SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 - VPAF Add-on
By eburger68
SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack v. 2.1 - VPAF Add-On
This is an add-on package for the "Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam Air & Ground Expansion Pack v. 2.1" available at CombatAce. This add-on makes most major aircraft of the Vietnamese People's Air Force (VPAF) flyable with custom third-party cockpits and avionics. It also contains "Red" versions of the three main SF2V campaigns, allowing you to fly VPAF MiGs against opposing USAF, USN, & USMC aircraft.
This add-on package is designed to be applied over the top of an existing installation of version 2.1 of the Expansion Pack with the latest update package applied. You can download the four main Expansion Pack files here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
The latest update package for the Expansion Pack can be found here:
Jan. 2012 Update:
You should have the latest updates for the Expansion Pack before applying this add-on package.
Please take a look over the remainder of this ReadMe before installing the update.
The installation process has two phases: one for the main add-on files; a second for optional aircraft.
Here's how to apply this update package:
1. Ensure that SF2V is properly installed & updated.
2. Ensure that the Expansion Pack v. 2.1 (Mar. 2010) is installed to your SF2V Mod Folder
and that the latest update package for the Expansion Pack is applied.
3. Unpack SF2V_AG-XP_v2_VPAF.7z to a safe place on your drive.
4. Drag and drop all the files and folders from within the \To_Mod_Folder to your SF2V Mod Folder, overwriting as prompted.
5. Now open the \Optional directory, which contains different versions of the MiG-17 and MiG-17PF. Note that what you install from the \Optional directory is determined by whether or not your SF2V installation also includes Strike Fighters 2: Europe (SF2E) as part of a "merged install."
- MiG-17PF
The original Expansion Pack supplies two different versions of the MiG-17PF. By default a third-party "mod" version was installed. Optionally, users with installations that included SF2E could replace the "mod" version with the stock 3rdWire version.
The \Optional directory in this add-on package contains updated files for both versions. (Hint: the third-party "mod" version is identified in-game as the MiG-17PF Fresco-E; the stock 3rdWire verison is identified as the MiG-17PF Fresco-D.)
Choose the version that you have installed, and apply the updated files for that version to the \Objects\Aircraft directory in your SF2V Mod Folder, overwriting as prompted.
- MiG-17
The original Expansion Pack supplies a substitute, optional version of the MiG-17 for those using installations that do not include SF2E.
If you installed this optional/substitute version of the MiG-17 (because your install lacks SF2E), then apply the updated files for that version to the \Objects\Aircraft directory in your SF2V Mod Folder, overwriting as prompted.
(If your install includes SF2E, then you do not need to install the updates for the substitute version of the MiG-17, as you're using the original 3rdWire version available in SF2E.)
That's it. You should be good to go.
What's Included
This add-on package supplies the following updates for your SF2V Expansion Pack install:
- cockpits and related files to make most VPAF fighters flyable
- new engine sounds for VPAF MiGs
- new Hangar & Loading screens for flyable MiGs
- "Red" versions of the three main SF2V campaigns:
1. The American War (Rolling Thunder)
2. The Mad Man Nixon (Linebacker I)
3. Dien Bien Phu of the Air (Linebacker II)
This update contains new items from the following modders who generously allowed their use:
Ordway............................original MiG-17 & MiG-19 cockpits
Wrench............................Early MiG Series Cockpit Upgrade/Repair Package
Paladrian.........................original MiG-21 cockpits
ataribaby.........................MiG-21 Complete Pack for SF2
Raven.............................MiG-19S green cockpit update
Spillone104.......................MiG engine sounds
For a complete list of modders whose work is used in the complete Expansion Pack, see the ReadMe included in the original Expansion Pack. If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.
Legal Stuff
We have signed onto the freeware "list" on combatace.com. As such, the original work here can be included or used in other mods as along as they aren't payware and credit is given to the creator(s).
Malibu43 & eburger68
malibu43 & eburger68
22 Feb. 2011
SF2E: TSF: Mannerheims Shield "Viking Total War" Patch
By JonathanRL
The Scandinavian Front: Operation Mannerheims Shield: Viking Total War
By The Scandinavian Front Team
This is a rewrite of this campaign:
If you do not have it, download above file first, then install this file.
Following files are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:
Sarcasm 1.3: http://combatace.com/files/file/12836-sarcasm-slightly-artistic-representation-of-clouds-and-sky-mod-v-13/
Baltic HD Tileset; Part 1:
Baltic HD Tileset; Part 2:
The project with renewing Mannerheims Shield has become slightly larger then I first anticipated; and I wanted to give you guys my reasons behind this. First of all, I worked for the original Mannerheims Campaign for several months, often awaiting skins or aircraft. At some points, I became stressed to release the campaign, when I was supposed to be thinking to make it good. I say with full honesty that I am ashamed about Campaign in Mannerheims Shield, and that I somewhat wasted the assets I was given.
I do not think it is bad, but a few missions naval battles that was not properly thought out; you guys deserved better; simply put. You deserved my original vision of a great, grand Viking Total War.
Then SF2: NA came out and we got all these new good toys, and I decided to learn how to use them; resulting in the above mentioned patches. So it is time to make the last vision come true. It will not be entirely the same of course, but it will be interesting still.
And here it is. In my full, honest opinion - This is a Viking Total War worthy of the Aircraft and skins my team provided.
A-1H Skyraider by MontyCZ Credits:
MontyCZ for creating this aircraft, oh so long ago!, and fulfilling a request to revist the LOD and fix some issues
Crusader/Moonjumper/Otto for converting the unworking LABS timer into the DME;
The inestimable assistance of CA's own 331KillerBee, for coloring and markings and other help I can't even remember!
Royohboy for some bits off his AD-4 template I shamelessly borrowed;
the other 2 dozen or so WW2 Prop-heads out there in 3rd Wire Land...
and, of course, TK hisself, for creating this marvelous playground for us to enjoy...
Riga Class Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai
ARA Intrepida (Redesigned as Soviet Patrol Boat) by terceraescuadrilla
F-86K By Bunyap, Skins by Paulopanz
Sorry for the wait. You guys deserved this to be the 1.0 release.
Desert Duel 1981: Paran vs Dhimar, no foreign forces
By arthur666
Desert Duel:
June 1, 1981. After the war in 1975, Dhimar has become the undisputed greater economic power in the region. With their increased wealth due to rising oil prices the Dhimari decide to invest in a stronger millitary to counter the ever-looming threat of their southern neighbors.
Seeing that Dhimar is purchasing new advanced weaponry such as F-16 fighters and new Sidewinder "L" missiles, Paran launches a full scale attack on the Kingdom of Dhimar before they can continue the military buildup with stronger ground forces.
Divisions of Parani troops and heavy armor are rolling north under a cloud of MiGs. The Dhimari military is scrambling to repel the onslaught. Their new hardware is about to be put to the ultimate test.
Nothing groundbreaking or terribly creative here. This is a simple campaign, based on the stock Desert Fury campaign with mostly stock aircraft. I wanted a Paran vs Dhimar campaign with no foreign forces. Fly Dhimari aircraft including the MirageIII & 5, F-4E, A-4, F-16A, Kfir, Lightning and F-104. I've enjoyed playing this campaign, and maybe someone else will too.
Requirements :
StrikeFighters 2
Strikefighters 2 Israel
Strikefighters 2 Europe
Optional: (included)
Flyable F-104G, files by Thirdwire for SF1, thanks to Wrench for "how to" in Combatace.com forum.
...also, in my personal install I opened the .ini files for each Israeli aircraft and changed the names from the Hebrew to the American (ex. Netz to Falcon, Kurnass to Phantom, Nesher to Mirage5). It's really personal preference and just a suggestion.
StrikeFighters2 War for Taiwan 1.04 Update
By Spectre8750
29 Apr 2011
Strike Fighters 2: War for Taiwan V1.04 Update for post Dec 2010.
Campaign For SF2,SF2:E,SF2:V, SF2:Israel Single or Merged Install.
To Install:
Just Run the Installer and point it to the Saved Game folder
StrikeFighters2 War for Taiwan Directory.
SF2: Modern Warfare Taiwan V1.01 Part 1
By Spectre8750
25 Dec 2010 : Merry Christmas.
Strike Fighters 2: Modern Warfare Taiwan V1.01 by Spectre8750
Campaign For SF2, SF2:E, SF2:V, SF2:I or
SF2,SF2:E,SF2:V and/or SF2:I Merged Install.
This Campaign is a culmination of many to hit on the possability of the
situation in the Far East coming to a head and represent the possible Air
The Campaign includes Taiwan, Australia, RAF, Japan, Hungary, USAF, USMC,
USN with Carrier support, and China and the Soviet Union.
Extra Files are required: The E-2C-R3.LOD for the E-2C "HawkEye" from
Skunkworks, all other files for that Aircraft are included and modded. Do
not overwrite the other Files. The E-3A.LOD's for the E-3 "Sentry" can be
found in Operation Desert Storm in the "ODS_part1.exe" file. You only need
the LOD's all others are already included. This Aircraft is not crucial
but fun to Include. Also the F-16A(10) uses the F-16A_Netz.LOD's not
included but will work if You have SF2:Isreal loaded. If not it is not
crucial as it is for the Mercenary Player only and won't affect the Game if
not present. All other files are included and modified and needed as is.
If you modify included files, I can't guarantee results.
Installing the Campaign:
Install as per the Knowledge base for Standalone Mods.
And Delete The Aircraft and Ground Objects before you dump these files in.
Also Included an Icon for the Main Dir to use with the Desktop Shortcut.
A Menu ModuleMWT.cat file is included for Menu Screens and Music.
Open the "StrikeFighters2 War for Taiwan.INI" file you created and make sure
it has the fallowing at the bottom:
Now go to the new "Mod" "\StrikeFighters2 Modern Warfare Taiwan\Terrains\Taiwan"
Folder and open the TAIWAN.INI file and remove the semicolon in front of the
game you have loaded as follows. Example if you have SF2 Israel.
Leave all others with a semicolon.
You should be ready to go.
I want to thank the Following for making
This Mod possible with a special thanks to
Gepard for the original Formosa Strait Terrain
and Stary for the Tile and objects Update:
Digital Overlord
Flying Toaster
Insky group
J.M Langeron
JA 37 Viggen
Joe Baugher
JSF Aggie
Matthew Ouellette
Max Rudakov
Mirage Factory
Mig Master
Raptore One
Sony Tuckson
The Trooper
Team Viper
UF Josse
X Ray
Third Wire
and TK
Thanks all, let me know if i missed anyone.
Email Me.
Have Fun
The Pacific Incident
By JonathanRL
The Pacific Incident Mod
for SF2: North Atlantic
IMPORTANT: This mod is made with some surprise in mind. If you do not wish to be spoiled, do not read the Credits (Under the Folder "SPOILER") until after you have played the mod. Also, you should refrain from observing the support thread as this is the official discussion thread with spoilers
At the first of August, 1980, the USS Nimitz departs from Pearl Harbour with a small escort group. As bad weather looms on the horizon, the escorts are detached and sent back to Pearl.
As the Nimitz sails head first into the storm, they discover a phenomena - a giant vortex - that nobody have ever seen before. It affects the crew, and the ship in a mysterious way.
As the crew wakes up, shaken and disturbed by the recent event, they know that their duty is to defend the United States in the past, present and the future...
Installation: Unzip into your Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic folder. Allow any overwrites.
Please note:
The Terrain is very unoptimized since TK did not leave any instructions for Stary. As such, even the heaviest computers can have some issues with the endless water (for some reason). Setting Terrain Detail and Terrain Texture to Low will fix this and allow good FPS.
The Scandinavian Front Mega Package Part 1
By JonathanRL
The Scandinavian Front (TSF) is a expansion pack type mod for Strike Fighters 2: Europe. It focuses on the efforts of the Scandinavian Air Forces to repel Soviet aggression in the Baltic area. Each part of the mod is self-sustaining and covers a different era, but they can also be merged
Packages released:
The Catalina Affair (1952)
Operation Isbjörn (1956)
The Gulf of Finland Skirmishes (1964)
Operation Mannerheims Sköld (1966)
Midvintermörker (2012)
This package contains all released packages updated and ready to play.
You also need to download Part 2:
First of all, make sure you are using SF2: Europe and that it is patched to the latest version. This is _vital_. Check http://www.thirdwire.com if you are unsure what the latest patch is, but the game should notify you if there is new patches out.
If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, TSF will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod folder for TSF is a good idea. If you only plan to use TSF, then this step can be bypassed.
Go to your installation folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2). Make a copy of Strike Fighters 2.exe / Strike Fighters 2 Europe.exe depending on what you prefer and got installed. Name the Copy Strike Fighters 2 TSF.exe . Start your new .exe once, then close the game.
Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents.
Unzip the contents of the 7zip files into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites.
Flyable Aircraft
Flygvapnet (Sweden)
A 29B Tunnan
A 32A Lansen
J 26 Mustang
J 28 Vampire
J 29 A/E/F Tunnan
J 30 Mosquito
J 32B Lansen
J 34 Hawker Hunter
J 35 B/D/E/F Draken
S 29 Tunnan
S 31 Spitfire
S 32 Lansen
JAS 39 Gripen
Luftforsvaret (Norway)
F 86K Sabre
F-104G Starfighter
F-5A Freedom Fighter
Ilmavoimat (Finland)
Vampire FB5
Folland Gnat
MiG 21F
Flyvevåbnet (Denmark)
Hawker Hunter F50
All hail Team TSF.
Riga Class Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai
ARA Intrepida (Redesigned as Soviet Patrol Boat) by terceraescuadrilla
F-86K By Bunyap, Skins by Paulopanz
Cavalier by Hinchinbrooke, updated by Wrench
Foch by Hinchinbrooke
MiG-29 Fulcrum-C by The Mirage Factory
SU-27 by Marcfighters
JAS 39C/D Gripen by Gux, Update by CadeteBra
SU-25 Frogfoot by Nato Fighters Team
E-3A by The Mirage Factory
C-130E By Dels, Skins by Paulopanz
SAMs by EricJ
Russian APC by EricJ
Russian Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai
Visby Class Corvette by WhiteBoySamurai
Carguero Cargo ship by BANIDOS Team, 3D Model:SUICIDAL, Skins: TORNO
Campaign by JonathanRL
SweStart.jpg ; Foto: Sergeant Johan Lundahl/Combat Camera/Försvarsmakten.
SweVictory.jpg; Foto: Sergeant Nicklas Gustafsson/Combat Camera/Försvarsmakten.
Försvarsmakten intro music by Sabaton
Gnat by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)
Mi-8 by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)
MiG 21F Finnish Skin by Paulopanz
Vampire 52 by Pasko
IL-28R by Paulopanz
J 35 Draken FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz
A/J/S 32 Lansen FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz
Jaktraketkapsel M/57 by Cocas
Danish F-100D by Paulopanz
Norwegian F-104 by hgbn
Norwegian F-5A by Column5/The Mirage Factory
Su-9A by Pasko, updated by Wrench
Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw007
Unified Effects Pack 1.1 by Stary
Ground Effects Collection by SF
Better Widesky for SF2 by Cellisky and Insky_orsin
Alternative Cloud layer 1.0 by SF
P 51B/D by WOLF257
J 26 Skins and decals by Knug & Paulopanz
Vampire by Pasko
J 28B Paint by Knug
J 28B Decals by Paulopanz
Mosquito NF by Wrench
J 30 Skin and decals by Paulopanz
Il-28R/T by Paulopanz
Soviet Torpedos by Lindr2
MiG-15BIS by Pasko & suhsjake
J-29F Tunnan by Wrench
A32A 3D model by Timmy.
Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007.
Swedish RB Missile Set by Ravenclaw_007.
SF2 updates by NeverEnough.
M123 Photoflash Bomb from Bunyaps Weapons package - thanks to whoever made it.
Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw 007 & Timmy
Cavalier Class Destroyer by Wrench
F-86K (Early Model) by Bunyap, Fubar512
F-86K RNAF skins by Paulopanz
Finnish Air Force Decals by Spinner
Avia S-99 by Monty CZ
Komar Missile boat by Pasko
Yak-25 by Pasko, SF2 and historical corrections adoptation by Paulopanz
SF2 Adoptation of Komar by WhiteBoySamurai.
Sweden terrain by gillg
J-28B Vampire by Paulopanz
J-28B Vampire sounds by Spillone104
J-33 Venom Skin and cockpit by Paulopanz
Tu-4 by Monty CZ, Wrench & LindR
Il-28R by Paulopanz
A-29B, J-29A, J-29E by Paulopanz.
J-28B Vampire (Standalone) by Knug
IL-A50 Mainstay by Veltro2k
PBY-5 / TP 47 Catalina by Veltro2k
Robot 15 Crusie Missile Edit by WhiteBoySamurai
The Scandinavian Front Mega Package Part 2
By JonathanRL
The Scandinavian Front (TSF) is a expansion pack type mod for Strike Fighters 2: Europe. It focuses on the efforts of the Scandinavian Air Forces to repel Soviet aggression in the Baltic area. Each part of the mod is self-sustaining and covers a different era, but they can also be merged
Packages released:
The Catalina Affair (1952)
Operation Isbjörn (1956)
The Gulf of Finland Skirmishes (1964)
Operation Mannerheims Sköld (1966)
Midvintermörker (2012)
This package contains all released packages updated and ready to play.
You also need Part 1!
First of all, make sure you are using SF2: Europe and that it is patched to the latest version. This is _vital_. Check http://www.thirdwire.com if you are unsure what the latest patch is, but the game should notify you if there is new patches out.
If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, TSF will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod folder for TSF is a good idea. If you only plan to use TSF, then this step can be bypassed.
Go to your installation folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2). Make a copy of Strike Fighters 2.exe / Strike Fighters 2 Europe.exe depending on what you prefer and got installed. Name the Copy Strike Fighters 2 TSF.exe . Start your new .exe once, then close the game.
Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents.
Unzip the contents of the 7zip files into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites.
Flyable Aircraft
Flygvapnet (Sweden)
A 29B Tunnan
A 32A Lansen
J 26 Mustang
J 28 Vampire
J 29 A/E/F Tunnan
J 30 Mosquito
J 32B Lansen
J 34 Hawker Hunter
J 35 B/D/E/F Draken
S 29 Tunnan
S 31 Spitfire
S 32 Lansen
JAS 39 Gripen
Luftforsvaret (Norway)
F 86K Sabre
F-104G Starfighter
F-5A Freedom Fighter
Ilmavoimat (Finland)
Vampire FB5
Folland Gnat
MiG 21F
Flyvevåbnet (Denmark)
Hawker Hunter F50
All hail Team TSF.
Riga Class Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai
ARA Intrepida (Redesigned as Soviet Patrol Boat) by terceraescuadrilla
F-86K By Bunyap, Skins by Paulopanz
Cavalier by Hinchinbrooke, updated by Wrench
Foch by Hinchinbrooke
Catalinas by Velcro2K, Skinned by Paulopanz
MiG-29 Fulcrum-C by The Mirage Factory
SU-27 by Marcfighters
JAS 39C/D Gripen by Gux, Update by CadeteBra
SU-25 Frogfoot by Nato Fighters Team
E-3A by The Mirage Factory
IL-A50 Mainstay by Velcro2K
C-130E By Dels, Skins by Paulopanz
SAMs by EricJ
Russian APC by EricJ
Russian Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai
Visby Class Corvette by WhiteBoySamurai
Carguero Cargo ship by BANIDOS Team, 3D Model:SUICIDAL, Skins: TORNO
Campaign by JonathanRL
SweStart.jpg ; Foto: Sergeant Johan Lundahl/Combat Camera/Försvarsmakten.
SweVictory.jpg; Foto: Sergeant Nicklas Gustafsson/Combat Camera/Försvarsmakten.
Försvarsmakten intro music by Sabaton
Gnat by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)
Mi-8 by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)
MiG 21F Finnish Skin by Paulopanz
Vampire 52 by Pasko
IL-28R by Paulopanz
J 35 Draken FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz
A/J/S 32 Lansen FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz
Jaktraketkapsel M/57 by Cocas
Danish F-100D by Paulopanz
Norwegian F-104 by hgbn
Norwegian F-5A by Column5/The Mirage Factory
Su-9A by Pasko, updated by Wrench
Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw007
Unified Effects Pack 1.1 by Stary
Ground Effects Collection by SF
Better Widesky for SF2 by Cellisky and Insky_orsin
Alternative Cloud layer 1.0 by SF
P 51B/D by WOLF257
J 26 Skins and decals by Knug & Paulopanz
Vampire by Pasko
J 28B Paint by Knug
J 28B Decals by Paulopanz
Mosquito NF by Wrench
J 30 Skin and decals by Paulopanz
PBY Catalina by Velcro2K
TP-47 Catalina skin and decals by Paulopanz
Il-28R/T by Paulopanz
Soviet Torpedos by Lindr2
MiG-15BIS by Pasko & suhsjake
J-29F Tunnan by Wrench
A32A 3D model by Timmy.
Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007.
Swedish RB Missile Set by Ravenclaw_007.
SF2 updates by NeverEnough.
M123 Photoflash Bomb from Bunyaps Weapons package - thanks to whoever made it.
Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw 007 & Timmy
Cavalier Class Destroyer by Wrench
F-86K (Early Model) by Bunyap, Fubar512
F-86K RNAF skins by Paulopanz
Finnish Air Force Decals by Spinner
Avia S-99 by Monty CZ
Komar Missile boat by Pasko
Yak-25 by Pasko, SF2 and historical corrections adoptation by Paulopanz
SF2 Adoptation of Komar by WhiteBoySamurai.
Sweden terrain by gillg
J-28B Vampire by Paulopanz
J-28B Vampire sounds by Spillone104
J-33 Venom Skin and cockpit by Paulopanz
Tu-4 by Monty CZ, Wrench & LindR
Il-28R by Paulopanz
A-29B, J-29A, J-29E by Paulopanz.
J-28B Vampire (Standalone) by Knug
IL-A50 Mainstay by Veltro2k
PBY-5 / TP 47 Catalina by Veltro2k
Robot 15 Crusie Missile Edit by WhiteBoySamurai
Operation Formosa Freedom
By JonathanRL
Operation Formosa Freedom
By JonathanRL
Year: 1959
Flyable Services: US Air Force, US Navy, Republic of China Air Force
Carrier Operations: Yes
Naval Combat: Yes
Ground War Scale: Medium
Cheese / Ham Sandwich Included: No
Hey, Paulopanz. This one is for you. Consider it a Thank-You for all you done for TSF !
September, 1959
The Peoples Republic of China increases their rethoric against their wayward province Taiwan, on the Island of Formosa. For the purpose of "peace and order"
in the region, they demand that Formosa shall surrender its independence. Meanwhile, both US and Taiwan intelligence services declare the probability of actual invasion to be low.
Intimidated by the massive bomber armada of the PRC, the Goverment of Taiwan requests US Aid who comes swiftly in the shape of several Interceptor Squadrons.
Two Carrier Groups in the Pacific are also ordered to converge on Formosa; bolstering the strike capacity of the Island.
The worst fear of the Taiwanese people is confirmed as Amphibious Regiments are spotted outside the coast of the outer islands. This will be one of the fierest ground, air and naval war in history.
Will Formosa fall before US Marines arrive to relive the defenders?
Strike Fighters 2 Europe
Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam
Expansion Pack 1
First of all, make sure you are using the required packages merged and that it is patched to the latest version. This is _vital_.
Check http://www.thirdwire.com if you are unsure what the latest patch is, but the game should notify you if there is new patches out.
If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, This mod will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod folder for Formosa is
a good idea. If you only plan to use Formosa on your main installation, then this step can be bypassed.
Go to your installation folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2). Make a copy of Strike Fighters 2.exe / Strike Fighters 2 Europe.exe
depending on what you prefer and got installed. Name the Copy Strike Fighters 2 Formosa.exe . Start your new .exe once, then close the game.
Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents.
Unzip the contents of the 7zip file "Formosa" into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites.
If you own Expansion Pack 1, unzip the file "Optimal" into the same Mod Folder to install correct skins for the J-2.
(Yes, I take requests. Just make them reasonable...)
Formosa Terrain by Gepard
Formosa Terrain Improvements by Wrench & Stary
RussoUk for this fine addition - it really holds up superbly in SF2;
JSF_Aggie for 2 of the USAF skins;
Stephan s for the AMi skin, in particular the Devil tail badge decal;
TMF for the F-84 Triple Rocket Rack (also available in the GunnyPak)
???? for the F84G engine sound wav -- paulo? carlo??? don't remember!!!
Me, for all the ini work, the other 2 skins new decals & positioning, and assembling the package
TK, of course, for the whole series
Cockpit and Adjustments by Dels
3W for the Skyraider
Dels for his SUPERB cockpit
TMF for the flaps and gear sounds
Timmy? for the AN/APS-4 pod (iirc!!)
Me, for all the reworking and assembling the package
Cockpit by ajunaidr.
Aircraft & Weapons by ChampionsVA56
Aircraft/Weapons by Julhelm
Fleet-Defender, BPAO (Oli, we miss you!), Crab_02, Marcello, Column5
Sony Tuckson
Me for some of the decals and other stuff like that there
TK for the whole series!
Updated ini's by MJ and starfighter.
Skin by Paulopanz
Assembly and other adjustments by usafmtl
Airplane and skin by Starfighter2
Help by Zur, USAFMTL, Crab and Heck Mitchell,Pappy, Ravenclaw_007
Skins by Paulopanz
Skins by Paulopanz
F-101 A/B/C Voodoo:
Dave, Column5, Spillone104, NGHENGO, Bobrock, Candair, triplethr3at & jimmybib
Original F-104A: Ajunaidr
Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104
Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz
Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz
Fake pilot mod: FastCargo
INIs : Spillone104
Effects : Spillone104
Sounds : Spillone104
Aircraft by Pasko & Team
Skins by Paulopanz
Cockpit by Stary
Aircraft by Pasko & suhsjake
Aircraft by Monty CZ, Wrench & LindR
Thanks to Eburger for assembling the Tank package, from where I got most of them.
Rebel Ryder
M3 Halftrack:
M8 Greyhound:
Atlanta Class:
YeYe, Modified by Wrench
Fletcher Class:
Grinch; Modified by Wrench.
Unified Effects Pack 1.1 by Stary
Ground Effects Collection by SF
Better Widesky for SF2 by Cellisky and Insky_orsin
Alternative Cloud layer 1.0 by SF
SARCASM 1.3 by Stary
If I forgot anybody, please send me a PM and I will correct this at once.
All files created by me is released under the terms of the Freeware License Agreement, any other files are subject to permission or other license from their respective owners.
SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 2
By eburger68
"Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam Air and Ground Expansion Pack"
eburger68 and malibu43
V2.1 Final (Gold - Updated)
This is the second of four parts.
SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 3
By eburger68
"Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam Air and Ground Expansion Pack"
eburger68 and malibu43
V2.1 Final (Gold - Updated)
This is the third of four parts.
SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 4
By eburger68
"Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam Air and Ground Expansion Pack"
eburger68 and malibu43
V2.1 Final (Gold - Updated)
This is the last of four parts.
SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 - Terrain Update
By eburger68
SF2V A&G Expansion Pack: New Terrain Items
for Older Expansion Pack Installations
This package contains an updated set of terrain files for users of the SF2V Expansion Pack who installed the original Expansion Pack distribution from November 2009 and all the subsequent updates through the "Feb. 2010 Refresh." It was created to bring older Expansion Pack installations current with the "updated" Expansion Pack files that were released early March 2010 without forcing users to download the complete set of "updated" installation files.
- If you downloaded and installed the Nov. 2009 version of the Expansion Pack and installed the "Terrain Tiles Update" as well as the "Feb. 2010 Refresh," then this update package is for you.
- If you downloaded and installed the Nov. 2009 version of the Expansion Pack but did NOT install both the "Terrain Tiles Update" and "Feb. 2010 Refresh," then you can upgrade to the most current version of the Expansion Pack *only* by downloading the complete, updated set of installation files. You can find the four part set of updated Expansion Pack installation files here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
- If you downloaded and installed the SF2V Expansion Pack on or after 3 March 2010, then this update package is NOT for you -- the "updated" Expansion Pack files from March 2010 already contain all the files from this update.
To install this update, simply copy the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory to your SF2V Mod Folder. In other words, drag and drop the \Terrains folder to your SF2V Mod Folder, overwriting as prompted.
That's it. You should be good to go.
Target Areas Added & Updated
An Bo POL Storage Depot *
Xuan Bo Supply Depot *
Mu Gia Transshipment Point *
Ban Karai Transshipment Point *
Ban Raving Transshipment Point *
Lang Mo Transshipment Point *
Haiphong Rail Yard
Hanoi Rail Yard
Thai Nguyen Rail Yard
Yen Bai Rail Yard
Thach Son Xa *
Bai Thuong
Cat Bi
Dong Hoi *
Hai Duong
Hong Gai
Nam Dinh
Nam Phong RTAFB *
Ninh Binh
Phu Tho
Quon Lang *
Son Tay
Thai Nguyen
Thai Nguyen Steel & Iron Works
Uong Bi
Vinh Son *
* = both North & South Vietnam terrains
Eric Howes
4 March 2010
SF2E: TSF: Mannerheims Shield
By JonathanRL
The Scandinavian Front: Operation Mannerheims Shield
By The Scandinavian Front Team
UPDATE: After you installed this file; install this one:
This makes for a far more enjoyable experience and is highly recommended!!!
The year is 1966.
Ten years have passed since what is commonly called "The Soviet War" in Sweden and Finland. Many hoped that the end of the war would result in a lasting peace for
Scandinavia. Both Sweden and Finland openly applies for membership in NATO to protect themselves from the horrors of war and a nuclear bomb program is now a
joint-effort between both countries. Despite this, as a gesture of good faith, Soviet sells Finland a number of MiG-21 Figthers and MiG-15 UTI Training aircraft.
In 1965, a report is sent to Moscow by the extremist left of Sweden. It claims a nuclear bomb is less then a year away, a shock to the Union who expected such a
weapon to be at least five years away. During this time, demonstrations - part of the global peace movement - break out in Sweden and Finland. The leaders of both
countries suspect Soviet involvement, and raise funds to the military.
February 1966, a small force under Lauri Törni is arrested at a naval base in Murmansk. Suspected as sabotours and spies, they are tried and sent to prison, while Sweden and Finland denies involvement. A few days later, the prison convoy is ambushed with the guards either dead or suspected captured by the unknown attackers. Törnis team is also missing. Soviet angrily demands the surrender of Törni to their custody or war may be declared.
While Törni in a press conference from Washington DC agrees to surrender himself, it is clear that war cannot be averted. The report about the nuclear bomb is spooking the Soviets to such a degree that they have declared that they will attack. Knowing that the Swedish Air Force is the key to victory for Scandinavia, they make plans to almost entirely bypass Finland and attack Sweden directly by Sea.
NATO Agents, active within the Union catch wind of the plans and send them to Stockholm. They choose the plan Mannerheims Shield as their best hope for survival...
If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, TSF will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod
folder for TSF is a good idea. If you only plan to use TSF, then this step can be bypassed.
Go to your installation folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2). Make a copy of Strike Fighters 2.exe / Strike Fighters 2 Europe.exe depending on what you prefer and got installed. Name the Copy Strike Fighters 2 TSF.exe . Start your new .exe once, then close the game.
Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. Unzip the contents of the 7zip file into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites.
As long as this package is installed last, it can and should be merged with the other The Scandinavian Front packages.
- Gnat by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)
- Mi-8 by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)
- MiG 21F Finnish Skin by Paulopanz
- Vampire 52 by Pasko
- IL-28R by Paulopanz
- J 35 Draken FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz
- A/J/S 32 Lansen FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz
- Jaktraketkapsel M/57 by Cocas
- Danish F-100D by Paulopanz
- Norwegian F-104 by hgbn
- Norwegian F-5A by Column5/The Mirage Factory
- Su-9A by Pasko, updated by Wrench
- Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw007
- Unified Effects Pack 1.1 by Stary
- Ground Effects Collection by SF
- Better Widesky for SF2 by Cellisky and Insky_orsin
- Alternative Cloud layer 1.0 by SF
Big thanks to all of you. We could not done this without you. Goes double for Paulopanz
If I forgot anybody, this is completely unintentional and will be corrected. Just drop me a line and I fix.
There will be bugs, ladies and gentlemen. I cannot guard against everything. So you are my eyes and ears. Find them. Report them. Hunt their mothers. And we will destroy them.
Strike Fighters 2: War For Israel v3 Patch
By Spectre8750
30 APR 2013
Strike Fighters 2: War For Israel V3.04 Cumulative Patch
For SF2:Israel with SF2:North Atlantic. or
SF2,SF2:E,SF2:V,SF2:NA with SF2:Israel Merged Install.
To Install:
Run the Installer and point it to the Saved Game folder
"StrikeFighters2 WarForIsrael" Mod Root Directory.
Overwrite if it asked.
Thanks to Stary, saisran, Slartibartfast, AggressorBLUE for
their help.
- war for israel
- update
- (and 2 more)
Carrier Duel: ARA 25 de Mayo vs HMS Invincible
By JonathanRL
As per popular demand:
This Campaign shows the classic "What-If" Falklands Faceoff! The A-4Q vs Sea Harrier; ARA Veinticinco de Mayo vs HMS Invincible. Both sides are flyable;
and it is you who shall help your carrier to win this friendly competition. With Missiles. And bombs!
Good luck and may the best Air Crew win.
You are required to own Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic for this mod to work properly. Everything else is included.
Beware: This mod contains a seperate Nations.ini. Make sure you do not accidently overwrite your own modded one.
Unzip into the Saved Games/Thirdwire/Strike Figthers 2 North Atlantic (or any mod folder of your choice, connected to SF2: NA).
Carrier Duel: KNM Norskehavet vs the Kiev
By JonathanRL
This is a modification pitting the fictional Norwegian Carrier KNM Norskehavet vs Soviet Aviation Crusier Kiev on a sea battlefield.
Each Carrier carries their compliment; Kiev a flight of helicopters and Yak-38s; Norskehavet F-11s & S-3As. This is a less intense
engagement since neither side really has the firepower to finish the other off and the pace is slower. It makes for a refreshing change of
pace from three tons of Crusie Missiles. Due to issues; Only the Norskehavet Force is playable.
Good luck and may the best Air Crew win.
You are required to own Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic for this mod to work properly. Everything else is included.
Beware: The mod has its own alterations of the Kiev. If you have a modded Kiev, simply change
CarrierNumSquadrons=1 to CarrierNumSquadrons=4 and continue normal use.
Unzip into the Saved Games/Thirdwire/Strike Figthers 2 North Atlantic (or any mod folder of your choice, connected to SF2: NA).
Please do read the enclosed credits, as without the work of those mentioned, this modification could not be made.
Carrier Duel: Nimitz vs Kitty Hawk
By JonathanRL
This is a modification pitting the USS Nimitz vs the USS Kitty Hawk on a sea battlefield. Escorts are included,
but merely to provide balance to the surface defence capacities of the ships. This package contains two campaigns,
one for each carrier. None of the Carriers aircraft compliments are correct but are to be shown as representative
of respective eras.
Each Carrier carries a Fighter Squadron (F-14A/F-4N), a medium strike squadron (A-4E/A-7E) and a heavy attack squadron (A-6 Intruders). They also carry
two E-2 Hawkeye Squadrons each, to provide naval recon and early warning.
Good luck and may the best Air Crew win.
You are required to own Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam & Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic for this
mod to work properly. The mod only use stock items.
A Cockpit for A-6A / A-6E_79 is recommended. The F-4N DLC is also recommended.
Unzip into the Saved Games/Thirdwire/Strike Figthers 2 North Atlantic (or any mod folder of your choice, connected to SF2: NA & SF2: Vietnam).
Northern Sabre Plus (Expanded Iceland Campaign)
By macelena
Operation Northern Sabre Plus
This is intended as an expanded campaign using resources from other TW games merged. For this campaign to work, a merged install with SF2:Vietnam
is required, but as usual, a full-5 merged install is quite advisable.
The campaign includes another US carrier, USS America, employing CVA-63 model. The escort for USS America is entirely fictional, and if anybody can provide some
information on the real composition of its surface combat ships for her 1979 cruise, please, tell me.
Most aircraft added are Phantoms. VMFA-333 flew the J type and used to be attached to CVW-8, so much that AJ is the tailcode it sports in stock installs, and
it keeps a detachment embarked aboard USS Nimitz. VMFA-115 was actually deployed to NAS Keflavik during September 1979, so it was a no brainier. VF-201 was a
USNR squadron stationed in NAS Dallas, and it has been added to USS America as a way to add more Phantoms, just in case. The campaign is made so it will display
Daddyairplanes´s F-4J_74 or ThirdWires F-4N DLC, but if you don´t have them, it will revert to F-4Js and F-4Bs (remember i told you this required SF2V)
I also included an USMC Skyhawk Squadron in Keflavik, wich will take dmtldragon´s A-4M, or alternatively, A-4F_74 from SF2.
The stock campaign also included RAF Phantoms in case you had SF2E or F-4K DLC, however i overwrote those squadrons instead of making them flyable, i just guess
they would be busy in Europe or guarding UK air space to get into a mess wich the USN and USMC are handling already
Most of the work was Tannethal´s, who figured out how to make two different CVBGs work fine, and had the idea of the Soviet reinforcement convoy, a lot of
credit goes to him. Also thanks to daddyairplanes, Viggen and all others wich contributed providing info and advise.
I suggest using the HFD version of Iceland for keeping FPS low, and modified SA-8s for airfield coverage. I just did it by changing their role from MOBILE_SAM to
MOBILE_AAA, but it may be better to use two different copies (one model of each variant in each role).
If anything goes wrong, it must be my fault for messing around with some entries, please tell me so i can solve it.
Strike Fighters 2: War For Israel V3.0 + Sandbox
By Spectre8750
Updated ReadMe 13 Mar 2013
Strike Fighters 2: War For Israel V3.0 + Sandbox = 11 Gigs
Campaign For SF2:Israel with SF2:North Atlantic. or
SF2,SF2:E,SF2:V,SF2:NA with SF2:Israel Merged Install.
Campaigns incuded are "War For Israel" "ClubMed '82"
and "ClubMed '97". Korea and Taiwan will be addons to this
as they depend on North Atlantic.
Campaigns now have Carrier Group support.
More aircraft added and new cockpits for F/A-18's and F-16's.
If you want to use the "New World Order" Nations Scenario in
the Single Missions mode, Drop the Nations.ini from one of
the Campaign Dir's into the Flight Dir in the User Mod but
keep a backup.
To Install:
Make a copy of "StrikeFighters2 Israel.exe" and
"StrikeFighters2 Israel.ini" and rename them to
"StrikeFighters2 WarForIsrael.exe" and
"StrikeFighters2 WarForIsrael.ini" put them back into the
Program files Thirdwire Folder, then run the
StrikeFighters2 WarForIsrael.exe once and go to the Users
Mod folder it created eg:
...Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 WarForIsrael\
and delete the contents of the Aircraft and GroundObject
Folders. Extract StrikeFighters2 WarForIsrael Part1 thru Part5
installers into the same Folder and run the Installers and
point them to the Saved Game folder "StrikeFighters2 WarForIsrael"
User Mod Root Directory.
The Campaigns in this Mod can take a while to load. I have a descent System
War For Israel can take 2 or more minutes to load. Also if the campaign dumps
restart and it should load ok.
I want to thank the Community for all their effort for without this Mod would not
have possible, Included below:
Bone Team
Column 5
Digital Overlord
Flying Toaster
J.M Langeron
JA 37 Viggen
Jimmy B
Joe Baugher
JSF Aggie
Matthew Ouellette
Max Rudakov
Mirage Factory
Nicholas Bell
Raptore One
rebel ryder
Sony Tuckson
Team Viper
X Ray
Third Wire
and TK
Thanks to all, let me know if i missed anyone.
- strike fighters 2
- war for israel
- (and 3 more)
Guns practice - quick dogfighting missions
By Stary
several quick dogfights over nice region of GermanyCE map, designed with guns only practice in mind:
P-51D vs Sptfire IXc:
6 vs 6, winter, clear weather, 09:28:29
Meteor F.8 vs Mig-15bis:
8 vs 8, autumn, broken skies, 07:33:12
Mystere IVA vs Yak-23 Flora:
12 vs 12, summer, scattered weather, 17:45:00
F-15A vs Mig-21F13:
6 vs 6, spring, scattered weather, 6:28:29
F-15A vs Mig-23M:
6 vs 6, winter, broken skies, 15:20:00
recommended mods:
Sarcasm 1.4 and GermanyCE HR v3
India-Pakistan War 1965
By arthur666
Please understand that due to game engine limitations this will not play out exactly like the war did historically,
and due to my own personal time limitations, I was not able to do enough research to accurately name all of the ground
units and some of the air-units.
Also, I am in no way making any political statement regarding the war that occurred in 1965.
To install:
Merge the contents of the IndPak65 folder inside the .zip file into your preferred modfolder.
It is recommended that you create a dedicated modfolder for all of your India/Pakistan SF2 needs, but if you know what you are doing,
you can probably merge it all into a "SF2:Everything" install, but don't ask me how if you can't do it yourself. Combatace.com has all of the info you need.
The files contain an edited _targets.ini file that only adds edited NumSquadrons= at a few airbases, especailly since most of the PAF squadrons were
stationed at one airbase near Sarghoda. (changed Mushaf, Halwara and Pathankot airbases).
Also included is a missing tile that goes with Stary's set for the terrain.
tested with a full-merged install, both clean and in a heavily modded folder,
You will certainly need SF2, SF2:Europe, SF2:Israel and Expansion 1
If anyone finds anything horribly wrong that I have missed, let me know ASAP, and I will fix it.
You will need these user made files...
... and the following files will GREATLY enhance your experience, so get them as well:
I will give a hearty thank-you to:
all of the great modders who created the above files,
TK for staying with it for so long,
everyone at CombatAce.com who has ever answered one of my many "How do I...?"
and to Wrench for creating this beautiful terrain, releasing the PAF F-104A and the new PAF Sabre (which I fell in love with while testing this campaign),
and allowing me to toss his targets.ini around like a cheap soda can.
The Great GuyRan's Missions Collection SF-2I/Exp.1
By paulopanz
After Exp.2 editor realise I hoped that many missions could be made, but it wasn't.
So I decided to look at our old ones .....
Here are my favorite WOI missions by the best (for me) historical mission designer, upgraded to SF-2I/Exp.1 current patch, I'ld like to share:
1955 - First Jet Kill - Meteor 8
1955 - First Jet Kill - Vampire 52
1966 - Hunting the Hunter - Mirage IIICJ
1966 - The Hunter Hunted - Hunter 73
1973 - First Nesher kill - Nesher
1973- First Nesher kill- MiG-21MF
1973 - Scramble at dawn - A-4H
1973 - Scramble at dawn - Mig-17F
1973 - Scramble at dawn - Mig-21PFM
1973 - Scramble at dawn - Mirage IIICJ
1973 - The Israeli Ace Epstein - MiG-21MF
1973 -The Israeli Ace Epstein - Nesher (Hard)
1973 -The Israeli Ace Epstein - Nesher
1973 - The Ofira Air Battle - F-4 Kurnass
1973 -The Ofira Air Battle - Mig-17F
1973 - The Ofira Air Battle - Mig-21PFM
1988 - Dogfight - F-15 Baz
1988 - Dogfight - Mig-29a
- planes edited, Squadrons, textures added
- more mission for each air battle using all the involved planes.
Please test both upgraded Hunting the Hunter (Mirage IIICJ) and new The Hunter Hunted (Hunter 73):
the old Hunter is very hard to catch when IRMs are finished and I was able (not an Ace like Giora Epstein .... )
to shoot down a Mirage or two in several missions .... a fantastic circus!
To install: all in main mod folder. You only need to add Syrian MiG-29a by TMF and make Vampire 52, MiG-17F, MiG-21PFM & MF & F flyables.
BTW Original readme are included.
@ Paulopanz
PS: RAN, my friend, this is for You, please came back in action: make more!
The Last of the Lightnings
By comrpnt
This mission pack follows the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) training undertaken by Pilot Officer Ian Black during 1985/86, the last RAF pilot to qualify on the English Electric Lightning, as documented in his excellent book The Last of the Lightnings (ISBN-10: 075093073X; ISBN-13: 978-0750930734).
The missions in this pack are specifically designed to be used with Thirdwire’s Strike Fighters 2 Europe: Expansion Pack 2 (SF2E:Exp2), which introduced all Lightning types to the game. Where possible, stock objects and aircraft are used. Where necessary new aircraft, skins, weapons, and loadouts have been defined and are included in the pack.
The missions
The missions in this pack form a syllabus for an OCU course, similar to that undertaken by Ian Black at RAF Binbrook, which is broken down into the following phases:
Basic aircraft handling.
Basic navigation.
Basic radar operation.
Advanced radar operation.
Radar assisted interceptions, with a varying degree of difficulty based on the angle-off of an approaching enemy. Includes high and low altitude, high and low speed, and combinations of these.
Air-to-air refuelling (AAR), using radar to acquire the ‘tanker’.
Air combat manoeuvres (ACM) against solo and multiple bogeys, using training rounds to record ‘kills’.
Air gunnery school, using live weapons against drone targets.
Ground gunnery school, using live weapons against static ground targets.
Formation flying, culminating in a diamond-9 flypast to celebration OCU graduation.
Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms
Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own modifications, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites. Note that some models used by this pack may have different terms and conditions (consult the accompanying documentation for details).
Released under Fair-Use terms, as defined at CombatAce. Visit http://combatace.com...ng/#entry545949
The contents of this mission pack are:
Comprehensive installation notes, instructional notes, and mission briefings documentation
30 scripted single missions
New Targets definitions
New Types definitions
RAF pilot skins
New Hunter9 target drone aircraft
New LTF Lightning skin
Airfield lights definitions
Airfield QRA shed definitions
New training missile definitions
New Lightning F.6 and F-4M_75 loadout definitions
New formation definitions
Lightning F.6 FM update
Buccaneer S2 FM update - to add drogue lights
Download this pack to a neutral location on your local machine, extract the files, and then consult the detailed 'Guide' document for installation instructions.
Good luck.
comrpnt (September 2012).
Operation Joint Effort
By JonathanRL
Operation Joint Effort
By Jonathan R Lundkvist
1964: In response to increasing pressure from the Japanese Government, arrangements are made to establish a JSDF Airstrip on Guadalcanal.
1967: Black Raven Steel & Industries begin purchasing up Aircraft designated for scrapping. In the coming years, they get major contracts for ISDF & French Air Force Super Mysteres & USN A-4B Skyhawks / A-1H Skyraiders.
1969: Henderson Field on Guadalcanal becomes operational as a military base and is chosen as the base for the 8th Hikotai.
1974: The CIA are given a tip that there is a Mercenary Organisation trying to acquire Fighter Jets. No leads are found and the matter closed.
1976: A large stockpile of weapons are stolen from a Soviet outpost. This raid is followed up by armed attacks upon other outposts, resulting in more weapons being stolen. The Soviet Union tries to cover up the events.
Dec 1978: Black Raven Security Services announce themselves to the world, offering military skill and lease of their equipment to the highest bidder. They operate from several of the Solomon Islands.
Jan 1979: Both US & Soviets declare Black Raven Security Services to be Mercenaries and in direct conflict to the interest of their respective nations.
They also blame each other for the situation.
March 1979: During a UN Security Council session, the US declares they will solve the issue by military force. The USSR surprises everybody by joining the endeavor.
April 1979: The Black Ravens offer a ultimatum to the JSDF. Surrender the Air Base or it will be taken by force. The JSDF refuses. The Australian Navy joins the Task Force.
1th of May 1979: The Task Force arrives at the Solomon Islands...
Flyable Aircraft:
F-14A, F-4J, F-8J, A-4F, A-6E, A-7E
Soviet Navy:
Soviet Air Force:
MiG-23M, MiG-23ML, MiG-27, Su-7BM, Su-7BMK, MiG-21Bis
Australian Navy:
Japanese Self-Defence Force:
Unzip everything into your Strike Fighters 2 Mod folder of your choice.
This can be found in C:\Users\(Yourname)\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 or similar for W7
If you do not have any mod cockpits, unzip "Aircraft Cockpits" into "Objects/Aircraft".
This mod REQUIRES SF2,SF2 Vietnam, SF2 Europe, SF2 Israel & SF2 North Atlantic.
It is recommended you own the A-4G & F-4EJ DLC, but not required.
You can chose to use our choice of cockpits, or download your own.
Solomon Islands Terrain.
Terrain by Edward, adjustments by Wrench
Tiles by Stary
HMAS Melbourne
Carrier by Hinchinbrooke, SF2 Updates & Reskin by Paulopanz
Stay Calm and have fun!
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