expert with the flight mode.  If anyone can help with flight model, the helps are always welcomed for D-188 (F-109s/F3Ls) projects!  I did the basic flight model tweaking, in order, to make F-109s/F3L feel more realistic when flying them in SF2, theoretically.  The flight model is originally created by Veltro2K and updated by Wrench. Here are following features I tweaked in flight model:
      1)    Slow roll rate = With two engines being mounted on each tip of wings, it means lot of weights.  And at the same time, with small wings from D-188s aircraft like F-104, in my opinion, it means slower roll rate.  However, as I stated, I am not an expert with flight model and any helps with flight model overhaul is always welcomed.
      2)    Fixed sensitive rudder = The rudder was very sensitive so I reduced it lot, in order, for D-188s to have small movement when using rudder.
      3)    Engines overhaul = I have done lot of works on each engine powers for each aircraft.  This is the math I used to convert lb of thrust to Netwon:

      Note: XXX is any given numbers.

      XXX lb (thrust) = XXX lb x 4.45 = XXX (thrust) Newton

      And keep in mind that STOL / VSTOL version of each aircraft engine have different thrusts.  STOL have accuracy thrusts in newton for each six engine while VSTOL have increased thrusts for four engines.

      Here are example:

      XF-109 (STOL version)

      Engine #1: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)
      Engine #2: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)
      Engine #3: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)
      Engine #4: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)
      Engine #5: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)
      Engine #6: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)

      XF-109 (V/STOL version)

      Note:  Because Engine #5 / #6 which is main fuselage engine having no thrusts, I divided them and moved to engine #1 to engine #2.

      Engine #5 + engine #6 = Total engine thrust divided by four, then add them to each engine.

      Engine #5: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)
      Engine #6: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB)

      Total Engine thrust: 4,800 LB (DRY)   7,200 (AB) / 4 = 1,200 LB (DRY)   1,800 (AB)

      Engine #1: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB) + 1,200 LB (DRY)   1,800 (AB)
      Engine #2: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB) + 1,200 LB (DRY)   1,800 (AB)
      Engine #3: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB) + 1,200 LB (DRY)   1,800 (AB)
      Engine #4: 2,400 LB (DRY)        3,600 LB (AB) + 1,200 LB (DRY)   1,800 (AB)

      Note: Engine #1 to #4 is rotating engines while Engine #5 to #6 is main fuselage engines.

      Engine #1: 3,600 LB (DRY)        5,400 LB (AB)
      Engine #2: 3,600 LB (DRY)        5,400 LB (AB)
      Engine #3: 3,600 LB (DRY)        5,400 LB (AB)
      Engine #4: 3,600 LB (DRY)        5,400 LB (AB)
      Engine #5: 0 LB (DRY)  0 LB (AB)
      Engine #6: 0 LB (DRY)  0 LB (AB)

      V/STOL version have fuselage engines thrust moved to each rotating engines, to make up for having no thrusts in fuselage engines.

      Here is the date about engines that each aircraft uses:
      Aircraft (Service Date) Engine               Thrust in LB (Dry / AB - Afterburner)
      XF-109               (1961 - 1969)   J85-GE-5           2,400 LB (DRY) 3,600 LB (AB)
      F-109A               (1964 - 1975)   J85-GE-5A         2,450 LB (DRY) 3,850 LB (AB)
      F-109A               (1969 - 1978)   J85-GE-13         2,720 LB (DRY) 4,080 LB (AB)
      F-109A               (1975 - 1986)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F-109B               (1969 - 1979)   J85-GE-13         2,720 LB (DRY) 4,080 LB (AB)
      F-109B               (1973 - 1984)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F-109B               (1976 - 1990)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F-109C               (1980 - 1996)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F-109G               (1971 - 1984)   J85-GE-13         2,720 LB (DRY) 4,080 LB (AB)
      F-109G               (1976 - 1996)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      XF3L                   (1963 - 1970)   J85-GE-5A         2,450 LB (DRY) 3,850 LB (AB)
      F/A-109A           (1969 - 1980)   J85-GE-13         2,720 LB (DRY) 4,080 LB (AB)
      F/A-109A           (1973 - 1986)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F/A-109A           (1977 - 1996)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F/A-109B           (1972 - 1982)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F/A-109B           (1976 - 1990)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      F/A-109B           (1982 - 1996)   J85-GE-21         3,600 LB (DRY) 5,000 LB (AB)
      Feedback are always appreciated for improving D-188 (F-109s / F3Ls) project.  I aim to keep improving project through time when I get the chance.
      Message for everyone:
      I truly hope that everyone enjoys the project I created for Thirdwire Strike Fighter 2 communities with the help from my friends and Combatace communities.
      Eagle114th / ChaoticDragon - http://combatace.com/user/843-eagle114th/



         (0 reviews)



    9. SNCASE Aquilon 202 - 203 - 204

      Aquilon 202 – Two-seat version with ejector seats, an American AN/APQ-65 radar and air-conditioning. 50 built.
      Aquilon 203 – Single-seat version with an American AN/APQ-94 radar and equipped with racks for air-to-air missiles. Prototype converted from Aquilon 202 plus 40 built.
      Aquilon 204 – Two-seat training version without guns. 6 Converted from Aquilon 20.
      WHAT's IN:
      3 new planes
      6 skins
      decals, weapons, pilots
      - Veltro2k model
      - Baffmeister FM
      - Spillone104 sound, inis tweakings, testings
      - Stary pit
      - Wrench original templates, hangar templates
      - paulopanz skins, decals, screens
      Special thanks for help with references: Coupi
      - put all in your mod folder
      - hangars 1024 x 726


         (1 review)



    10. de Havilland Sea Venom FAW.21-22-ECM

      Sea Venom FAW.21 - Improved version, equivalent to Venom NF.3. 4,950 lbf (22.1 kN) Ghost 104 engine, AI Mk 21 (US APS-57) radar. 167 built.
      Sea Venom FAW.22 - More powerful (5,300 lbf (23.6 kN)) Ghost 105 engine, giving improved high-altitude performance. 39 new built.
      Sea Venom ECM.21-22 - Six FAW.21s modified from 1957 for ECM purposes. ECM.22Equivalent of ECM.21, based on FAW.22. No armament.
      In 1956 Sea Venoms, alongside RAF Venoms, took part in the Suez War which began on 31 October. They were from Nos. 809, 892, 893 Naval Air Squadrons
      based on the light fleet carrier HMS Albion and fleet carrier HMS Eagle.
      The Anglo-French invasion, codenamed Operation Musketeer, took place in response to the nationalisation of the Suez Canal by Egypt's leader, General Nasser.
      The air war began on the 31 October 1956 signalling the beginning of the Suez War. The Sea Venoms launched many sorties, bombing a variety of targets in Egypt in the process.
      By 1959, the Sea Venom began to be replaced in Royal Navy service by the de Havilland Sea Vixen, an aircraft that also had the distinctive twin-boom tail.
      The Sea Venom would be withdrawn from frontline service soon afterwards. The type continued to fly with second line FAA units until the last were withdrawn in 1970
      WHAT's IN:
      3 new planes
      26 skins
      decals, weapons, pilots
      - Veltro2k model
      - Baffmeister FM
      - Spillone104 sound, inis tweakings, testings
      - Stary pit
      - Wrench original templates, hangar templates
      - paulopanz skins, decals, screens
      - put all in your mod folder
      - hangars 1024 x 726

      NOTE: an update for Suez '56 campaign pack is in the makings, not only Seavenoms, stay tuned!


         (2 reviews)



    11. SF2 TA-4F Vietnam FastFACs - Revamp

      SF2 TA-4F Skyhawk "Vietnam FastFACs" - Revamp
      *** SF2V required for the A-4F Cockpit, that is used here. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
      This is a revamp of Wrenchs Update of 331Killerbees TA-4F FastFAC-Pack. ;)
      Skins have been redone in greater resolution with more details. Decals are new (although original Decals are still there). Some bits of the plane are removed by ini-edit and exchanged by FakePilot-Addons to add more details and get rid of the shadow-issue caused by the outer wing pylons.
      5 new Droptanks are added (2x 150gal, 2x300gal, 1x400gal).
      BuNos are always correct for the squadron and many are also correct for the plane, although sources and pictures are very rare.
      H&MS-11 comes in 3 variations (CAG, Large Stripe + Bunny on Tail and Small Stripe without Bunny) that were used side by side as it seems
      H&MS-12 has CAG-Bird
      H&MS-13 has 2 Skins - The one from the original pack was used after Vietnam, but I redid it and included it. The one used in Vietnam has no special markings and a different Tailcode-style. I only found 1 pic as reference, so maybe other variation are possible too.

      1. unzip to a temporary folder
      2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_MOD folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
      3. enjoy!
      If the Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free numbers:
      DisplayName=H&MS-11 'Playboys'
      DisplayName=H&MS-11 'Outlaws'
      - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models.
      - Fracture for the TA-4 Model
      - FastCargo for the Fakepilot
      - 331Killerbee and Wrench for the Original and re-released Pack
      - Alejandro for Escapac-Seat
      - OldDiego for Pilotmodels
      - Nyghtfall - Updates in this Pack (Skins, Decals, Ini- and 3D-Work of Tanks, Pylons and Addons)
      - cocas for help learning 3D-stuff
      - Coupi for testing
      - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration
      If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.



         (2 reviews)



    12. E-8A/C Joint STARS

                                    E-8A/C Joint STARS
      This mod builds upon the E-8C found in the original ODS campaign and corrects for an E-8A as used in Desert Storm.
      E-8A with skins for Desert Storm, Testing (92-95), and Bosnia
      E-8C with skins for the 93d ACW and the 116th ACW Georgia Air National Guard
      unzip, cut/copy and paste to mod folder. allow overwrite (should only apply to ODS mod folders), although for best results remove the old E-8C files from aircraft and decals.
      the original model and skin was created by The Mirage Factory, based on the 707 model by Bpao
      C-130 pit by dels
      Skin adjustments, tga and ini work by daddyairplanes
      original moddable game by TK
          Known Issues
      dels C-130 pit is used to make the aircraft player flyable. this pit is not very suited to the 707 airframe (alot of extra frame for a 707), but works for its purpose. The aircraft was not originally intended to be player flyable (airborne command and control not being a player mission set) and is best used as eye candy. However, i always put a pit in so i can see how my work progressed, and leave it for you guys to use too.
      I hope you enjoy this mod
      Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes
      11 Feb 2018


         (0 reviews)



    13. SAC Twilight: B-1B Bones

         SAC Twilight : B-1B Bones 1989-1990
      This mod provides more accurate unit markings for the B-1 mod during the Bones service with the Strategic Air Command. Every B-1 that was operational in 1989 through 1991 is represented in its assigned unit and given nose arts. Minor tweaks have also been made to the inis and effects.
      unzip and unpack into preferred mod folder. allow overwrites of previous files.
      complete B-1B_86 aircraft, decal folders, original weapons fit as well as newer AGM-69 SRAM and B-83 nuclear weapons. new effects are also included

      model and pit                        Dels
      Original Skin                         STORM, Jat81500 Jimmy B
      FM, Loadouts                        FastCargo
      skin tweaks, minor ini edits, new AB effects, tga work    daddyairplanes
      Stratos, NightshadeP/R, whiteknight06604, allenjb42    TEST CREW
      Hope you enjoy this mod. As an old USAF vet said, nuke em till they glow then shoot em in the dark.
      aka Kevin Unruh
      12 April 2020


         (1 review)



    14. Kuwaiti Skyhawks - A-4KU/TA-4KU for SF2

      Kuwait Scooters - A-4KU/TA-4KU for SF2 - v1.0
      *** any SF2I that has the KfirC1_77 for the cockpit and DLC005 required for the A-4K model ***
      This mods represents the A-4KU and TA-4KU Skyhawks used by Kuwait between 1977 and 1992.
      In the 1970s Kuwait purchased 36 Skyhawks (30 single-seater + 6 two-seater). These planes were based upon A-4M, that were delivered to the USMC at that time. So they got the same engine, the larger canopy, the brakechute and the squared off fintip. Equipment needed to deliver nuclear weapons, aswell as Shrike- and Walleye were deleted. The TA-4KU were unique in having the same engine as the single-seater, aswell as the avionics hump. Apart from some aerials their appearance is similar to that of the OA-4M.
      When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, many of the pilots flew with their planes to Saudi Arabia. They were included in the Royal Saudi Air Force and flew 1361 sorties with the loss of only 1 plane.
      With the end of the Gulf War they were placed in storage and replaced by F/A-18 Hornets. After failed attempts to sell the surviving 23 planes to Bosnia and the Phillipines, they were finally sold to Brazil in 1997 to serve aboard the Aircraft Carrier Minas Gerais as AF-1 and AF-1A.
      - cockpit used is the modified KfirC1_77 cockpit, that is already used for my A-4M-mod. I only made small modifications to fit it the A-4KU.
      - Pilotmodel is a stand-in, until someone comes up with a Kuwaiti Pilot :)
      - Fakepilot-stuff like hump and the antennas are made with MUEs new Blender-exporter - as I already said and always will: Thank you, great job, mue!
      - Skin resolution is 4096x4096
      - Skins are set up for "No9SQN" as I only found the general info, that planes were used by "No. 9 and No. 25 squadrons" and both squadrons didn't
          use any special markings it seems.
      - Scooter! The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk Story, Crécy 2011
      - A-4 Skyhawk Association, http://a4skyhawk.org/
      - Airliners.net
      - Joe Baughers Site
      - Google in general
      1. unzip to a temporary folder
      2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_MOD_Folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
      3. enjoy!
      If the Squadron is missing in the loadout screen, you should add the following lines in the squadronlist.ini ("<mod>\pilotdata"-folder) with XXX changed to the next free numbers:
      DisplayName=No. 9 Squadron

      - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
      - Fracture - TA-4 model
      - Alejandro - Escapac seat
      - FastCargo - FakePilot
      - Sounds - ???
      - dtmdragons - A-4KU-update-pack, this is loosly based on
      - myself - all other work, including 3D-models (tanks, pylons, addons)

      - Crusader for valuable information regarding weaponsstations-arrangement, I found in the forum.
      - mue for his great LODViewer and Blender-Exporter, which made this possible!
      - cocas for help learning 3D-stuff!

      If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.

      This mod or parts of it may not be used for payware of any kind. Also if you use something, give proper credit.



         (2 reviews)



    15. Su-30 by Irkut Avia Plant (Part I)

      This is the conversion of the old SF1 model in SF2 + new skins
      Original files is here
      This package presents the Su-30 Soviet times and the Su-30 MK (Modified Commercial) modern by Irkut Avia Plant .
      IF YOU HAVE INSTALLED THIS MY PACK BEFORE version 1.0.0 : Delete "Su-30" and "SU-30MK" folders at "Objects\Aircraft\" in your mod folder.
      Extract file "SF2_Su-30_Irkut_ST_v1.0.1.7z" at any directory
      Move the files to the appropriate locations in your mod folder as usual.
      if you like, unpack "Additional_Skins_(these_skins_moved_to_SU-30MK2_KnAAZ_Pack).7z" and move skins to just installed Su-30 aircraft, but you need'nt to do it if you want to use my Su-30 Part II by KnAAZ air Plant. I moved these skins to that pack.  It is easier for me to update packs separately. In real Su-30 are produced at two different factories, on "IRKUT" (Irkutsk Aviation Plant) they rebuild old Su-27 UB\PU to Su-30KN and KM (both without canards) and build new Su-30SM with canards. I do not do skins for SM modifications, cuz i see that decision with "fake pilot canards" is not elegant, and i have no 3Ds MAX to do something by myself. In this pack there are skins only for KN and KM modifications (without canards) . Second Plant is KnAAZ ( based in Komsomolsk on Amur) produses all other modifications (all without canards) for export.
      It is better to overwrite weapons folder. I 've made some small changes (fixed the years of using) in inies in some of them.
      I tried to make the skins as accurate as possible. But some details missed because of the limitations of the model. i cant find the way to do "no step" dashes on Ukrainian skin, it places wrong way, some decals can't de placed right etc. If you want to correct this, do not stop yourself. If you like my files, fix, redraw, repack, share, do what you need.
      NEW SKINS:
      Russian after 2004
      Russian Gray Fully - overhauled Su-27UB to Su-30 standards
      Soviet Early
      Soviet Shabby - Standard Soviet Weathered
      UB Ukraine 91
      UB Ukraine 94-99
      UB Ukraine 99
      UB Ukraine Modern
      UB Ukraine Shabby - Standard Soviet Weathered with Ukrainian Ins

      Aubergine (What if skin)
      China Dark Gray
      China Gray
      Omonovskiy 2002 (Known as 'Winter' at NATO countries)

      Russian Forest (Splinter) 1994
      Russian Standard - Serial

      Skins was drawn based on outlines by Mariusz Wojciechowski and real photoes.
      I used these files:
      I took some skin details like engines, nozzles, marks, from this skin:
      SF2 SU-30SM Flanker Pack Redux 2016 Version 0.99
      By viper63a (approved by Wrench, August 16, 2016)
      Su-30MK2 for SF1 / WoE Version 1.0
      By ivanbasic (approved by Erik, October 4, 2013)
      Decals and Weapons:
      NATO Fighters 4+
      By Dave (approved by Dave, January 20, 2016)
      Modern Flanker Cockpit 1.0
      By YEYEYE (approved by Dave, October 7, 2014)
      Classic flanker cockpit for Marcfighters Su-27 v1.0
      By YEYEYE (approved by Dave, October 5, 2014)

      And Skins by me, bazillius
      Best regards.


         (2 reviews)



    16. CH-22B Osprey

      CH-22B Osprey is a what if aircraft with 2 Sartechs (Search & Rescue Technician)  Thanks Zurawski for a great model!


         (0 reviews)



    17. DHC-6 (CC-138) Twin Otter

      DHC-6 pack for SF2
      Based on the Twin Otter plane made for SF1 that can be found here :
      This is the Twin Otter as used by the RCAF and Argentina for the SF2 series of games.
      The RCAF serial numbers in this skin pack are real one's (past or present)

      You will get the following skins in this package :
      - Original Argentina (2 of them) - Comes from the original pack
      - Transports Canada
      - Canadian Coast Guard
      - Royal Canadian Air Force (71-72, 75-80, 1999 and 2018 skins)
      * Note : I did not touched the model, all files comes from the original pack. All i did was to tweak some files to get them work properly in SF2 and change path in the ini's. So all credits goes to the persons above.
      Copy the Twin Otter Objects/Aircraft folder content to your game Objects/Aircraft folder.
      Copy the Twin Otter Objects/Decals folder content to your game Objects/Decals folder.
      Copy the Twin Otter Objects/Weapons folder content to your game Objects/Weapons folder.
      Copy the Twin Otter Sounds folder content to your game Sounds folder.
      Credits (per original files):
      Syd Adams - 3D Model, 3D cockpit, cockpit textures.
      Tracker - Model textures, cockpit textures modification.
      Tracker - Modified and adapted to Thirdwire Series.
      Franchie1977 (me) - Re-worked panel lines and ''lift up'' general skin aperture along with skins for RCAF, Canadian Agencies and rework on Argentina one's.
      Happy flights!
      Mario C.


         (2 reviews)



    18. Gloster Meteor T.7 SF2 V.2

      Gloster Meteor T.7
      second improved version for SF2.
      Basic modding skills are required to run this mod.  (copy/paste, mod folder structure etc.) 
      If you are here which means that you like old jets, and for sure you downloaded the previous pack already. 
      You should have proper squadronlist.ini from the previous pack by paulopanz.
      Fuel tanks- not to be afraid. Overwrite or just leave it. 100 gal tank is original TW tank. You can overwrite or just simply do not copy.
      175 gal tank also.
      Tanks are just ini files. Mod uses tanks that are part of aircraft lod.
      This is highly modified Veltro2k model uploaded on CA somewhere in 2016 by paulopanz.
      Some time ago few guys decided (because they have a chance to do so) to rework this pretty aircraft. So, first of all, thank you Veltro2k.
      There is just very few original parts of an old model. Most of it was remodeled. Added bits here and there.
      We changed mapping and we made new skins...and a lot of new stuff. You will see.
      Of course, you could expect more skins. And if you are expecting more skins -  you will have to do it on your own. But templates are available. 
      All skins are in 4096x4096 format. You can easily resize to needed resolution.  better to downsize than rescale to higher res.
      For sure Israeli Meteor will be uploaded someday soon. WIP.
      Veltro2k  - original model
      Me -  model rework and some other mambo jumbo, hangars.
       76.IAP-Blackbird - also model re-working.
      Soulfreak  - skins.
      bobrock  Weathering
      Decals - soulfreak and some are borrowed from paulopanz pack.
      Charles - original FM from original T.7 upload. 
      Pilots - I have no idea / don't remember who did it. All credit to him/her.  - one of my favorites figures in a game - I've added this to correspond with the data file.
      And yes the pack is huge - but we put a huge amount of work also.
      Have fun
      Report bugs.
      Expect the unexpected
      Jarek Hereda


         (1 review)



    19. SF-2_Yak-44_AEW&C

      Soviet NAVY AEW&C Yakovlev Yak-44 [DRLOiU-Dalnee RadioLokatsionnoe Obnarujenie i Upravlenie]
      Yak-44 - Deck aircraft of radar surveillance, guidance and control (RPLNU / DRLOiU) and electronic countermeasures (EW).

      Developed by OKB im. AS Yakovlev in the mid-70's. The prototype of the Yak-44 (Yak-44RLD) aircraft was the American E-2 "hawk of the eye". The basing of the aircraft was supposed on the atomic aircraft carrier of project 1143.7 "Ulyanovsk".

      Because of the difficulties in developing on-board equipment, only the Yak-44 model was built.
      In 1993, the work was frozen due to lack of funding.
      Mod based on E-2C by TW. Works in SF-2 NA or Full 5 Merged
      Tactical two-color numbers  yellow/red
      in DATA.ini, I disabled two internal vertical stabilizers .
      E-2C Hawkeye-TW
      Skin & decals- SaVaGe
      Special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.


         (0 reviews)



    20. Turkish Air Force F-104S

      Turkey is one of the very first countries to receive the F-104Gs within the MAP program. As a preparation for the new aircraft the 144th Squadron was organised at the 4th AB in Mürted-Ankara. The first 15 aircraft arrived on May 10th,1963 by sea and they were deployed at the newly founded squadron in July. In July 1963 two TF-104gs arrived and they were also assigned to the same squadron. This was followed by Canadair produced 18 F-104Gs and 2 TF-104Gs. The shipment continued in 1965 with 5 more Canadair built F-104Gs. All of these planes were deployed at the 144th Squadron. In 1968 3 pcs F-104G and 1 pc TF-104G were received from USAF.
      The TuAF faced with the US embargo after the Cyprus peace-keeping Operation ordered a batch of 18 F-104S from Italy. 6 of the planes were delivered within the same year and the remainder in 1975 on the basis of the planes per month. In 1975 the purchase was risen to 40 planes all which were received within 1976.
      The CF-104s, F-104Gs, TF-104Gs and the RF-104Gs which were strated being replaced by more modern aircraft were despatched to Turkey. This operation included 17 pcs F-104Gs from Belgium, 43 pcs F-104Gs & 12 pcs TF-104Gs from Holland, 12 pcs RF-104G and one TF-104G from Norway and 165 pcs F-104Gs and 36 pcs TF-104Gs from Germany. Canada also promised to hand over the CF-104s after being replaced by the F-18A/Bs. In 1986 44 pcs CF-104G & 6 pcs CF-104D were received. These planes were allocated to the 181st and to the 182nd Squadrons.
       Within the elapsing time the TuAF F-104Gs started aging and they were withdrawn from active duty one by one. Some were even used as spare parts for those which were still in active duty. The last ones were the CF-104s of the 182nd Squadron when replaced by F-16C/Ds in 1996.
      Mod Maker: By Ajunaidr
      Skin Maker: falcon16fighter


         (0 reviews)



    21. CH-118 Iroquois. SF2.

      Bell CH-118  Iroquois
      This is a third party addon of Bell helicopter model CH-118 used by Canadian Armed Forces. 
      It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. And will never work in SF1.
      This is FREEWARE-DONATIONWARE and it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
      Bribes and donations are accepted;
      Jarek Hereda
      Copy al files to specific folders in your game mod directory. 

      ANIMATION 1 & 2 - cockpit doors
      ANIMATION 8 - unfold hoist
      ANIMATION 9 - PJ on a winch 
      ANIMATION 10 - lower/raise hoist.
      This is beta file.
      Better to share than store on hard drive.
      Aircraft include generic Bell Huey cockpit.

      As with all my previous helos flying is quite easy. With little practice, you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes.
      Important here to control is using rudder and vector thrust control.
      Normally throttle vector control on 88-89 degree increase power 55% wait little and then increase to 100% and helo will take off nicely.
      Pack includes one helicopter with 3 skin for specific years to represent paintings used by Canadian Armed Forces.

      Have fun.
      Hope you will enjoy it same as me when working on it.
      Edit and report bugs.

      Jarek Hereda.


         (1 review)



    22. HH-1H Iroquois

      Bell HH-1H  Iroquois
      This is a third party add-on of Bell helicopter model HH-1H used by USAF as Crash Rescue helicopter.
      It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. And will never work in SF1.
      This is FREEWARE-DONATIONWARE and it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.
      Bribes and donations are accepted;
      Jarek Hereda
      Copy all files to specific folders in your game mod directory. 

      ANIMATION 1 & 2 - cockpit doors
      ANIMATION 8 - unfold hoist
      ANIMATION 9 - PJ on a winch 
      ANIMATION 10 - lower/raise hoist.
      This is beta file.
      Better to share than store on hard drive.
      Aircraft include generic Bell Huey cockpit.
      As with all my previous helos flying is quite easy. With little practice, you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes.
      Important here to control is using rudder and vector thrust control.
      Normally throttle vector control on 88-89 degree increase power 55% wait little and then increase to 100% and helo will take off nicely.
      Pack includes one helicopter with 1 skin

      Have fun.
      Hope you will enjoy it same as me when working on it.
      Edit and report bugs.

      Jarek Hereda.


         (2 reviews)



    23. FW-190A4

      This is one of the first versions of this German fighter, who believes for the sfp2 series. the file contains the model of the plane plus 4 skin, a template of high resolution, the armament plus the new sounds and how to install them, only the pilot is not my author and I do not know who created it, but he is grateful for his work.
      Sorry my bad english
      Torno & Banidos team


         (3 reviews)



    24. Me163B_Komet_SFP2

      What is new in this pack:
       - New Hitboxes, seat and small tweaks from Coupi.
       - New skin (Mottled)  and cockpit colors by me.
       - Update and some minor skin tweaks on original (Camo) skin. New numbers for it.
       - New exhaust smoke by me using and modified Dirty Bird Exhaust Effect For SF2 By NeverEnough.
       - The Pilot is unknown for me. My apologies for that!
       Many thaks to Pasko and Coupi for the marvelous work and cooperation. And Wrench for tips and for the hosting.
       C. Wilches - 09/2018


         (0 reviews)



    25. Meteor NF.13 RAF Suez

        ************************ONLY FOR SFP2 INSTALL****************************
       - First, download the "Meteors_Over_Israel" bunch from here to get the LODs:
       - Once downloaded, just install it as the Readme says.
       - To install this RAF Meteor, drop the "Meteor_NF13(RAF)" to the main "Aircraft" game folder. After that, copy/paste the LODs from "Meteors_Over_Israel" NF.13 to  "Meteor_NF13(RAF)" directory.
       - Inside the skin file there is another one with some blank skins for FREE use. 
       - The cockpit used many aircraft parts mixed with TW cockpit by the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" method. I did some tweak over Jarek originals to make it more
       - The skin depicts the Meteor NF.13 from RAF 39 Squadron during the "Suez Crisis".
       Thanks to Jarek Hereda for everything.
       C.Wilches - September 2018


         (0 reviews)




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