Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
TSF J 35 Draken Ilmavoimat Package
By JonathanRL
The Scandinavian Front Saab J-35S Draken Ilmavoimat Package
By Team TSF & Friends
The second and final new-build Draken order came from the Suomen Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force) in April 1970 for 12 all-weather interceptor 35XS (export Suomi) aircraft to be built in Finland by Valmet from Swedish "knock-down" parts. Seven J35Bs, stripped of all-weather avionics, were leased to the Ilmavoimat in 1972 as the 35BS in preparation for the new aircraft and were bought outright in 1976.
The first new build aircraft were delivered in April 1974, the last of the new aircraft arrived in 1975 and all were designated 35S. Six ex-Swedish J35Fs (as the 35FS) and three Sk35Cs (as 35CSs) were bought in 1976 at the same time as the 35BS aircraft mentioned above, and another ex-J35F (18 aircraft) and Sk35C (2 aircraft) order followed in 1984. The arrival of two-seat trainers in Finland meant that pilot conversion could now take place "at home" instead of in Sweden.
Initially Drakens were delivered to HävLLv 11 of the Hämeen Lennosto (Häme region Wing) based at Tikkakoski near Jyväskylä in central Finland. Later, HävLLv 11 relocated to the extreme north, taking up residence at the base of Rovaniemi within Lapin Lennosto (Lapland region Wing). In 1984 a second Draken unit was formed as HävLLv 21 of the Satakunnan Lennosto (Satakunta region Wing) at Pirkkala, near Tampere in south-western Finland.
This package contains three aircraft. J 35BS, J 35S & J 35S 1990 refit. They are correctly armed with Swedish-built missiles.
Have fun, Juhis!
Go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Your Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents.
Unzip the contents of the 7zip files into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites.
Original 3D model by Lud von Pipper / BPAO
Skins by Paulopanz
Cockpit Adjustments by JonathanRL
Fact Checking/Loadouts by JonathanRL
J-35J "Johan" pylons by Ravenclaw007
Swedish Missiles by Ravenclaw007
NATO Pilot by Elephant
TSF F 35 Draken Flyvevabnet Package
By JonathanRL
The Scandinavian Front Saab F-35 Draken Flyvevabnet Package
By Team TSF & Friends
Danish export version: F-35 single-seat strike aircraft, The type was heavily modified to make it into a strike aircraft; compared to the Swedish versions the outer wings where completely redesigned, and the radar was missing. These aircraft could carry heavy bombs as well as Bullpup missiles, during the WDNS upgrade of the 1980s they received the ALQ-162 jammer a Marconi 900 Series HUD and a Ferranti LRMTS (laser rangefinder and marked target seeker)
Package contains two aircraft, F 35 version and the upgraded F 35 (82) version. Both birds are nice strike aircraft, albeit more sluggish then the standard Draken. Have fun!
Go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Your Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents.
Unzip the contents of the 7zip files into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites.
Please note:
Loadouts are not entirely accurate. I taken a few liberties with the 82 version, as sources was hard to find. Also, the air intake rail was usually reserved for the Bullpup but I reserved it for the quite exellent Sidewinder Rails made by Volker.
Original 3D model by Lud von Pipper / BPAO
Skins by hoarmurath, updated by Paulopanz
Cockpit Adjustments by JonathanRL
FM Adjustments by JonathanRL
Fact Checking by JonathanRL
J-35J "Johan" pylons by Ravenclaw007
Danish Pilot by Elephant
Taiwan and Korea tilesets v2 quick fix
By Stary
This is really quick fix for today's Taiwan and Korea v2 tilesets that fixes single bad tile,
install the same way as main package
Taiwan and Korea tilesets v2
By Stary
Taiwan (Formosa) and Korea tilesets V2
This is 1024x1024 tileset(s) for both Gepard's Taiwan (Formosa) and Korea v3 by Wrench terrains.
Includes new tweaks to terrain objects shaders, my standard water noisemap, one experiment and some other typical stuff.
Read the included readme for installation instructions and recommended tweaks etc.
Super Why! Flying Game Mod (beta) for SFP1/SFG
By FastCargo
Super Why! Mod authored by FastCargo
********** Version 0.9 Beta ***********
Be advised, this is a complete modification to Strike Fighters:Project 1 or Strike Fighters Gold (SFP1 or SFG). It has NOT been tested with Wings Over Vietnam, Wings Over Europe or Wings over Israel (WOV,WOE,WOI), but it should work with them. It is meant to be a 'stand alone' mod, and as such is not guaranteed to be compatible with any additional mods or changes. Using anything from this mod, or adding anything to this mod, may 'break' the mod or the mod you are transferring stuff to.
In short, use it as a stand alone mod and don't screw with it!
************ Credits ***************
Mission concept, 3d Model, texturing and overall mission work - FastCargo
Terrain - Based on the 'American North West - 4 Seasons Rebuild', with work by Major Lee, Wrench, Doghouse, CA_Stary, and Dueces.
Because I cribbed from a few sources, I'm pretty sure I got everyone properly credited. If I did not, let me know and I will fix it right away.
TK - For the ThirdWire series.
My wife and kids - For letting my OCD take over to get this mod done.
Various public domain sources for some of the pictures and artwork.
PBS and Out of the Blue Enterprises LLC
Likenesses and Super Why! artwork are property of their respective copyright holders. Myself, CombatAce, and ThirdWire are in no way associated with PBS and Out of the Blue Enterprises, LLC. This mod is not to be considered an official product of PBS Kids or Out of the Blue Enterprises and cannot be used for any monetary gain.
After the startup video, the main screen should be fairly easy to navigate. The center lets you 'fly', the door is to exit, and the computer is the options screen. Basically, the menu simply restricts you to fly Instant Action only...there are no other options available.
The flying itself consists of flying Super Why around the sky, looking for clouds with various words at the top. You can 'shoot' the clouds, which will then fade away. That's pretty much it...there is no 'score' per se.
The Options screen is the stock SFP1 screen, however, I'm pretty sure most of the Gameplay options are disabled. You can try to mess with them, but the effect may be unpredictable.
The genesis of this project was noticing how my young (at the time) autistic son liked Super Why (a kid's show that encourages reading), airplanes, and technology. So I thought how I could adapt a combat sim into a kid's sim. The problem was my son outgrew the speed I was working on the the time I got it to a state of playability...he no longer needed it. So it has been hanging on my hard drive.
It is a pretty good mod at this state, but is kind of boring, since there are no debrief screens, and not much happens other than flying around, reading and 'shooting' clouds. There are things that could be done to make it more complete, but time has erased the need, and the engine has moved on. It's uploaded here for anyone to use or build on for their kids.
13 Oct 12
Photoshop psd Templets for:L-4A,L-4H,NE-1
Bombing Range Terrain
By Bunyap
This started as a post by Aladar on the SIMHQ forum and quickly turned into what I would consider a very important add-on for Strike Fighters. The difficulty in weapon delivery for this era screamed for an area for virtual pilots to practice and hone their A2G skills.
There are two versions of the terrain, one for friendly aircraft called Bombing Range and one for enemy aircraft called Red Range. Both are installed when you run the installation program. It is important to remember that only friendly aircraft such as NATO forces can be flown on the Bombing Range and only enemy aircraft such as Soviet forces may be flown on the Red Range.
The Range Terrain consists on an airfield and main range complex. A variety of targets are available for bombing. Intercept missions against a drone aircraft are available when flying the included pre-built single missions.
Terrain by Deuces
Targets and data by Bunyap and The Wrench
BQM-34 Firebee Drone by RussoUK
Airfield lights by Sidewinder86
Intercept missions by Zerocinco
PAK-FA prototype skin
By tonipm99
This is my PAK-FA prototype skin. The PAK-FA was made by InSky. Read the readme for instructions.
Thank you for downloading!
Este és mi skin del prototipo del PAK-FA. El PAK-FA fue hecho por InSky. Lee el readme para las instrucciones.
Gracias for descargar!
For SF1 WOV WOE WWII installs.
This mod replaces the background jet sounds with prop engine sounds in the Hanger and loadout menus.
To install: !!! Backup the 3 original .wav files first!!!! Unzip and drop in the sound folder.
05/16/10 created
VF213AJ05 Skin for SF2 Tomcat
By Spiff
This is a repaint of the VF213AJ05 skin from the Tomcat Superpack; it is meant to be a CAG/CO bird, not a line bird as it is in the Superpack. Bmps and jpegs are included but the bmps are kinda large. See the readme, drag and drop installation.
F-80C, 36th FBS, replacement skin
By Wrench
This is a replacement skin map for the recently Released F-80C.
I'd forgotten to turn on the layer with the nation marking, so this ONE has them!!
to Install:
unzip to your desktop or other place you can find it easly, and then drop the 36thFBS folder DIRECTLY over your existing folder in the /F-80C
I'll get the entire package updated within the next 24 hours.
Sorry about that people!
and special thanks to GearyMcS for catching it!!
kevin stein
Mirage 5 PAF 3 pack evolution
By paulopanz
Mirage 5PA Single seat radarless version of the Mirage 5 for Pakistan. 28 built.
Mirage 5PA2/3 [install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO*] New build radar equipped aircraft for Pakistan, fitted with Cyrano IV radar. 28 built
Mirage 5EF Ex French planes 29 delivered.
No. 8, 25, 27, CCS squadrons skins
- Temps by Ludo
- Decals & Help Ghostrider883
- SPA2 pit by Wrench
- Fastcargo for Fake pilot (included)
- DenisisOliveira for 3D parts added on EF/ 5PA2-3 in V. 2.0 (what a fantastic job!)
If You have version 1.0 delete Mirage 5PA2 in aircraft folder
Than put all in mod folder and owerwrite.
*If You don't have DLC Mirage IIIO simple delete Mirage5PA2/3 folder.
@ paulopanz
SF2 Spanish F-104G
By lanapa
Basado en el F-104G de thirdwire (Se necesitan los .lod,.tga,.shd,la carpeta cockpit y el loadout.bmp)
Representa el F-104G de las FFAA usado entre los años 1965 y 1972 cuando se les conocía como 104 Escuadrón.
He incluido Skin, Decals, hangar y loading Screens, también he modificado:
-Data: Fechas y país de utilización, Posición de SideWinders y apertura de carlinga (Shift+0)
-Loadout: Respetando los reales, los pilones del fuselaje nunca se usaron en España (No han sido borrados)
-Userlist: España 1967-1972
Breve historia, archivos modificados, Instrucciones de instalación, reconocimientos y créditos en el LEEME
-Historia completa de los F-104G españoles (español e ingles):
-Imágenes de la película española "No le busques tres pies" (lema del escuadrón) en la que aparecen junto a otros cazas de la época:
Now in english!! (sorry if i made a mistake)
Based on Thirdwire´s F-104G (You will need ..lod,.tga,.shd,Cockpit folder and loadout.bmp)
Represents the F-104G used by the Spanish Armed Forces between 1965 and 1972 when their pilots were known as 104 Squadron
I´ve included Skin, Decals, hangar y loading Screens, I've also modified:
- Data: Dates and country of use, SideWinders position and canopy open (Shift+0).
- Loadout: As reality, fuselaje pylons never were used in Spain (But are not erased)
- Userlist: Spain 1967-1972
A little bit of history, modified files, instalation, Acknowledgments and Credits in README
-Complete history of spanish F-104G (english & spanish):
-Images of the spanish movie "No le busques tres pies..." (motto of the squadron) in which they appear alongside other fighters of the era:
### Gracias a la comunidad de Combatace-----------thanks to Combatace´s community ###
F-35A USAF Skin Pack 1
By DoctorWho
USAF Skin Pack 1 for F-35A
Here's my skin pack for the F-35A Lightning II. It contains three skins:
- 58th FS, 33rd FW, Eglin AFB (real one)
- 4th FS, 388th FW, Hill AFB (semi-fictional)
- 71st FS, 1st FW, Langley AFB (semi-fictional)
All necessary decals are included.
- Klavs81 for the aircraft and basic skin templates
Unzip the contents of this file into your mod folder, overwrite when asked.
Legal stuff:
You are not allowed to use any contents of this mod in any payware. You can use them under Combatace Freeware Licensing Terms and conditions.
More Lightning skin packs will be released soon.
1st October 2012
VFA-101 CAG & Line Bird skins for F-35C
By DoctorWho
VFA-101 CAG and Line Bird skin pack for F-35C
This is my pack containing two semi-fictional skins for the F-35C. There are two of them: CAG version (full hi-viz colors) and Line Bird version (lo-viz). They represent the aircraft of VFA-101 Grim Reapers.
Klavs81 - aircraft and basic skin templates
-CAG Bird skin
-Line Bird skin
-set of decals
-new fuel tank texture
Unzip the contents of this zip file to your mod folder. Overwrite when asked.
Legal stuff:
You are not allowed to use any contents of this mod in any payware. You can use them under Combatace Freeware Licensing Terms and conditions.
30th Sept 2012
58th FS, 33rd FW F-35A skin
By EricJ
Basic skin I did on request, but felt it was okay to upload for public use.
Drop in your F-35A folder and go fly.
Eric Johnson, 2012
P-51D Mustang China Double Skin pack
By paulopanz
RoCAF & PLAAF Skins for TW stock Mustang
to celebrate new Jon Formosa Campaign set.
Brother against brother.
Install as usual and happy fly.
@ paulopanz
F-4F (80) Norm 81B Camouflage
By PraetorH
History of the Norm 81 camouflage:
Since the mid 70ies German fighter pilots from Jagdgeschwader 71 "Richthofen" and Jagdgeschwader 74 "Mölders" increasingly complained about the old one-fits-all aircraft camouflage of the Luftwaffe called Norm 72 (Standard 72, named after the year of introduction). Its large geometrically arranged areas in olive-green and gray worked well camouflaging an aircraft on the ground and even in low level flight over the equally geometrical fields of Germany. But the dark colours also drew massive attention in high altitude combat. Worse, the oversized Iron Crosses and serial numbers with their high contrast black and white lettering made the aircraft even easier to spot.
In the later 70ies, Luftwaffe command encouraged its fighter pilots to develop new paint schemes. “Richthofen” and “Mölders” in particular were eager in devising trial camouflages. Most of them massively reduced the greens and put stronger emphasis on grays, while shrinking the markings a lot. (I do not know if it was intentional or not, but some resembled WWII Luftwaffe interceptor camouflages.) These were to become the basis for the official Norm 81.
Norm 81 was to be used by fighters and fighter-bombers alike, and applied to Phantoms which were upgraded to Peace Rhine-standard. When they were upgraded to ICE-standard, Norm 81 was replaced by the more modern Norm90J – the first German paint scheme intended for fighters only.
Description of the Norm 81 camouflage:
The aircraft camouflage is dominated by two shades of light gray (Lichtgrau, Steingrau) on the lower surfaces and the sides. Only the upper surfaces of the wings and the topsides of the fuselage along the spine and the engines were painted with three dark shades of gray (Quarzgrau, Basaltgrau, Staubgrau) and one shade of green-gray (Grüngrau). The early schemes deliberately featured soft edges for the colours blending them better into each other. Later this was given up, as weathering did that job rather well, too.
The national markings were reduced in size and number; the Iron Cross was applied top to the left wing and bottom to the right wing, and on both sides of the fuselage. Early in the 80ies, the old Norm 72-warnings continued to be used, until replaced with toned down warnings.
For flight safety some aircraft sported high visibility markings, most notably when transferred to low level fight training in Goose Bay, Canada. These markings could be painted on the top fuselage, under the nose, on the wing tips and on the stabilizers varying in size and colour. Many crews seemed to favour red or yellow, but green or blue was seen often as well. Only few had white or dayglow markings.
Norm 81 was used in two variants, A for geometrical shapes on the wings, tail and the fuselage downside, and B for rounded shapes. B seems to have been the preferred choice by the units.
Advise on the use of the skins in SF2:
The combination of soft colour edges and Norm 72-markings makes these skins suitable for campaigns set in the early and mid 80ies. However in the late 80ies they would look rather out of place.
Skins included:
I included one Norm 81B skin for every German wing equipped with F-4F:
Jagdgeschwader 71 "Richthofen"
Jagdgeschwader 74 "Mölders" (flying 'denamed' as JG 74 today)
Jagdbombergeschwader 35 (flying reorganized as JG 73 “Steinhoff” today)
Jagdbombergeschwader 36 (disbanded today, flew as JG 72 in its last days)
You need the F-4F (80), but the skins should also fit on the F-4F (ICE). Also, F-4F and F-4E may work more or less.
Just unzip and drop the folder in your SF2 mod directory, usually it is:
C:\Users\xxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 yyy
Ravenclaw_007 for his template (based on Sundowner's F-4E template), and his decals which I am using.
Supermarine Swift FR.5*
By paulopanz
(*) This not a complete plane: You have to D/L it from A-Team site
Here You will find my skins revamped and my and Baffmeister edited data & Loadout.inis for an historical (no IRM) use.
New high res hangar + original as option
(I like this plane!)
To install:
1) Extraxct the pack.
2) EXtract original plane.
3) Take the cockpit folder
4) Take lods and specular/bumps as stated in original readme for options (3)
(3) - This LOD use Bump and Specular maps. Drop the ini, LOD and OUT files into the Swift Root folder
Drop the dds files into each texture folder.
5) Put all in swift5 folder
6) Transfer all in Your mod folder.
Model: A-TEAM (see included original Readme & Copyright)
Skins & Screens: Paulopanz
Decals: Spinners & Paulopanz
Ini edits: Baffmeister & Paulopanz
Mirage 5COA
By paulopanz
Mirage 5COA : Export version of the Mirage 5 for Colombia. 14 built.
High res temps & Skin by Ludo. Edited by me.
Decals & Hangar by Wrench.
Key=10 as usual opens the canopy
Install: all in main mod folder and overwrite.
@ paulopanz
The Last of the Lightnings
By comrpnt
This mission pack follows the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) training undertaken by Pilot Officer Ian Black during 1985/86, the last RAF pilot to qualify on the English Electric Lightning, as documented in his excellent book The Last of the Lightnings (ISBN-10: 075093073X; ISBN-13: 978-0750930734).
The missions in this pack are specifically designed to be used with Thirdwire’s Strike Fighters 2 Europe: Expansion Pack 2 (SF2E:Exp2), which introduced all Lightning types to the game. Where possible, stock objects and aircraft are used. Where necessary new aircraft, skins, weapons, and loadouts have been defined and are included in the pack.
The missions
The missions in this pack form a syllabus for an OCU course, similar to that undertaken by Ian Black at RAF Binbrook, which is broken down into the following phases:
Basic aircraft handling.
Basic navigation.
Basic radar operation.
Advanced radar operation.
Radar assisted interceptions, with a varying degree of difficulty based on the angle-off of an approaching enemy. Includes high and low altitude, high and low speed, and combinations of these.
Air-to-air refuelling (AAR), using radar to acquire the ‘tanker’.
Air combat manoeuvres (ACM) against solo and multiple bogeys, using training rounds to record ‘kills’.
Air gunnery school, using live weapons against drone targets.
Ground gunnery school, using live weapons against static ground targets.
Formation flying, culminating in a diamond-9 flypast to celebration OCU graduation.
Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms
Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own modifications, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites. Note that some models used by this pack may have different terms and conditions (consult the accompanying documentation for details).
Released under Fair-Use terms, as defined at CombatAce. Visit
The contents of this mission pack are:
Comprehensive installation notes, instructional notes, and mission briefings documentation
30 scripted single missions
New Targets definitions
New Types definitions
RAF pilot skins
New Hunter9 target drone aircraft
New LTF Lightning skin
Airfield lights definitions
Airfield QRA shed definitions
New training missile definitions
New Lightning F.6 and F-4M_75 loadout definitions
New formation definitions
Lightning F.6 FM update
Buccaneer S2 FM update - to add drogue lights
Download this pack to a neutral location on your local machine, extract the files, and then consult the detailed 'Guide' document for installation instructions.
Good luck.
comrpnt (September 2012).
Lisunov Li-2 Cab
By paulopanz
The Lisunov Li-2, originally designated PS-84 (NATO reporting name "Cab"),
was a license-built version of the Douglas DC-3. It was produced by Factory #84
in Moscow-Khimki and, after evacuation in 1941, at TAPO in Tashkent.
The project was directed by aeronautical engineer Boris Pavlovich Lisunov.
This is the post war turretless model rebuilt by me from the stock C-47A.
18 Skins: 3 PLAAF, 1 CVL, 1 FAR, 2 NKPAF, 2 ML, 1 PWL, 5 VVS, 1 SyAAF,
1 VPAF, 1 Yugo each one with its historical decalset
hangars, loding and loadout immages
- Wrench for templates
- Kesselbruth for C-47 pit (I'm still looking for a russian styled one)
- Kubit for PWL decals & references
- Gaunt for Hungarian stuff help
All in main mod folder and overwrite.
I hope this could be used in most of our campaigns from Nato Fighters, to Vietnam,
Sweden, as in Mid East, Korea and in Taiwan, too.
@ paulopanz
Hawker Hunter F Mk.58A Swiss Air Force
Hawker Hunter F Mk.58A as used in the Swiss Air Force from 1978 up to 1994
this mod is based on the TW Hunter9 so you need SF2Europe or a fully merged SF2 for it
NOTE: you need Patch Nov2011 or later to make this work it could work from patch jun2011 but it was never fully tested
to install:
- just drag and drop the content of the folders in to the respective folders of you mod game installation , overwrite if asked to
- there is no radar or tv screen , so to fire the AGM-65 put the gunsight on the target and release the weapon
- dont select in the loadoutmenu 1x AIM-9B or 1x AIM 9P always select 2x
Included are :
- highres skins 2048x2048 jpeg
- Martin Baker Mk3 ejection seat , color grey or black
- cockpit detail set
- tailpipe detail set
- airframe detail set
- swiss weapon set
- working RWR in the cockpit
- chaff /flare dispenser
- Thirdwire / TK for the Hunter9
- Old Diego for the pilot HGU26AW
- Soulfreak for the templates , skins , hangarscreens , loadingscreens and testing
- ravenclaw_007 for 3d-work , weapons , skins , ini. editing and testing
- paulopanz for testing
- 76.IAP-Blackbird for testing
- dast24 for testing
i hope i did not miss anybody , in case i did let my know
Have Fun
your GMG
F-4F (ICE) Norm 12J Pixelated Air Superiority Camouflage
By PraetorH
F-4F (ICE) Norm 12J Pixelated Air Superiority Camouflage
*** entirely fictional and very unlikely to happen, but fun ***
The time of the F-4F in Luftwaffe service is coming to an end. They are about to be phased out by 2013 and only one fighter wing, JG 71 “Richthofen”, still operates them. However in their last year JG 71-personell decided to give the venerable fighter a last new look and applied a pixilated camouflage based on the colours used in the standard Norm 90J camouflage. As it turned out, the Phantom not only looks phabulous but is also well concealed at high alt and in the clouds. It is soon to be adopted by the other Luftwaffe fighters as Norm 12J.
This is a skin for the F-4F ICE, thus you need the excellent pack of Ravenclaw_007
It uses the decals of the ICE-pack, so there is no need to install extra decals. You just drop unzip and drop the folder into the F-4F ICE folder in your mod directory, usually it is:
C:\Users\xxx\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Objects\Aircraft\F-4F_ICE
Ravenclaw_007 for his reworked F-4F template, his decals, and the F-4F ICE
Sundowner for his original F-4E template.
If I have forgotten any contribution, please tell me!
By paulopanz
Mirage 5P : Export version of the Mirage 5 for Peru; 22 built.
Credits: Ludo's great temps & Cocas' nose pitot *!
(*) Fake pilot by Fastcargo included
All historical decals made.
Working cockpit: key=10
Hangar, data.ini tweaked, userlist added etc.
@ paulopanz
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