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And With That..........

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TSgt Donald Fulton my father in law has lost his battle with brain cancer and has left the earth for a much better place.


RIP sir.

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I regret to hear about your loss. Rest in peace, and gratitude for his service to our country

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My condolences on your loss.





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Sorry for your clans loss. Cancer is a horrible thing I know way to many people who have had to deal with this evil thing, both my Mother and Mother in-law are dealing with this.

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My condolences on your loss may he rest in peace... my thoughts are with you...

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sorry for your loss and Sheila's as well, take comfort that he does not suffer anymore..


RIP Sgt!

Edited by Nesher

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Im sorry to read your loss Dave, my condoleces for your family   RIP

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we (Pat and I) feel for you loss.


may he rest well

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Please accept my sincerest sympathies Dave. At least his pain is over.


I think this will be fitting:



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Sorry to hear this, Dave.  My condolences to you and your family.

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Sorry for the loss, glad he is not suffering anymore, may him rest in peace.

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Remember the fond times you had with him. Your family will be in my prayers.

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my condolences. may your family remember the good times you had with him....

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I'm sorry for your loss.  May he rest in peace.

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My condolences, Dave.



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Dave, my friend, he'll be with you in spirit always. Don't forget that.



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I'm sorry for your family's loss, Dave. Comfort Sheila and both of you know that he's no longer suffering and can be in peace. Best wishes my friend!



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My condolences to you and your family.

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Really sorry Dave - my condolences to you and the family. I hope he has found peace now.

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Thanks you all very much. You know I am kind of relived he is gone, because he is no longer suffering. You all know we never got to the treatment stage of the cancer? He had the surgeries but then got infection after infection after infection. He was always too sick to move forward because of the infections. Makes me wonder if the he had not gotten the infections would they have been able to stop the cancer from spreading? He lived with us for almost a year fighting this. We became close. Watching the Tigers won't be the same this year. 

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Dave, best wishes for you and your family in this time of loss.  May your father-in-law finally experience peace after his valiant struggle.

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"And with that..."


It's really that simple, isn't it. Shockingly. No trumpets, no lightning. Just...


Steve Jobs said as his life was drawing to its end that he wondered what it would be like. Is there something after or is it like a light that just burns out? He said he hoped it was like the light. He later recanted that.


I watched my mother-in-law and my wife pass. I was spared the pain of watching my father.


Your life will be exactly the same sometimes and completely different others. The degree and frequency of the "different" varies with your closeness, both emotional and physical, to him. I find myself smiling and laughing at things I know my wife would have enjoyed. And a song we would have danced to will tear my heart out. There are movies I wish she'd been alive to watch with me. And movies I will never watch again. The same will be true for you, Dave. Well, maybe not the dancing part. Be happy for the time you had and try not to regret too much the times you won't. And remember the words of Garth Brooks's song:


"Our lives

are better left to chance.

We could have missed the pain,

But we'd have had to miss

the dance."

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