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The Official Sept/Oct Patch Thread

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Anyone else getting screwy keyboard commands....for instance \ is select ground weapons yet when i press it my flaps deploy ??

Couple of other keys do weird things too.


edit...and yeah i did a clean install


edit2....I checked controls and they're listed properly ie \ = select ground weapons


Have always mapped that to a JS button straight away so wont even notice when I install it later.


Have you checked that key works okay in notepad or whatever?

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I have no slowdowns in the roster screen.

I actually think is a Vista problem

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2. its a totally different experience.Run on lowest graphics options till new RAM arrives.The enemy is more intelligent now.

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Guest pfunkmusik

OK, got my customized WP working using the new Weapons Editor.


Next, I heard someone mention the new patch pretty much resolves the worst of the Vista Issues. True?



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Looks like i've got stuff to try out on my days off (once I finish the list the g/f left for me)!

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I wait DS mod to do it,by now I don't want to lose all my works on WoE and WoV(Yap),when DS will be to light,I do another Woe install and go patch it!

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Did both needed new DX. was still choppy. did a scandiskdefrag, much smoother. drive was a mess cause of the wife;s games.

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Anybody got some cockpit/landscape screenshots? I'm dying to see if there's any real difference there

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Great! One more question with regard to Windows Vista Users:


Is the end of the CTD even when the shader effects are set to 'true' in the terrain data file?



Windows Vista does not make the mistake of crashing on Chuck Norris.

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Now we shall wait to see if there is any fixes to the birds. The Flankers went from 'the most super-maneuverable bird' to 'completely and downright insane to the extent that it can flip out without warning'.


Also, I can't believe my OWN creations (the F-14D SLEP I posted in one of the previous pages) engaged me in BVR with Sparrows (and I got killed in the process...the AI did get smart). And countermeasures doesn't work as well as in the past (well, that was expected), but escaping missiles with a plane that suddenly goes negative in terms of speed is a challenge.

Edited by kct

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Switching over to WoV now, all I ever used is SF. Never used WoV except for mining it for goodies.


Trying to wake up sleepy WoV is a nightmare.


Dumped my SF terrains into WoV+, including Desert.cat. Seems to work.

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Anyone know if the campaigns and/or modded campaigns from the last patch work with the new patch? Are there any new campaign_data.ini entries?

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Anyone know if the campaigns and/or modded campaigns from the last patch work with the new patch? Are there any new campaign_data.ini entries?


The only new one that I have noticed is AllowRandomAceCreation=TRUE/FALSE

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Guest Sony Tuckson

Don't know what you system specs are but if it's using DDR2 memory, an upgrade to 2 GB is really cheap (less than 25€)


If you run an older system running DDR memory, it's about 40€ per GB

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There's also, RulesOfEngagement=TRUE, prevents AI from using BVR. It's in the WOV campaigns.

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And SingleMission did away with the years.

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Memory is not the only factor, as far as I'm concerned (I'm running a laptop with 2GB of DDR2 RAM). Graphics settings (and the graphics card you have), processor, and a host of other things have an effect on the in-game FPS rates. In my case, the game still suffers when I get the graphics to Unlimited (that is also because of the ATI X1400).

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I use 1 GB DDR RAM, old sticks

WOI with all at high/unlimited exepc shadows at low runs OK in single missions , some stutter with lots of bomb explosions.

Campaigns have a drop of fps due to much more going on... its on the lower end of whats playable at 1024x768 res ..

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Anybody got some cockpit/landscape screenshots? I'm dying to see if there's any real difference there

All stock terrain... Max graphics except for medium shdows.




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While en route from work I made a small mental overview of the advantage and disadvantage of upgrading WOE in the middle of campaign building.


Keep in mind that currently the only flight time i get is while testing the different addon's for the campaign.


Option 1: install new patch and order extra memory



# Improvied AI

# more decals

# Parked aircraft



# reduced graphics (at least untill I get the extra memory)

# possibility that certain mods won't work properly


Option 2: keep the old patch untill the campaign is developped



# the majority of the mods available at CA work well with the current patch

# knowledge base @ CA covers mostly the current or previous patches

# if mods are incompatible, i can wait untill the authors release a compatible version

# others can explore the new features of the patch


# when the campaign is finished, I will have to do some new patch testing

# new features will have to be tested (like random parked aircraft)


So I made up my mind. I'll hold back on the new patch untill the campaign is written. Part of any debugging constist anyhow of installing the files in a fresh install. At that time, i'll be able to cover the impact of the new patch. And with a bit of luck, any incompatible mod will by then have been rereleased with patch support.


@ SonyTuckson: I work for an IT-distributor, memory price is not an issue since i can buy it at reduced price. So I'll probably order the memory anyhow and create a test install for the patch (just to be have a sneak peek at the new campaign features)


@kct / crusader: my graphics card (club3d ati radeon 9600 512 Mb) can handle the current patch and I don't expect no problem on that field (although I resize skins and the heavier mods like tree mod and effects 3.0 are off limits)


KA out

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Since everybody will start using the latest patches (either just while flying or to verify current mod compatibility), it might be usefull to gather all the entry changes that appear in the different ini's and, if possible, document their impact on the game.




(below GenderRatio)












(below StartAirDefenseLevel)


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I'm wondering if I could move the SFP1 terrain to my WOI when I'll patch it? Since TK won't do another SFP1 patch (or that's mean TK will release a dx10 version of SFP1 soon).



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Folks, does everyone understand that the main thing that these patches do is bring WOV/WOE to the WOI standard? The WOI patch for Sep 08 was only to fix the gunpod firing bug.


So if you already have WOI patched to Aug 08, you already have the most recent TW engine.



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I can tell you one thing about terrains...it seem to handle the height field differently (I just posted this at the 3W boards, too)


2 views of the same bridge, taken in an unpatched and patched installs:









you can still see the flagpole, but the barracks, shack, aaa bunker (and gun!), and the vehicles and bridge itself have 'subsided' below the water line. I guess you can blame earthquake induced liquifaction? Does Korea have quakes like LA gets??? :dntknw:

ALL the bridges have done this, so that leads me to belive that the TODs height fields are being 'read' differently. I'll wait for what TK says on the subject.



kevin stein

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