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    1. North American F-86K Sabre Complete

      NATO version of F-86D; MG-4 fire control system; four 20 mm M24A1 cannon with 132 rounds per gun; APG-37 radar. 120 were built by North American, 221 were assembled by FIAT.
      WHAT'S IN:
      The F-86K aka "Kappone" 
      all old pack skins now in JPG, new ones and several tweaks and upgrades made in these long years.
      A.M.I.: 1^-4^-51^ Aerobrigata; 5°-36°-51° Stormo (5 skins)
                  (All numbers,serials & matricole historical, thanks to X-Ray for references)
      Luftwaffe: JG-74 JG-75 Silver & Camo (4 skins)
           (All historical numbers by squadron plus "kubik" & M.Lenz bonus planes)
      Armée de l'Air: 13 EC Alpes, Artois & Auvergne (10 skins all)
           (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron, thanks to Ludo, who made them, too)
      Koninklijke Luchtmacht: 700-701-702 Squadrons (10 skins)
           (All historical numbers)
      Kongelige Norske Luftforsvaret: 332, 334, 337, 339 Skvadron (4 skins)
           (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron)
      Fuerza Aerea Venezoelana (1 skin)
             (All historical numbers)
      Fuerza Aérea Hundureña   (1 skin)
            (All historical numbers)
      Thanks to "Bobrock" for temps, to "Soulfreak" for his constant friendy help and to Baffmeister for usual, great FM tweaks.
      Sounds by Spillone104.
      Original credits in original readme.
      To install: as usual all in main mod folder.




         (3 reviews)



    2. SF2 F-86L "Lima" Sabre Dog Revamp Pack

      SF2 F-86L "Lima" Sabre Dog Revamp Pack    6/9/2020
      "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
      = For SF2 (Any & All) =
      This package is designed to replace the original F-86L from the pack available from the folowing URL:
      by suhjake from 2009
      It is =NOT= necessary to have the original mod pack, as this =WILL= replace it in total. Everything reusable from that pack will be included with this. If you do have the original installed, you will probably wish to remove, move, or delete it. Overwriting may cause conflicts.
      As the Lima's were mostly used by USAF Air National Guard units, that is what's covered here. The following units are depicted herein:
      146th FIS PA ANG (57-60)
      190th FIS ID ANG (59-64)
      194th FIS, CA ANG (58-64)
      199th FIS, HI ANG (58-61)
      3550th CCTW, Moody AFB, GA (late 50s/early 60s)
      3555th CCTW, Perin AFB, TX (late 50s/early/60s)
      and a
      USAF Silver (Generic) -a blank skin for other skinners to use. It does have the 'day glo' panels on the wings, fuselage and tail.
      As only the 194th is listed in the stock squadron list ini, it uses a level=1 decal to activate the displayed squadron name on the Loading/Skin selection screen.
      All of the Original Skins (PA ANG, 3550 & 3555 CCTWs) have been completely redone, although they remain in bmp format. All other skins are brand new for this package. 26 all new serial and buzz numbers, where used, have been created. While correct for this aircraft; all numbers are from the late-production Ds that were converted to Ls, they should be considered 'generic' in nature. State name identifiers and squadron markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. 
      All weapons, pilots, etc are included. A backup copy of the original Data ini is already provided, as this new one has many modifications and adjustments. 
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzipperizing. Please follow the 'usual instructions' 
      Happy Landing!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    3. [Fictional] Parani Saeqeh 'Thunderbolt'

      HESA Saeqeh 'Thunderbolt' (Paran) for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a simple mod of FastCargo's Saeqeh 'Thunderbolt' to give a fictional Parani Saeqeh with markings for the famous Red Lion Fighter Regiment of the Republic of Paran Air Force. 
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Saeqeh_Pa folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Saeqeh_Pa folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks to FastCargo & Co for bringing us the Saeqeh (FC's original read me is enclosed).
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 12/06/2020
      Version 1 - 17/01/2010


         (2 reviews)



    4. [Fictional] Saunders-Roe Firebar FAW.2

      Saunders-Roe Firebar FAW.2 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the Yak-28P 'Firebar' to give a very fictional Saunders-Roe Firebar FAW.2 in service with No.29 squadron of the Royal Air Force. The Firebar is such a cool-looking Cold War jet and after dressing it up in RAF markings and posting screenshots a couple of people asked for it so here it is.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the FirebarFAW2 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the FirebarFAW2 folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the Redstorm folder into your Weapons folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to Pasko for bringing so many cool aircraft to the Strike Fighters community including this gem.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 10/06/2020
      Version 1 - 23/01/2011 


         (0 reviews)



    5. SF2 F-86D Sabre Dog Revamp Pack

      SF2 F-86D Sarbre Dog Revamp Pack    5/19/2020
      "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
      = For SF2 (Any & All) =
      This package is designed to replace the original F-86D/L pack available from the folowing URL:
      by suhjake from 2009
      It is NOT necessary to have the original mod pack, as this WILL replace it in total. Everything reusable from that pack will be included with this. On a side note, the F-86L "Lima" Sabre will be covered in a a seperate release. Even though the folder is named "F-86D-45" it represents =ALL= production blocks of the Sabre Dog, for those users included in the mod package.
      The following units are depicted herein:
      101st Hikotai (56-68) - JASDF
      16th FIS (51-59) - PACAF, Misawa Japan
      37th FIS (53-58) - Ethan Allen AFB, VT
      97th FIS (51-55) - Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
      431st FIS "Red Devils" (55-58) - Wheelus AFB, Lybia
      469th FIS (53-58) - McGhee Tyson AFB, TN
      520th FIS (54-55) - Geiger Field, Spokane WA
      146th FIS Pa ANG (57-60) -they used the F-86L congruently with the F-86D
      and a
      USAF Silver (Generic) -a blank skin for other skinners to use.
      All of the Original Skins have been completely redone, although they remain in bmp format. Several of the orignal decals have been reused, but modified from level 2 to level 0 (tail squadron markings). 26 all new serial and buzz numbers have been created. The 101 Hikotai and the 97th FIS & 431st do NOT use this same pool of numbers. They needed they're own for reasons that will become apparent during game play. The 431st is the ONLY unit in the pack that is listed on the stick squadronlist ini, and is tagged accordingly.
      Most marking are decals; in some cases wing and squadron marking had to be painted on due to mesh issues (tail). Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. On the individual number lists, any number marked with a star (*) is 100% correct for that unit.
       All weapons, pilots, etc are included. A backup copy of the original Data ini is already provided, as the new one has many modifications and adjustments. 
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzipperizing. Please follow the 'usual instructions' 
      Happy Landing!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    6. [Fictional] McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5

      McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a simple mod of the Third Wire Phantom F-4E_72 to give a 'what if' Phantom FGR.5 fighter with markings for No.23 and No.29 squadrons of the Royal Air Force as they might have appeared at the time of Operation Granby in 'Desert Pink'. Service years have been extended right up to 2010 in case you want to use it in Operation Herrick (from 2001) or Operation Telic (from 2003).

      1. Drop the PhantomFGR5 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR5 folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Thanks also to Sundowner for the F-4E templates.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 07/06/2020
      Version 1 - 24/01/2011 


         (0 reviews)



    7. [Fictional] Hawker Hurricane 'Furacão'

      Hawker Hurricane 'Furacão' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of Raven's radial engined Hawker Hurricane to create a fictional 'Furacão' in service with the Poruguese Air Force in the 1942-1954 timeline.
      The Hawker Hurricane entered service with the Royal Air Force at the end of 1937 when No.111 Squadron re-equipped with the type at RAF Northolt. By late 1938 the production capacity for Hurricanes at the Hawker Siddeley Aircraft group of companies was sufficient not only to meet the needs of the RAF's ambitious expansion scheme but also sufficient to allow exports to Yugoslavia, South Africa, Romania, Persia, Belgium, Poland and Turkey. Belgium and Yugoslavia had both negotiated production licences but only a handful were produced by Avions Fairey in Belgium before the German invasion in May 1940 and in Yugoslavia the Zmaj factory managed to build 20 Hurricanes before the German invasion in April 1941.
      At the start of World War 2, Portugal was keen to both maintain it's neutrality and also bolster it's defences - recognising that the Portuguese mainland was of strategic importance as was it's island territories of Maderia and the Azores. Indeed, both the UK and Germany considered invading the islands but British diplomacy won the day in June 1940 when the UK formally asked for use of the Azores by invoking the Aliança Luso-Britânica (Anglo-Portuguese Alliance) of 1386 which is still the oldest alliance in the history in the world that is still in force. In return, Portugal asked for a wide variety of defence equipment from the UK including "100 modern monoplane fighter aircraft". With the UK facing a desperate struggle the Portuguese 'wish list' was largely unfulfilled until much later in the war but in December 1940 the British government agreed to supply 100 Hurricane fighters by the end of the following year. 
      However, there was an urgent demand for Rolls-Royce Merlin engines for the RAF's day fighters and also for the Boulton & Paul Defiant and Bristol Beaufighter night fighters. In addition, RAF Bomber Command were about to go on the offensive with the Handley-Page Halifax having just entered service and the superlative Avro Lancaster and de Havilland Mosquito were both on the horizon. In February 1941 the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, blocked the sale outright but Sydney Camm at Hawker considered that the Hurricane airframe could be adapted to take a different engine and Camm was already aware that Roy Fedden of the Bristol Engine Company had developed a modular engine installation or 'power egg' for the Bristol Hercules radial engine. Fedden and Camm quickly schemed the Hercules powered Hurricane Mk.III and instructed the Gloster Aircraft Company, who had been manufacturing Hurricanes for the RAF on behalf of its parent company since 1939, to slot in 250 Hurricane Mk.III's onto the Hucclecote production line. Whilst there was no Hurricane Mk.III prototype as such, the first two production aircraft were thoroughly tested by Gloster's chief test pilot Gerry Sayer and also by Bill Humble of Hawker's and both praised it's flying characteristics noting that "the aircraft is simple and easy to fly and has no apparent vices" although the stalling speed was 8 knots higher than a standard Hurricane.
      The first 100 Hurricane Mk.III's were crated and shipped to Portugal arriving at Santo Amaro in November 1941. After local assembly, they were flown to Ota Air Base and Sintra Air Base to eventually equip six day fighter squadrons of the Aeronáutica Militar (Army Aviation) although, at the time, these squadrons (typically, with 15 aircraft on strength) were confusingly classed as 'flights' with two-digit flight codes that were used to designate the squadron. 'SU' Flight were the first to be declared operational at Ota in April 1942 followed by 'MP' flight at Sintra. In Aeronáutica Militar service the Hurricane aircraft were locally known as the Furacão and remained in service even after the formation of the Força Aérea Portuguesa in 1952 and it was not until August 1954 that the Furacão finally passed from service.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Furacao folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Furacao folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the FuracaoTank into your Weapons folder.
      That's it!
      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to Raven for his awesome work on the Hawker Hurricane in all it's forms and for generously including his templates.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 02/06/2020


         (0 reviews)



    8. [Fictional] BAC F-112B Lightning

      BAC F-112B Lightning for Strike Fighters 2 
      This is a simple mod of the stock BAC (English Electric) Lightning F.3 from Expansion Pack 2 to make a fictional F-112B interceptor in service with the USAF in the 1964 to 1984 timeline. 'What if' markings for two units are included;
      1. 57th Fighter Interceptor Squadron - Based at Keflavik, Iceland.
      2. 186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron - Montana ANG.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-112B folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-112B folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 06/06/2020
      Version 1 - 13/02/2011


         (0 reviews)



    9. TU-160 Blackjack(V2K)

      The Tupolev Tu-160 'White Swan'; NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the comparable XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown.
      Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service. The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernisation programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014.
      aircraft model by Veltro2k: Apr 2014
      pilot models by The Trooper: Feb 2009
      textures and decals by Charles: June 2019
      flight model by Charles: June 2019
      destroyed model (B-1B) by Klavs81, Dels and FastCargo
      cockpit (B-1B) by Dels: Sept 2010
      Best Sim : Thirdwire

      unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun



         (8 reviews)



    10. AMX A-1A, AMX-T A-1B and AMX A-1M Brazilian Air Force

      The AMX International AMX is a ground-attack aircraft for battlefield interdiction, close air support and reconnaissance missions. It was built until 1999 by AMX International, an Italian-Brazilian joint venture. The AMX is designated A-1 by the Brazilian Air Force, and A-11 Ghibli by the Italian Air Force.
      The AMX is capable of operating at high subsonic speed and low altitude, by day or night, and if necessary, from bases with poorly equipped or damaged runways. Low IR signature and reduced radar equivalent cross-section help prevent detection, while low vulnerability of structure and systems aid survivability, while integrated ECM, air-to-air missiles and nose-mounted guns provide self-defence capabilities.
      In 1986, development of a two-seat advanced trainer variant was undertaken. This was intended to provide trainee pilots with experience on fast jets, while still retaining the single-seater's attack capabilities. First flying in 1990, the AMX-T equipped both the Italian and Brazilian air forces.
      The product of a Brazilian upgrade program of their A-1s; significant features include a Mectron SCP-01 Scipio radar, Embraer BR2 data link, FLIR Systems navigation equipment, Elbit INS/GPS/databus, the adoption of a glass cockpit,[31] a new OBOGS system and HMD DASH IV.

      O AMX International AMX, ou simplesmente AMX é um avião de ataque ar-superfície usado para missões de interdição, apoio aéreo aproximado e reconhecimento aéreo. Foi desenvolvido pelo consórcio internacional AMX Internacional. Na Força Aérea Brasileira, ele é designado A-1 (A-1A para a versão monoplace e A-1B para a versão de dois lugares). Com a modernização o A-1 passa a incorporar o M em sua designação na FAB, tornando-se então A-1M. Na Itália, ele tem o apelido de "Ghibli".
      O AMX é capaz de operar em altas velocidades subsônicas a baixa altitude, tanto de dia quanto de noite, e se necessário, a partir de bases pouco equipadas ou com pistas danificadas. O caça conta com relativamente baixa assinatura em infravermelho e reduzida secção frontal ao radar, para melhorar seu percentual de sucesso nas missões. A auto-defesa é proporcionada por mísseis ar-ar, canhões integrados e sistemas de contramedidas eletrônicas

      Two versions of skin
      Two fictitious skins (A-1M)
      Three models:
      AMX-T A1B

      Model By Rafael Rodrigues
      Texture By Denis Oliveira


         (7 reviews)



    11. Dassault MD-450 Ouragan

      The Dassault M.D.450 Ouragan (French: Hurricane) is a French fighter-bomber
      developed and produced by Dassault Aviation. It has its origins in a private
      venture by Dassault to produce an all-French aircraft which would make use
      of jet propulsion, which subsequently would receive orders from the French
      Air Force.
      The Ouragan was operated by France, India, Israel and El Salvador.
      While in Israeli service, the type participated in both the Suez Crisis and
      the Six-Day War.
      This one of my first mods, made in 2009 (!) mostly assembling someone other
      work, updated in 2013 adding last SF-2 features.
      This is a complete remod. Each skin, but Patrouille de France is new, IAF
      serial numbers are brand new and historically accurate.
      Several IDF skins are brand new, based on Tom Cooper records.IDF Camos now are correct.
      Nothing could be done without Mue's Lod Viewer.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a "new" ouragan
      - 32 semi High Res Skins (14 AA; 12 IDF; 4 IAF; 2 FAS)
      - Historical serial numbers;
      - Pilot, sound, weapons;
      - Revised data, loudout.ini;
      OPTIONS (new):
      - 2 dedicated installs for IAF and IDF scenarios
      - Pasko: aircraft
      - Ordway: cockpit
      - Baffmeister: FM
      - Spillone104: RR Nene sound
      - Geary: templates
      - Tom Cooper: Wings over Sinai
      - Richard R. Caruana: decals sheets
      - paulopanz: skins, decals, ini tweakings
      - Key animation: 10 open autoclosing canopy
      - select the Ouragan you need (Generic, IDF, IAF)
      we have a lot of old but gold models to make shine before made new ones.
      Lets' make the planes we lack before redone these ones.
      @ paulopanz



         (6 reviews)



    12. J-31 (Bandidos) For SF2?

      I Found this when I was wandering around the SF1 section.
      -F-22 Cockpit
      By Julhelm
      -PL-13 BVRAAM (SF2 Format)
      By Spinners
      By Bandidos


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    13. [Fictional] Convair F-102J Delta Dagger 'JASDF'

      Convair F-102J Delta Dagger for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of Veltro2K's F-102A to create a fictional F-102J in service with the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force in the 1957-1977 timeline. 

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-102J folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all folders into your Weapons folder.
      That's it! For sheer simplicity, this mod uses stock Third Wire F-4EJ decals.

      Special thanks to Veltro2K for bringing us a freeware F-102A and also to FastCargo for his revisions and fixes to the 3D model.
      Thanks to Kesselbrut & Pasko for the F-106 cockpit with F-102A mods added by Ordway. 
      Thanks also to 331KillerBee for the 509FIS camo skin that has been used for this JASDF Delta Dagger.
      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 30/05/2020


         (0 reviews)



    14. Vultee P-66 Vanguard

      The Vultee P-66 Vanguard was a United States Army Air Forces fighter aircraft. It was initially ordered by Sweden, but by the time the aircraft were ready for delivery in 1941, the United States would not allow them to be exported, designating them as P-66s and retaining them for defensive and training purposes. Eventually, a large number were sent to China where they were pressed into service as combat aircraft with mixed results. 
      3D Model (Veltro2k)
      Textures and FM (Charles,Capun)
      Cockpit (Kesselbrut)

      unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun



         (0 reviews)



    15. Gloster Meteor F.8A

      Gloster Meteor F.8A for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Meteor F.8 to give a fictional Meteor F.8A in service with No.30 Squadron of RAF South East Asia Command.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MeteorF8A folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MeteorF8A folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 29/05/2020
      Version 1 - 30/05/2011


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    16. [Fictional] Hawker Harrier Mk.59 'Argentina'

      Hawker Harrier Mk.59 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of wpnssgt's cracking little AV-8S 'Matador' to give a fictional Harrier Mk.59 as it might have appeared in service with the Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina and fictional markings are included for 3ra Escuadrilla Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (3rd Fighter/Attack Squadron).

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Harrier59 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Harrier59 folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the Tank_AV8S_COAN folder into your Weapons folder.
      That's it!

      Massive thanks to wpnssgt for the 3D model. Having only joined this community in early 2008 I'm guessing that this predates the Harrier contained in Wings Over Europe and, if so, then fair play - it's a beaut! As I've said before, "there's gold in them thar archives"!
      Thanks also to C5 for the FM and to Sundowner for the skin.
      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 27/05/2020
      Version 1 - 10/10/2010 


         (0 reviews)



    17. Boeing B-52K Stratofortress B.1

      Boeing B-52K Stratofortress B.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the stock (non-flyable) Third Wire B-52K to give a fictional and flyable B-52K Stratofortress B.1 in service with No.9 Squadron attached to RAF South East Asia Command.
      Also included are fictional 'Flail' and 'Flambard' bombs with Flail being especially useful against soft-skin targets (or fuel tanks if you get tasked against these in Strike missions) and Flambard being a particularly nasty incendiary bomb. You can, of course, convert it to use nukes but bombing from 12,000m with conventional ordnance is a real challenge but great fun. As we don't have a proper B-52 pit you'll have to make do with the one supplied or go your own way and I mainly prefer to fly this one with cockpit toggle off.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the B-52K folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the B-52K folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the FLAIL and FLAMBARD folders into your weapons folder.

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 27/05/2020
      Version 1 - 02/06/2011


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    18. [Fictional] Hawker Hunter F.6M (Falklands)

      Hawker Hunter F.6M for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      Requires SF2 DLC 001: Hunter F.6 (60) Royal Netherlands Air Force
      This is a very simple mod of the above to give a fictional Hunter F.6M in service with RAF South Atlantic Command with markings for No.1435 Flight. You will need to have the new 'DLC' Hunter as this mod will not work with any Hunter that isn't DLC 001 although you are welcome to reverse engineer it to suit what Hunter(s) you have in your install.

      The introduction of the Lightning F.1 and F.1A into RAF Fighter Command in 1960 and 1961 began to free-up Hunter F.6's most of which were earmarked for conversion into ground-attack aircraft for the RAF (as the FGA.9) or for export. But the Falklands Crisis of May 1961 led to the decision to base a detachment of fighter aircraft at RAF Stanley and a batch of 8 Hawker Hunter F.6's were urgently converted into F.6M's a minimum-change conversion armed with the Firestreak missile and improved navigation and radio equipment. The first four Hunter F.6M's were dispatched as deck cargo arriving at Port Stanley in September 1961 to form No.1435 Flight who quickly christened the aircraft Faith, Hope, Charity and Desperation. The second batch of Hunters arrived in December 1961 but, with improving diplomatic relations, they were basically used to keep the original four aircraft airworthy until a rotation policy was adopted. The Hunter F.6M's served until 1972 when they were replaced by Lightning F.2A's.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the HunterF6M folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the HunterF6M folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 24/05/2020
      Version 1 - 25/06/2011


         (1 review)



    19. [Fictional] Avro-Mikoyan CF-109 'Archer' (MiG-21SM)

      Avro-Mikoyan CF-109 'Archer' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-21SM to give a very fictional Avro-Mikoyan CF-109 Archer in service with the Royal Canadian Air Force or perhaps the Peoples' Republic of Canada Air Force. I had absolutely no intention of releasing this but did so as a request so please feel free to further mod/change it in whatever way grabs your fancy. You have full control...

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-21SM_RCAF folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-21SM_RCAF folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 23/05/2020
      Version 1 - 14/07/2011


         (0 reviews)



    20. [Fictional] Republic F-7M 'Thunderpig'

      Republic F-7M 'Thunderpig' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-27 to give a fictional Republic F-7M 'Thunderpig' as it might have appeared in service with the USMC at the time of Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Two units are covered, VMFA-333 'Shamrocks' and VMFA-451 'Warlords'.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-7M folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-7M folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 23/05/2020
      Version 1 - 25/08/2011


         (0 reviews)



    21. Dassault Mystère IVA

      The Mystère IV was an evolutionary development of the Mystère II aircraft.
      Although bearing an external resemblance to the earlier aircraft, the Mystère IV
      was in fact a new design with aerodynamic improvements for supersonic flight.
      The prototype first flew on 28 September 1952, and the aircraft entered service
      in April 1953. The first 50 Mystere IVA production aircraft were powered by
      British Rolls-Royce Tay turbojets, while the remainder had the French-built
      Hispano-Suiza Verdon 350 version of that engine.
      This plane was "the star" of War of the Stripes over Suez in 1956
      France was the main operator of the Mystère IV and at the peak usage operated
      6 squadrons. Most of the aircraft were purchased under a United States Offshore
      Procurement contract and many were returned to US custody after they were retired.
      In April 1953 the United States government and the United States Air Force placed
      an order for 223 aircraft to be operated by the French. The new Mystère IVs were
      used in the 1956 Suez Crisis and continued in use into the 1980s
      The Mystère IV became Israel's first swept-wing fighter when an order for Mystère
      IIs was changed to 24 Mystère IVs in 1955, which were delivered from April to June
      1956, equipping 101 Squadron. A further 36 were delivered in August 1956, with a
      final aircraft, equipped for reconnaissance duties, delivered in September 1956.
      On 29 October 1956, when Israel attacked Egypt in the opening move of what became
      known as the Suez Crisis, invading the Sinai Peninsula, the Mystères of 101 Squadron
      were deployed on both air-to-air and ground attack mission.
      A second squadron, 109 Squadron was equipped with the Mystère IV in December 1956,
      while 101 Squadron passed its Mystères to 116 Squadron in November 1961. Israel
      planned to replace the Mystère IV with the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, but 109 and 116
      Squadron still operated the French fighter on the outbreak of the Six-Day War.
      The Mystère was finally retired from Israeli service on 18 March 1971.
      India procured 104 of aircraft in 1957 and used them extensively in the Indo-Pakistani
      War of 1965. The phasing out of the aircraft started soon after the 1965 Indo-Pakistani
      War, though it saw further action in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, it was completely
      phased out of the Indian Air Force by 1973.

      This is a big High Res update of my previous and other modders skins and new ones.
      Plane tweaking.

      WHAT'S IN:
      - 43 new skins (IDF 12; 5 IAF; 16 AdA)
      - historical decalsets
      - missing antenna added
      - taxing dance solved
      - openable autoclosing canopy
      - pilot

      - Tk plane
      - Geary High Rez temps
      - Ghostrider883 IAF previous skins
      - Wilco IDF decals
      - Coupi new antenna
      - all in main mod folder and overwrite
      - key 10 = Canopy open
      I looked for the Hispano Suiza Verdon sound, but no luck. If someone has it, please share.



         (2 reviews)



    22. [Fictional] Republic F-7C Thunderstorm

      Republic F-7C Thunderstorm for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-23ML/P to give a fictional Republic F-7C Thunderstorm in service with the 428th and 429th Tactical Fighter Squadrons in the Vietnam SEA style skin with 'Combat Lancer' rudder flashes. 
      The USAF SEA style scheme is a lucky find as it's one of the stock Czech camo schemes! Thanks TK!

      During late 1958 the Langley Laboratory made the breakthrough that led to the realisation of a valid variable-sweep wing and by early 1959 Tactical Air Command (TAC) could see that this massive technological breakthrough could be the key to help them in their search for a tactical strike fighter to replace both the F-100 Super Sabre and the F-105 Thunderchief. Pretty soon however the numerical values for unrefuelled range and payload that TAC had attached to their mission requirements had the effect of turning all the paper studies from F-105 sized machines to much larger tactical bombers with a corresponding increase in cost and price and this reduced affordability was of great concern to TAC.
      In the Autumn of 1959 TAC wisely decided to split their requirement into a smaller tactical fighter to replace the F-100 and a larger tactical bomber to replace the F-105, B-57 and B-66. The larger aircraft would evolve into Specific Operational Requirement No.183 that would launch the important TFX (tactical fighter experimental) programme and eventually lead (via a tortuous route) to the outstanding but highly compromised F-111 family whilst the smaller aircraft would lead to Specific Operational Requirement No.182 or TAX (tactical aircraft experimental).
      Issued in March 1960 SOR182 called for a single-seat tactical fighter aircraft with “reduced dependence of paved runways” and with “the ability to carry a nuclear bomb at supersonic speed at tree-top height”. Requests for Proposals were immediately sent out to industry and Republic Aviation’s proposal soon gained the support of TAC by virtue of its use of a variable-sweep wing but also by the use of the existing J75 turbojet and F-105 avionics. With the end of F-105 production on the horizon Republic Aviation pushed hard for SOR182/TAX and in February 1961 they were rewarded with a contract for 24 prototype and pre-production YF-110 aircraft and 400 production F-110A machines and Republic wasted no time in bestowing the name of ‘Thunderstorm’ to the latest of their long line of fighter aircraft.

      Republic Aviation were fortunate in being awarded the contract before Secretary of Defence Robert S. McNamara had got into his stride and the programme largely escaped McNamara and his whiz-kids. Development moved swiftly and during 1962 the programme was re-designated F-7 under the new tri-service designation scheme and the first prototype took to the air on December 22nd 1962 a full year ahead of the F-111A. Entering service in June 1965 the F-7A was followed by the F-7B two-seat trainer version and the more advanced F-7C version that first deployed to Vietnam in March 1968 when a two-squadron wing transferred to Takhli Royal Thia AFB, Thailand in a deployment called ‘Combat Lancer’.

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-7C folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-7C folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 22/05/2020
      Version 1 - 17/08/11


         (0 reviews)



    23. [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.53H

      BAC Lightning F.53H for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a very simple mod of the stock Lightning F.53 to give a fictional Lightning F.53H of the Hungarian Air Force.

      The revolutions of 1989 generally had a domino effect across Eastern Europe and Hungary soon followed Poland and in March 1989 the government bravely declared the anniversary of the 1848 Revolution a national holiday and this was soon followed by the reburial of former Prime Minister Imre Nagy (executed after the 1956 Revolution) and calls for Soviet forces to leave Hungary. Popular opposition to the Communist regime continued, eventually leading to Mátyás Szurös declaring Hungary a republic on October 23rd, 1989 and the free elections of March 1990. However. with Soviet forces withdrawing fast the Hungarian Air Force (Magyar Légiero) was soon short of equipment and spares and when the Soviet MiG-29's departed from Tokol in 1991 the air defence of Hungary rested with literally a handful of poorly maintained MiG-21's. 
      During the late 1980's British Aerospace had bought back many of the surviving Saudi Lightning F.53's and had hoped to sell them to Austria (whose air force were hard-pressed to intercept a business jet) but the deal fell through and the Lightnings had continued to lanquish at Warton prompting a tentative offer to sell them to Hungary at a knock-down price. In May 1991 the UK Government bought 26 of the ex-Saudi Lightning F.53's and gifted them to the Hungarian Air Force in a move believed to have orchestrated by President George H. Bush. 
      Arriving in August 1991 the Lightnings were operated by the 59th Tactical Fighter Wing at Kecskemét AFB and served until 1998 when they were replaced by MiG-29's donated from Germany and Poland.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the LightningF53H folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the LightningF53H folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 21/05/2020
      Version 1 - 20/07/2011


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. [Fictional] Nakajima Ki-101 (IJAAF Spitfire IXc)

      Nakajima Ki-101 'Heavenly Lion' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a simple mod of the stock 'AI' Thirdwire Spitfire F.9C to give a flyable 'what if' Nakajima Ki-101 interceptor-fighter of the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force in mid-1945.
      This mod requires you to have Expansion Pack 1 so that you have the necessary Third Wire Spitfire LOD's that are, of course, not included here.

      In February 1943 the unfortunate Pilot Office P. Lonker of No.64 squadron descended through the fog to land his brand-new Spitfire IX at the Luftwaffe airfield near Brest in the mistaken belief that it was his home base of Hornchurch. Whilst the Spitfire was no secret to the Germans this pristine example was gratefully received and sent to the Dornier factory in Altenrhein (Switzerland) where it was studied in detail with production drawings made and tooling fabricated for the proposed production of the Spitfire for the Swiss Air Force. 
      However, during the early Spring of 1944 the decision was made to ship the drawings and tooling to the Nakajima Aircraft Company in Japan for production of the Spitfire for defence against American bombers including the B-29 then just coming into service in forward bases in China and India. Designated as the Ki-101 'Heavenly Lion' production started quickly enough but disaster struck when the Ota factory was bombed (ironically by B-29's) in December 1944 with only a handful of aircraft completed and all without engines as Aichi Atsuta had failed to deliver a single example of the licence-built Daimler-Benz DB605 engine. Miraculously, production restarted in February 1945 with the first Aichi built engines arriving in March allowing the first squadron to re-equip in May 1945. Production records indicate that only 45 Ki-101's were manufactured and there were no recorded incidents of air combat between the 'Heavenly Lion' and allied aircraft

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the SpitfireF9_IJAAF folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the SpitfireF9_IJAAF folder into your main Decals folder.
      Pilot - Almost certainly you'll have a Third Wire 'Jet Jock' flying your 'Heavenly Lion' so you'll need to swap him out for something more appropriate.
      N.B. Once you installed your aircraft you'll find it named Ki-101 'Heavenly Lion' in the drop-down menu. For best results you will need to manipulate your nations list to include the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Extra special thanks to Kesselbrut for the Spitfire cockpit.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 21/05/2020
      Version 1 - 09/04/2011  


         (0 reviews)



    25. F-5GN

      F-5GN Sea Tiger (What if)
      This mod is made for SF2.
      I. History (fiction)
      In 1969 there were decisive elections in West Germany. In reality, the Social Democrats won.
      A new foreign policy followed and a period of reduction of tensions between East and West.
      WHAT IF, the other side had won?
      What if the conservatives had won and Franz Joseph Strauß (an old bavarian Commie eater) would have become Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany?
      And so it starts.
      In 1969 Strauß was elected as Chancellor. A period of rising tensions between East and West
       started. To protect the sea lanes between Europe and America the west german parliament Bundestag decided to build up a west german carrier force consisting of 3 carriers.
      The american gouvernment was pleased and offered to sell 3 carriers of the Essex class (subclass Ticonderoga).
      The first ship which was handed over was CV-34 Oriskany in 1969. Renamed in R-22 Theodor Heuss it was core of the first west german carrier group. 1973 CV-38 Shangri-La became R-23 Heinrich Lübke (later renamed in Walter Scheel) and two years later CV-45 Valley Forge became R-24 Gustav Heinemann.
      The americans offered A-4 Skyhawk and F-8 Crusader as planes for the carrier group. The Bundesmarine accepted the A-4, but rejected the Crusader, because the Bundesmarine wanted a more multi role capable plane, not only a pure fighter.
      At this moment Northrop entered the competition and offered a navalised version of the brand new F-5E Tiger. Under the designation F-5GN (German Navy) it should be produced in America and Germany. The west german government accepted the offer and the serial production of the F-5GN started. During flight tests on the way the US Marines decided, that it would be a good idea to replace their old F-8 Crusaders with F-5GN planes. So the F-5GN became a Marine plane.
      Later, when the Marines retired their attack carriers the surviving F-5GN were transfered to Top Gun school.
      The F-5GN stayed in west german service till 1995. Then it was replaced by F-31 Mustang II.
      The F-5GN based on Centurions 2014 released F-5E package.
      A lot of files i have taken from this package. Thanks for this files!
      The skin:
      The blue skin is a modification of a grey skin available in Centurions package
      The Marines skin is a mod of the Southvietnames skin available in Centurions Package

      The flight model :
      There are 2 flightmodels. One is a modified FM from package. I made the plane able to land on a carrier.
      The other FM i made by using parts of the stock F-16A FM made by TK.

      You find both FM in the folder "Goodies". You may change them as you want.
      -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      The F-5GN and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      April 2020


         (1 review)




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