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    1. The Last Castles: B-52G at Castle AFB 1992-94

                                          The Last CAstles: The B-52G at Castle AFB 1992-94
      This mod creates a B-52G_92 to represent the last 24 G models in service from mid 1992 through early 1994 at Castle AFB. The mod has two skins for the 93rd Bomb Wing and the 34th Bomb Squadron. The 34th BS was a remote based part of the 366th Wing at the time.
           Included: B-52G_92 aircraft that is based off of my previous update to the B-52G_89. Two skins to showcase the two units. Weapons, effects and sounds from the previous mod are included.
          Historical Notes: While the aircraft as a whole is capable of carrying AGM-142 cruise missiles, only the 8 aircraft of the 34th BS were actually configured to carry these.
       Installation:unzip. put all folders into desired mod folder. Allow overwrites as needed.
           -original B-52 Mega Era Pack: original project lead Dave, original model by wpnssgt, original cockpit by Dels
           -yakarov79: ini edit assistance (weapons grouping)
           -KJakker: data.ini edit assistance, revisions to cockpit, countermeasure strength, revised weapons
           -daddyairplanes: ini edits, weapons ini edits to boost numbers available in game, adjustment of effects to simulate water injection on takeoff. ini edits to create B-52G_92 aircraft with specific data ini edits, and edit to original Popeye data link pod for carriage on the BUFF
           -Third Wire: for the original game
      I hope you enjoy this mod.
      aka Kevin Unruh
      31 December 2022


         (1 review)



    2. F-105B Thunderchief (stand in) rebuilt

      F-105B initial production model with AN/APN-105 navigational radar, 71 built
      a "stand in" by  dtmdragon rebuilt
      What's in:
      - 12 new High Rez skins an 1 upgraded
      - all serials needed
      - some tweaks
      - dtmdragon original mod idea
      - Sundowner templates
      - paulopanz skins/decals/tweaks
      - all in main mod folder


         (2 reviews)



    3. P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak

      P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak                11/19/22
      -- For SF2, Any & All --
      This is a complete overhaul, plus numerous additions, to the P2V-7/P-2H Neptune package I released in 2011 (THAT long ago????!!!!). I was going over some things, and found numerous flaws and faults, and chose to fix them up.
      This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to replace in total the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way will work with no issues.
      Skin sets NOW included are:
      These 3 from the original 2011 pack--
      VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis
      VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s
      VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s
      plus ...
      320 Squadron, RNNAS (now included)
      The new skins are:
      JMSDF (2,3,4 & 51 Kokutais)-squadron insginia are randomly applied
      RAAF (10 & 11 Squadrons) - early Seaplane Gray/White and late Gull Gray/White skins
      French Aeronavale - Flotilles 21/23(ish)
      USN --
      VP-9 "Golden Eagles, NAS Barbers Point (Early Seaplane Gray/White)
      VP-18 "Flying Phantoms" NAS Jacksonville, NAS Rossevelt Roads (Early SG/W)
      Argentina -- Both original COAN skins NOW included!
      The only country's skins NOT included are the RCAF/CF by 1977Frenchie; his set for the CP-122 which is good enough to stand on it's own :) .
      All skins remain in their original bmp format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active.  This can be seen on the Loading Screen, skin/squadron drop-down menu as shown below:
      VP-9 Golden Eagles (>1962) (before 1962)
      VP-69 Totems (<1964)  (after 1964)
      As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    4. TW F-105D Repacked

      Stock TW F-105D Repacked
      This an almost complete overhaul using Sundowner great templates and Streakeagle early camo decals.
      34 new and redone high-res skins 34
      original decalset redone
      first "pussy galore" Cpt. Vic Vizcarra plane (adults only ...) [80 TFS]
      - delete ALL previous mod
      - put ALL in your mod folder and overwrite
      - that's all

      @ paulopanz



         (2 reviews)



    5. SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack

      SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack           9/28/2022
      -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended =MUST= have SF2:V installed!!)-
      This pack contains some mods to the stock 3rd Wire B-52D & the user made B-52F model "Stratofortress" as used by SAC during the 1950s through the 1980s. 
      There are actually 3 aircraft in this pack; due to "oddities" with some loadouts, I found this was easier to do:
      B-52D (57-64) nuclear strike
      B-52D (64-83) conventional, with "Big Belly" mods
      B-52F (58-78) conventional & Nukes. 
      The F, while retaining is nuke abilities, is mostly for conventional iron bombing after 1965. 
      Almost all markings are decals, with very few things painted on. All serial numbers are historically correct for the models depectied. BUT the D cereals should be considered 'generic' in nature as they represent no particular unit. The F serials, OTH, and the nose arts, are also correct, but not 'per squadron/wing'. It should be noted, the F gets all serials for the 89 aircraft produced. These are updated version of the originals issued in 2009. The D model gets all new decals, made for this mod.
      Decal randomization is true. Most skins remain in their 1stGen bmp format. New sounds, effects, pilot/gunner figures, weapons, and hangar & loading screens. Various effects are included for the nuclear weapons. The SF2 date switch is used for some skins, and also in the loadout ini with year-specific loadouts. These aircraft are equipped with an "optical" bombsight for you perverts that inisist on flying the Heavies <g>. In each aircraft's folder is an instructional jpg on "how to". There are also different loadouts for conventional or nuke, accessable through the games' mission editor.
      An example of the skin listing, from the 52F:
      2nd BW >1964
      7th BW (3960th BW) <1964
      the >1964 (less than or 64 and eariler) and <1964 (after 1964 ie: 65 start date). This should give the general idear.
      As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! As always, =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for various thoughts and musing on this mod. There might even be valuable data/information for you to find! ALL original readmes have been included, when discoverable.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    6. SF2 F-86H "Sabre Hog" Pack by Zur, Yakarov79 & Wrench

      SF2 F-86H "Sabre Hog" Pack by Zur, Yakarov79 & Wrench          8/29/2022
      -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)-
      The final culmination of a project that started 'way back in 2012 by Zur. Somewhere along the line, I recieved his max files and couldn't find anyone to finish the job. Fortunately for the SF community, Yakarov stepped up and took the challenge in the spring of this year (2022). That final result you see here!
      We present to you the North American F-86H Sabre; the last of the Hot Rods!!!
      You have a good selection of skins for various time frames in it's service life:
      USAF "Front Line" Units"
      50th FBW, USAFE (1953-57) Hahn AB, Germany
      10th FBS
      81st FBS
      417th FBS 
      533rd FDS, 83rd FBW (56-58) Seymour Johnson AFB NC
      A generic NMF skin to build other units from. It carries the TAC badge on the tail fin. The decal ini is easily edited.
      As the squadron markings are decals, there is one set of NMF skins used by all.
      Air National Guard:
      There are 2 versions of each of the following skins; one with "regular" markings presentation, the others with tail codes and Vietnam era serial presentations. The later VN style skin is as seen during the Pueblo Crisis when these ANG units were Federalized, and Based at Cannon AFB, NM from 5/68 through 12/68. All 4 skins are in SEA 3-tone camo.
      104th TFS, Maryland ANG
      138th TFS New York ANG
      While national markings are 'painted on', all others are decals. All serial numbers are 100% historicley correct for the units shown, with only 1 exception -- for the 104th, I couldn't find the full 26, so the last 4 are marked with a (+) plus sign; consider these 'generic'. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. The SF2 date switch is active on pretty much all the skins. For those squadrons listed in the game's SquadronList ini, their displayed name has been activated by my "Fake SqTail decal" (patent pending)
      To diferentiate =THIS= Sabre Hog from the other one (if you're able to obtain it), you'll see the following on the Aircraft selection drop-down listing:
      F-86H Sabre Hog (Y)
      The (Y) is for Yakarov, as he finished off the model.
      All other necessary parts are included; sounds, drop tanks (built into the LOD), pilot figure, hangar and loading screens. All weapons use stock 3W items.
      As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! 
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (7 reviews)

      1 comment


    7. F-5C_Skoshi Tiger_Ver1.0.7z

      August 2022
      United States Air Force F-5C Skoshi Tiger Volume III VERSION 1.0
      We are proud to present the F-5C Skoshi Tiger, a combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and one of the most enduring American military aircraft designs ever produced during the Cold War period. This third Volume depicts the following variants; the USAF F-5C and the VNAF F-5C. It has been our goal to provide to the simmer a highly detailed model and texture base which preserve the beautiful lines of this aircraft; and to engineer flight model files and a cockpit/gauge file-set that are authentic and add to the immersion of the flying experience within the Strike Fighters 2 series.

      1. Copy the contents of the "To Mods Folder(s)" to your  SF2 Mod directory.
      Allow directory merging and overwrites, provided the overwrites pertain to "fake pilot" entries, as well as weapons made by ravenclaw_007, which are included in this and many other releases.
      2. Add the entries of "ADD_TO_SOUNDLIST.txt" to your SOUNDLIST.INI (located in the "user\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight" folder).If one does not exist, then you will need to extract it using the 3rdWire CAT extract utility.  You are simply required to substitute the "XXX"s  with the next sequential number in the sound file section of the file.
        NOTE    1:
      Both Regular and Higher resolution cockpit textures are included in their own distinct folders in the package. 
      The user may alternate between the two by "commenting out"
      the relevant line in the F-5C_COCKPIT.INI

      Directory=cockpit           <---This is the default

      In order to "activate" the higher resolution textures
      you would decomment the previous line and comment out
      the next line, thus:

      Directory=cockpit_Lo-Fi   <---This is now Low-Res 

        NOTE    2:
      Another frame-rate friendly option for those with older hardware is to use the Next level of Detail Model as the primary external model. This simply involves changing the first line in the F-5A_HAF.ini  from this..
      to this..
      Much effort was made to provide those with lower end systems an alternative lower poly-model to be able to enjoy the F-5a,  so please take advantage of this _002.LOD model should you experience frame-rate issues.  While not as "rounded" as the Higher poly version, it is nonetheless just as detailed and extensive.
       NOTE    3:
      For those who may find loading times excessive, the .jpg files in the texture folders can be reduced to 50% of their size without sacrificing too much surface detail.
      SHIFT+0 -> canopy open
      -/= (Default thrust vector Keys) -> elevator trim

      Sophocles     - 3D Model, Cockpit, textures
      Ravenclaw_007 - Project "God-Father" 3D Modeling,
                      Animations, Weapons, Research,
                      Beta testing
      Baffmeister   - Flight model, weapons edits, Avionics,
                      Beta testing

      Crusader      - Avionics and data tweaks, Beta testing
      Guuruu        -    Sounds and Afterburner effects, Beta
      Guest contributors:
      Gkabs         - pilot figure
      Cliff7600     -    Avionics tweaks, functioning horizontal
                      trim indicator

      Special Thanks to the staff and members of Combatace.com whose passion and efforts have enabled this game to endure, and to provide so much fun and excitement!
      Additionally, many thanks to the following Combat-Ace Modders, who either actively contributed to the project over the years, or who invested their time either providing much needed hints and help, or researching various aspects of the model.
      Brain-32    - Modeling advice, initial cockpit.cfg + more
      NeverEnough    - Initial work on the Flight model
      Russouk2004    - Always answering questions when I
                         needed help..Cheers!!
      Derk            - Many, many references!!!
      Blade            - Excellent mini-tutorial on damage
      Finally, thanks to TK and Thirdwire for creating such a fantastic game.
      * A highly detailed external 3d model, including all features specific to the F-5C including...Aerial refueling probe and external armor plates under the cockpit and engine areas
      * Specular color and Normal (bump) maps.
      * Seven Level of Detail models (LODs), providing an almost seamless transition from distance to distance; and perhaps more importantly, ensuring that the frame-rate "impact" of the aircraft is as low as possible.
      * Two sets of highly detailed external Fuel Tanks by ravenclaw_007; both the 150 gallon Factory tanks and the 275 gallon variants; the NF-5A being the only F-5a variant to carry them.
      * Extensively fine-tuned flight parameters in the aircraft data configuration files, emphasizing the F-5A's agile and highly maneuverable characteristics - courtesy of  Baffmeister.
      * 3 high resolution texture sets; thoroughly researched historic depictions of the Aircraft fielded by both the USAF and VNAF Squadrons.
      *Accurate serial numbers and pilot name decals for both the 4503rd Tactical Fighter Squadron and 110th commando squadron.
      * Quality sound-set included. Base sounds, by Guuruu, were sourced from existing recordings of various aircraft at air-shows and were modified  to match the prominent characteristics of the F-5A General Electric turbojets, the "buzz" of the M39 Pontiac 20mm machinegun, and the flap/Air-brake, undercarriage deployment and retraction sequences of the Freedom Fighter.
      * Super detailed  dedicated F-5C 'Virtual Cockpit'  with animated throttle control, rudder pedals, control stick,  landing gear lever, canopy, canopy lever, drag-chute lever, weapons selectors and weapon station arming flick switches, flap position indicator..and more.
      * A full complement of highly (or should I say "insanely" detailed  weapons carried by the USAF  F-5C, all by ravenclaw_007.
      * Comprehensive F-5C Skoshi Tiger Loadouts  representing the weapons carriage evolution of the F-5C in USAF service from 1965 to the 1967 by Sophocles.
      * Complex animation of canopy opening mechanism, and animated Turbine blades; both thanks to ravenclaw_007.
      * GKAB's superb highly detailed crew figure with authentically modeled oxygen mask and flight helmet.
      * All new afterburner, emitter, and engine smoke effects by Guuruu.
      * Functioning elevator trim controls and gauge, using the Thrust Vector Controls; courtesy of Cliff7600.

      F-5C Limit and Reference Speeds. [Indicated Airspeeds]
      FLAPS (FULL DEFLECTION): 300kts for both leading and trailing edge.
      FLAPS (MANOUEVERING):    450kts for both leading and trailing edge
      NOTE: The F-5A uses full flaps for take off but due to a game bug you must manually select full flaps for take off when player flown. The        AI will use full flaps although you can hear the flap sound cycling between flap 1 and flap 2.
      LANDING GEAR: 240kts
      DRAG CHUTE: 165kts
      CANOPY: 50kts
      MAXIMUM INDICATED AIRSPEED: 710kts [redline] 
      MAXIMUM MACH: 1.72 Mach design limit but thrust/drag limited to about mach 1.50 in a 60deg dive from 50,000ft.
          13500lbs: 155kts [full internal fuel and two sidewinders]
          20500lbs: 195kts [about the maximum weight possible with included stores]
          NOTE: Use full flaps for take off! Adding 6kts for every 1000lbs above 13500lbs should give good aft stick/rotation speeds.
      Military Power
          13500lbs: 375kts with a transition to mach 0.89 
          20500lbs: 310kts with a transition to mach 0.74 
      Maximum Power
          13500lbs: 595kts with a transition to mach 0.93 
          20500lbs: 480kts with a transition to mach 0.85
          With 500lbs fuel remaining and some empty racks use 160kts. Add 5kts for every additional 500lbs of fuel.
          NOTE: Target touch down speed is 20kts less than final approach speed.
                             The Gun Sight
      The designers of the F-5A elected the simplest and most reliable gunsight conceivable. The low-cost, optical-mechanical reticle display was manually adjustable from 0 to 200 mils depression. It was collimated to avoid sighting errors. The gunsight was acceptable for aiming AIM-9B missiles, guns, rockets and bombs.
      It was possible to "replicate" this simple, mechanical operation within Strike Fighters 2 series parameters, and thanks to Crusader's cockpit.ini entries, we have the following functionality: The site itself is animated so that the Mils lever and thecombining glass of the site move according to the Mills selected (activated when
      cycling through air to air weapons ; and more importantly, air to ground weapons with "Backspace" and "\" Backslash accordingly).
      August 2022


         (4 reviews)



    8. B-47E by Coyote Aerospace

      This is a semi historical mod to represent the B-47E through its career as SACs most numerous bomber.
      It is semi historical because there were so many variations on equipment and markings across 1300+ aircraft over its 12 year career that it is impossible to accurately represent all of them. Instead, all major units that could be represented are (in other skin packs) and the general paint schemes used during the appropriate eras are modded for the forward deployments known as Operation REFLEX. Further, new nuclear weapons have been included.
      To keep file sizes down somewhat, unit skins will be release by numbered air force and available in the SF2 Skins download section

      unzip installation folder
      cut and paste to desired mods folder
      allow overwrites (some effects and weapons mainly)
      use caution. I have set the nuclear weapons to a specific station code as NUC. Other mods featuring the B28 weapon do not have this yet, although i intend to do a comprehensive ini edit later this year across many weapons and aircraft
      B-47E(53) and B-47(57) aircraft
      Operation Reflex skins, and one unit skin for each aircraft)
      Period accurate M64 and M65 bombs
      B28 nuclear weapons, 350Kt and 1.1MT yields
      new Mk15 and MK39 nuclear weapons, 1.69 and 3MT yields
      short document on how best to employ the LABS technique in game with MK15 weapon    CREDITS
      veltro2K    ..........................................                  aircraft models
      daddyairplanes     ..........................................    skins, tgas, research, ini work on aircraft and weapons, constant nagging on models
      yakarov79    ..........................................               testing and ini work
      GKABS        ...................................................       new MK15/39 nuclear weapon models
      russouk2004  ...............................................      B28 nuclear weapons
      ravenclaw_007    ..........................................      excellent M64 and M65 conventional bombs
      NightshadeP/R    ..........................................    willing crash test dummy (help figure out what works to use MK15)
      (whomever created them)    ..................................    nuclear effects
      FB B-47 Stratojet (Model 450) Strategic Bomber group .....    very valuable source of information on markings and weapons
          Known Issues
      - At this time there are not models for the RATO pods that were commonly used by the B-47. I have a method figured out for it,
      but we would need someone to model the horsecollar device with 33 JATO bottles
      - Not every upgrade to the Stratojet is modeled. Again, there were 1300+ aircraft built, and 6 phases for upgrades. The (53) roughly represents
      the aircraft after introduction, the (57) in between Phase 3 and 4. Anyone that would like to work any fakepilot mods to represent each of the
      6 phases, as well as modifications like TEE TOWN would be welcomed.
      - while online sources state the 341st Bomb Wing operated Stratojets, veteran and book sources could not even find proof of operation, let alone
      marking information (they came through on all other Wings). Therefore I have not included this Bomb Wing in the mod.
      - The "afterburner" trick to use water injection on take off is in effect, from 99-100%. If you want realism, and to not be visible across the
      continent, dont exceed 97% power in flight.
      This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by Coyote Aerospace.
      The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
      The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
      This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
      See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact Coyote Aerospace first.
      Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    9. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.6 SAAF

      34 Canadair Sabre Mk.6 were sold  
      to the South African Air Force and
      served from 1956 in no.1 and No. 2
      Squadrons. In 1980 they were transfered
      to 85th Advanced Flyng School and
      were retired in 1984.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - 2 planes (due Tanks/Fake pilot camo paint)
      - 6 High Rez brand new skins (5 silver and 1 camo)
      - serial numbers, hangars, sounds
      - Zur: model
      - Ravenclaw: templates
      - Wrench: previous version
      - paulopanz: skins, decals etc
      - all in your main mod folder



         (2 reviews)



    10. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.6

      The Canadair Sabre Mk.6 was the final variant and was considered to be the "best" production Sabre ever built.
      It was equipped with a two-stage Orenda engine developing 7,275 lb (3,302 kg.) of static thrust. Its altitude
      performance and climb rate was enhanced over the Mk 5 and the reinstatement of the wing leading edge slat gave
      it excellent low-speed characteristics.        The first production model was completed on 2 November 1954 and
      ultimately 655 were built with production terminating on 9 October 1958. A total of 390 Mk 6s went to the RCAF
      with the majority replacing the existing Canadair Sabre Mk 5s at the Air Division squadrons in West Germany and
      France. The main air threats to NATO in the 1950s in Central Europe were the early variants of the Soviet MiG
      the MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19 and MiG-21. Based on the Korean War experience, the selection of the Mk 6 Sabre to
      provide an effective opposition to the MiG threat proved to be a logical one. Canada’s commitment to NATO was
      to provide 12 squadrons located at four bases – two in France (Marville and Grostenquin) and two in West Germany
      (Zweibrücken and Baden Soellingen). Initially, the contribution consisted of only Sabre aircraft; however, later
      it was decided to include the Avro Canada CF-100 aircraft in the defense package to provide a night and all-weather
      fighter capability.
      In addition to the RCAF deliveries, 225 Canadair Mk 6 Sabres were exported to the West German Luftwaffe, six were
      delivered to the Colombian Air Force, and 34 went to the South African Air Force.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a plane
      - 20 High Rez new/upgraded/fixed skins
      - Zur: model
      - Ravenclaw: templates
      - Wrench: previous version
      - paulopanz: skins, decals etc
      - all in your main mod folder
      - Here ALL Canadian Sabre Squadrons in Europe


         (0 reviews)



    11. SF2 S-3A+B Viking Revamp v1.0

      SF2 S-3A/B Viking Revamp
      *** for all SF2-variants ***
      Based on Wrench's Rework of Foxmonters S-3B Pack
      This is an update for the old S-3B-model originally made by Foxmonter and updated in the past by Wrench.
      The new pack is split into S-3A and S-3B (has Countermeasures and Harpoon-support). There are 10 skins for S-3A (until 1987, HighVis) and 5 for S-3B (from 1987 onwards, LowVis):
      VS-21 Fighting Red Tails (1984)
      VS-22 Checkmates (1976)
      VS-24 Scouts (1977)
      VS-28 Hukkers (1977)
      VS-29 Dragonfires (1981, 1998)
      VS-30 Diamond Cutters (1978, 1992)
      VS-31 Topcats (1977, 2002)
      VS-32 Maulers (1980, 1986, 1991)
      VS-33 Screwbirds (2001)
      VS-37 Sawbucks (1980)
      No changes were made to the cockpit, avionics, etc. - this pack is mostly for an updated look.
      Included are also:
      - CAG-Birds for Squadrons, that had them
      - 300gal Droptank model
      - CNU-264 CargoPod (no actual use, pure eyecandy)
      - D704 RefuelingPod (retracted and deployed)
      - BuNos are correct, if possible (if not, then marked with a *)
      1. unzip to a temporary folder
      2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_MOD folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
      3. enjoy!

      - Thirdwire and TK for a great game and nice models.
      - FoxMonter for the S-3B-model
      - Wrench for Update Pack
      - Nyghtfall - Template, Skins, Decals, Tank-, Refuelingpod and Cargopod-models, some ini-work
      - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration


         (3 reviews)



    12. C-141B Starlifter (by Coyote Aerospace)

          Lockheed C-141B Starlifter  by Coyote Aerospace
      This mod is a new version of the C-141B Starlifter by Veltro2K, with skins by daddyairplanes
      It features several historical skins covering several important periods in the Starlifters B/C model career. European One camoflage is applied as a tga skin, so two varieties of camo on the ramps!
      unzip, open the C-141B(v2k) folder, drop contents into desired mod folder
      allow overwrites if needed, weapons may be the only thing needed
      C-141B Starlifter model
      MAC skins for 1981, 1986, 1987, and 1989
      AMC skins ranging from 1993 through 2006 as well as a special Last Starlifter skin depicting 66-0177, known as the Hanoi Taxi and the last Starlifter to be retired
      Cargo, Jeep, and Paratrooper weapons for the bay
          Known Issues
      - the main cargo doors and paratrooper doors open at the same time. an expert was consulted, and it is not reasonably feasable to seperate the actions.
      - cockpit is an older one, this aircraft is intended more for eyecandy as there are no real transport missions in SF2. anyone who can donate a more modern pit would be greatly appreciated
      - While 63 C-141Bs underwent upgrades to C standard in the late 1990s, the upgrades were internal (glass cockpit, avionics, GPS reciever). as they are not really visible, there is only a B model for here in game. The serials however are accurate and part of the last 63 Starlifters in service after 2002 (when the last McChord based aircraft retired)
      - due to slight mapping issues, there will not be a bare metal version of this C-141B. they dont show up really on the White top, green or gray skins, but would stand out on a bare metal. there were only about 7 that operated unpainted for 9 months during the Desert Shield/Desert Storm timeframe anyhow.
      Veltro2K:    main model, intial idea to revamp this plane
      daddyairplanes:    skin and decal work, ini edits
      Killerbee331:     paratrooper, M38 Jeep from weapons pack
      - cargo and pallet are also included although i cannot recall who created those. if it was you or you remember who did it, please let us know so we can fix the credits

      on behalf of the Coyote Aerospace team, thank you for downloading this mod. We hope you enjoy it
      Kevin Unruh aka
      (stickerus prolificus)
      31 October 2021


         (0 reviews)



    13. A4D-2 (TW A-4B & Nyghtfall's A-4E pit) 'Rework'

      "My rendition of the A4D-2 (Before 1962 change to A-4B & C)"
      INSTALL – unpack/unzip file contents and drag/copy to main YAP Revamp Works (Whatever you have named it) folder.
      THANKS TO:
      * Nyghtfall and Wrench for their help in working/moving cockpit items techniques.
      *Repaint of Nyghtfall's outstanding A-4E pit.
      *TW A-4B stock jet - required for AR probe.
      *Repaint/numbering of A-4A fuselage, Nose, tail numbers from ChampionsVA56 suhsjake.
      *J65-W-5.wav engine sound from ChampionsVA56.
      ** Included is a A-4A_DATA – SAM_Lgt_Active.ini file which activates SAM threat warning equipment if desired. Don't think this mod was worked in until later A-4 models.
      *** Had problems getting the program to load different BuNo, TN, Modex, etc. Sometimes none at all?
      Had to select in the loading phase of a mission each acft individually – then they would show?
      If anyone can help regarding this tail no issue please help.
      Enjoy, NIELS


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    14. C-141A Starlifter (by Coyote Aerospace)

      Lockheed C-141A Starlifter  by Coyote Aerospace
      This mod is a new version of the C-141A Starlifter by Veltro2K, with skins by daddyairplanes
      It features several historical skins covering several important periods in the Starlifters A model career
      unzip, open the 141A(v2k) folder, drop contents into desired mod folder
      allow overwrites if needed, weapons may be the only thing needed
      C-141A Starlifter model
      MATS skin, MAC skins for 1966, 1967, 1970, and 1973 as well as a special Operation Homecoming skin
      Cargo, Jeep, and Paratrooper weapons for the bay
          Known Issues
      - the main cargo doors and paratrooper doors open at the same time. an expert was consulted, and it is not reasonably feasable to seperate the actions.
      - cockpit is an older one, this aircraft is intended more for eyecandy as there are no real transport missions in SF2. anyone who can donate a more modern pit would be greatly appreciated
      Veltro2K:    main model, intial idea to revamp this plane
      daddyairplanes:    skin and decal work, ini edits
      Coupi:        QA checks (again thanks for the big catch!)
      dels:        technical consults on whats possible, (or more accurately whats not)
      Killerbee331:     paratrooper, M38 Jeep from weapons pack
      - cargo and pallet are also included although i cannot recall who created those. if it was you or you remember who did it, please let us know so we can fix the credits

      on behalf of the Coyote Aerospace team, thank you for downloading this mod. We hope you enjoy it
      Kevin Unruh aka
      (stickerus prolificus)
      17 October 2021


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    15. Lockheed RF-104G Starfighter

      The RF-104G was a tactical reconnaissance model based on the F-104G,
      usually with three KS-67A cameras mounted in the forward fuselage in
      place of the internal cannon. Many of the 189 built were subsequently
      reconfigured to the F-104G standard.
      What's in:
      - 6 new planes to fly
      - 14 HD skins
      - historical decalsets
      - Hangars & Patches
      - Gkabs 3D parts (KS-67A cameras)
      - BobRock F-104G temps
      - Soulfreak German/Greek base skins
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, screens, data.inis edits
      - you need SF-2 Europe for CF-104 used
      - all in main mod folder (Isn't easy?)

      @ paulopanz


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    16. AMI & KLU Recon F-104G with Orpheus pod

      In '70 AMI and KLU due the RF-104G shortage, converted a limited basic F-104G to recon duty by equipping them with Orpheus recon pod.
      These pods were different and Steve S made both for us sometimes ago. So it's time to upgrade and use them.
      What's in:
      - 2 new plane to fly
      - 6 HD skins
      - historical decalsets
      - 2 SF-2 Orpheus pods
      - Guns removed & noses restyled
      - Spillone104 new 3D parts & Orpheus upgrades
      - Steve S original SF-1 Orpheus
      - BobRock F-104G temps
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, screens, data.inis edits & upgrades
      - all in main mod folder (Isn't easy?)
      @ paulopanz
      PS: the 'real' RF-104G and A.M.I. F-104G skins in the makings.


         (4 reviews)



    17. NF-5A_RNLAF_Ver1.0.7z

      July 2021
      Royal Netherlands Air Force NF-5A Freedom Fighter Volume II VERSION 1.0
      We are proud to present the NF-5A  RNLAF, the Canadair variant of the Northrop F-5a, one of the most enduring American military aircraft designs ever produced during the Cold War period. The Canadair NF-5A was essentially similar to the Canadian AF CF-5 but introduced several modifications, the most important being the more powerful J-85Can-15 engines, Doppler radar navigation system, arrestor hook, two large split air intake doors aft of the main wing trailing edge on both sides of the fuselage to provide extra air to the engines (later also used for F-5E type),  and provision to carry the larger 275 gallon under-wing fuel tanks.  The aircraft also featured maneuvering  leading edge flaps,  a strengthened windscreen, and was the  only F-5a to operate a two position nose gear.
      It has been our goal to provide to the simmer a highly detailed model and texture base which preserve the beautiful lines of this aircraft; and to engineer flight model files and a cockpit/gauge file-set that are authentic and add to the immersion of the flying experience within the Strike Fighters 2 series.
      1. Copy the contents of the "To Mods Folder(s)" to your  SF2 Mod directory.
      Allow directory merging and overwrites, provided the overwrites pertain to "fake pilot" entries, as well as weapons made by ravenclaw_007, which are included in this and many other releases.
      2. Add the entries of "ADD_TO_SOUNDLIST.txt" to your SOUNDLIST.INI (located in the "user\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Flight" folder).If one does not exist, then you will need to extract it using the 3rdWire CAT extract utility.  You are simply required to substitute the "XXX"s  with the next sequential number in the sound file section of the file.
        NOTE    1:
      Both Regular and Higher resolution cockpit textures are included in their own distinct folders in the package.
      The user may alternate between the two by "commenting out"
      the relevant line in the NF-5A_COCKPIT.INI

      Directory=cockpit           <---This is the default

      In order to "activate" the higher resolution textures
      you would decomment the previous line and comment out
      the next line, thus:

      Directory=cockpit_Lo-Fi   <---This is now Low-Res

        NOTE    2:
      Another frame-rate friendly option for those with older hardware is to use the Next level of Detail Model as the primary external model. This simply involves changing the first line in the F-5A_HAF.ini  from this..
      to this..
      Much effort was made to provide those with lower end systems an alternative lower poly-model to be able to enjoy the F-5a,  so please take advantage of this _002.LOD model should you experience frame-rate issues.  While not as "rounded" as the Higher poly version, it is nonetheless just as detailed and extensive.
       NOTE    3:
      For those who may find loading times excessive, the .jpg files in the texture folders can be reduced to 50% of their size without sacrificing too much surface detail.
      SHIFT+0 -> canopy open
      -/= (Default thrust vector Keys) -> elevator trim

      Sophocles          - 3D Model, Cockpit, textures
      Ravenclaw_007 - Project "God-Father" 3D Modeling,
                                     Animations, Weapons, Research,
                                     Beta testing
      Baffmeister       - Flight model, weapons edits, Avionics,
                                    Beta testing
      Soulfreak           - Decals, Research, 2 F-16 Camo scheme
                                    skins and 2 NATO scheme skins
      Crusader           - Avionics and data tweaks, Beta testing
      Guuruu               -Sounds and Afterburner effects, Beta
      Guest contributors:
      Gkabs               - pilot figure
      Logan4             - Avionics tweaks, radar ranging gunsight.
      Cliff7600          -Avionics tweaks, functioning horizontal
                                  trim indicator

      Special Thanks to the staff and members of Combatace.com whose passion and efforts have enabled this game to endure, and to provide so much fun and excitement!
      Additionally, many thanks to the following Combat-Ace Modders, who either actively contributed to the project over the years, or who invested their time either providing much needed hints and help, or researching various aspects of the model.
      Brain-32           - Modeling advice, initial cockpit.cfg + more
      NeverEnough  - Initial work on the Flight model
      Russouk2004  - Always answering questions when I
                                   needed help..Cheers!!
      Derk                   - Many, many references!!!
      Blade                 - Excellent mini-tutorial on damage
      Finally, thanks to TK and Thirdwire for creating such a fantastic game.
      * A highly detailed external 3d model, including all features specific to the NF-5A including "F-5E"  type Nose gear, animated auxiliary engine doors, arrestor hook, underside air intakes for the more powerful engines, external chaff and flare dispensers, and 275 gallon external wing tanks.
      * Specular color and Normal (bump) maps.
      * Seven Level of Detail models (LODs), providing an almost seamless transition from distance to distance; and perhaps more importantly, ensuring that the frame-rate "impact" of the aircraft is as low as possible.
      * Two sets of highly detailed external Fuel Tanks by ravenclaw_007; both the 150 gallon Factory tanks and the 275 gallon variants; the NF-5A being the only F-5a variant to carry them.
      *Functioning AN/ALE-40  Chaff and Flare dispensers exclusive to the RNLAF NF-5A
      * Extensively fine-tuned flight parameters in the aircraft data configuration files, emphasizing the NF-5A's agile and highly maneuverable characteristics - courtesy of  Baffmeister.
      * Functioning maneuvering flaps deployable up to 450 knots, which allow for tighter sustained turns .. also credited to Baffmeister.
      * 5 high resolution texture sets; thoroughly researched historic depictions of the Aircraft fielded by many RNLAF  Squadrons.
      * Quality sound-set included. Base sounds, by Guuruu, were sourced from existing recordings of various aircraft at air-shows and were modified  to match the prominent characteristics of the F-5A General Electric turbojets, the "buzz" of the M39 Pontiac 20mm machinegun, and the flap/Air-brake, undercarriage deployment and retraction sequences of the Freedom Fighter.
      * Super detailed  dedicated NF-5A 'Virtual Cockpit'  with animated throttle control, rudder pedals, control stick,  landing gear lever, canopy, canopy lever, drag-chute lever, weapons selectors and weapon station arming flick switches, ..and more.
      *Accurate and functional representation of the Saab RGS2 lead computing  gun sight, with accurate aiming mark (Mechanics by Crusader and Logan4).
      * A full complement of highly (or should I say "insanely" detailed  weapons carried by the RNLAF  NF-5A, all by ravenclaw_007.
      * Comprehensive RNLAF  Loadouts  representing the weapons carriage evolution of the NF-5A in Dutch service from 1972 to the 1991 by ravenclaw_007.
      * Complex animation of canopy opening mechanism, and animated Turbine blades; both thanks to ravenclaw_007.
      * GKAB's superb highly detailed crew figure with authentically modeled oxygen mask and flight helmet.
      * All new afterburner, emitter, and engine smoke effects by Guuruu.
      *  Saab RGS2 lead computing gun sight with both Air to Air and Air to Ground modes.
      * Functioning elevator trim controls and gauge, using the Thrust Vector Controls; courtesy of Cliff7600.

      NF-5A Limit and Reference Speeds. [Indicated Airspeeds]
      FLAPS (FULL DEFLECTION): 300kts for both leading and trailing edge.
      FLAPS (MANOUEVERING):    450kts for both leading and trailing edge
      NOTE: The F-5A uses full flaps for take off but due to a game bug you must manually select full flaps for take off when player flown. The        AI will use full flaps although you can hear the flap sound cycling between flap 1 and flap 2.
      LANDING GEAR: 240kts
      DRAG CHUTE: 165kts
      CANOPY: 50kts
      MAXIMUM INDICATED AIRSPEED: 710kts [redline]
      MAXIMUM MACH: 1.72 Mach design limit but thrust/drag limited to about mach 1.50 in a 60deg dive from 50,000ft.
          13500lbs: 155kts [full internal fuel and two sidewinders]
          20500lbs: 195kts [about the maximum weight possible with included stores]
          NOTE: Use full flaps for take off! Adding 6kts for every 1000lbs above 13500lbs should give good aft stick/rotation speeds.
      Military Power
          13500lbs: 375kts with a transition to mach 0.89
          20500lbs: 310kts with a transition to mach 0.74
      Maximum Power
          13500lbs: 595kts with a transition to mach 0.93
          20500lbs: 480kts with a transition to mach 0.85
          With 500lbs fuel remaining and some empty racks use 160kts. Add 5kts for every additional 500lbs of fuel.
          NOTE: Target touch down speed is 20kts less than final approach speed.
                           RGS2 Gunsight
      We have simulated the two main modes of the sight, one for Air to Ground, and one for Air to Air.  The Air to Ground reticle assumes 3 different levels of depression according to the air to ground ordnance selected; bombs, rockets or guns. Due to game limitations, the Air to Air aiming mark is set up for lead computing of a target at 213meters (or 700 feet).
      We have included another gun sight option, whereby lead is calculated for targets all the way out to 4000ft.  This has involved adding a ranging radar (which the NF-5A didn't have) but this solution allows lead computing for targets further out than 700 feet - something the RGS2 was capable of.
      The radar ranging option is the default but the user can copy the files from the "Standard"  subfolder of the Avionics_Alt  folder (located in the Aircraft folder) and switch out the ini files.  If you're unhappy with either of the two options you can simply copy paste the files from the folder you prefer.

      July 2021


         (9 reviews)



    18. ODS Warbirds: F-5E Tiger II ODS30 Squadrons

      SF2 F-5E Tiger II ODS30 Squadrons
      This pack contains the stand-alone version of the Bahraini & Saudi F-5E aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like what you see and want (much much) more! You can download "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" here...
      !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater!
      * Sources: 
      * Included Jets: 
      1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required.
      2) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. 
      * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team!
      * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva
      * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79.
      * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu.
      * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a\Coupi
      Thanks and Enjoy!
      Credits: F-5E For Strike Fighters 2
      Bpao and Mirage Factory crew: Orginal F-5E model and templates
      FastCargo for original F-5F model
      EricJ and pappychecksix for original F-5F templates and textures
      Sophocles for his superb cockpit work. Every switch is a work of art.
      Crusader for his ini file magic, really makes the cockpit and plane come alive.
      Paulo for his mammoth decaling work which he allowed me to use. and even helped me by reworking some of it.
      Me for cobbling all this together (=texturing and modeling work)
      The rest of the Combat Ace community. Without you guys I would never have bothered to make it this far. Mats "Centurion" Liljeroos


         (1 review)



    19. SF2 Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger Pack by Coyote Aerospace

      SF2 Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger Pack by Coyote Aerospace         6/19/2021
      -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      This is the release of the Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger, aka "The Tub". This is the 2 seat trainer version of the F-102 interceptor. Like it's single seat sister, it is also fully combat capable, carrying the same missile and rocket armaments, as well as the MG-10 radar system.
      There are several skins within for the 3 users of this aircraft
      ADC Grey
      SEA 3-tone (start 1967)
      Export Users:
      ADC Grey, Turkish Air Force
      SEA 3-Tone, Greek Air Force
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The USAF skins have 26 serial numbers, all historically correct for this model. That being said, each F-102 unit, either USAF, Air National Guard or AF Reserve, had at least 2 of these for training and pilot proficincy. No actual units are depicted, so while correct, consider the serials 'generic' in nature. I did, however, add the Air Defence Command patch to the tail of the Grey version. The 3 tone does not carry any distinctive markings.
      The serials for the Turkish AF (11 aircraft) and Green Air Force (5) are 100% historically correct. The user list, and the SF2 "date switch" statements for the HAF & TuAF have them starting in 1968. The USAF SEA 3-Tone uses a 1967 start date.
      All Weapons (missiles and unguided rockets) are included. These are station specific to the F/TF-102, and should cause no conflicts elsewhere.
      On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see:
      TF-102A Delta Dagger (v2k)
      This will differentiate this Tub for any others that may or may not exist.
      As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! For texture artists, the template is also included
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace
      "We Aim Higher"
      UPDATE 7/10/2021: New lod in zip.
      You don't have to download the entire package again, the fix is down a few posts. 


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    20. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.4

      In mid-1952, the Sabre Mk.4 went into production with the first one flown on 28 August 1952.
      Apart from some minor structural and systems changes, including improved air-conditioning
      and gun sight, the Mk 2 and the Mk 4 were identical. Of 438 Mk 4s built, approximately 70
      were used temporarily by the RCAF, all surviving examples being passed to the RAF.
      The other Sabre 4s went directly to the RAF under a mutual aid program, equipping 11 RAF
      squadrons. The majority served in West Germany with NATO, with two squadrons being based
      in the UK as part of RAF Fighter Command. The Sabre Mk.4 served with the RAF until mid-1956
      when they were replaced by Hawker Hunters. The survivors were overhauled in the UK, fitted
      with '6-3' wing modifications and handed to the USAF (which had funded these aircraft) which
      in turn passed them on to other NATO members, with the majority going to Italy and Yugoslavia.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - 2 new planes
      - 23 high rez skins
      - decals, sounds, weapons etc.
      - Zur model
      - Ravenclaw temps
      - Wrench first SF-2 edition
      - paulopanz skins, decals, ini edits
      - all in main mod folder and overwrite

      PS: Canadair Sabre n°2 pack, to be continued soon.



         (0 reviews)



    21. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.5

      On 30 July 1953, the first Sabre Mk.5 flew with the Orenda 10 engine,
      which gave it a clear rate of climb and ceiling advantage over earlier
      variants. Other Mk 5 improvements included a new oxygen system and
      improved maneuverability and low-speed characteristics achieved by
      increasing the wing chord by six in (15.2 cm) at the root and three
      in. (7.2 cm) at the wing tip along with fitting a small vertical wing
      fence. This modification, originated by North American on the F-86F,
      dramatically improved maneuverability, though the loss of the slatted
      leading edge increased landing speed and degraded low speed handling
      considerably. Canadair built 370 Mk 5s with the majority designated
      for use in the RCAF's Air Division squadrons in Europe to replace
      the Mk.2s. A total of 75 RCAF Sabre 5s were transferred to the German
      Luftwaffe during 1957.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - 2 new planes
      - 34 high rez skins
      - decals, sounds, weapons etc.
      - Zur model
      - Ravenclaw temps
      - paulopanz skins, decals, ini edits
      - all in main mod folder and overwrite



      PS: Canadair Sabre n°3 pack, to be continued soon.


         (0 reviews)



    22. F-102A Delta Dagger (veltro2k)

      Convair F-102A Delta Dagger (The 'Deuce') for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
      by Veltro2K
      Revised 3D model and fixes by FastCargo
      Original F-106 cockpit by Kesselbrut & Pasko with F-102A mods by Ordway
      Loading & loadout screens by Wrench
      Data.ini/FM inputs - Column5
      196FIS skin - PappyChkSix
      460FIS, 431FIS, 509FIS skins by 331KillerBee
      57FIS, 176FIS, 317FIS skins by XRay
      SF2 updates, other changes MiGBuster and Ravenclaw (July 2009)
      The F-102A was the first of Convairs great 'delta twins'. Its radical shape was unique in USAF service while its speed and powerful weapons capability made it the backbone of Air Defense Command. Its high profile front-line days were relativly short-lived, but the 'Deuce' had a long career which took it to Vietnam and Beyond (1963 - 1969).
      (B.Gunston, 1992, Aerospace Publishing ltd)
      This Aircraft comes under Freeware Licensing only - please see here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    23. McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30 Series by V2K and DA

      Douglas/ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30 series Airliner by Veltro2K and daddyairplanes
      This mod features airliners for Europe and American skies running from introduction in the late 1960s through the mid 1980s.
      open folder marked "To Mod Folder"
      cut and paste or copy contents to your desired mod folder.
      open up and fly
      i have only done European and American airlines within this mod. Given it did not really possess intercontental range with a full passenger load, this mod is best paired with US based or European (to include the UK) based terrains
      Veltro2K      original model, Alitalia skin
      daddyairplanes     skins, decals, ini work, research
      Viggen team     for Viggen.wav engine sound. if you know who specifically did it please let me know for fuller credit
      TK         for teh original game
      I hope that you enjoy this bit of eyecandy in the game
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes


         (0 reviews)



    24. McDonnell Douglas C-9 Triple Pack by V2K (and DA)

      C-9 Triple Pack by V2K (and DA)
      Brought to you by the ongoing team of Veltro2k and daddyairplanes; The McDonnell Douglas C-9
      This pack includes all three major versions of this cargo aircraft, flying hospital and VIP transport

      C-9A Nightingale: 6 skins with historical serial numbers
              3 375th Aeromedical Airlift Wing
              2 USAFE skins focusing on the aircraft assigned to Europe
              1 1990 skin encompassing both the 375th AW and the 86th AW
      C-9B Skytrain 2: 3 skins with historical serial numbers
              USN 1980s skin
              USN 1995 skin addressing changes after a few unit deactivations
              USMC skin
      VC-9 Nightingale: 4 skins feature VIP versions
              89th Airlift Wing, featuring the aircraft commonly used as Air Force 2 from the mid 70s through early 2000s. This aircraft also served as Air Force One on occasions the US President flew into an airfield too  small to accomodate the regular 707 or 747
              Italian Air Force, VIP transport operated by 31 Gruppo
              Kuwait Air Force pre invasion skin
              Kuwait Air Force post invasion skin (one serial, FREE KUWAIT marking)
      Viggen.wav:    the Volvo RM8 was closer in sound to the JT8D than the stock jet engine noise
      C-9 Units txt:    my notes on who operated and how they were painted through the years. USAF and USN

      unzip file, open "To Mod Folder" folder, cut or copy and paste to your desired mod folder
      allow overwrites, although as of Feb 2021 the only one should be the sound if you have the Viggen

      Veltro2k               Model and primary ini work
      daddyairplanes   skins, tga work, secondary ini work
      GKABS                 research assist with Kuwaiti VC-9 skin
      russouk                tech prob assist
      Wrench                 MAC serial number football that i stole from the C-124 project
      TK                         for the original game
      Viggen team       for Viggen.wav engine sound. if you know who specifically did it please let me know for fuller credit
      The DC-9 was V2Ks idea, im the silly fool that looked at it and thought "C-9". I hope you enjoy this bird
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      15 February 2021


         (1 review)



    25. SF2 Lockheed C-121G/R7V-1 Super Constellation Pack

      SF2 Lockheed C-121G/R7V-1 Super Constellation Pack       5/2/2020
      -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
      This package contains a new aircraft, with 4 skin/decal sets, the Lockheed C-121G of the USAF & R7V-1 of the US Navy. These represent the Super Constellation cargo/transport versions as used by both services. This mod is based of the RC/EC-121 by RussoUK
      The 4 skins included use the SF2 "date switch" to activate when needed. Most markings are decals, with the exception of (more than a few) painted on markings. All serial/Bunums are 100% historically accurate, but I was unable to attach specific ones to their units. With only 50-odd aircraft ever built, this isn't really a problem. They ARE assigned to their actual US military services (Navy or Air Force). Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format. Sounds, pilot figures, etc are included. Each skin has their own individual Hangar Screen. A 'box art' style Loading Screen is also included. It should also be noted, these are NEW skins, by me, modified/adapted from the existing ones in the C-121/WV-2s previously released.
      Inside you'll find:
      USAF C-121G:
      1501st Air Transport Group, (MATS) c.1954, NMF/White uppers, Travis AFB
      "MAC"  -unknown unit-, c.1966, NMF/W
      USN R7V-2/C-121J:
      VR-1 "Starlifters" c.1954, NMF overall, NAS Patuxent River
      VR-7 "Seahorses" c.1960, NMF/White uppers, NAS Moffat Field
      When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu, you'll see:
      C-121G/R7V-1 Super Constellation (R)
      This will differentiate it from any other military Constellations that may (or may not) be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker. Please note, the "R7V-1" designation was changed to "C-121J" in 1962 under SecDef McNamara's overhaul of the military numbering conventions.
      As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. 
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



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