Brits of a certain age may remember a 1970s/1980's comic called 'Battle Picture Weekly' which then became simply 'Battle,' and a strip called 'Johnny Red'
When pilot Johnny Redburn is discharged from the RAF for striking an officer, he is forced to join the Merchant Navy. But a German sneak attack forces Redburn back into the air — in a stolen CAM ship Hurricane when the pilot is killed!
Having beaten off the enemy bombers Redburn aims for Russia, planning to save his plane and career, but on landing, meets the “Falcon Squadron” of the 5th Soviet Air Brigade, who are under German attack! Redburn takes to the skies once more — to fight for Russia!
Now, thanks to Crisisloaner I have a Falcons decal that I can apply to the various Hurricane models we have in-game as well as the assortment of MiGs, Yaks and Laggs that the Falcons flew, and over 40 years after thrilling to the comic exploits after school I get to fly as Johnny Red (or Yakob if I feel like flying a Russian job) after work and, as the advert says, I'm loving it...
A Merlin engine and 8 .303s - the sound of my childhood..
'Tough luck chum. I think it's time you got out..'
The Luftwaffe pilot calmly switched off his engine in an attempt to starve the fire...
'He's getting away Johnny'
'Leave him Rudi, if he survives a landing in a snowfield he's still got a twenty mile walk to the nearest German lines..'
Heading for home..
Escort mission..
...The newest replacement Chekov had only joined the squadron the day before, and there hadn't been enough time to paint his aircraft in Falcons markings..
Later, in the midst of battle...
'Chekov, watch your tail...'
'I'm not going to get there in time...'
Johnny rolled in the avenge the youngster..
And made short work of the 109
Johnny leads the Falcons to intercept a bombing raid over the Black Sea coast..
'Get stuck in lads, there's plenty for everyone..'
Johnny and Nina..