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Showing most liked content on 01/22/2025 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I love the F-4 Phantoms, more so I love Phantoms of the 184th Tactical Fighter Group as I grew up around them. My father was a member of the unit, and I would often go to work with him in the summer, get to crawl in & out of Phantoms. I remember going to the end of runway and watching crew prep the munitions prior to takeoff and then recovering the chutes when they returned. Later in my life I was honored to have served in this unit along with my father, though not in a flying capacity. I love the work yakarov79 did with his ANG F-4D skins, especially of my favorite Phantom Phlyers! I wanted to add-on to this since the 184th had Phantoms in every paint scheme. I'm currently working on repaints for the 184th in Euro and the ADC Scheme. Thanks to daddyairplanes, this has come farther than it would've without him. All of these are still in the works, I plan on showing updates here and hopefully release them for others to enjoy.
  2. 4 points
    Oops, that seems enormous! That's my christmas present, wioth the patches I acquired, to honor my Scooter campaign jockey Ted "Lucky" Gonzalez
  3. 3 points
    Not bad...that's some real dedication. If you like to have some more realistic skins for VA-12, have a look at my Vietnam Scooters. Both of their Vietnam-deployments are already covered. Interesting thing about VA-12 was, that they went back to A-4C from A-4E on there 2nd deployment. It's one of very few of such cases. Have fun with SF2! 1st one from 1966 2nd one from 1970.
  4. 2 points
    I'm playing with forrest tiles. It is not perfect so far. I will have to rework it. But first i must check which trees exist in the Michigan area.
  5. 2 points
    Still working on the decals, changed out the ANG Shield. Going to play with these a bit more, once I am satisfied, I'll start working on tail numbers.
  6. 2 points
    Live-Fire Practice......
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    Bit of a treat today! Polovski himself descended from the heavens to hold court and talk about all things WOFF and flight sims and even a bit about old brown dogs! So pull up a stool, grab a pint and have a listen! I think it would be great if they did this more often, I learned a lot!
  9. 1 point
    Hello i´m searching the following F-4C / F-4D Phantom flight manuals and if available the Weapons Delivery Manuals for this time periods , i need them to start the work on new F-4D cockpits in the next months , right now i´m searching cockpit pictures and this manuals but to find some good F-4D cockpit pictures is very difficult especialy some early cockpit pictures T.O. 1F-4C-1 from 1967 T.O. 1F-4C-1 from 1975 to 1978 T.O. 1F-4C-1 from 1979 and later i found some of this manuals on the net but right now i´m a bit short on cash and cannot afford to buy them , may be somebody has them and can share them with me the radar housing and the cover is almost done , but still along way to finish this cockpit Thanks ravenclaw_007
  10. 1 point
    the folder i sent you has a tail num tga template set up for USAF tactical numbers. if it doesnt work for you let me know and i'll shoot you the font (USAAF_Stencil)
  11. 1 point
    once you get a system down, it doesnt take long to do much at all, from modelling to tga work getting that system down..... that is the hard part
  12. 1 point
    nostalgic nice, yes but gawd i want a new two seat Block 10 sooooo badly............... a CA native one of these would still be nice too, even if the RW crew makes em available now
  13. 1 point
    Yeah I mean it is what it is and I agree, it is a bit kinda spammy in the missile sense (I've gotten shot down by quite a few), but I have a mission that a friend made that is basically a free fly mission, so I can try out the new stuff while in a "safe" environment. Overall I don't play it as much as Arma 3 or MSFS2024, which I've been doing a bit lately.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Super Etendard of Argentina Okay, the load out is not historical correct. But with 2 Exocet missiles the plane looks much cooler.
  16. 1 point
    G'Day, I have finally released the C-130 Hercules Megapack. You can find it here once it's approved.. Dels
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point


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