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  1. 8 points
  2. 3 points
    Hey guys! I'd like to just drop in and say hello and thanks to everyone on CombatAce and beyond over the years! I've been an avid flyer of World War One flight simulators ever since my introduction to Red Baron DOS back in the day. Red Baron 3D was the true beginning of my obsession, however and one that I still play daily when I have the time! Over the decades I've sought out every game in this genre and have to say that the "obscure" ones are sometimes the most treasured or at least remembered for better or worse. In this case I find First Eagles one and two (more so the second for me) to be the most 'returning' of my collection other than Red Baron 3D with the FCJ-SP installed! I really enjoy it for it's simplicity and even more so with the amazing mods created by you fine individuals and or teams! Sure I've switched planes over to Rise of Flight or IL-2 Flying Circus, but the much older titles still pull me back frequently. I also don't consider Rise of Flight to be old, despite it's obvious and official age, I still don't consider it as such. The classics like Knights of the Sky, Wings of Glory, or even Wings! Amiga are old hahaha. They're also in my opinion, still fun to play to this day. If it wasn't for the user created material in the mods, patches and other alterations... The games would just not be what they are today! First Eagles, WOFF, Rise of Flight, Red Baron 3D and so on are all timeless through their mods and I have the upmost respect and appreciation for all things that you guys do! These games still, after thirty plus years, keep me coming back and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've been searching through other World War One sims websites and noticed that a lot of them are either gone or just taken down over time but I still managed to find my way here! It's crazy what you find when you Google, "Sound mods First Eagles 2 for Windows" Sorry for the rant, and thanks again to everyone! Keep your eyes on the sky, Nick
  3. 3 points
    well boys, i reckon this is it again toe to toe noo-clear combat with the Rooskies..... ( (last radio transmission from COL TJ Kong, 301st TFW (AFRES), Oct 1983)
  4. 2 points
    Well, Madonna's single.........
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Been there, done that.
  7. 2 points
    found this one in the archives ... "Cruising the Top of the World"
  8. 1 point
    Hi ! Interesting video from Luke AFB : three generations of fighters ! Have a nice day ! P.
  9. 1 point
    Personally I think the level (or really lack) of enthusiasm for the Win10 patch told TK that the community (I donated though) wasn't very interested in anything new for the game. Sure he can use some of the money from mobile purchases to fund a new patch, but that's not a foregone conclusion, and probably what he makes off of mobile sales keeps the mobile aspect going rather than any hopes for a Win10 patch. But I don't know TK so that's just rampant speculation, but that's how I felt about it. Maybe there's something in the works, maybe not, but as Coupi inferred, it's not looking good after so long of a stretch. I mean if Nuclear Option allowed modding then you can probably go to that as it's newer, but I have it and flown it in a long time, mainly because there's not much to do except free fly, which I also do in SF2 nowadays.
  10. 1 point
    first eagles 2 game play is as good as any from any tw sim that i have played .
  11. 1 point
    second mod (of mine) ever and WIP on touching that up just abit....
  12. 1 point
    Looking forward to this terrain, will be great for COIN with light aircraft. Mandatory pic, early Kurnass in 1969...
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    FMA IAe 33 Pulqui II - Egyptian Air Force, 1960
  15. 1 point
    The decision to drop Strike Fighters series is actually strange from financial point of view. For post WWII era we have two great study sims - DCS and Falcon BMS. Lots of arcade flight games (not worthy being called sims), like Ace Combat or whatever. But for survey, lighter sims, right in the middle, there is an actual shortage on the market. Notice how Nuclear Option waltzed in and seized a decent following just overnight, and it is still in Early Access. A lot of people enjoy sim mode in War Thunder, but hate the grind, and won't mind an offline or less grindy version/spin-off of it. Strike Fighters 3 would easily get its share of the market, especially if it will have an online mode, but without the grind like in WT
  16. 1 point
    It's not that difficult to do...I have my own Dhimar vs Paran install (with Sharnak and Dohar as allies)..


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