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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Mirage 5M

      Mirage 5M : Export version of the Mirage 5 for Zaire; 14 built, of which only 8 delivered to Zaire owing to funding shortages.
      I made two dedicated skins.
      Credits: Ludo's great temps!
      All historical decals made.
      Working cockpit: key=10
      Hangar & Loading screen, data.ini tweaked, userlist added etc.
      @ paulopanz


         (4 reviews)



    2. Mirage 5G / G2

      Mirage 5G : Export version of the Mirage 5 for Gabon. Three built.
      Mirage 5G-2 : Four upgraded aircraft for Gabon, two of which were upgraded 5G and two undelivered ex-Zaire 5M.
      I made only one plane for both (but someone that knows avionics differencies is allowed to split) with two dedicated skins.
      Credits: Ludo's great temps!
      All historical decals made.
      Working cockpit: key=10
      Hangar screen, data.ini tweaked, userlist added etc.
      @ paulopanz


         (1 review)



    3. Graphics DX plugin

      Graphics DX plugin 1.0
      Suddenly I found that it can also be used in Strike Fighter Game.
      It can improve your quality, color, and it seems to have with antialiasing.
      You can open which enbseries.ini to adjust some graphics parameters,
      but whenever you screenshots, it also generated in flight picture.
      The sf2 no tests do not know whether to use.
      Copy dx package ?Put it in flight folder
      Run Game!
      loading when the upper-left corner will appear enb his words plug normally open
      shift +F12 open/Close plugin
      in enbseries.ini
      UseEffect = (0,1) [choose 0, press shift + f12 to open, the election directly open by default. ?
      Have Fun!


         (0 reviews)



    4. F-4E Phantom II AC4

      F-4E Phantom II AC4
      For Strike Fighters 2 F-4E Phantom II
      Ready to use, just place the folder intro the aircraft folder


         (2 reviews)



    5. F-4E Phantom II Warwolf AC AH

      F-4E Phantom II Warwolf AC AH
      For Strike Fighters 2 F-4E Phantom II
      Ready to use, just place the folder intro the aircraft folder
      Wings correction F-4E_2


         (1 review)



    6. F-4K Phantom II - Royal Australian Navy

      This is an F-4K Phantom II in the markings of the Royal Australian Navy. 805 and 808 Squadrons are portrayed.
      F-4J loadouts are used.
      The aircraft has been tested in a merged SF2 installation, patched in August 2012.
      Incidentally, I'd suggest also getting Wrench's HMAS Australia (SCB-125 "What If") located here: http://combatace.com...cb-125-what-if/
      The RAN proposed the acquisition of Essex class carriers to the Government in 1964 to replace the Majestic class HMAS Melbourne. The aircraft the RAN proposed was the F-4B Phantom.
      Operating an F-4B from the relatively small deck of an Essex class carrier is problematic, to say the least. On the other hand, the extra power of the Spey-engined Phantom would enable the operation of a Phantom from such a small deck.
      For further on this (including the RAN proposal itself) see the following:
      - http://www.secretpro...hp?topic=8449.0
      an alternate backstory, see this page on my wikia site:
      - http://themarshall.w...-4K.2FM_Phantom
      ***********NOTE: TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store is required for this mod***************
      - Copy the contents of the Aircraft folder into your Aircraft folder.
      - Copy the contents of the Decals folder into your Decals folder.
      No new weapons are offered. During the timeframe of this aircraft, the Royal Australian Navy used standard US Navy non-nuclear weapons.
      TK - For the SF series of games, the F-4K DLC, and the F-4J template skin.
      Sundowner - For the Spey nozzle grafted on to the F-4J skin.
      Spinners = For the squadron decals from his RAN F-8E Crusader.


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    7. F-4M Phantom II - Royal Australian Air Force

      This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4M Phantom II from SF2: Europe.
      There are three versions of the F-4M in this mod.
      TK's F-4M: This is intended as a strike aircraft (but is capable in all roles). In this scenario, it was operated by 2 Squadron, 12 Squadron, and 460 Squadron. It comes in the SEA colour scheme.
      TK's F-4M (75): This is an interceptor operated by 3 Squadron, 30 Squadron, and 458 Squadron. It comes in an ADC Grey colour scheme.
      TK's F-4M (80): Again, this is an interceptor operated by 3, 30, and 458 Squadrons. It comes in the grey scheme worn by RAF Phantoms near the end of their service lives. It also comes with special low-visibility national markings.

      I have taken the SF2 Realism Mod SquadronList.ini and added 12, 30, 458, and 460 Squadrons to it, and numbered the decals accordingly.
      Back Story
      The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968.
      The RAAF's primary strike aircraft for the sixties was the F-105 Thunderchief. During the Vietnam War, the RAAF used its Thunderchiefs to strike targets of strategic importance to the Saigon Fascist regime. However, German air defences in South Vietnam had taken their toll on the Thuds. With the F-111C suffering serious delays, the RAAF took what was available, the F-4 Phantom. This aircraft had just been introduced by the Royal Australian Navy. In Vietnam, the Phantom enjoyed a high level of success, and showed its multi-role capacity.
      With the delivery of the F-111s, and their work up to full operational capability, the RAAF needed to find a mission for its Phantoms, or a buyer. The RAAF recommended early replacement of the F-106 Delta Dart. The Government accepted this option, and the F-4M served as Australia's air defender until the early 1990s.
      The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here:
      Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder.
      Copy the contents of the PilotData folder into the PilotData folder of your mods folder.
      TK for the SEA skin, and the F-4M from the SF2: Europe.
      Sundowner for his F-4B templates.
      Dave, HomeFries and the SF2 Realism Mod crew for their SquadronList.ini


         (0 reviews)



    8. Spanish Navy Surface ships pack 1.0

      This packs includes the main surface ships from the Spanish Navy
      at the time of Operation Northern Sabre (1979), including:
      -Lepanto Class (Fletcher destroyers)
      -Churruca Class (Gearing FRAM destroyers)
      -Baleares Class (AAW Frigates, modified Knox design, Knox model used as stand-in)
      The Lepanto (Fletcher) class were no longer first line ships,
      however, they were still being used for fisheries and patrol
      duties. Would have joined a (the) carrier group if needed. The
      model included is Grinch´s late 2WW Fletcher class, and lacks the
      FRAMish improvements of the ships in service with the spanish navy
      The Baleares (Knox) class frigates were different from the
      original Knox class, their role being AAW. The stock model
      has been tweaked and acts as an stand-in as no other is
      Improved skins including number decals are to follow. Please note
      that this pack is intended for SF2NA, alone or merged
      Thanks to Grinch for his model, Wrench for fixes, and WhiteBoySamurai
      for his much needed lessons on ship inis.
      If anything is wrong, i adapted and touched all ships, so i´m in
      fault, please report
      To install, drop in mod folder


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      1 comment


    9. SF2 WW2 PTO Generic Menu Screens Pak

      SF2 WW2 PTO "Generic" Menu Screens Pak
      = For SF2, Any and All, PTO-Centric Based Mods Folders
      This is just a simple pak of Menu Screens for use in Pacific Theatre based mods folders. These will
      replace a11 of the stock ones, while keeping the same layout for all the clickable hot-spots. (as
      the templates I made to make them, keep all the same setups.
      You get:
      All are in jpg format, and are already divided into the 2 folders where they'll reside (/Flight and
      /Menu) for simple drag/drop into your Mod Folder ™.
      Also included are WW2-themed in-game map icons from 1stGen WW2 mods, that change the 'jet' shapes to prop planes. I can't find any info on who made them, so I canNOT any take credit for something
      that isn't mine. These are usable in any WW2 Era install.
      As always, easy to follow instuctions are in the 'To Install' section.
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    10. PLAAF J-10A Firefly

      This package includes effects,sounds,seat,pilot and weapons.
      PL-8 was made from ravenclaw's Python3
      Pit and Model from insky team
      Camo Texture download in CA,but l forget who did it,sorry about that.........
      Diaoyu island is China's territory?????


         (3 reviews)



    11. New KH-15 Missile Model

      maybe data has something wrong,if someone would like fix it,greatly appreciated


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      1 comment


    12. CF-110M Phantom - Royal Canadian Air Force

      CF-110M Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Air Force
      This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4M Phantom II from SF2: Europe.
      Two skins are provided, a South East Asia skin for hypothetical Canadian participation in the Vietnam War, and an Aerospace Defence Command Grey skin for NORAD service.
      ======Back Story========
      The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Air Force in 1969 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces)
      The RCAF originally did not want the Phantom, being content to stick with the Thunderchief and the Voodoo until the TFX (CF-111C) and FX (CF-15) were ready during the 1970s.
      Canadian participation in the Vietnam War changed that. Canada committed Voodoos to defend the social democratic North Vietnam from Nazi German forces operating from the South and from Burma. The CF-101's inability to dogfight, and unreliability in the harsh tropical conditions of North Vietnam made early replacement necessary. The only aircraft available was the CF-4K, being introduced to the RCN as its strike fighter. McDonnell and Avro Canada devised a land-based version with minimal changes. This entered service in 1969 and quickly went to Vietnam. After the war ended in 1975, the Phantom replaced the Voodoo entirely in the RCAF.
      The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here:
      Copy the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder.
      Add the following to squadronlist.ini:
      DisplayName=No. 409 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 410 Squadron
      DisplayName=No. 416 Squadron
      DisplayName=425e Escadron
      Change "xxx" to the numbers following the last entry in your squadronlist.ini
      In the Decals/F-4M_RCAF folder, you will find four files named "SQN402.tga", "SQN403.tga", "SQN404.tga", and "SQN405.tga". You will need to change the numbers in these names to correspond to the numbers in your squadronlist.ini
      TK for the SEA skin, and the F-4M from the SF2: Europe.
      Sundowner for his F-4B templates.


         (0 reviews)



    13. RAAF A-6 Intruder Pack

      This mod adds the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) as a user of the A-6 Intruder. It has been tested with Strike Fighters 2 Full 5+2 merged install with the A-6 Superpack 1.51 installed. It should work with less than a full 5+2, but requires the following SF2 versions to take advantage of the respective components:

      SF2V for the A-6A
      SF2NA for the A-6E and A-6E_79

      The A-6 Superpack 1.51 or later is recommended, but not required in order to use the A-6A, A-6E, and A-6E_79. The A-6 Superpack 1.51 is required in order to use the A-6E_90 Systems and Weapons Improvement Program (SWIP) variant.
      The included SQUADRONLIST.INI is a part of the file that will be included in the Combat Ace Realism Pack. As a result, it is compatible with DaddyAirplanes' F-4 Post Vietnam skin pack. At the time of this writing, the Combat Ace Realism Pack has not been released. If you have downloaded this pack after installing the Combat Ace Realism Pack, then be sure not to copy over the included SQUADRONLIST.INI, as a more updated one will be included in the Realism Pack.
      In order to take advantage of the full features of the RAAF Intruder Pack, this readme is intended to be used in conjunction with the Readme for the A-6 Superpack 1.51. Thorough reading of this file and strict adherence to the instructions is highly recommended. As always before making any changes to your SF2 install, back up early and back up often!
      As early as 1954, the Australian government first publicly discussed the need for replacing the Canberra. The Canberra lacked radar and electronic countermeasures (ECM), and the RAAF believed that it needed a new strategic bomber to fulfill the nation's obligations to the Commonwealth Strategic Reserve in Malaysia, ANZUS, and SEATO. A requirement mandated an all-weather attack aircraft capable of delivering a variety of bombs and missiles.
      Air Marshal Valston Hancock, Chief of the Air Staff, stated in April 1960 that Australia needed a replacement for the Canberra, and in 1962 Indonesia's increasingly aggressive statements regarding Malaysia soon caused Australia to seriously consider Hancock’s statement. The Sydney Morning Herald reported in October 1962 that the Indonesian Air Force's Soviet Tupolev Tu-16 bombers could reach Sydney or any other Australian city with a light bomb load, while the Canberras could not fly in all weather and had insufficient range to reach Djakarta.
      However, available bombers were unsuitable for the RAAF. The American Boeing B-52 Stratofortress and Convair B-58 Hustler, for example, were too large for existing Australian runways. More suitable aircraft such as the British BAC TSR-2 and the American F-111 would soon be available.
      Candidates for replacing the Canberra included the French Dassault Mirage IV, the TSR-2, and the U.S. North American A-5 Vigilante, Grumman A-6 Intruder, McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II and the General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark.
      Decision and Alternate History
      When the RAAF was evaluating the replacement aircraft for the Canberra, they eventually settled on the F-111. The F-111 met the RAAF endurance and all weather attack requirements, as well as being supersonic and having a respectable self-defense capability. The government determined that it did not need to go ahead with an immediate replacement for the Canberra and opted for the F-111 as a long-term solution, leading to the October 1963 announcement that it was ordering 24 F-111s.
      The development and production lifecycle for the F-111 was complex, lengthy, and troubled on occasion. Additional requests by the Australian government to modify the existing F-111A airframe to what would become the F-111C only lengthened the acquisition process. While the announcement to purchase the F-111 was made in 1963, the first F-111C was not delivered until 1968 . In the interim, the RAAF was using the F-4 Phantom II as a stopgap measure.
      What if the RAAF decided to forego the troubled (at the time) F-111 and augment its force of F-4 Phantoms with the A-6 Intruder as its all-weather, deep strike platform?
      This pack is strictly a "What If" set of skins and loadouts that explores what might have happened if Australia purchased the A-6 Intruder from the United States. This pack includes skins for the A-6A, A-6E, A-6E_79 (TRAM), and A-6E_90 (SWIP) in the Southeast Asia (SEA) camouflage pattern, as well as other variants based on the RAAF camouflage schemes of the time. Given that the A-6 Intruder is meant to replace the F-111C Aardvark, this pack features the squadrons, skins, and serial numbers of actual F-111 airframes (though serial numbers of aircraft involved in fatal mishaps have been omitted out of respect for the fallen). Second squadron is represented, as it flew the Canberra in the Vietnam War, and First and Sixth squadrons have been added to SQUADRONLIST.INI as the actual squadrons that flew the F-111 (and therefore the A-6). A-6 specific squadron logos have also been added to the RAAF squadrons included in the Mirage IIIO DLC, though this was done for completeness rather than “alternate historical accuracy.”
      This mod enhances default aircraft. If you don't have the default A-6 LODs, then this mod is of limited value to you.
      Additionally, this pack is unfortunately not flyable without further modification. You will need to provide your own cockpit in order to enable player use of the A-6. Two notable options are extracting the A-6 cockpit from Wings over Vietnam, or by purchasing RAZBAM's excellent A-6 pack for Strike Fighters (recommended). Likewise, plenty of existing SF1 A-6 mods include cockpits that are compatible with this pack. Regardless of which selection you prefer, any cockpit you use for the A-6 Superpack will be compatible with the RAAF A-6 Intruder Pack as well.
      The RAAF A-6 Intruder Pack is divided into three components: the Primary Component (RAAF A-6 Intruder Skins), a folder for widescreen users that replaces the existing 1024x768 aircraft screens with 1440x900 images, and Section 2 of the Readme file which provides instructions for optional and recommended adjustments to existing INI files. Please see the readme file for further details.


         (1 review)



    14. New MainScreen for SF2V (Vietnam)

      A new MainScreen for you to view on SF2V. This features the F-105 Thunderchief and some colorful images. Readme file includes simple installation details. Image size is 1920x1080 for widescreen monitors. ENJOY...!!!


         (0 reviews)



    15. M134 MiniGun Pod

      MiniGun GunPod V1.0
      Model by myself
      DATA by myself
      MiniGun GunPod V1.0
      FullName=7.62mm M134 MiniGun
      It has some position bug,
      I can't repair it,
      You can use 3dmax to Rewrite DATA
      Have Fun!


         (1 review)



    16. MQ-9 Reaper

      MQ-9 Reaper(SF1/SF2)
      MOD by xiaozcs
      Repair the shadow bug,but it has something wrong DATA
      when you take-off The Aircraft will be shifted to the left
      Do not know how to resolve this error due to the limited capacity of individuals
      New Gear upate
      Special Thanks
      xiaozcs (Modeler)
      Have Fun


         (5 reviews)



    17. Lockheed Martin/HAL F-16S

      Lockheed Martin/HAL F-16S for Strike Fighters 2
      version 2.0
      This is my mod based on the F-16I Sufa by the Viper Team. It was inspired by the plastic model found on this site: http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,33541.0.html
      This mod contains all the necessary pilots, weapons, effects and sounds.
      1. Unzip the zip file to any location.
      2. If you already have the previous version of this mod, it is highly recommended to DELETE the F-16S folder from your Aircraft folder in the mod directory.
      3. Copy and paste the contents of the F-16S folder to your mod folder and overwrite when asked.
      The Viper Team and the others (see here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13342-iaf-f-16cdi-by-the-viper-team/ ) for the plane itself and all the contents of their F-16C/D/I IAF Viper pack.
      Legal stuff:
      Contents of this mod can't be used in any payware. They can be used under the Combatace freeware rules.
      Enjoy flying this one!
      9th Sept 2012


         (1 review)



    18. CF-110K - Royal Canadian Navy

      CF-110K Phantom II for the Royal Canadian Navy
      This is a reskinning and ini edit of TK's F-4K Phantom II from the DLC Store.
      ======Back Story========
      The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968 (in this timeline, there was no unification in the Canadian Armed Forces)
      The aircraft was meant to serve on Canada's two Essex class carriers, HMCS Bonaventure and HMCS Warrior in the fleet defence and strike roles. In order to get the performance required for such small carriers, a new turbofan was developed by Orenda, the Orenda Huron. Redesign of the Phantom airframe to accomodate the larger engine was done by Avro Canada.
      The article for the aircraft itself is found here: http://themarshall.wikia.com/wiki/Miscellaneous_Cold_War_technology#McDonnell_Douglas_F-4K.2FM_Phantom
      Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder.
      TK for the USN Grey skin, and the F-4K from the DLC Store.


         (0 reviews)



    19. Operation Joint Effort

      Operation Joint Effort
      By Jonathan R Lundkvist
      1964: In response to increasing pressure from the Japanese Government, arrangements are made to establish a JSDF Airstrip on Guadalcanal.
      1967: Black Raven Steel & Industries begin purchasing up Aircraft designated for scrapping. In the coming years, they get major contracts for ISDF & French Air Force Super Mysteres & USN A-4B Skyhawks / A-1H Skyraiders.
      1969: Henderson Field on Guadalcanal becomes operational as a military base and is chosen as the base for the 8th Hikotai.
      1974: The CIA are given a tip that there is a Mercenary Organisation trying to acquire Fighter Jets. No leads are found and the matter closed.
      1976: A large stockpile of weapons are stolen from a Soviet outpost. This raid is followed up by armed attacks upon other outposts, resulting in more weapons being stolen. The Soviet Union tries to cover up the events.
      Dec 1978: Black Raven Security Services announce themselves to the world, offering military skill and lease of their equipment to the highest bidder. They operate from several of the Solomon Islands.
      Jan 1979: Both US & Soviets declare Black Raven Security Services to be Mercenaries and in direct conflict to the interest of their respective nations.
      They also blame each other for the situation.
      March 1979: During a UN Security Council session, the US declares they will solve the issue by military force. The USSR surprises everybody by joining the endeavor.
      April 1979: The Black Ravens offer a ultimatum to the JSDF. Surrender the Air Base or it will be taken by force. The JSDF refuses. The Australian Navy joins the Task Force.
      1th of May 1979: The Task Force arrives at the Solomon Islands...
      Flyable Aircraft:
      US NAVY:
      F-14A, F-4J, F-8J, A-4F, A-6E, A-7E
      Soviet Navy:
      Soviet Air Force:
      MiG-23M, MiG-23ML, MiG-27, Su-7BM, Su-7BMK, MiG-21Bis
      Australian Navy:
      Japanese Self-Defence Force:
      Unzip everything into your Strike Fighters 2 Mod folder of your choice.
      This can be found in C:\Users\(Yourname)\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 or similar for W7
      If you do not have any mod cockpits, unzip "Aircraft Cockpits" into "Objects/Aircraft".
      This mod REQUIRES SF2,SF2 Vietnam, SF2 Europe, SF2 Israel & SF2 North Atlantic.
      It is recommended you own the A-4G & F-4EJ DLC, but not required.
      You can chose to use our choice of cockpits, or download your own.
      Solomon Islands Terrain.
      Terrain by Edward, adjustments by Wrench
      Tiles by Stary
      HMAS Melbourne
      Carrier by Hinchinbrooke, SF2 Updates & Reskin by Paulopanz
      Stay Calm and have fun!


         (4 reviews)



    20. New Damage Radio Message Sound - for SF/Wo* & SF2

      SF/Wo*/SF2 New "Taking Damage" sound
      -For SF/Wo* and SF2 Series games.
      This little mod replaces one of the acursed 'I'm taking damage' wavs with one the most famous sound bites in movie history.
      Yes, that's right ... the World Famous Wilhelm Scream ™
      Like the rest of you, I'm tired of hearing that yahoo always complaining -- at least now he'll say something Historic.
      Tested in my SF2NA-based WW2 PTO install; you milage may vary
      Please read the install instructions below.
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    21. Gerwin's Iceland 1024 tileset v1.0

      This is 1024x1024 optional tileset and treemod for Gerwin's "old format" IcelandNA terrain.
      This version replaces version 0.9 uploaded on 08.14.2012
      Two generic "seasons" included, warm and cold, where cold one gives full snow cover.
      By popular members request, optional darker water included in separate "oprional darker water" folder for both "seasons"; the default brighter water is more or less like in LOD-based NA terrain
      New waternormals included, rough (default) and calm waters (the latter found in "optional calm water" folder)


         (4 reviews)



    22. Lockheed Martin/HAL F-16S

      Lockheed Martin/HAL F-16S for Strike Fighters 2
      This is my mod based on the Turkish F-16D Block 50+ by the Viper Team. It was inspired by the plastic model found on this site: http://www.whatifmod...ic,33541.0.html
      This mod contains all the necessary pilots, weapons, effects and sounds.
      1. Unzip the zip file to any location.
      2. Copy and paste the contents of the F-16S folder to your mod folder and overwrite when asked.
      The Viper Team and the others (see here: http://combatace.com...the-viper-team/ ) for the plane itself and all the contents of their F-16C B50/52 pack.
      The plastic model is actually F-16I Sufa, but the new F-16I hasn't been released yet so I decided to use the F-16D B50+ model.
      Legal stuff:
      Contents of this mod can't be used in any payware. They can be used under the Combatace freeware rules.
      Enjoy flying this one!
      2nd Sept 2012


         (0 reviews)



    23. Solomons and Phillipines visual update -missing HM files

      Those were omitted from the release, add some height mesh displacement to "J" tiles making jungle areas less flat


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      1 comment


    24. WW2 Okinawa visual update

      This is 1024x1024 tileset for Wrench's WW2 Okinawa together with adopted tree/city mod. Differs from earlier PTO Solomons and Phillipines by being more green, more saturated and vivid among other things


         (0 reviews)



    25. Hurricane_StaticPak.zip

      Static Pak WWII Hurricanes for Terrains.
      Tested with WOE Patched 06. May work with other Versions/patch levels of SF?
      Pak Includes:
      AC Models Destroyed Models
      Mk.2a uses Mk2cTrop_Dest
      Mk.2c (Trop) uses Mk2cTrop_Dest
      Sea Mk.2c uses Mk2cTrop_Dest
      Mk.4 Mk4_Dest
      Mk.2 Hydro Mk2_HDest
      See Readme for Details.


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