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Caesar last won the day on May 25 2017

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  1. Hey could you update the Tomcat with accurate Speed (seperate Knots and Mach) and Fuel (Left/Right/Total/Bingo) indicators? Would be perfect if you added them.


  2. It's in the included manual, but you can cycle the displays. In order to cycle the MDIG to the radar, you first need to ensure your radar is on, then: "The display format is dependent on the player’s selection (NAV, TID, or ECM), and may be changed by pressing the BOMB RIPPLE INTERVAL key (by default, the “[“ key)." So, you'll start with NAV mode, hit "[" once and you'll get the TID-Repeat (radar), one more time and it'll be the ECM Display, then cycle back to NAV.
  3. I literally explained it above: it's an F-14B cockpit. We do not have an F-14D cockpit. It would be nice to have, certainly, but until someone makes one, we have what we have.
  4. Definitely love the supercarrier. Having the deck crew there really helps the immersion, and also the lineup on the catapult so I'm not dicking around for five minutes trying to get aligned right, then rolling too far forward, then circling around the deck back to the catapult to try again, rinse repeat. I also picked up the VKB F-14 combat grip. Swap between that one and the Warthog stick depending on the module I'm flying. I'm considering snagging the F/A-18 add-on, but will probably wait for a sale. How do you like it, Dave?
  5. I went through my old messages and did not find one containing the max file itself. ToS did the cockpit, so he'd be the one with the file. I haven't seen him on in a long time, although that doesn't mean he isn't around.
  6. When the Superpack became a thing (~2012), the team decided to use the F-14B cockpit that was already in use in the original F-14A/B release from 2010, which was further revised when TW released SF2:NA and actually allowed for the F-14's unique displays. We didn't ever have an F-14D cockpit, so we just adjusted the avionics and radar a bit using the same cockpit, and that was the solution until an F-14D cockpit proper could be made, though no one had any plans for one. To date, still no plans I know of exist, unless yakarov is serious in his comment in which case, good luck and I'd love to see it!
  7. I don't follow. The radar is shown on the HSD. It wasn't repackaged by me. I'm just the uploader. Basically, Spectre had other projects going on, so when we got pinged by Dave about cockpit modifications and some other stuff, I wound up taking over that role. The entire team involved with the Superpack is listed in the credits section, and it wasn't just to credit past work; Crusader, SupGen, ToS and the others were directly involved in the V1.3X update. EDIT: I also didn't respond to OP's question. I'd probably come across as biased as part of the team that did the SP, but what I'll say is that the TW cockpit feels very two-dimensional, and the plane also has this weird tendency to lose "g" authority at higher subsonic numbers which the plane in reality didn't suffer from. The TW flight model was the basis for the SP F-14, but we made some tweaks to try to increase available "g" in that region. The biggest differences come from the later F-14s in the SP which allow you to do strike missions and have compatibility with LANTIRN, JDAMs and the like. All these things having been said, the best F-14 out there in my opinion is Heatblur's for DCS - I haven't touched my StrikeFighters sims since that got released.
  8. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    Glad you're enjoying the pack. As to a different cockpit, you could probably drop a different one in, but I have no idea about how to port a cockpit to work in ThirdWire games from a different format/game.
  9. The AI is cheating

    Oh, it does. Get into an F-16C and fight an AI F-5E on Excellent or whatever. Bring the fight vertical, then swap between the aircraft as you go through the energy egg and you'll see just how much more energy the F-5 has as it goes high to low under twice the "g" load as your F-16. I noticed when I was doing this last night that the F-5E was at the low 100s KIAS at the top of the egg, then as it came down, it would be loaded up (as high as 6g at the bottom of the egg) and accelerating to the high 300s of KIAS. I, on the other hand, would be at the low 100s at the top of the egg, and as I came down slightly loaded up (only reaching about 2.5g until the base of the egg where I'd hit up to 3.8g), I would only make it to the mid-200s KIAS before coming back up. I'm sure some of it is my own hamfistedness, but an F-5 should NOT be able to out-accelerate an F-16C Block 50 on the way down such that it has more than a 100 KIAS advantage against the Viper. Flying against it in my most familiar mount, the F-14B, I can reliably and repeatedly defeat the F-5, but it does things it shouldn't be able to do against an F-14B, one of those being to out-climb the B-Tomcat. It basically does the same "Bathtub" tactic the F-15C does in spite of a far inferior T/W to the F-15 and F-14. Other ridiculous AI include the MiG-15 and F-86. The AI can maintain pitch and roll control down to 40KIAS. My group does PvP guns-only and you'd best believe that player flight models are far, far more realistic. Try to pull the same thing the AI does with a player jet and you're going to die. The thing that gets to me is just how random it seems. Some aircraft seem at least plausible in their AI form, while others are just UFOs. Just depends on the jet.
  10. Just a couple "family photos" of the Teen-Series fighters in DCS we took online. Nifty size comparison:
  11. Downloaded my copy today! I agree with SE that having a high-fi F-15C would be great. With plans for an F-15E and an F-4(E?) still out there, I wonder how they're going to handle the multiple crew thing. I think Heatblur did a fantastic job with the Jester interface if you're soloing it; wonder if they'll license the code? I do prefer to fly with a human RIO/WSO, but Jester is a good, functional stand-in.
  12. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    The F-14A+ is the F-14B. They are literally the same jet. The designation "F-14A+" [or "F-14A(PLUS)"] was changed to F-14B in 1991 to avoid confusion. Avionics70.dll is available in all versions of SF2. AvionicsF14A.dll is only available in North Atlantic. The Avionics70.dll is only used in a strike version of the F-14D we kept in there as legacy content, and it doesn't have the same air-to-air capabilities as the rest of the pack, which uses AvionicsF14A.dll. So, I believe the Avionics70 file should already be in your game if you installed North Atlantic.
  13. That's the missile coming off the plane "stupid." It happens in reality, although much less often than it did during, say, the Vietnam War. Still, SF2 does simulate the missile failing off the rail (I believe the .ini line is "LaunchReliability"), it's a random chance thing, not necessarily anything you've done wrong.
  14. I'm primarily flying the Tomcat (WOW! WHO'D HAVE GUESSED!?), but I have the F/A-18, Mirage 2000C, F-5E, AJS37, AV-8B, A-10C, the Flaming Cliffs 3 set, the F-86 and MiG-15 and have pre-ordered the Viper. Variety is the spice of life! I fly usually 3 times a week or so with a small group I met through one of the Facebook DCS groups. Primarily fly PvE, but we'll do some guns-only PvP, too. I've got Nevada, Persian Gulf, and Normandy maps atop the default.

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