Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
F-32 VMFA-122 Crusaders
By irisheyes
This is the markings I hope they use when this bird goes into operation. VMFA-122 were the Crusaders for 50 years before political correctness kicked in and the name was changed to Werewolves. Then it was changed back again to Crusaders and THEN back again to Werewolves. I like these markings better.
I also gave it guns if you like!
Semper Fidelis
ZSU-23 Shilka armed Cargo Ship
By ignacioc91
Hi!!! This is a little modification of the stock Cargo Ship. It has a ZSU-23 Shilka on its deck, so that it will shoot the hell out of anything flying above it. It won't be such a threat for high velocity aircrafts, even at low altitude, but you will have some trouble if trying to dive-bomb towards the ship. Note that the 3D model is the same. I don't know if it is possible to actually add a Shilka model on its deck. This is just a deadly INI edit.
This will not replace the stock Cargo Ship. Just drag the ShilkaCargoShip folder to your GroundObjects folder. That's it!!!
Thanks KJakker For your help as regards the Detect and Weapon system lines!!!
Here's a nice video!
Sounds pack : explosions, aircraft engines, missiles, guns
By wingwiner
Sounds pack contains :
- 6 aircraft engines sounds
- 13 explosions sounds
- 7 rocktes/missiles launch sounds
- 8 combat vehicles guns sounds
CH-46 HMM-364 Purple Foxes
By irisheyes
This skin for the CH-46 is my little tribute to HMM-364.
These guys could always be depended on to make the dangerous trip from Da Nang through "Arizona Territory" to the little Combat Base at An Hoa where I was stationed, (69-70). They flew in all kinds of situations even with a low ceiling to deliver amo, food and mail. The emblem on the tail was a purple fox surrounded by the moto they lived up to - "Give A Shit".
Semper Fidelis
Purple Foxes
By irisheyes
This skin for the CH-46 is in tribute to HMM-364. I served with the Marines in Vietnam (69-70). I was stationed at a little Combat Base named An Hoa south of Da Nang in an area called "Arizona Territory". When things got tough and the ceiling was low these guys could be depended on to fly from Da Nang to An Hoa with amo, supplies and mail. The emblem on the tail was a purple fox surrounded by the moto they lived up to - "Give A Shit"
[Fictional] MiG-21MX "Aztec Fishbed" for Strike Fighters 2
By ValAstur
Fictional mod of the stock MiG-21MF to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the mexican air force.
1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
Kindest regards
skin Mirage IIIV prototipe01 + new template
By torno
This is a new template and skin prototype Mirage IIIV 01
to install copy the folders "aluminum" and "prototipo01" inside the folder MirageIIIV.
hope you like it, I have not much time to upload the entire model with the new changes, but I leave the skins.
Sorry my English
Torno-Banidos team.
Se trata de una nueva plantilla y la piel prototipo de Mirage III V 01
para instalar copiar la carpeta "aluminio" y "prototipo01" dentro de la carpeta MirageIIIV.
espero que les guste, no tengo mucho tiempo para cargar todo el modelo con los nuevos cambios, pero me dejo la piel.
Military Airfield
By wingwiner
Medium Airfield : runway and airfield buildings. New all models and textures. Read included info file before use it. For Strike Fighters P1.
If you want to have a night-lights for this airfield use as AIRFIELD_Radom.INI file use mod by "krfrge" : in second ZIP file !
Night lights for Airfield Radom ini file
By wingwiner
This is updated AIRFIELD_Radom.INI file by "krfrge", with lights for my Radom airfield. Just unpack and copy the ini file to your terrain directory, and overwrite older ini file !
Very thanks to krfrge !
G-222 Argentine Army skin and relocation cockpit
By Ariell
Skin for G-222 Aeritalia Argentine Army with decals included.
Also optional relocation of the cockpit for more immersion.INI files Included.
Be taken as an update to the G-222 posted here in the download section
of their authors are: Veltro2k, Dels with a major update of Wrench.
This update is for SFP1 and SFP2.
For sfp1:
For sfp2:
\Objects\Aircraft\G-222 here agreggate the folder named CAE for the Skin
and in My documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals\G-222 here agreggate the folder named CAE for Decals
Put the files in their respective folders and enjoy ... good flight. Ariell. -
Veltro2k, Dels and Wrench, thanks for this great model.-
Skin para G-222 Aeritalia Ejercito Argentino con decals incluidos.
Tambien opcional reubicacion del cockpit para mas inmersion.Archivos INI incluidos
Puede tomarse como un update para el G-222 posteado aqui en la seccion de download
sus autores son: Veltro2k, Dels con un importante update de Wrench.
Este update es para sfp1 y sfp2.
Para sfp1:
Para sfp2:
\Objects\Aircraft\G-222 aqui agregar carpeta llamada CAE para la piel
y en Mis Documentos\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals\G-222 aqui agregar carpeta llamada CAE para las Decals
Ponga las los archivos en sus correspondientes carpetas y a disfrutar...buen vuelo. Ariell
Veltro2k, Dels and Wrench, gracias por este bello modelo.-
Texan Argentine Navy Skins Pack
By Ariell
New paint AT6D-Texan or SNJ-5 . Argentine Navy (Armada Argentina)
Pack of 8 historicals skins for AT6D-Texan or SNJ5-C.
All with paint schemes and real serial numbers. With decals.
This is my humble tribute to a plane that was used in many countries as coach
basic drivers, the Argentina Navy use it for many tasks, training pilots
shipyards in the country for over 30 years.
The skins in this pack are:
Esc.Aeronaval the 1st Fighter and Attack (EA41), 1st EACA 49-58s (years 1949-1958)
Esc.Aeronaval the 2nd Fighter and Attack (EA32), 2nd EACA 49-51s (years 1949-1951)
Esc.Aeronaval the 2nd Fighter and Attack (EA32), 2nd EACA 51-58s (years 1951-1958)
Esc. the 3rd Naval Air Attack, 3rd EAA 59-68s (years 1959-1968)
Esc. the 2nd Navy General Purpose, EAPG 58-64s (years 1958-1964)
Esc. the 2nd Navy General Purpose, EAPG 64-67s (years 1964-1967)
Naval Aviation School (EAN), EAN 40-50s (years 1940-1950)
Naval Aviation School (EAN), EAN 60-70s (years 1960-1971)
Put this folders in the appropriate place and enjoy.
\Objects\Aircraft\ AT-6D, or SNJ-5
Feel free to amend its like this painting, as long as I give
the corresponding credit. Because I do
Good flight.Ariell
Nueva pintura para AT6D-Texan o para SNJ-5.Armada Argentina
Pack de 8 skins historicos para AT6-Texan o para SNJ5-C.
Todos con esquemas de pintura y números de seriales reales. Con decals.
Este es mi sencillo homenaje para un avión que se uso en muchos paises como entrenador
básico de pilotos, la Armada Argentina lo uso para muchas tareas, formando pilotos
navales en el país por mas de 30 años.
Las pieles de este pack son las siguientes:
1ra Esc.Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (EA41), 1ra EACA 49-58s, (años 1949-1958)
2da Esc.Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (EA32), 2da EACA 49-51s, (años 1949-1951)
2da Esc.Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (EA32), 2da EACA 51-58s, (años 1951-1958)
3ra Esc. Aeronaval de Ataque, 3ra EAA 59-68s, (años 1959-1968)
2Esc. Aeronaval de Propósitos Generales, EAPG 58-64s,(años 1958-1964)
2Esc. Aeronaval de Propósitos Generales, EAPG 64-67s (años 1964-1967)
Escuela. de Aviacion Naval (EAN), EAN 40-50s,(años 1940-1950)
Escuela. de Aviacion Naval (EAN), EAN 60-70s, (años 1960-1971)
Ponga estas carpetas en el lugar correspondiente y a disfrutar.
\Objects\Aircraft\ AT-6D, o SNJ-5
Sientase en la libertad de modificara su gusto estas pinturas, siempre y cuando me dé
el correspondiente credito. Ya que yo lo hago.
Buen vuelo. Ariell
Kamchatka Terrain for SF2 (by Baltika, Ver 2)
By Wrench
Kamchatka Terrain for SF2 (by Baltika, Ver 2) 7/26/2013
= For SF2, FULL 5 Merged - SF2NA REQUIRED!!! =
This is a rebuild of Baltika's Kamchatka terrain. It has been rebuilt (almost)
completly, and is designed to REPLACE, in total, the original 1stGen Version.
The Targets and movements inis have been redone, and are more reflective of the Real
World . Place names have been changed to local spelling (where discoverable,
spellable and pronounable). The Original Easter Egg is still intact; several others
have been added, as expected.
This terrain was (re)built and tested within my SF2:NA mods folder. It makes use of the
various statements and bits (water bmps, etc) that are =REQUIRED= for proper CVBG and
SAG operations. It is suggested that it =ONLY= be used in a pure NA environment. It will
NOT work properly in ANY 1stGen install; so don't even bother asking. NA is also
required, as several 'in port' ships are stock items. Like the Original Release, it is a
"2 Season" terrain. Winter and Not Winter.
It should be noted at this time, you =WILL= be needing all of WhiteBoySamauri's Soviet
Ships, JMSDF ships, JGSDF ground objects, and any JASDF aircraft you can lay your hands
on!! To say nothing of "the usual suspects" US and Soviet ground objects (trucks, tanks,
APCs, AFV/IFV, even more ships, etc). Some are provided, but the rest you'll have to
locate yourself.
Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real
Life courses, be placed in their Real Life locations, or exist at all (read:
there are NO rivers on this map. See Notes for more details). Several cities and other
physical features, and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target
areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values.
Just someplace to fly over.
As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the
rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through
after unzipping, but -BEFORE- installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense
section may make for entertaining reading, as it explains a few "oddities" you WILL
Please also read and -OBEY- the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed
slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal
Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post.
*Please Note: there are a few items still missing from the terrain, as well as a new
tile set. It is being released "as is", with the caveat that when the new ground object
and new tiles are ready, there =WILL= be an Update Pak. Until then, enjoy!*
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
CVN-65 Repainted
By irisheyes
This is merely a repaint of the CVN-65 Enterprise. I do not know the original Modders name so I cannot give him or her the proper credit. I hope they approve and I hope all my fellow Simpilots enjoy it.
TSF Saab JAS 39 Gripen Flygvapnet Package.
By JonathanRL
Please note: This is Flygvapnet (Swedish Air Force) JAS Gripen only. You are recommended to create new folders for the Hungarian, Czech and South African versions as this one will overwrite settings allowing them to show up in Campaigns.
The Saab JAS 39 Gripen (griffin) is a lightweight single-engine multirole fighter manufactured by the Swedish aerospace
company Saab. It was designed to replace the Saab 35 Draken and 37 Viggen in the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet).
The Gripen has a delta wing and canard configuration with relaxed stability design and fly-by-wire technology.
It is powered by the Volvo-Flygmotor RM12 engine, a derivative of the General Electric F404, and has a top speed of
Mach 2. Later aircraft are equipped for in-flight refuelling; most of the export aircraft have been designed
to be compatible with NATO interoperability standards.
This package contains four Aircraft with correct serials, year-specific loadouts and correct weapons for the Swedish Air Force.
JAS 39A: The initial fighter version that entered service with the Swedish Air Force in 1996. A modification program has started and 31 of these will be upgraded to C/D standard.
JAS 39B: The two-seat version of the A variant. It is 0.66 m (2 ft 2 in) longer than the single seat version. The rear cockpit does not have a HUD,
but an image from the front cockpit HUD can be presented on the rear cockpit flight data display; version has reduced fuel load and no internal gun.
Training variant; Little to no operational capacity.
JAS 39C: The NATO-compatible version of Gripen with extended capabilities in terms of armament, electronics, etc. It uses large colour displays with English language,
feet and knots instead of meters and km/h. This variant can also be refuelled in flight.
JAS 39D: The two-seat version of the C variant; otherwise similar to the B variant. Training variant; Little to no operational capacity.
Gripen 3D Model by Gux, updated by CadetteBra
Adjustments by dtmdragon
Flight Model by Column5
Avionics by Jat & Moonjumper
Weapons by Ravenclaw
Serials by Team TSF
Gripen-A, Gripen-B Mods by Team TSF
Fact Checking and application by Team TSF
Loadouts and .ini editing by Team TSF
SF2 Kazakh L-39C HR skin
By Kulbit80
Kazakhstan Air Force "Sunkar" skin for Monty's L-39C Albatros
15 real numbers included
Drop Objects folder into your mod folder
What's in:
Hi-Res skin (with many new russian stencils), new a bit "softer" bump maps & decals - all by me.
Credits goes to MontyCZ for his templates and great Albatros mod.
Freeware licence.
- l-39c
- kazakhstan
- (and 1 more)
SF2 VF31 CO EoS Skin
By Spiff
VF 31 CO bird for the SF2 MF F-14D_06 Tomcat, but should work for any of the D models in the superpack. See readme.
P-40N-20-CU Warhawk
P-40N20-CU Warhawk for 06 Patch Level Installs.
To Install: UnZip and drop the P-40N20-CU folder into the Aircraft folder,Weapons to the weapons folder.
Adding Weapons: You need to use the SF1 06 patch level weapons editor to add weapons.
P-40_Destroyed.lod and P40_Dest.bmp go in the Aircraft folder.
Two Drop tanks are included:
A new Silver 75gal Drop tank 'TankS_75USA'and a Silver 'TankS_P40'
Canopy (Int + Ext) opens with the Thrust Vectoring keys. See cockpit Readme.
Decal Note: This mod comes with the Nation Decals, the number decals are fictional.
CockPit Note: The cockpit 'P-40N_Pit' is finished 10/23/13
AC 3D Model,Textures and Cockpit Myself.
Wrench for the Detail & Scale.pdf's with the outstanding Drawings,
(and the Legal BS)
Crusader For Several P-40 Reference .pdf's
Legal BS:
This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
P-40N_Pit Cockpit Update
P-40N20-CU CockPit
This is the finished P-40N_Pit Cockpit Update.
.lod and textures
To install : Unzip and drop the cockpit folder into the P-40N20-CU folder, overwrite Yes.
No changes to the .ini’s
SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG
By Wrench
SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG 10/20/2013
= For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
*For the 3rd Wire F-16A as repainted for USAF/NATO/Etc Users*
*Note: you MUST have SF2:I as part of your merged install for this to work.
Designed for use =ONLY= on this pack:
This is a skin and decal set representation the 138th TFS "The Boys from Syaracuse", New York Air National Guard F-16A as seen in the late 70s/Early 80s.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage, and the FM.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 VF31 CAG EoS Skin
By Spiff
This is a skin for the F-14D_06 from the super pack, but could be used for any of the Ds. Created using stuff from Swordsman442's recent release. See the readme. I forgot to move the navy decal back some and you could probably remove the radome decals if you choose.
Spitfire Mk.XIX
By paulopanz
My favorite Spitfire ever, so close to its '30 racing floatplane ancestor.
This replaces previous fake merlin S-31 in TSF too (Ok Jon?) .
DLC29* needed.
- Kesselbruth famous pit
- Pilot and RR Griffon sound.
- Working Canopy (Key=10)
- Turkish stock square Insignia fixed (it has a bad grey shadow .... ): a general fix for all the planes inside the mod install.
-12 Skins with proper decalsets:
4 RAF (Silver, Blue, Grey, Camo)
1 IAF (Silver)
2 RThAF (Blue)
3 Flygvapnet (Blue)
2 TuAF (Blue, Green)
As usual all in main mod folder and overwrite.
That's all (all postwar Spit done).
(*) required
Spitfire F.24
By paulopanz
The stock one from DLC29* flyable
-patch protected (only reading ini files) + restore file
- Kesselbruth famous pit
-Loadout image
-Pilot and RR Griffon sound.
-Working Canopy (Key=10)
-Stock Skins - patches added.
-2 New Skins with proper decalsets:
2 RAF No. 80 Sq. (Hong Kong) Silver & Camo
As usual all in main mod folder and overwrite.
That's all
(*) required
Spitfire F.22
By paulopanz
The stock one from DLC29* flyable
-patch protected (only reading ini files) + restore file
-Kesselbruth famous pit
-Loadout image
-Pilot and RR Griffon sound.
-Working Canopy (Key=10)
-Stock Skins - patches added.
-2 skins EAF (mine) & SRAF (Ndicki) fixed (New and No Antiglare)
-2 new skins with proper decalsets:
1 SyAF (1 camo)
1 SRAF (1 silver)
As usual all in main mod folder and overwrite.
That's all
(*) required
Spitfire FR.18
By paulopanz
The stock one from DLC29* flyable
-patch protected (only reading ini files) + restore file
-Kesselbruth famous pit
-Loadout image
-Pilot and RR Griffon sound.
-Working Canopy (Key=10)
-Stock Skins - patches added.
-2 New Skins with proper decalsets.
2 IAF (1 camo, 1 silver)
Many thanks to Ghostrider833.
As usual all in main mod folder and overwrite.
That's all
(*) required
Spitfire FR.XIVe Post War collection
By paulopanz
A tribute for the post war Spits XIV all over the world.
The stock one from DLC29* flyable
-patch protected (only reading ini files) + restore file
-Kesselbruth famous pit
-Loadout image
-Pilot and RR Griffon sound.
-Working Canopy (Key=10)
-Stock Skins - patches added.
-9 New Skins with proper decalsets.
5 BAF (1 camo, 4 silver)
3 IAF (2 camo, 1 silver)
1 RThAF ( 1 silver)
As usual all in main mod folder and overwrite.
That's all
(*) required
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