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Wings Over Israel [Official Thread]

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Boom, boom, boom!


Nukes work... :smile:


Also, the town I hit had 64 targets destroyed...has TK upped the types of objects that can be destroyed?


I'm back baby!!




Nice shots there, I had been flying the B-58 a whole bunch before downloading WOI. Trying to fiddle with cockpits for it and all. That last pic you put up looks like an old SAC cartoon I remember, (B-52 instead of Hustler, with mushroom cloud and background) - with the caption "Now, it's MILLER TIME!"

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Looks like weapons now have extra drag co-efficients for sub-sonic and super-sonic drag.


Missiles also have CL Max mods.


An interesting addition is with the ECM pods. They now have a Min Ghz and Max Ghz ratings (currently both 0 for ALQ-131).


I'm wondering if this is to allow future mods for frequency specific ECM?


Okay, the new lines I've noticed so far:


SubsonicDragCoeff= (Self Explanatory)

SupersonicDragCoeff= (Self Explanatory)

SpecificStationCode= (Don't know what that is)

CEP= (Circle Error Probable, only time I've seen this applied is for nuke missiles - basically INS missiles but unguided warheads...hmmmm)

MinFreq= (For ECM Pods...I wonder what the unit is?)

MaxFreq= (For ECM Pods...I wonder what the unit is?)


Very interesting...esp the Freq range number. Pretty detailed for a 'lite' sim...



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This is what TK calls sim-lite??? :blink: Wow!

When you start tinkinering around with the sim, its not so lite after all. When you stretch it to the breaking point like I do with grafix, or streakeagle with FMs, it may be the most hardcore simulation out there today.


I don't have THE PAY PAL, so no WoI here, maybe get somebody to buy it for me, pay them back, or wait for an equivalent SF upgrade, or better if TK would take mail order and send a download key or whatever it takes.


Until then, I can philosophize and theorize -- MiG-25 recon...player perhaps, but maybe more interesting would be Israel attempts to catch -25s after takeoff or before landing, or Arab MiG-21 flights to cover the low and slow MiG-25s against Israeli anti-25 missions. That could be an interesting series of missions -- long range strike against a heavily defended flying aircraft target.

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I just love the new missile firing effects...




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I don't have THE PAY PAL, so no WoI here, maybe get somebody to buy it for me, pay them back, or wait for an equivalent SF upgrade, or better if TK would take mail order and send a download key or whatever it takes.

No credit/debet card either? A friend with one maybe? :biggrin: TW shop works without PP account - I know it does 'cause my bank never worked properly with paypal, yet I could buy FE expansion.


it may be the most hardcore simulation out there today

And without starforce... the main reason I gave up on lockon, despite I like low-level ground attacks a whole lot. Probably will get WOE for A10 later, if it's worth it and gets updated.

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Vulture over Sinai...






kevin stein



Up your head moses! :haha:

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Okay, the new lines I've noticed so far:


SubsonicDragCoeff= (Self Explanatory)

SupersonicDragCoeff= (Self Explanatory)

SpecificStationCode= (Don't know what that is)

CEP= (Circle Error Probable, only time I've seen this applied is for nuke missiles - basically INS missiles but unguided warheads...hmmmm)

MinFreq= (For ECM Pods...I wonder what the unit is?)

MaxFreq= (For ECM Pods...I wonder what the unit is?)


Very interesting...esp the Freq range number. Pretty detailed for a 'lite' sim...




SpecificStationCode= another way to limit a weapon to a specific station only

in the data.ini add to the weapon station SpecificStationCode=xxxx , and the same xxxx name to the weapon in the weapondata ini

( TK's using it on the Shahak for R530, and on the MiG-23's iirc)

another new function which works is the Loft feature for missiles, good for -120 and HARM ect.. hehe


the other freq and cep stuff doesnt work for now, as doesnt fuel for BFT's, and asymetrical function for racks ,

those are all placeholders or not implemented yet.

looks likeTK is up to something :ph34r:

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There does seem to be an awful lot of forward redundancy built into WOI.


Good ! :biggrin:

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Interesting...a good idea for specific weapon stations.


Also, LOFT profiles??? Hmmm...Tacit Rainbow...and Phoenix missiles...



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Okay, the new lines I've noticed so far:



Very interesting...esp the Freq range number. Pretty detailed for a 'lite' sim...




I'm not knocking it because the Mirage factory came out with a super-semsitive flight model for the Mirage III on the hardest flight settings. However, I noticed that the WOI Mirage III behaves errrr a little more sluggishly in roll input and roll rate compared to the Mirage Factory's on the hardest flight model.


Most Israeli accounts I read seem to have stated that the Mirage III was so hyper sensitive to control input that you could easily get into trouble.


Anyone else notice this? I know that this does't really matter...just an observation.

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Okay, I got the weapons pack to port, and all of the weapons show up, and all. My question is, how is it that I cannot load multiple weapons on stores on my planes? The A-6A for example, there is a somewhat shorter selection for weapons, but you can only load like one bomb on each rack, which sucks! I like to bomb what ever it is back to the stone age. At least the nukes work, he he he!


Any ideas?



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Started a Six Day War campaign last night, flying a Mirage with the Bat Squadron. That Mirage is a classy bird, just plain cool.


Very immersive, that first mission, watching Israeli jets swarm across the Sinai. Could observe friendly formations all around me as we headed west. Really felt as though I was part of a major operation.


My wingman and I hit an airfield near Cairo. Flak was nasty. Nailed our target and turned for home. As we crossed the coast east of Alexandria, we spotted a single MiG 21 trailing a formation of Mystères. Rolled in on the MiG and fired a couple of Sidewinders, both of which went ballistic (can’t hit anything with these Sidewinders).


You wrote this and all I was thinking was The History Channel's DOGFIGHTS show, the special they had on the Israeli Air Force.

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MinFreq= (For ECM Pods...I wonder what the unit is?)

MaxFreq= (For ECM Pods...I wonder what the unit is?)


I bet it's in hertz or mHz

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You wrote this and all I was thinking was The History Channel's DOGFIGHTS show, the special they had on the Israeli Air Force.

Heh ... I was thinking about it too, as I was flying the mission. :good:


Something else I noticed when I lined up for my next mission tonight and took a look at my bird in external view ...


KILL MARKS ARE BACK!!! :biggrin:

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KILL MARKS ARE BACK!!! :biggrin:


Can't wait to have a Nesher with about 1000 Egyptian or Syrian AF roundels on the side.

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does the enhhanced woe effects work on woi


Yes, they work great. The vast majority of stuff works. The only thing I am having problems with is loadouts. I have a good selection on the defaults, but I don't have such a nice selection for the addons. The weapon packs work, and there is variety, but I can only load one bomb on one pylon at a time, and before, I was able to put 6 on the same pylon.



I said this before, but I have exhausted all my options!!!!!


the game is bad ass though. I have already utilized that F-16 pit!

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Yea, for some reason, some of the racks don't seem to be working...



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Does the parabrake work on the Phantoms in WoI? Been waiting on this one for a while.



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Yes, they work great. The vast majority of stuff works. The only thing I am having problems with is loadouts. I have a good selection on the defaults, but I don't have such a nice selection for the addons. The weapon packs work, and there is variety, but I can only load one bomb on one pylon at a time, and before, I was able to put 6 on the same pylon.


I said this before, but I have exhausted all my options!!!!!


the game is bad ass though. I have already utilized that F-16 pit!


have you edited the "AttachmentType=" statement in the aircraft's data ini, as per instructions in KBs Loadout Thread??

Perhaps this might be the problem....

stock aircraft are still using NATO......



kevin stein

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That's good to hear! When I saw Cyprus on the map, I started thinking 1956, too.

Excellent :)


I was thinking about the USS Liberty incident, as well. You’d have to import a US carrier and aircraft from WOV, which wouldn’t be too hard. Me, I’d portray a limited response centered around a carrier battle group protecting the Liberty – short campaign, no more than a few days. IAF flies some strikes against the carrier and the Liberty. USN flies CAP and maybe a few strikes against IAF airbases. This would put the USN on the same side as the Arab states, of course (unless you removed the Arabs from the campaign). Could be an interesting mix to throw the USN into the stock Six Day War campaign, giving the USN a very limited role.

This is actually already present in my MidEastWars campaign: I made a target area USS Liberty and a squadron of F-4B from the USS America :cool: I set it at a random chance to appear as I didn't mean the USN to be flyable. USN is on Israeli side here, though.

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One thing I have noticed in WOI, the AI seem to fight more in the vertical than in the others. Was dogfighting a Mig23 in an F16 and that AI pilot went vertical...impressed me no end! :good:


Got him in the end, but boy, the best and most challenging dogfight I've ever done (Im usually a ground-pounder and tend to avoid a fight).


Well my heads always in the clouds and I like nothing better than a dogfight but the AI really does as you say seem to have gone up a notch or two as easy kills are few and far between and far more is now taking place in the vertical. Well I shall have to rewatch "Dogfights" on the Discovery Channel for some advanced pointers.

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I got in some long fights last night flying both Shahaks and Ahits. My flight did a good job, though. Several ground targets destroyed and an airplane shot down while I got 2/2 myself.

I also had one of my Ahit's cannons jam on one kill, and the other jammed JUST as I dealt the killing blow to #2. I hope the jamming isn't a little too frequent...

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This is actually already present in my MidEastWars campaign: I made a target area USS Liberty and a squadron of F-4B from the USS America :cool: I set it at a random chance to appear as I didn't mean the USN to be flyable. USN is on Israeli side here, though.

Very cool detail! :good:


Something I noticed last night, trolling through the Mission Data CAT file: all the DATA_INIs for the WOV and WOE campaigns are already included in the CAT. Interesting.

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