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    1. SF2 EF-111A Ravens From 42nd (UH), 429th (CC), and 390th (MO) Electronic Countermeasure Squadrons

      SF2 EF-111A Ravens From 42nd (UH), 429th (CC), and 390th (MO) Electronic Countermeasure Squadrons
      By Viper w/ INIs from Fanatic Modder
      This mod was intended as an update to FastCargo's Super Vark Package (See link below), but it can be a standalone mod if you just want the USAF F-111s included in this pack. If you want to install both packs, FastCargo's pack must be installed first as that is the older pack.
      You can get FastCargo's pack here...
      What's included in this mod pack?
      * EF-111A Ravens From 42nd (UH), 429th (CC), and 390th (MO) Electronic Countermeasure Squadrons!
      I recommend that you back up your mod folder (or just the Effects, \Objects\Aircraft\EF-111A, and \Objects\Decals\EF-111A folders). I just make a copy the mod folder, try the mod, if I like it, I delete the backup. If I don't, I delete the new/updated mod folder and rename the old backup/copy back to the original names to reset to my original setup.
      * To install, simply unzip and copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder (the uncompressed "Effects and Objects" folders only) to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and Overwrite.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\
      Note: You should be able to install this mod into any SF2 series, it doesn't have to be StrikeFighter2 Europe.
      * To remove, simply delete the active "Effects and Objects" folders and replace with the back up copies you made prior to the install.
      Add F111 SoundList
      Lastly, Read the "Add F111 SoundList.txt" readme file on updating your your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file with the custiom F-111 sound files included in this pack.
      Thats it - Enjoy!
      Please report any bugs or issues via the "Support Topic" link...
      If you're interested in some of the mods I referenced/used in my mod (can't say it's mine really, my contribution?)...here they are! Excellent mods all!
      * FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4 (SF2)
      * Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0 (SF2)
      * Dave's EF-111A Version 2.0 (SF1)
      * LeL's F-111 TAC Pack (SF1)
      * Spinners [Fictional] General Dynamics F-111A 'Early TAC' Version 1
      * Hi Ho Silver - The Afterburner Mod v.1 (SF1/SF2)
      * Florian - "AmokFloo" - Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)
      F-111D Additions! Ravenclaw for the weapon models. dtmdragon the avionics, cockpit repaint, loadout.ini, what if AIM-7G, data.ini overhaul and repackaging with the updated skins. FANATIC MODDER and LeL helped with the data/loadout.ini information and testing.
      Thank you all for your contributions!!


         (5 reviews)



    2. Dassault Mirage 5PA - Pakistan Air Force

      Dassault Mirage 5PA for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2
      This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire Dassault Mirage 5F to give a Mirage 5PA in service with the Pakistan Air Force and with markings for the Combat Commanders' School and also for No.25 squadron. Photographs show many changes during the lifetime of the PAF's Mirage 5PA's so this can only be regarded as generic and a snapshot in time.
      Both the Mirage 5F and the Nesher cockpit are needed for this mod.
      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Mirage5PA folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Mirage5PA folder into your Decals folder.
      3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_PAF into your Pilots folder.
      As always, thanks to TK for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to ghostrider883 for the idea, PAF skin and research.
      And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - 04/01/2015
      Version 1 - 17/03/2010


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    3. Mirage F1EQ-4

      Mirage F1EQ-4
      This mod is dedicated to BPAO, nothing would have been possible without him.
      During the late 1970s, Iraq placed an order for a variant of the Mirage F1, designated as the Mirage F1EQ, which were specially modified for extended range to perform strike missions. The EQ4 has the same capabilities like the EQ2 with the addition of In-Flight Refueling, buddy-pod tanker, large RPL201 2.200 L external fuel tank and the Harold reconnaissance pod.
      Covered unit :
      91st Squadron
      F1EQ-4 specifics:
      R550, no R530, S530F, AUF2, CLB4, CLB8 radio-altimeter Doppler Radar Navigation Radio-compass Seat Mk4 RWR BF AAR probe Sycomor, Remora, Caiman, Syrel, Baz-AR, COR2, CC420 pods capability Sycomor gondolas (P0 station, retrofit 1986-87)  Harold pod RPL201 EFT Intertechnique AAR pod (Shift-1 for Hose-Drogue deployment/retraction, MaxSpeed=550 km/h=300 kts) This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.
      Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.
      The Mirage F.1 Team


         (4 reviews)



    4. A-4M SkyHawk for Strike Fighters 2 UPDATED 27/01/11

      USMC A-4M SkyHawk for Strike Fighters 2
      UPDATED 27/01/11
      - Landing light added thanks to wilco's mods to my A-4N
      - minor data.ini updates
      - Opening canopy 'shift' + '0'
      UPDATES 19/01/11
      - Mach limit extended from the stock figure to one that allows braking of the sound barrier as Skyhawks were known to do in a dive.
      - Weight limits on the weapon stations changed after I found some reference material with the exact figures of each pylon for the M model not just the total increase over previous models
      - Low-viz grey skin I released in the SF2 Skins section is now included.
      -Year specific versions to reflect upgrades in avionics and weapons capability
      -Modernized cockpit with HUD & Avionics
      -AN/ASB-19 Angle Rate Bombing System (ARBS) with TV and laser spot tracker
      -Most advanced and powerful SkyHawk used by the USMC
      -Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit goes to Third Wire for the original aircraft this has been modified from.


         (3 reviews)



    5. F-80C Shooting Star (by Pakso) For SF2 Updated

      Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star, Skin & Ini Update Pak
      For SF2, Any and All versions. (although Full-4 merged, with Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended for some weapons that might be needed!!)
      This package contains Pakso's F-80C "Shooting Star" kinda-sorta updated for SF2.
      This is a full aircraft package, with 3 skin/decal sets:
      A 'base' USAF skin (my 416th FG with all the cool nose arts),
      A new FAC (Colombian Air Force) skin,
      and a 'Plane-Jane' generic natual metal, also tagged for USAF (easily used on others; this skin points to the 416th for some decals).
      There are many more skins for the F-80 in the SF/Wo* downloads section. The cockpit is included.
      Many of the 'tweeks' in the package are from several other mods, either by me or other folks I can't remember (oh! age!!). Other edits give you a manual animation keyed canopy (use Shift/0 to open/close), landing lights, a new SF2 UserList, updated avionics that give you the radar ranging gunsight. The main F-80C.ini is 'cleaned' out as to skin listings, so any others you may have will automatically add. A 'generic USAF' SF2 style hangar screen is included. It should be noted here, that although this is mostly for the FAC skin pak, it should be consided an SF2 update for the entire aircraft. Some changes have been made to the Flight Model, but it could use further refinements (flys ok on Normal)
      The WW2 era bombs are =NOT= included, but the 2 drop tanks are and a 'new' rack for the HVARs is. The other items are available in the GunnyPak or if industrious, you can edit the loadout ini to use 3rdWire WW2 bombs from SF2:I Expansion Pak 1. Details are in the loadout ini (although TK neglected to add the AN/M65 1000 pounder..
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. There are some weapons notes in the "Notes and Other Ramblings" section that may be pertinent to those withOUT Expansion Pak 1
      Happy Flying!
      kevin stein


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    6. F-4D (67) LORAN Equipped

      F-4D Phantom II, LORAN Pak


      -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V --

      (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-4D_67)

      This is a repackaging of the MPPD's F-4D Loran equipped Phantom, originally made for WoV, into a stand alone package for the SF2 series. While designed for mostly SF2:V, they can be used (as stated above) in any install that can access the F-4D_67. REMINDER- this is the ORIGINAL Loran pak, not the Night Owl skin pak.
      All inis, decals and skin bmps are inculded. As it makes use of all stock items, minimal changes have been effected. In fact, the decals themselves have been pared down, due to the fact that I modified 2 of the skins to now have painted-on slimers, thereby reducing the package size.
      The canopy has been activated via a manual animation key. Use Shift/0 to open/close it. A minor adjustment to the loadout ini has been made, 'upping' the STRIKE bombs to M-117, 750 lb bomb. The SUU-23 gunpod, while probably not used all the time, is carred for all but one mission profile (Long Range), due to the need for the centerline tank.
      Included is mppd's original F-4D LORAN readme, full of historical details.
      As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
      Again, as usual, the expected "Notes & Ramblings of a Madman" section for fun.
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    7. MiG-17AS Fresco, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)

      MiG-17AS Fresco-A, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara
      = For SF2, (Hopefully, For Any and All with Access to the MiG-17 Fresco-A)
      This is a re-packaging of the MiG-17AS, (iirc) by Starfighter2, as used by the Cuban Air Force. His original readme is also included, for you history buffs. As the FAR were the only users of the 17AS, this is a 'nationalized' version; both the _data.ini and Userlist.ini reflect this.
      It makes use of (almost) all stock items, in particular the Fresco-A's lod. So make sure the plane-jane MiG-17 (no suffix letter) is available in your game install. In a pinch, you can edit the main ini to point to the MiG-17F lods, as they are mapped identically (don't forget to rename the skin maps to match the 17F's). A slightly revamped/repainted version of the "F6 Pylon" pak has been included for the outboard Atoll mounts.
      The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. New Bort number decals have been created for the approx 40 used by the FAR (*note: this number of aircraft may have also included standard Fresco-A and Fresco-C). These numbers are 'best guess', as only a few listings had been found during my research. The font used is also the closest match I could find.
      The cockpit is Ordway's Mig Pit. The avionics ini has been 'tweeked' to add the radar ranging gunsight. A new 'generic' MiG-17 Hangar screen is included (albeit with Soviet markings on the aircraft). The canopy has also been activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it)
      As always, please READ the enclosed 'readme' for full, detailed install instructions.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


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      1 comment


    8. Upgrade Pack for STORMs F-4N

      ** **
      This is an update for the F-4B_67 based F-4N by CA's own STORM. I have added DECM markings and several skins for Gull Grey over White and the Overall Gull Grey paint schemes. I started this project on STORMs N, then completed a version on the DLC N. This brings the work back to its starting area. That said if you have the DLC N i suggest getting that enhancement mod. But if you did not buy it or prefer this one, I've looked out for you too.
      - Renamed STORMs aircraft "F-4N Phantom II (STORM) to avoid confusion the DLC mod. Esp important for me as i did in fact have both!!!!
      - Added F-4N (80_Storm) aircraft for Overall Gull Gray and Low Viz Gray skins.
      - unit specific skins for all N Phlyers from 1974 until about 1982.
      - DECM antenea for the intakes, added via fakepilot method
      - the latest squadronlist.ini.
      Need SF2 Vietnam for the F-4B_67 lods
      unzip, add folders to mod folder, allow merge and overwrite if needed
      *STORM for the original mod
      *mppd for the DECM fairings
      *Thanks to Sundowner for his templates. With a Sundowner template, you have to work hard to screw up a skin!!!!!
      *mytai01. much of this work is based off of his model for decalling the F-4 Phantom. Some of the nn tgas are even lifted off his B model skins and adjusted into N models BuNos. Those that have seen his work will recognize much influence in this mod.
      *As with all my Phantom mods, thank you to Spillone104 for his J-79 effects. I do like them so, and hope you will as well.
      *Thanks to Gerwin, Sundowner, Blade, Wrench, Dave, mppd, Ghost531 and many others who have given me answers and resources to many technical questions the last year and a half i've been working this.
      *BIG Thanks to Icarus999 for catching a previous error in the mod
      *and as always thanks to TK who developed the game
      again thank you for downloading this mod and i hope that you enjoy it!
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      6 Sept 2013


         (2 reviews)



    9. MiG-21DF

      I. This mod is written for SF2
      II. History:
      The combat experiences in Vietnam showed, that the RP-21 radar of the MiG-21PF generation was not really satisfying. Very often the pilots detected the target with their eyes earlier than with the radar. The new RP-22 for the next MiG-21 generation was on paper 30% better, but in reality a target in the size of a MiG-21 could be only detected at a range of 7km. So some frontline pilots believed, that the RP-22 radar was only worthless additionally weight and demanded to replace it by the simple radar rangefinder Kvant. So the plane should become lighter and more agile. Further it should get a stronger engine. The MiG-OKB decided to try to use an uprated version of the R-13 which was originaly developed for the Su-15M. This engine was the R-13F2-300 with the same dry thrust like the old R-13-300, but an increased afterburner thrust of 70.2 kN.
      In 1969 one (other sources say 2) MiG-21SM were taken from the production line and were refitted to the DF standard. Flighttest were held in 1970 and spring 1971 with satisfying results. But it was decided to cancel this project in favor of the more advanced MiG-21bis.
      The cockpit i had choosen for the MiG-21DF is the great Yak-38 cockpit made by Stary.
      All other files are modified from TK's stock MiG-21MF
      -Unzip all files into your objects\aircraft folder.
      The plane is prepared for the pilot file Red5201. This pilot is included in Troopers Red Pilots pack. You will find it here:
      V. This mod is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL use is NOT ALLOWED.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      July 2014


         (2 reviews)



    10. Vought RF-8A Crusader (*)

      The RF-8 Crusader was a photo-reconnaissance development and operated longer in U.S. service than any of the fighter versions.
      RF-8s played a crucial role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, providing essential low-level photographs impossible to acquire by other means.
      U.S. Naval Reserve units continued to operate the RF-8 until 1987.
      (*) This isn't a complete plane: You will need YAP RF-8G lod to work
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a new plane with a plenty of new skins for US NAVY & US MARINES
      - SF-2NA standard carriers operations ready
      - Canopy = Key 10
      - WingFold = Key 9
      - All in main mod folder
      - RF-8G lod from Yap in Aircraft/RF-8A folder
      - Optional View mod by KB (follow dedicated readmes in options folder)
      - Yankee Air Pirates for Original SF-1 RF-8G
      - Paulopanz Skins, Decals & new RF-8A Data.ini
      - the RF-8A team (Vols: 331Killerbee & Corktip_14) for testings
      - 331Killerbee Data.ini Tweakings (lights etc.), weapons (Cameras & Flares), optional view mod
      - Corktip_14 Data.ini Tweakings (FM etc.), pilot
      @ paulopanz


         (3 reviews)



    11. SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy"

      SF2 AD-4W/AEW.1 "Guppy" 4/1/2014
      = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
      **Note: Actually, SF2NA is actually -REQUIRED- in merged installs, due to NA coding used for
      this aircraft's operational statements. It is also HIGHLY SUGGESTED!! that this be
      =ONLY= used in the NA envrionment (read: in SF2:NA only). It was tested only in the
      NA environment, but there are a few issues (see Notes below).***
      A rebuild of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider give us the AD-4W "Guppy" Naval Airborne Early
      Warning aircraft of the 1950s.
      Included are 4 skins, representing the aircrft from 1950 through 1960. They are:
      British Royal Navy (AEW.1)
      No 849 Naval Air Squadron; in 'normal' garb
      No 849 NAS, HMS Albion, during the Suez Crisis (with Suez 'Invasion Stripes')
      The USN/USMC skins use a painted on fueselage national marking (not enough meshes
      for all decals); All other markings are decals. All aircraft are in 'standard' Dark
      Gloss Navy Blue. For the RN skins, ALL markings are decals. Serial numbers are 100%
      historically accurate for the model depicted, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As
      there is no possible way to run down the US serials, they should be considered
      'generic' in nature.
      However, you may experience some 'unusual' shuffling' of the CV and Flight letter
      codes on the Royal Navy (non Suez) skin. Further explinations for this are in the
      'Notes' Section. The Suez skin depicts 849's "C" flight as embarked during Operation
      Musketeer, and are 100% correct.
      Skins remain in lo-rez bmp format, but new DDS damage textures are supplied (just in
      case). Each skins has it's own hangar screen.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included.
      So, please read them. As mentioned above, give the "Notes" section a read too.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (4 reviews)



    12. OA-4M UpdatePack for SF2

      *** SF2+SF2I+V required for the KfirC1_77-Cockpit and optional A-4F_74-Cockpit, that is used here together with bits from the A-7E-Cockpit. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
      This pack contains an update to the previously released OA-4M-Pack by Wrench. All skins and decals are newly done for this pack.
      Included are the following "new" planes and Skins:
      * OA-4M Skyhawk (2-Tone Gray Camo) - Initial Camo with large insignias and white modex.
      - H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni '81-'83
      - H&MS-13, MCAS Yuma, '79-'83
      - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '79-'83
      * OA-4M Skyhawk (GhostGray Camo) - 2nd Camo-Scheme, differently arranged with small insignias and lowvis modex.
      - H&MS-11, MCAS El Toro, '88-'90
      - H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni 1986 (Yosemite Sam on Tail)
      - H&MS-12, MCAS Iwakuni 1989 (Yosemite Sam on Tail, Samurai on Aft Fuselage)
      - H&MS-13, MCAS Yuma, '83-'88
      - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '83-'90
      * OA-4M Skyhawk (Overall Gray Camo) - There were probably just 2 planes with that camo 154306/DA01 and an unknown 2nd one. Gray overall with black markings.
      - MAG-32, MCAS Cherry Point, '89-'90
      * OA-4M Skyhawk (Blue/Green Camo) - Experimental Camo on 154306/DA01. Dark green / dark blue with white bottom and black markings.
      - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, 1983
      * OA-4M Skyhawk (Green/Gray Camo) - Experimental Camo on 154628/DA04. Green / gray with gray bottom and inverse markings.
      - H&MS-32, MCAS Cherry Point, 1985
      Planespecific skins for the droptanks are provided (stock A-4 tanks), aswell as a new skin for the stock Mk.20 Rockeye II CBU.
      As there's no dedicated OA-4M-Cockpit available, the Pack contains 2 options here:
      * KfirC1_77 cockpit by default, from dtmdragons A-4M-pack as stand-in. It "feels" better than the big and roomy A-7-Cockpit from the original OA-4M-pack. I also made refinements over
      dtmdragons version to bring it more towards a modern Skyhawk-Cockpit. Landing Gear-, Arrestor Hook Lever and Rudder pedals are working now, I rearranged and reskinned the weaponspanel,
      to get rid of the hebrew stencils and Kfirs additional weaponsstations and I removed some instruments, that are useless here (Nozzle- and Shockcone Position).
      * A-4F_74 cockpit, which is slightly modified by me. It now has a HUD and the Radarscreen is used for the ARBS. Although it was not actually installed in real planes, it is added for playability.
      Also the HUD is rather small, but works.
      Included are Hangar- and Loadingscreens in 1920x1080 by default and 1024x768 as option. Just open the planes ini-files and you see what you have to change.
      There's a readme included. Feel free to read it! :)
      1. unzip to a temporary folder
      2. open "Put_Content_In_Your_Mod folder" and do as you were told, if asked to overwrite, say 'yes' :P
      3. enjoy!
      - Thirdwire and TK for a great game, models and the cockpit-parts I used.
      - Wrench, Fracture, triplethr3at and pappychksix - original OA-4M Pack, Updates and of course the TA-4 Model
      - Nengajyou, daddyairplanes and Wrench - Yosemite Sam issue and Samurai logo
      - RAVEN - LAU-129 missile-rail
      - dtmdragon - Kfir-Cockpit-mod from his A-4M-pack and testing
      - Eole2 - testing, loadout.tga and optional A-4F cockpit-idea
      - Alejandro - Escapac seat
      - FastCargo - FakePilot
      - ???? - antenna/bent probe/avionics blister kit
      - ???? - avionics hump
      - ???? - J52- and damaged Engine-Sounds
      - Rudder-Pedals ini-statements taken from bobrocks AV-8Bplus
      - myself - skins, decals, loading- and hangarscreens, cockpit-changes, ini-work.
      If you created one of the ????-marked items, please contact me, so I can add your name in the credits! If I forgot someone, please PM me too!
      - Eole2 and dtmdragon for testing and providing valuable improvement-advices. Thanks to you guys!
      - TMF for their A-7 and Crusader for valuable information regarding weaponsstations-arrangement, I found in the forum.
      - mue for his great LODViewer, which was a big help while creating the camos and placing stuff!
      - Soulfreak, for a A-4 decal pattern, I used here to place maintenance markings.
      - all modders at CombatAce for their work and inspiration!
      If you have any problems with this skin or have suggestions and hints, feel free to PM me.


         (4 reviews)



    13. SF2 Canadair Sabre Mk.6, RCAF and AMI

      Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Pack, RCAF/AMI
      = For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged Reccomended) =
      - version 2.0, updated 2/13/2016 -
      This package contains new or rebuilt Canadair Mk.6 Sabres, as used by the RCAF and Italian AMI in the mid-late 50s and 60s.
      Contained within are skin/decals for the following squadrons:
      442 Squadron (new)
      444 Squadron (new skin rebuild, based on Tim Canada work)

      2 Aerobrigata
      4 Aerobrigata (new skin rebuilds, based off spitwulf's originals)
      and a "Generic" Euro camo (called, oddly enough "Euro" skin for any other NATO/European users (except South Africa). All the included skins are in the Euro camo pattern.
      New skins for all were created using ravenclaw's superb templates. All skins are in jpg format. Almost all markings are decals, excepting special vert fin/rudder RCAF unit IDs. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. New DDS damage textures are included.
      A new camo drop tank is supplied, but all rockets, bombs, etc can be found in the GunnyPak. The sounds included are the same ones as used on the RAF and RAAF Sabre Pak, recently released.
      An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! A new userlist ini is also included.
      Sharp eyes will note that "WGermany" is =NOT= included in the Userlist; the BLW aircraft were excellently handled by the GMG Group, and are downloadable here at CA.
      This one is slightly diferentiated; when in-game, you'll see "Canadair Sabre Mk.6" in the aircraft drop-down selection window
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed change/correction list. The original readme from my SF/Wo* release is included, just for fun. Tim "Canada" Elliot's readme for the 414 skin is also included, as is one of Spitwulf's for the AMI skins.

      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein
      Changes for Version 2:
      updated hit boxes
      new "1" skin map, w/o A-G Panel
      new "CL-13 bits" (new for this model)


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    14. SF2 F-111A/D/E/F EF-111A and FB-111A

      F-111A/D/E/F EF-111A and FB-111A By FastCargo
      SF2 Conversions by Dave USAFMTL
      Skin by Jat81500
      Decals, Hangar Screen by USAFMTL
      Original model by Paco and Wpnssgt
      Sounds by the Mirage Factory
      Avionics by MJ.
      Pit by NormanKnight
      Copy the contents of this archive into your Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2 directory except for this readme file. Allow overwrites.
      Will work in SF2:V and SF2:E.
      This mod also uses the updated RWR's. Which are so choice.
      Dave USAFMTL


         (8 reviews)



    15. Banidos IAI Dagger

      In this new release from Banidos Team, we are proud to introduce the first FAA's Deltas, that arrived to Argentina in 1978. Just as the Nesher,
      it isn't an easy plane to fly, never attempt turns below 300km/h if there is not enough energy.
      The package contains new drop tanks and a new detailed model of Shafrir II missile.
      About effects you'll realize when you reach Mach 1 that the famous round halo around the plane is generated, it remains only at that speed.
      This model uses TW's Nesher cockpit from SF2I.
      Banidos Team
      3D-ini: Aleducat
      Skin: Torno
      Any problem contact us at CombatAce.


         (9 reviews)



    16. MiG-21S for a series of SF2

      MiG-21S for a series of SF2
      Option of the MiG-21S using the model of the MiG-21MF TW
      This option allows you to use more different suspension arms and equipment than in the model of the MiG-21S, appeared in SF2I, which uses a gun hanging container GP-9 on the central pylon
      This option is being followed and checked in the game Strike Fighters 2 Europe
      Overhead gun container GP-9 used in this work:
      Image Loadout.bmp made anew
      In the presence of two images Loading.bmp, one of which you can choose optional
      The movable part of the cabin opened by pressing a keyboard shortcut Shift + 1
      The installation process is described in the attached file


         (2 reviews)



    17. Hunter F.6

      This is THE Hawker Hunter F.6
      A labour of love, made about 3 times and lasting several years.
      In fact new outstanding high res textures made by Sundowner,
      took me with this pack almost ready to upload.
      So I slowly adapted and improved my RAF skins.
      Then as this new dressing changed the bump maps I had to
      adapt stock skins too.
      But when the job was almost done I decided to improve and update
      foreign Hunters to match the new RAF level.
      So at last here we are Gents!
      WHAT'S IN:
      - basically a whole NEW plane
      - 4 stock RAF skins improved and upgraded
      - 34 new RAF skins
      - 6 BAF skins (stock, updated and new)
      - 5 KLU skins (stock, updated and new)
      - 4 RJAF skins (stock, updated and new)
      - 4 IfAF skins (stock, updated and new)
      - 1 FAL upgraded skin
      - 3 Acro Teams upgraded skins
      - new decalsets
      - pilot
      - sounds


      - Canopy open Key=10 autoclosing at take off

      - open zip files and extract into your mod folder (2,16 GB)

      - TW/TK for this plane
      - Sundowner for High Res Temps (Hurraj!)
      - Spillone104 for Sounds
      - paulopanz (me) for skins, decals, inis etc


         (8 reviews)



    18. J32B Lansen Interceptor For SF2

      J32B Lansen Interceptor For SF2
      BETA based on A32A model by Timmy.
      Good A32/J32 resources here...
      Canit, deep stuff on all SAABs ~> http://www.canit.se/%7Egriffon/aviation/
      Vectorsite SAABs ~> http://www.vectorsite.net/avsaab.html
      A32A 3D model by Timmy.
      Cammo Skin and Metal silver Skins by Timmy.
      Dark Green Skin & national decals by Knug.
      FM work by Lexx.
      Euro001 Pilot by Diego.
      Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007.
      Swedish RB Missile Set by Ravenclaw_007.
      SF2 updates by NeverEnough.
      Uses the Thirdwire SF2 F-105D cockpit and avionics. Every effort has been made remove as much of the Beta aspect as possible. The weapon positions on the pylons have been adjusted, the weapon stations have been tweaked to avoid model overlaps, and the weapon loadout has been tested to insure every plane in the flight is loaded for bear.
      The lighting positions and wheel rolling radius have been corrected. FlapSettingForLanding and FlapSettingForTakeOff was added to the FlightControl section of the Data.ini, which helps the AI absolutely grease their take offs and landings!
      TIMMY made a very nice model and Lexx assembled a data.ini which flys stable and sporty. The plane looks good, and fights just as well. There is no need to fear the MiG-17F.
      TIMMY SAYS: Model and Template are available for those wanting to work with them.
      Simply extract the contents of the J-32B Lansen folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
      Default Loadout:
      4 30mm Aden Cannons
      4 Rb24 Swedish Sidewinders
      Basic setup for 12 Swedish 18cm-m49 air-ground rockets but this is just an example use of Timmy's great pylons. Timmy made this as an A32 so we
      have 12 pylons here if they are used (invisible if not).
      Conformal nonjettisonable belly tank.
      Avionics is SF2 F-105D but basic radar performance (not display) tweaked towards J32B levels.
      RWR is audio only.


         (1 review)



    19. Nesher Over Israel. SF2.

      This is total pack of IAI Nesher versions used by Israeli Air Force.
      Pack contains all required models and it is based on regular TW model and available mods on Combat Ace.
      All skins are based on templates by ludo.m54 => http://combatace.com/files/file/13121-mirage-5-templates/
      Ive rearanged camo paints and made different versions for different squadrons etc.
      Ive also edited ini files mostly in weapon stations to seperate bomb stations from IRM, FT etc. Also i did some limits i weight for recon versions.
      All two seaters mods are based on denisoliveira models. Ive renamed all required folder /fake pilots/ mods to avoid causing problems with older versions.
      You need fake pilot mod to run some of the parts from this pack.
      To run this mod you need also access to TW lod files from SF2:I (lods and cockpits for shahak and nesher)
      Generaly full merged instal of SF2 family is recomended.
      All canopies can be open by Shift+1 animation key.
      Aircrafts in this pack:
      NESHER S single seater jet fighter
      NESHER T '72 first version of two seater
      NESHER T '74 two seat fighter trainer late upgraded mostly with new avionics
      All skins are done by me in 2048x2048 format based on templates by ludo.m54
      custom decals template and some ideas taken from wilco pack =>http://combatace.com/files/file/10954-iai-nesher-for-sf2i/
      Ive made all decals for all versions covering years of use in IAF based on available reference materials. SOme numbers might not be historicaly correct. At least 4 of them.
      Two seater versions are based on original pack by denissoliveira =>http://combatace.com/files/file/16221-iai-nesher-t/
      3d mods - denissoliveira
      nose skins in 2048x2048 format yakarov79
      data.ini Coupi and small fixes by me.
      National and squadron markings as always in my case are painted on skins.
      Kills decals.
      Ive mede new decals sets covering kills due to aircraft / squadron / year. Not all of them are 100% acurate but i was trying to do my best. For sure kills needs some updates in the future.
      Also if user needs can change real kills markings to standard TW type of kills which will be based on actual player score. You have to edit decal.ini file by removing specific lines. Also required lines for different kills are already there.
      Effect files are added.
      Ive also used standard sound files that everyone should have at this point (year 2017).
      report bugs.
      Hope you will like it.
      Jarek Hereda


         (8 reviews)



    20. Mirage Factory F-4EJ Super Pack

      Mirage Factory F-4EJ and F-4EJ KAI
      SF2 model by bpao (RIP my friend)
      Tweaks and additional heavy modeling details by Sundowner
      Skins by Sundowner
      Screens by USAFMTL
      Orginal pit by Bunyap
      Represents the correct hardwing models of the JASDF.
      To install:
      Drag and drop the contents of this zip to your:
      C:\Users\<Name>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder and go fly.


         (5 reviews)



    21. F-100D Armée de l'Air complete

      F-100D Armée de l'Air
      I started this mod of stock SF-2 F-100D to upgrade old TMF SF-1 as
      we needed it for SF-2 EU campaigns.
      It took me so far that with a big help from Ludo, who made ALL the historical numbers,
      so ALL squadrons were made in silver and/or camo.
      - 1/3 Navarre (silver)
      - 2/3 Champagne (silver)
      - 1/11 Roussillon (silver & camo)
      - 2/11 Vosges (silver & 2 camo)
      - 3/11 Corse (silver)
      - 4/11 Jura (2 camo)
      The refuel probe is deleted but if You'ld want to install (as in loading screen)
      simply use included alternative F-100D-FR_DATA(Refuel).ini.
      As a tribute to TMF I included original readme of SF 1 model.
      That's all.


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    22. F-4N Phantom II for SF2

      F-4N Phantom II for Strike Fighters 2 series.
      23 Oct 2010
      This is a continued update of the original F-4N Phantom II released by Column5 and Dave (ex-USAFMTL) way back in 2003. Thanks gents.
      Additional thanks goes to Wrench. He released an update pack for this jet, in Jan '09. That got the ball rolling for this latest version. Thank you Sundowner for your awesome skins and Spillone for the excellent J79 sounds.
      I went through the data, avionics and cockpit.ini files and upgraded the F-4B_67 to N standards in a similiar fashion as Project Bee Line (see below). Additionally, the loadout.ini was tweaked to properly match a USN configuration.
      In 1972, 228 F-4Bs were converted into F-4Ns to bring the B-model up to a similiar to the F-4J and increase their combat capabilty. This project was named "Bee Line". Work was conducted at Naval Air Station North Island. The aircraft received slatted stabs, a new ECM suite (AN/ALQ-126B) plus avionics systems upgrades. The N-model entered fleet use in 1973 and remained in service with the Navy and Marine Corps until 1985. A handful remained post-1985, with the Reserves and test units. Those were eventually converted into QF-4Ns drones.
      To install simply allow the extractor to place everything in the main SF2 folder. I've added the VF-111 pilots from Wrench, two of Sundowners skins (slightly edited for the N) and new J79 engine sound files from Spillone. Last time I checked, all had ok'd the use of their work for non-profit use. If I'm wrong, please contact me and I'll eliminate the files.
      The canopy open/close is linked to the "0" key.


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    23. [Pack] KC-135E FACh ----- KC-137 FAB

      Pack Aircraft refuellers KC-137 and KC-135E
      -KC-137 of Brazil Air Force with cockpit and dual Buddy Pack, model by TMF
      -KC-135E of Chile Air Force, with cockpit and pole
      NOTE: The pole of the KC-135 extends exceeding 500kN.
      Pack de Aviones Reabastecedores KC-137 y KC-135E
      -KC-137 de la Força Aerea Brasileira, con cockpit y doble Buddy Pack, modelo por TMF
      -KC-135E de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile, con cockpit y pértiga
      NOTA: La pértiga del KC-135 se extiende superando los 500kn.
      Buen vuelo!
      Ari Detomasi


         (7 reviews)



    24. A-4AR FightingHawk by the Banidos Team updated for Strike Fighters 2

      A-4AR FightingHawk by the Banidos Team updated for Strike Fighters 2
      -This is the SF1 A-4AR by the Banidos Team updated for SF2 http://combatace.com/files/file/7406-upgraded-a-4-ar-fighting-hawk/
      -I have made a few INI edits to better reflect the data I found on the A-4M and A-4AR as well as a modern pilot and extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
      -The cockpit and avionics have also been replaced/changed
      I didn't know which of my two A-4AR vertions people would like so I've uploaded both and you can decide :)
      INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
      NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
      Credit: Goes to Soulfreak, Ravens**t, Wrench, Torno and alejandro for thier work on past A-4AR skins/Aircraft


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    25. Sea Harrier FA2_2018

      Not another Sea Harrier FA2 I hear you say.........well...yes.
      Original Mirage Factory max file extensively rebuilt by me, too many modifications to mention, same goes for the pit.
      Backup any other versions you may have as unlike a lot of mods posted on here nowadays I'm not telling you to dump other folks hard work because mine is better.....you decide for yourselves (rant mode off).
      You WILL need Thrust Vectoring set up in your controls to fly this thing.
      Please read the ReadME......without it this thing would not of got released..
      Mirage Factory product.
      Have fun.


         (2 reviews)




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