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Showing most liked content on 01/25/2023 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Punto Indio, next development step: placing the parked aircrafts. So it looks now: I repainted the village houses which are connected with the terrain tiles. I hope you like it.
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    Punta Indio, next development step: including the buildings of the base. Dont worry that the planes in screenshot one are parking in the pampa. This i will change later.
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
    They don't, I mean TK doesn't. TK created the server and no moderators exist for his TW server. Actually, it is surprising it is plagued very rarely by spammers, but nobody can remove any such posts from the server when they happen. TK does not deal at all with his own server, technical support for end-users is non existent. I'm sure there are fans who would gladly help him manage the server, but he's not interested in any interaction at all with the community. BTW, ThirdWire is a one-man development team, it's just TK at this time.
  7. 1 point
    SF2 Complete Edition is too expensive but SF2 + PremiumPlane + Mirage F1 MOD ... make me satisfied.
  8. 1 point
    Chaika over german airfield
  9. 1 point
    Squadron ready for take off.
  10. 1 point
    Some pics from the Pacific and CBI
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    @Viper63a Like I said above, we already replaced those tank 3d models with brand new detailed ones made by our great colleague @yakarov79. We're slowly working on a pretty substantial update for the ODS 30AE mod. Viper, if you wish to help with the update, just say so, send me a PM and we'll meet in the restricted forum. I could use some help on remaking skins for other low-poly objects, as well as aircraft cockpits.
  13. 1 point
    Can't do anything about the model, but here is a re-skinned version (using WOT as reference)...Still needs work - like green camo...will get that done and upload the skins here if you're interested...
  14. 1 point
    I think given the problems that TK has had, and fan expectation has created the negative environment seen on Discord already. I mean people see it as another place to vent and maybe rightly so. I have my own gripes about the game, but I guess my experiences have tempered my attitude towards the development and sustainment of the game. I'm sure that maybe since they created the Discord that they can finally address fan complaints in some way and hopefully work out the issues. That's my .02
  15. 1 point
    Now I wonder if it will last long. Some joined just to despise it. If that's the attitude, I have no idea why they joined in the first place. You always have Twitter and Facebook to contact TW and spit on TK. Also, a little note: I am sure TK removed hosting of old patches and the old forum site due to server costs, because these things don't come for free and I highly doubt he's rich. He's an indie developer producing niche (thus not so profitable) products, but saw even less profits due to illegal distribution of his games. In all of this, Discord is a free service (with some limitations) he can leverage. Bottom line is, we do have reasons to criticize TK and how PC development ended abruptly. On the other end, the jerk attitude I've seen surely won't change things for the better. TK promised a Win10 patch with a failed crowdfunding, claiming that through loans he would cover costs for development all by himself. Then the pandemic happened, and recently all of Texas became a snowball. Despite this, I also remember he gave away free copies of SF2 to those who supported the crowdfunding, something which was an unexpected surprise to all. Here at CombatACE I have made countless posts where I criticized TK and some of his design choices (and relative bugs) in Strike Fighters 2. But there's a limit to everything, I think. For once he's done something good for himself and the series, it's a small step but in the right direction; apparently someone wants to shoot him down, flying too much in the virtual world while forgetting there's a real one full of issues. Feel free to enjoy the (unpolished as well) DCS products and/or those games from famous publishers, filled with cancer DRM and MTX. My rant is over.
  16. 1 point
    yup, have one too. have to check it out!!
  17. 1 point
    Well we'll see how it pans out as I joined as well.
  18. 1 point
    Definitely. I already have a Discord account and I just entered the server. This was unexpected, in a very good way. Discord is powerful for indie developers. Project Wingman, an arcade flight combat game, uses Discord to maintain fans updated about further developments etc. You can find lots of other examples as well. I feel a little guilty, for years I (and many others) complained about TK not listening to his true fanbase. This might change things for the better. Good move from him, I totally support this endeavor.


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