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    1. Hawker Sea Fury Fb.11 & Mk. 50

      The Hawker Sea Fury was a British fighter aircraft developed for the Royal Navy by Hawker during the Second World War.
      The last propeller-driven fighter to serve with the Royal Navy, it was also one of the fastest production single
      piston-engined aircraft ever built.
      Exported to a number of countries, it acquitted itself well in the Korean War even against the MiG-15 jet aircraft.
      Sea Fury Fb.11
      4 KAW Era, 2 RN, 7 RCN, 4 RAN, 6 MLD (23) skins.
      Sea Fury Mk. 50
      3 Burma, 5 Cuba, 1 EAF, 3 IRAQI, 1 Morocco, 2 Pakistan (15) skins.
      What's in:
      1) All new skins made using new temps except for EAF, Glory and Sidney that are heavily edited. Zoom in;
      2) The plane has its pitot, made in Brasil by Denis
      3) The spinner bug is solved: You can quit the engine and see the spinner even if inside the cockpit,
      without nose/fuselage showing, using a new trick
      4) Each skin has historical decalset
      5) weapons included
      6) Hangar/loading/loadout immages new/edited for SF-2
      7) (V.1.1) New FM/data/loadouts & tanks by Baffmeister
      To Install:
      - All in main mod folder
      - Simon for the plane (original SF-1 readme included)
      - DenisOliveira fot the pitot, a little great add
      - Baffmeister for New FM/data/loadouts (V.1.1)
      - Tim Canada for his SF-1 original canadian skin
      - the maker of the EAF one (I don't remember who... )
      - Wrench for original hangar
      - Derk the best Dutch aviation expert I ever met.
      - Fastcargo for his Fake pilot (included)
      - this pack uses stock TW P-51D pit, but you're free to experiment
      With all my love for this evenig (piston engine) star.
      @ paulopanz


         (4 reviews)



    2. SF2 Lockheed RT-33A Shooting Star Pak by ErikGen

      SF2 Lockheed RT-33A Shooting Star Pak by ErikGen 3/25/2014
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      This package contains a new aircraft for SF2. Originally part of the KAW F-80/T-33A/RF-80 pak, it somehow slipped under the radar (which Recon birds are supposed to do!!).
      *Note: as this aircraft were built with the latest 3W exporter, it will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Installs at any patch level.*
      Like the other Shooting Stars, this is a complete pak with everything needed.
      The skins included are:
      USAF (Generic style markings)
      Natural Metal (uses stock 3W decals; generic for everyone else)
      Skins and damage textures are in DDS format. Decal randomization is TRUE.
      The USAF skin uses painted on national marking, the "Natural Metal" does not; all marking will be decals. Generic "plane-in-group" decals reference stock 3W numbers.
      Serial numbers are 100% historically correct for T-33s, but should be considered generic in nature, as they represent no particular unit or aircraft within a particular unit.
      The "Generic NM" skin will be a good, blank canvas for other users to be created. All decal positions are pre-plotted on the included decals ini. Some adjustments may be necessary for specific country users, but that's a simple matter of creating a new, country specific skin and replotting the decal locations.
      It's also know to me that Soulfreak has some other skins in the works; when released, these will be great additions for your flying pleasure!
      Drop tanks are 'built in' to the aircraft lod; weapons folders for the drop tanks are included, as are the pilot figures and seat. As this is a recon bird, it's limited to ONLY RECON, and carries no weapons or guns of any kind.
      The canopy is controlled via the Standard Animations Keystroke ™, Shift/0.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" with other impertinant data you should know.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    3. SF2 WW2/Post-War Lockheed P-38L Lightning

      SF2 WW2/Post-War Lockheed P-38L Lightning 4/9/2014
      -- Something for, well, Anyone! --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      Some mods for Wolf257's P-38L Lightning give you a version for late WW2 and the early Post War Time frame.
      While keeping the standard WW2 start date, the service time has been extended to include some use by the newly formed USAF (post October, 1947). Meaning, retirement date is December 1949 (approximately true!). This is =NOT= a "What If..." aircraft.
      2 skins are included, both are in Natural Metal. They're names are:
      NM (a generic type, with plane-in-group numbers)
      USAF (with post-1947 markings)
      There are no squadron or unit markings for either skin. There is litterally NO data available.
      The NM skin can be used pretty much anywere for WW2. The USAF skin will automtically "switch on" in 10/1947.
      All new skins (now with rivets!!) are in jpg format. Both aircraft use a 'pool' of Serial numbers and they should be considered 'generic' in nature, but ARE for the model variant depicted. The post-1947 skin has the addition of "Buzz Numbers", that have the correct letter prefix assigned to P-38s
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All weapons, sounds, and a pilot figure are included. Both skins have individual Hangar Screens.
      When in game, you'll see:
      P-38L Lightning (Post War) (w)
      This, and the folder being name "P-38L_pw" will seperate it from any WW2 types you may have. The "PW" is for "Post War". The "W" is for Wolf, further diferentiating this from other Lightnings that you may or may not have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    4. SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy"

      SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy" 4/1/2014
      = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
      **Note: Actually, SF2NA is actually -REQUIRED- in merged installs, due to NA coding used for
      this aircraft's operational statements. It is also HIGHLY SUGGESTED!! that this be
      =ONLY= used in the NA envrionment (read: in SF2:NA only). It was tested only in the
      NA environment, but there are a few issues (see Notes below).***
      A rebuild of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider give us the AD-4W "Guppy" Naval Airborne Early
      Warning aircraft of the 1950s.
      Included are 4 skins, representing the aircrft from 1950 through 1960. They are:
      British Royal Navy (AEW.1)
      No 849 Naval Air Squadron; in 'normal' garb
      No 849 NAS, HMS Albion, during the Suez Crisis (with Suez 'Invasion Stripes')
      The USN/USMC skins use a painted on fueselage national marking (not enough meshes
      for all decals); All other markings are decals. All aircraft are in 'standard' Dark
      Gloss Navy Blue. For the RN skins, ALL markings are decals. Serial numbers are 100%
      historically accurate for the model depicted, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As
      there is no possible way to run down the US serials, they should be considered
      'generic' in nature.
      However, you may experience some 'unusual' shuffling' of the CV and Flight letter
      codes on the Royal Navy (non Suez) skin. Further explinations for this are in the
      'Notes' Section. The Suez skin depicts 849's "C" flight as embarked during Operation
      Musketeer, and are 100% correct.
      Skins remain in lo-rez bmp format, but new DDS damage textures are supplied (just in
      case). Each skins has it's own hangar screen.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
      So, please read them. As mentioned above, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (4 reviews)



    5. Banidos-Team Mirage IIIEA Fuerza Aérea Argentina

      In this new release from Banidos Team, we are proud to introduce the first FAA's Deltas, that arrived to Argentina in 1972. Just as the Nesher,
      it isn't an easy plane to fly, never attempt turns below 300km/h if there is not enough energy.
      The package contains new drop tanks and a new detailed model of Matra R-530 missile, in its two versions, semi-active radar guidance and IR.
      About effects you'll realize when you reach Mach 1 that the famous round halo around the plane is generated, it remains only at that speed.
      This model uses TW's Shahack cockpit from SF2I.
      Extract the contents of this file and place it in the Mods folder of your SF2I or full merged install.
      Banidos Team
      3D-ini: Aleducat
      Skin: Torno
      Any problem contact us at CombatAce.


         (11 reviews)



    6. Avro Arrow FGR3

      "What if" RAF version of the Avro Arrow, no internal weapons, weapons carried on [new] wing pylons.
      Original model made by Fastcargo...........thanks m8.
      Added a Hotfix for an issue with the cockpit gauges.....thanks to Coupi for fixing this.


         (4 reviews)



    7. Lightning F.52 & F.53

      In order to provide an urgent counter to the air incursions, with Saudi towns close to the border being bombed by Egyptian aircraft, an additional interim contract, called "Magic Carpet", was placed in March 1966 for the supply of six ex-RAF Lightnings (four F.2s and two T.4 trainers, redesignated F.52 and T.54 respectively), six Hawker Hunters, two air defence radars and a number of Thunderbird surface-to-air missiles.The "Magic Carpet" Lightnings were delivered to Saudi Arabia in July 1966, with an additional F.52 being delivered in May 1967 to replace a Lightning lost in an accident.
      Lightning F.52 Slightly modified ex-RAF F.2 single-seat fighters for export to Saudi Arabia (5 converted - 4 in service).
      Lightning F.53, otherwise known as the Export Lightning, developed as a private venture by BAC; while the Lighning had originated as an interception aircraft, this version was to have a multirole capability for quickly interchanging between interception, reconnaissance, and ground-attack duties.The F.53 was based on the F.6 airframe and avionics, including the large ventral fuel tank, cambered wing and overwing pylons for drop tanks of the F.6, but incorporated an additional pair of hardpoints under the outer wing. These hardpoints could be fitted with pylons for air-to-ground ordnance, including two 1,000 lb (450 kg) bombs or four SNEB rocket pods each carrying 18 68 mm rockets. A gun pack carrying two ADEN cannon and 120 rounds each could replace the forward part of the ventral fuel tank.[20][nb 1] Alternative, interchangeable packs in the forward fuselage carried two Firestreak missiles, two Red Top missiles, twin retractable launchers for 44× 2-inch rockets, or a reconnaissance pod fitted with five 70 mm Type 360 Vinten cameras. (35 to RSAF; 12 to KAF)
      WHAT's IN:
      - 2 planes (F.52 from Spinners & F.53 from Tk/TW) enhanced
      - 3 RSAF New Silver Skins for F.52 & decalsets
      - 5 RSAF New Silver Skins for F.53 & decalsets
      - 1 RSAF Camo redone from J. Fox for F.53 & decalset
      - 3 KUAF New Silver Skins for F.53 & decalsets
      - sounds, pilot etc.
      - canopy openable Key=10 with auto closing
      - Tk/Tw for the plane (Exp. 2)
      - Spinners for original F.52 data
      - James Fox for F.53 Camo Skin base
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, edits
      - You need Exp. 2 to work
      - put objects & sounds folders in your mod folder and overwrite


         (2 reviews)



    8. Myasishchev M-4 "Bison"

      The Myasishchev M-4 Molot (Hammer, USAF/DoD reporting name "Type 37", NATO reporting name "Bison") is a four-engined strategic bomber designed by Vladimir Myasishchev and manufactured by the Soviet Union in the 1950s to provide a bomber capable of attacking targets in North America. The Myasishchev design bureau was formed to build such a bomber.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - Veltro 2K Lost SF-2 (and shadows fixed) Bison I recovered for you;
      - 2 flyable planes;
      - Old revamped and new skins;
      - Proper decalset;
      Veltro 2K - Model
      Y.Gordon - References
      Lindr2 - data, loadout
      Paulopanz - Skins, decals, screens, edits
      - Objects folder in your mod folder and overwrite
      This is for our friend Ettore, at last!


         (8 reviews)



    9. [Fictional] Eurofighter EF-2000IQ Al I'ssar (Typhoon)

      Fictional Mod of Bongodrivers fantastic EF-2000 to create a plane for the iraqi air force. It includes modifications according to Trench 3.
      After three conflicts with heavy losses, the iraqi air force got almost completely destroyed. The fall of Saddam Hussein and the political system turning from dictatorship to democracy made it necessary to accept foreign help in reconstructing the country. This also meant the rebuilding of the air force.
      In this matter, a meeting of actual british prime minister and his colleague in the iraqi government took place in London, where a contract was meant to be signed about the purchase of 60 new, to the needs of the iraqi air force adapted, Typhoons. The modifications were, among others:
      - added CFTs on the fuselage for the enhancement of the range
      - highly upgraded ECM and electronic warfare systems
      - modified engines with higher thrust
      - use of western armament
      The most important upgrade, the CFTs, were necessary due to the fact that the Al I'ssars (iraqi for Typhoon) had to takeoff from Bagdad and Al Sahra and had to travel a long way before reaching their patrolling routes.
      Along with the Typhoons, Iraq signed a contract with Russia for the purchase of 60 Super Flanker with the designation SU-35IQ Asifat al Turab (Sandstorm).
      Features :
      - CFTs by teras
      - Desert camouflage skin by nazghul
      - new radar by teras
      - new ecm systems by teras
      - carrier based
      - imporved engines by nazghul
      - improved flight model " FM " by teras
      note : this is not a new set it is only improvments and upgrades for the original ef-2000
      Note 2 : this is SF2 & SF2V & SF2E & SF2I addons ( didn't tried it on SFP1 )
      note 3 : *** for very long range strike operations ( 600 NM and Longer ) loading external fuel tank recommended!
      Work Team
      Nazghul & Teras
      Installation :
      - *unzip Al'Isaar archive to your HDD
      - *drop all folders into your mod folder
      - *FLY!
      Special thanks go to Brain32 for adapting the plane to SF2-Standards and to Bongodriver for creating this bird!
      A BIG BIG thanks to
      USAFMTL (and various partners in crime) for his help and guidance and support.
      Jimmybib and Sundowner for initial consultation on skinning and all credit to Sundowner for producing the final skins which are superb.
      Moonjumper for his advice on some avionics matters
      All of you for you encouragement and kind words through it's development
      My Producers....etc...etc :) Oh god I'm going to cry..
      Anyway I decided to release slightly early because I'd like some of you to enjoy tweaking this thing, theres a lot of talent out there who can make this thing great.
      Absolutely no part of this is to be used in payware but moddify the model any way you wish and re distribute in your own freeware mods as you wish with no permission required from me, just give me the relevant credit.
      have fun
      Nazghul & Teras
      October 2011


         (1 review)



    10. SF2 AD-4N/NA Skyraider, Armée de l'Air

      SF2 AD-4N/NA Skyraider, Armée de l'Air 4/3/2014
      = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED, at Latest Patch Level =
      *At minimum, SF2:V is required, as this mod references the stock 3W A-1H lods.*
      **Note: It is also =REQUIRED= you be at the lates (7/2013) SF2 patch level. The data ini supplied is FROM this last patch level. Those End Users NOT up to speed, may experience visual oddities on the aircraft, as some things have been changed over the last few patchs. No support is, or will be availalbe, to those End Users.**
      This mod represents Skyraiders as used by the AdA in the early 1960s, and will give you a new, nationalized aircraft.
      The aircrft represented here is from:
      EC 3/20 "Oranie"
      as seen in Algeria in the early 1960s.
      All skins are in jpg format. All markings, excepting the squadron color bands, are decals. Recal randomization is TRUE. The aircraft BuNums are 100% correct for those Skyraiders in French service, but should be considered "generic" in nature as they do not represent any individual aircraft in any particular squadron.
      The canopy opens with the Standard Animatin Keystroke, Shift/0.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read,
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (4 reviews)



    11. MiG-17F "Fresco-C" EAF mod.

      In 1967 during the 6 days war EAF equipped her MiG-17F with some Sakr rockets. New bombs hard points were added under the fuselage. These plane were in service during 1973 Kippur war, too.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a new EAF MiG-17F version, thanks to Spillone104
      - 3 camo skins (the same as basic MiG-17F pack)
      - pilot, sound, screen
      - openable canopy (key=10) auto closing at take off
      - remember to configure secondary gun
      - Thirdwire/Tk original models
      - Stary pit
      - Spillone104 3D parts, Sakr rocket, sounds,ini edits
      - Wrench Hangar acrren
      - MarcFighter, whiteknight06604 old base SF-1 skins
      - paulopanz upgraded skins
      - The Trooper pilot
      - Y.Gordon refereces
      - Objects & souns folder in your main mod folder and overwrite


         (6 reviews)

      1 comment


    12. MiG-25 Foxbats for SF2

      SF2 MiG-25 Foxbats
      This mod package contains a collection of MiG-25 Foxbats, all converted and updated to SF2 standards. Included in the package are all the weapons, effects, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft in this package.
      These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, SF2I, or SF2NA. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.
      Those familiar with the original MiG-25 Pack assembled by Dave (USAFTML) for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated package simply builds on the work of Dave and the entire team behind that original release. (The original ReadMe from that release is included here.)
      To install, simply drag the \Effects and \Objects folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to). By default your Mod Folder should be located here:
      Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\
      ...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to. If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly.
      Aircraft & Nations Included
      The following aircraft are included in this package:
      MiG-25P Foxbat-A - Interceptor
      MiG-25R Foxbat-B - Recon version
      MiG-25RB Foxbat-B - Recon/Bomber version
      MiG-25PU Foxbat-C - 2 seat trainer
      MiG-25PD Foxbat-E - Interceptor (updated)
      MiG-25PD Foxbat-E - Interceptor (updated), Export version
      MiG-25BM Foxbat-F - Anti-radar version
      The following nations are represented:
      For more information on the differences between these various versions, see this Wikipedia article:
      Also useful are these online articles:
      Notes on Changes
      This package is largely an updating of the original MiG-25 Foxbat Pack to SF2 standards. I will not claim 100 percent technical and historical accuracy for every aspect of every aircraft, but I did consult a number of sources while preparing this package.
      Several things are worth noting:
      - landing gear for all aircraft is fixed, so aircraft no longer bounce
      and teeter around on the ground or wander off into the weeds (this has
      long been a pet peeve of mine with these aircraft, and I think I have
      finally fixed the underlying problem);
      - brake chute animation for the PD and PD Export version has been disabled,
      as the animation appears to be partially broken, leaving the chute door
      open during flight (strangely, this problem does not affect the other
      - all engines now have fake afterburner nodes (if you don't like their
      appearance, you're welcome to substitute your own or turn them off);
      - all aircraft use standard SF2 shadow statements (the included .SHD files
      actually spawn those dreaded tractor beams, whereas a simple SF2 shadow
      configuration does not).
      It should also be noted that the skins included here are quite dated. If anyone is so inspired to create a new set of skins and decals (Paulopanz, I'm looking at you...), please contact me at CombatAce.com. I would be happy to incorporate a new set of skins and decals into an updated version of this package.
      Credits & Acknowledgements
      This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).
      Primary credit goes to the team responsible for the original MiG-25 Foxbat package for SF1:
      Dave (USAFTML)
      Also included in this package are skins or decals done by the following individuals:
      The cockpits used in this package were built by:
      Paladrian (MiG-21 cockpit)
      Boopidoo & Badger the Bad (Su-15 cockpit)
      Finally, I used a tweaked version of the fake afterburner node effect introduced by Spectre8750.
      If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. A copy of the original ReadMe for the MiG-25 Foxbat Pack for SFP1 is included in the same directory as this ReadMe. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.
      Eric Howes
      27 March 2014


         (7 reviews)



    13. MiG-17F "Fresco-C"

      The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F (NATO reporting name: "Fresco-C") is a high-subsonic fighter aircraft produced in the USSR from 1952 and operated by numerous air forces in many variants. It is an advanced development of the very similar appearing MiG-15 of the Korean War.
      The MiG-17 first saw combat in 1958 over the Straits of Taiwan and was used as an effective threat against supersonic fighters of the United States in the Vietnam War. It was also briefly known as the "Type 38", by U.S. Air Force designation prior to the development of NATO codes.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a new flyable plane using great Stary's pit
      - pilot, sound, screens
      - A tonn of new skins, new decals, stock skins upgraded, fixed (SyAF Camo), SF-1 classic skins resized, remade, upgraded, edited from great Wrench, Gepard, Elek, MarcFighter, whiteknight06604, comrad (see readme inside each folder) and mine.
      7 Afghanistan (5 silver + 2 camo)
      2 Indonesia (1 silver + 1 demo)
      1 Burkina Faso (camo)
      3 Bulgaria (1 silver + 1 green + 1 camo)
      1 Cambodia (silver)
      2 Cuba (1 silver + 1 camo)
      1 Czechoslovakia (silver)
      7 Egypt (5 silver + 3 camo)
      1 Romania (silver)
      2 Guinea Bissau (1 silver + 1 camo)
      1 Guinea (silver)
      1 Iraq (silver)
      3 East Germany (1 silver + 2 camo)
      2 Madagascar (2 silver)
      1 Mali (camo)
      1 Hungary (silver)
      1 Mongolia (silver)
      1 Morocco (silver)
      1 Mozambique (blue)
      2 Nigeria (1 silver + 1 green)
      1 North Korea (silver)
      5 Poland (2 silver + 2 camo + 1 white)
      4 Algeria (2 silver + 2 camo)
      1 Somalia (camo)
      9 Soviet (3 silver + 3 acro + 1 black + 1 green)
      1 Sri Lanka (silver)
      2 Syria (1 silver + 2 camo)
      1 Uganda (camo)
      11 Vietnam (2 silver + 8 camo + 1 grey)
      - openable canopy (key=10) auto closing at take off
      - read only MiG-17F.ini to prevent AI revert
      - restore file for post patch pit recovery
      - Thirdwire/Tk original models
      - Stary pit
      - Spillone104 sounds
      - Wrench, Gepard, Elek, MarcFighter, whiteknight06604, comrad SF-1 old base skins
      - paulopanz skins, decals, screens, ini edits
      - The Trooper pilot
      - Y.Gordon refereces
      @ paulopanz
      PS: remember to grab the MiG-17PF here http://combatace.com/files/file/13564-mig-17pf-and-chengdu-j-5a-fresco-d/


         (5 reviews)



    14. [Fictional] Mitsubishi/Embraer F-2BR Vibora (Viper)

      Fictional mod of Dels superb F-2A Viper Zero creating a multirole combat aircraft for the brazilian air force
      1. Drop the folders into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
      Aircraft 3d model, canopy frame, .ini work and packaging - Me
      Additional .ini work and alternate loading and hangar screens - ace888
      Aircraft skin/template and _DATA.ini tweaks - ace888
      Afterburner effect - spillone104 (with some modifications by ace888)
      Vapour effects - ravenclaw (with some modifications by ace888)
      Decals - Nengajyou (with some modifications by me)
      Cockpit and ACESII Ejection seat - ravenclaw (with some modifications by me)
      Weapons - WhiteBoySamurai (with some modifications by me)
      FM - Thirdwire (with some modifications by me)
      Pilot 3d model - Old Diego
      Pilot skin - Originally by Old Diego modified by ace888
      Big Thanks to Dels and all people involved in creating this fine plane.
      Also to ace888 for the great templates!
      If I missed someone, please contact me and I change that ASAP!
      Kindest regards


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    15. Mig-21 Complete Pack SF2 1.8

      MIG-21 Complete Pack Strike Fighters 2 line of games
      Version 1.8 30.03.2014
      1.0 19.07.2009
      initial release
      Changed all mig engines accel to about 8-9 sec per engine doc. Bis version
      is little bit faster.
      Iddle RPM changed to RL values:
      R-11F-300 (37F) 30%
      R-11F2-300 (37F2) 33%
      R-11F2S-300 (37F2S) 31%
      R-13 (95) 34%
      R-25 (25) 40%
      Corrected fuel tanks quantities to reflect real world figures.
      F - 2350L
      PF - 2850L
      PFM - 2675L
      MF - 2675L
      BIS - 2900L
      Changed all additional files with Mig21_ prefix so all are unique now and
      not interfere with other mods.
      F version now have true ranging-only radar. It can be still turned off by
      Ctrl+PgDn. In current game engine this radar starts on.
      Added KV1 seat to all MF and Bis variants. Deleted old seat from model.
      Added SF2 Mig variants. Changed FMs little bit based on Fubar512 values on
      alpha stall to make Migs usable in knife fight. It not bleeds speed in sharp
      high AOA turns so much. Added vetral fin from Fubar512 FM.
      Added aditional SF2 stuff (radar, rwr) into fm dats.
      1.1 01.10.2009
      Fixed afterburner burner texture always on.
      Copied additional fuel flow settings from SF2 game dats
      Added Flight\VIEWLIST.INI file vith custom and more consistent FOV settings
      for normal/padlock/snap view transitions.
      1.2 04.10.2009
      Fixed reversed nose gear rotation.
      Fixed start dates for squadrons in campaigns.
      1.3 04.07.2010
      Fixed missing AB Flame effect with DX10 shaders (missing shader fx entry).
      Fixed cockpit positions for more realistic out of cockpit view of wings.
      Changed PFV radar to R2L version (made it slightly more powerful).
      Consolidated and joined all game versions Mig-21s into one pack.
      Removed Flight\VIEWLIST.INI and modded Europe campaign files.
      1.4 05.07.2010
      Added KM1 ejection seat to PFM as all side opening canopy models have KM1
      seat and all front opening canopy models have SK seat.
      Added 50mil depression for AG bomb sight for F, FM and Bis variants.
      Added gunsight to PM and PFM to be able to aim ground weapons.
      Added AG mode gunsight to all variants.
      For F, MF and Bis values are:
      AG gun depression 10mil
      Rockets depression 35mil
      Bombs depression 50mil
      For PM, PFM and PFV values are:
      AG gun depression 10mil
      Rockets depression 35mil
      Bombs depression 35mil
      Try fire rocket in shallow dive with AOA around 0 deg. Depression values
      are always compromise without CCIP. Just train well.
      1.5 14.07.2010
      Removed empty windloop.wav - its up to you how you mod it, if at all.
      Added radar guided air to air missile capability to all variants from PF up.
      Added semiactive radar guided RS-2US from SF2 weapon pack as all variants from
      PF and up can carry it.
      1.6 31.07.2010
      Removed mirrors from PFM cockpit. PFM does not have top one and even side ones
      to my best knowledge.
      1.7 15.08.2010
      Big thanks to Paladrian all pits are now fixed for DX9 and shaders disabled
      installs. No more white parts in cockpit on Win XP.
      1.8 30.03.2014
      Sight and modified RP-21 radar image from lukasn22 MiG-21MF cockpit retexture
      for MF and Bis. Made Bis engine R-25 same as R-13. Original R-25 had bad
      looping and i do not like it.
      Fixed centerline station system from left wing to fuselage for PF and PFV.
      Added loadable GP-9 gun pod for PF, PFV and PFM.
      This pack inludes nearly all official Thirdwire MIG-21 models as flyable jets with
      cokcpits in most complete form what my modding knowledge allows. All in easy
      install form. I am not author of any 3d pits, FMs, sounds. All is what i
      downloaded from Combatace or made by Thirdwire. I want to thank to original authors
      of included files and this nice sim. Hope it is ok to reuse their work to
      provide really complete, up-to-date and easy to install Mig-21 package. I was
      always sad with that great pits available and terrible way to install it into
      latest ptached games and it is always missed something. Loading screens, loadout
      picture, good FM and so on... Now with latest patches FMs are usable and nicely
      flyable so i used it as base FMs for pack.
      This pack was done with combined/merged SF2/Europe/Vietnam/Israel games.
      If your single game install missing model that cause problem, just delete its directory
      in Objects/Aircraft folder. Probablby PFV is included only in Vietnam.
      Pack contains folowing stuff:
      Nearly every official MIG-21 flyable with pit for SF2 line of games. I corrected
      some errors in pits, Used latest TW patches as base for FM fat files
      with tweaks in engine (thrust for each model, spool up time, radar, weight). FM
      is not touched and i think it flies now ok with latest patch. Diferent sounds for
      each engine model is included with Mig RWR sounds. Better Mig pilots too. Each
      Mig-21 has loading and hangar screen and camouflage sample patch with loadout
      picture. All includes corresponding serial numbers to choose from. I made
      Numbers.lst for Arab, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Poland by hand.
      Strike Fighters 2
      MIG-PFM has added LCOS gunsight to be able to use gunpod in fight. More realistic and
      distictive heaters sounds are included too.
      Simply unpack content of folder "StrikeFighters2" into each your SF2 game mods folder
      located in your c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\.
      For example for complete/merged game install, copy content to each this folder:
      c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
      c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe
      c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Israel
      c:\Users\<YourUserName>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam
      Sure paths can be different on your system. This is how it is on my Windows 7.
      Also copy files after you run all games at least once. Otherwise game overwrite
      modded files with original ones at initialization and you dont see Migs as flyable.
      Optional files:
      Simply unpack content of folder "StrikeFighters2" into each your SF2 game mods folder and
      allow overwrite files.
      _BetterCockpits Contains hires cockpit textures.
      _EasyFM Contains easiest FM files from stock game.
      _MediumFM Contains intermadiate FM files. Spins are more frequent.
      _HardFM Contains hardcore FM files. Spins are almost deadly if not handled fast.
      _PFGunPodLoadout Contains gunpod default loadout for air to air PF and PFV.
      _ResetInis Contains ini files that are reset to default non flyable ones after game update or DLC install.
      Just use it to make Migs flyable quickly again
      This version of complete MIG-21 pack is far from to be perfect or complete so feel
      free to let me know if there is something missed, bad or not working. Also if
      someone has some more accurate tech data for enhance FMs feel free to mail me and
      pack get fixed or updated.
      Finaly thanks to everyone whom work made this pack reality.
      Tomas 'ATARIBABY' Hamarcak
      Contact: ataribaby@seznam.cz
      Paladrian F/PF/PFM/MF/SM Mig-21 pit models and avionics
      Spillone104 R-11 R-13 engine sounds
      howling1 Fishbed-L engine sound. I renamed it to R-25
      Klavs81 AIM-9 Sidewinder Growl sound
      Wrench RedAir pilot
      Hangar screen tutorial
      lindr2 for his Mig-21 variants zip
      Zdenek Kussior for his great info on engines
      4plus MiG-21
      book for all fuel info
      Mirage Factory Mig AB effect
      Fubar512 For his FM work from where i borrowed alpha stall values and ventral fin.
      AmokFloo for KV1 seat from his excelent MIG21UM
      Rob "Bunyap"
      McCray For his original weapons pack.
      331Killerbee For his SF2 weapons pack
      comrad For his excelent hires cockpit textures
      lukasn22 For sight and modified RP-21 radar image for MiG-21MF
      If i forgot someone please tell me and i will include credit.


         (27 reviews)



    16. [Fictional] Hawker Hunter FGA.9B

      Hawker Hunter FGA.9B for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Hawker Hunter FGA.73 (a DLC) to give a fictional Hawker Hunter FGA.9B fighter-bomber aircraft as it might have appeared in service with the Royal Air Force during the 1972-1979 timeline with the tactical markings of that era. No.45 and No.58 Squadrons actually did operate a mix of Hunter F.6's and FGA.9's during the early-mid 1970's so I've used these two squadrons but given them a slightly more advanced 'six pylon' version of the Hunter and with scabbed-on countermeasures. Also included (as a request) is a SEAC skin with markings for No.28 Squadron who operated Hunters out in the Far East during the 1960's.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the HunterFGA9B folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the HunterFGA9B folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AIM-9K folder into your Decals folder.
      The AIM-9K is a fictional UK version of the AIM-9G simply created to enable you to carry four Sidewinders without also opening up those pylons to the full range of NATO weapons as I wanted to keep the weapons UK only.
      As always, big thanks to Third Wire for creating a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to ndicki for his superb Hunter templates that helped me to create the 'SEAC' scheme.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 1 - 29/03/14


         (2 reviews)



    17. Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe

      The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe (English: "Swallow") of Nazi Germany was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft.Design work started before World War II began, but engine problems and top-level interference prevented the aircraft from attaining operational status with the Luftwaffe until mid-1944. Compared with Allied fighters of its day, including the British jet-powered Gloster Meteor, it was much faster and better armed.One of the most advanced aviation designs in operational use during World War II,the Me 262 was used in a variety of roles, including light bomber, reconnaissance and even experimental night fighter versions.
      Veltro2K for the aircraft
      Coupi for skins and decals
      Kesselbrut for the cockpit
      ??? for destroyed model; from 1stGen WW2 Terrains
      ??? for the jumo wav; renamed for one by Spillone? Ravenclaw? somebody I disremember (for a 1950 jet)
      Wrench, for some decals, some ini work, screens, and general "what do I do with this?" testing and such like.


         (6 reviews)



    18. [Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 4

      This pack consists of two planes. The Mirage IIIOA and the stock Mirage 5F have been modded to create attacker planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
      1. Mirage 3Dh, 3rd Squadron "The Bats"
      2. Mirage 5Dh, 5th Squadron "The Leopards"
      1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
      2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
      The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
      If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis and userlist.inis
      I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
      There are several people I have to thank:
      Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
      Spinners for the dhimari decals.
      Sundowners Sharkmouth included in his F-105 Template.
      If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
      Kindest regards


         (1 review)



    19. New Zealand F-16C/D Block 52+ Fictional Order

      What If, Royal New Zealand Air Force F-16C/D Block 52 Plus.
      - No. 75 Squadron, RNZAF Base Ohakea 2014
      - 148th Fighter Squadron Arizona ANG 162d Fighter Wing, Tucson ANG Base 2012
      You will need the The F-16C Block 50/52 by The Viper Team for the sounds and effects etc http://combatace.com/topic/72842-f-16c-block-5052-by-the-viper-team/
      Instillation: As usual simply drop into your mods folder and allow it to override when prompted.
      Dec 17/2013: Final Delivery. The Royal New Zealand Air force (RNZAF) celebrates the arrival of its first Lockheed Martin F-16C/D aircraft. The first Block 52+ F-16s to be based in New Zealand were received by Sir Jerry Mateparae, Governor-General of New Zealand and Commander-in-Chief of the New Zealand Defense Force.
      March 4/2012: First Delivery. Lockheed Martin holds a ceremony at its Fort Worth, TX facility to deliver the first F-16 aircraft to the RNZAF. This F-16D was accepted by the U.S. government (as the agent for New Zealand in the FMS process) on Feb 19/12, three month ahead of schedule. The first single-seat F-16C version will fly in March 2012, and be accepted in April 2012. These 2 aircraft and all subsequent deliveries will head to Tucson ANG Base on attachment to the ANG 148th FS for up to two years to train the initial squadron of RNZAF pilots.
      Jan 2010: F-16 order. The New Zealand Minister of Defence signs an agreement with the U.S. government to purchase 24 Advanced Block 52 F-16s in the ‘Peace Star’ Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. The agreement includes 16 single-seat F-16Cs and 8 two-seat F-16Ds, associated equipment and services, weapons, initial pilot and aircraft technician training. The RNZAF also announced the re-activation of No. 75 Squadron in anticipation of the order.
      Aug 2009: The US DSCA announces New Zealand’s formal request for 24 F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $2.7 billion. Funds will be provided under the Foreign Military Financing Program with repayments spread over 10 years. The proposed sale includes:
      24 F-16C/D Block 52 Plus aircraft with F100-PW-229 Engines, and APG-68v9 radars;
      24 Conformal Fuel Tanks (pairs);
      30 AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispensing Systems (CMDS);
      30 AN/ALR-93 Radar Warning Receivers (RWR);
      28 AN/ALQ-211 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites (AIDEWS);
      26 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems;
      16 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper ATP;
      5 TERMA Modular Reconnaissance Pod (MRP)
      24 AN/ARC-238 Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) radios with HAVE QUICK I/II;
      24 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals (MIDS-LVT);
      24 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Embedded GPS/ Inertial Navigation Systems (INS);
      24 AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) Systems;
      30 AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles.
      ENJJPT (Advanced flight training and F-16 operational conversion) for up to 50 initial RNZAF F-16C/D pilots;
      30 AIM-120-C7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to Air Missiles (AMRAAM);
      60 AIM-9X SIDEWINDER Missiles;
      20 AGM-88C HARM Missiles;
      50 AGM-65G MAVERICK Missiles;
      50 AGM-119A Mk III Penguin ASM Missiles;
      30 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) 2,000 lb bombs;
      30 GBU-10, PAVEWAY II 2,000 lb. bombs;
      60 Enhanced GBU-12 PAVEWAY II bombs, with dual-mode GPS/laser guidance;
      8 AGM-65G Maverick training missiles;
      16 Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) pods;

      Note on loadouts: Attack/ CAS loadouts are set for engaging large amounts of armour. However you can select a GBU-49 CAS loadout with the mission editor, along with a few other unique loadout options.
      The Viper Team for their stunning viper packs
      Ravenclaw_007 for his new weapon packs


         (2 reviews)



    20. SF2 WW2 SEAC Bristol Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Late)

      SF2 WW2 SEAC Bristol Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Late), v.9 by Cocas 3/26/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 CBI/SEAC players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.*
      *Note x2: This mod represents late production Beau NF Mk.1s for South East Asia Command ONLY! This is a seperate version for CBI usage ONLY, as their start/end dates tend to differ. Meaning: for your CBI Mods Folder.*
      This here is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. . This package represents the late production Beaufighter NF Mk.1s. These marks =HAVE= the dihedral horizontal stabs (they point up).
      We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examination and so forth.
      This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets:
      Beaufighter NF Mk.1 (Night Fighter) in Standard SEAC Day Scheme, with Night Unders
      No. 176 Squadron (as seen at various airbase in East Bengal)
      The Squadron Crest is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen.
      Skins are in jpg format, as are the bump maps. Damage textures are in DDS. Everything is included, excepting the guns (you should have all these already). No bombs or rockets; these are NF Mk.1s, not equipped for them. However, I've allowed you other mission statements, in particular, Armed Recon. You've got plenty of 'gun power' for Truck Hunting.
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. It should be noted, that research has indicated varying numbers of NF Mk.1s arriving in India - some sources say 6, some 8, some 12. I've taken the lazy mans way out, and given you the 'generic' 26 plane-in-group letters. In Real Life ™, Mk. VI, Mk.X and TF Mk.X began arriving in theatre sometime in mid-late 1943.
      All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the units represented.
      When in-game, you'll see:
      Beaufighter NF Mk.I (Late) (CAF)
      for these aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may or may not have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      - for Cocas Aircraft Factory -


         (0 reviews)



    21. SF2 WW2 MTO Lockheed P-38J, 1st FG

      SF2 WW2 MTO Lockheed P-38J, 1st FG 3/1/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      This is a 'remod' package, fully revamping some earlier 1stGen skins by Gocad for Wolf257's P-38J Lightning. This is the full aircraft package, with all the goodies included (weapons, pilot, sounds, cockpit, etc).
      This package represents the 1st FG during late 1944 through war's end, as based in Italy. This is all 3 squadrons:
      27th FS
      71st FS
      94th FS
      All new skins (now with rivets!!) are in jpg format. Each squadron has the correct plane-in-squadron numbering sequence, and squadron color flashes. All aircraft use a 'pool' of Serial numbers, and they should be considered 'generic' in nature, but ARE for the model variant depicted.
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Each skin is represented by the WW2 squadron patch, as seen on the Loadout screen selection drop-down menu.
      When in game, you'll see:
      P-38J Lightning (W)
      The W is for Wolf257. This will diferentiate this P-38J for any other you may (or may not) have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    22. SF2 WW2 PTO P-38F/G Lightning Pak

      SF2 WW2 PTO P-38F/G Lightning Pak 3/20/2014
      -- Something for the PTO players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.*
      Mods/reskins/redecaling for Wolf257's P-38F aircaft. This pak replaces my SF/Wo* 1stGen 'generic' PTO P-38F. It is designed to represent P-38F/G model Lightnings as seen in the SoWesPac Theatre, in particular the Solomons Islands.
      The aircraft carries the markings of the 339th FS, 347th FG as seen in late 1942 through late 43. This is pretty representative of all early Lightings in theatre at this time frame.
      This is the full aircraft, and is complete with everything needed (except bombs & guns; you should have these already).
      The skin is in jpg format (now! with rivets!), Decal Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are DDS format.
      When In Game, you'll see
      P-38F Lightning (W)
      The (W) indicates this as a Wolf257 aircraft, and will differentiate it from any other P-38Fs you may (or may not) have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
      Remember -- these are very old models, so they "are as they is". All original readmes, when discoverable, are included.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    23. [Fictional] Dhimari Desert Aggressors Pack 3

      This pack consists of three planes. The stock A-4F, A-6A and A-7E have been modded to create attacker planes for the Dhimari Air Force:
      1. AF-4Dh Desert Skyhawk, 6th Squadron "The Eagles"
      2. A-6Dh Desert Intruder, 9th Squadron "The Fennec Foxes"
      3. AE-7Dh Desert Corsair, 7th Squadron "The Rattlesnakes"
      1. Drop the Folders into your Strike Fighters Mod Folder.
      2. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
      The planes fly for the USAF, since I don't own Strike Fighters 2
      If you have SF2, then simply change the NationName in the corresponding data.inis and userlist.inis
      I added a color sheet into this package so everybody can feel free to create his own dhimari desert aggressor skin.
      The Intruder uses an aliased A-7 cockpit. If you have a fully modded pit of the Intruder, you can switch to it by simply changing the correspondent entry in the A-6Dh.ini
      There are several people I have to thank:
      Big Thanks to Thirdwire for the games and the superb models they have.
      Spinners for the dhimari decals.
      Sundowners Sharkmouth included in his F-105 Template I used for the AF-4Dh.
      Ravenclaws Sharkmouth included in his F-4 Template I used for the AE-7Dh.
      If I missed someone, please let me know and I correct it ASAP.
      Kindest regards


         (3 reviews)



    24. TMF F-14 Tomcat Superpack

      The Mirage Factory F-14 Tomcat Super Pack V1.21 AUG. 25, 2013
      What it is:
      This is the F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.21 Full. It includes tweaks to the engines, avionics, weight, effects and the Phoenix missile.
      1. This was tested at July 2013 patch level, on an "All 5 Merged" install, and because it uses AvionicsF14A.dll, will require SF2NA (or a TW F-14) to work! It will not work on Gen 1 sims, nor will it work correctly on pre-April 2012 installs! (Caveat: Avionics70.dll F-14D should work on pre-April patch levels).
      2. It is HIGHLY recommended you back up your current F-14's .ini files and cockpit folders. If you have custom skins installed, be sure to back up your F-14(A/A+/B/D).ini to preserve the texture set data.
      1. Unzip the contents of the F-14SP_V121.7z file into a folder.
      1a. If you have installed the Avionics70 F-14D, ensure you back up the .ini files if you haven't renamed the bird, since this install will overwrite F-14D_92, 96 and 06!
      2. Open your Strike Fighters 2 mod folder (e.g. C:\User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...)
      3. Copy the contents of the unzipped Objects folder into your SF2 mod Objects folder, allowing all files to overwrite (Objects\Aircraft and Objects\Weapons).
      3a. (RECOMMENDED) Review the Cockpit and Avionics, and F-14 SP Update word documents for information on updates.
      4. Go fly!
      1. Unzip the contents of the F-14SP_V121.7z file into a folder.
      1a. You may choose to use the Avionics70.dll F-14D for SAR mode on strike missions. If you wish to do so, see Section 6 of the F-14 SP Update V120 word document (Para 6.1-6.3) for install procedures and recommendations.
      2. Open your Strike Fighters 2 mod folder (e.g. C:\User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...)
      3. Copy the contents of the unzipped Objects folder into your SF2 mod Objects folder, allowing all files to overwrite (Objects\Aircraft, Objects\Weapons, and Objects\Decals will be affected).
      3a. (RECOMMENDED) Review the Cockpit and Avionics, and Update word documents for information on updates.
      4. Go fly!
      Model: Flying Toaster, Oli
      Cockpit: Chris (original), reworked and updated by Brain32
      FM: ThirdWire, Column5, Spectre8750, Caesar
      Avionics: Crusader, ThirdWire, Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, CrazyhorseB34
      Pilots: Old_Diego, CrazyhorseB34
      Skins: Dave, Spectre8750, Column5
      NATOPS Textures: HomeFries
      Extra Hangar, Loading and Main Screens: Dave, Spectre8750
      Ejection Mod: Stary
      Testing: Sup Gen, Caesar, Dave, EricJ, Spectre8750
      TARPS: Bunyap and Spectre8750
      Weapons: Ravenclaw, wpnssgt, Bunyap and others
      ===Dedidacted to Oli===


         (32 reviews)



    25. Short Stirling MK1

      Short Stirling MK1
      The Short Stirling was the first four-engined British heavy bomber of the Second World War. The Stirling was designed and built by Short Brothers to an Air Ministry specification from 1936, and entered service in 1941. The Stirling had a relatively brief operational career as a bomber, being relegated to second line duties from 1943 onwards when other four-engined RAF bombers, specifically the Handley Page Halifax and Avro Lancaster, took over its role, but fulfilled a major role as a glider tug and resupply aircraft during the allied invasion of Europe in 1944-1945.
      3D Model (Veltro2k)
      Textures and FM (Charles)
      Cockpit (Kesselbrut)
      Bombsight mod by MoonJumper.
      Best Sim : Thirdwire
      unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun


         (4 reviews)




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