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    1. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

      I know this has been a long way, but finally, we are releasing the first variant for the swing wing Su-17 series.
      The Su-17 (Sans Suffix) is the first production swing wing series coming from the fixed wing Su-7 series, which has been in service since 1959. the plane still shared some common parts with the 7, like the tail (same as the Su-7BKL series) and fuselage fuel pipes, to mention some external ones.
      The same store payload (more or less) was hanging from 6 external hardpoints, all for unguided munitions, the only real advantage with the Su-7 series is the swing wings that shortened the takeoff and landing runs.
      Unless its predecessor this specific variant was not widely exported, only Egypt was provided with a few examples (named Su-17K).
      CombatACE team who deserve credits on the project is mentioned below, please if someone is missing (Hey, this has more than 10 years in the making) is listed below:
      For the 3D aspects: 
      Martin K. A.K.A. 76.IAP-Blackbird.
      Laszlo B. A.K.A. Logan4.
      Enoc M. A.K.A. FLOGGER23.
      The FM:
      Armament Department:
      I want to thank the advice to the following guys:
      Snailman for the references
      Soulfreak for the stencil pics
      Stary for general skinning tips
      General installation tips.
      As this is a first release and the plane was operated by the Soviet Air Force, I recommend using it in the European/Asian-Ish terrains for realism.
      All squadrons and decals have been verified as historical, but errors may have been made, be nice to us (me)
      All of the mod folders have been arranged for you to drop them in the main game folder of your preference.
      Some weapons have been made from scratch, please review what you have and what you need.
      Some effects have been made, also, please back up what you have.
      Su-17K as mentioned above, will be released as separated for SF2:I
      Thanks to all who stayed this long with us to (hopefully) enjoy this release, we will work on the next variant as time allows, as they are in the final stages of release.
      Safe flights everyone!


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    2. Beriev Be-6

      The Beriev Be-6 "Madge" was a flying boat produced by the Soviet Beriev OKB. It was capable of accomplishing a wide variety of missions, such as long-range maritime reconnaissance, coastal and supply line patrols, torpedo/bombing strikes, mine-laying, and transport operations.  The Be-6 was built from 1949 to 1957 at the Beriev plant in Taganrog .
      <<< This work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms >>>
      model still have no moving propellers  and the clearance from the ground is higher than should be, because original Model is built as static one and is half-inserted into the ground.
      also rear gunner is not placed in position (it will be done with next update)

      for transforming Be-6 Static Ground model into Flying model !
      I Edited all ini. files (DATA / USERLIST / LOADOUT / AVIONICS / COCKPIT), Hangar & Loading images...
      also i do slight changes in Cockpit (Cabina).
      - 3D model: strahi & Anunk47 (Responsible for Fabulous Static Ground model)
      - Cockpit: Kesselbrut
      I also need to thank to
      Thirdwire & Combatace


         (1 review)



    3. SF2 Tu-16 Badger Pack by Pasko

      SF2 Tu-16 Badger Pack by Pasko       11/1/2024
      -For SF2, Full 5 Merged REQUIRED. Must Have SF2:NA!!!!!)
      -Another 1stGen Salvage Operation-
      This is a revamp of Pasko's Tu-16 Badger(s) from SF1 to SF2 "standards". This package contains the 3 variants of the Badger he and his team created 'way back in 2005. As stated above, a full-5 merged install is required; or at =LEAST= having SF2:NA in the merged install. This is because the Cruise Missile versions use the stock 3W cruise missiles (Although I've supplied the early versions).
      The 3 aircraft included herein are ...
      Tu-16 Badger-A (free fall bombs only)
      Tu-16K-10-26 Badger C (cruise missiles only; 1 centerline, 2 wing mounted)
      Tu-16G Badger K (2 cruise missiles, wing mounted only)
      A cockpit is supplied for each, with a working bombsight for the standard bomber. (See notes about the issues flying bombers in SF2). All weapons, execpting the KS-1 & KSR-2 missiles are stock 3W items (FAB, RBK, K10S). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All new Hangar and Loading screens have also been included, for you enjoyment.
      The aircraft are supplied with a number skins for the varying Air Force users. Some (re)use their original 1stGen decals, with a slight repaint to stop any 'fuzziness'. Many decals used (for Middle East and Soviet birds) are stock items. You'll get:
      Soviet Silver
      Ukraine Silver (<1991)
      Egypt AF Silver (<1966)
      Iraq Silver (<1973)
      Indonesia Silver (<1961)
      PLAAF China Sliver (<1959) 
      Iraq Green Stripe Camo (<1978)*
      Iraq Sand/Green Camo (<1980)*
      Soviet Naval Aviation Silver (blue borts)
      Soviet Naval Aviation Silver (blue borts)
      As indicated above, you can see the the SF2 "date switch" is active. The star (*) tagged above indicates these years are "best guess". When possible the original readme for all skins are within each skin folder, and notes are sometimes made on the textureset.ini. The PLAAF bird only gets 24 bort number decals, which are (hopefully!) historically correct and nearly the right color blue <grin>! Pilot figures are also included. For exact in-game usage for the C & G models, I'd suggest giving their data inis a looksee, as they have several Secondary Roles to fulfill.
      When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see:
      Tu-16 Badger-A (Pasko)
      Tu-16K-10-26 Badger C (Pasko)
      Tu-16G Badger K (Pasko)
      The (Pasko) differentializes these from the stock 3W Badgers (and any mods thereof). So you can't mistook them for anything other than what they is. 
      As always fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is of course, in the Notes section below. 
      Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    4. IL-28 - H-5 COLLECTION

      A "one stop shop" for the IL-28/IL-28R/H-5 with all the colour schemes for all the nations using the type. Of course some of the schemes are somewhat speculative, but, I think they are definitely useable and valid, the Pakistani beagles for example, were not in service for very long, as the aircraft were not popular in Pakistani service, also the Finnish ones, Finland only had about 3 or 4 actual airframes, and were mainly used for target towing. However, I think we can all apply a little artistic licence and imagination here. 
      I have adjusted the aircraft a bit, ie I have added Geezers excellent RAF pilots to the crew positions, as Beagles tended to be flown in leather flying helmets rather than bone domes, I have also swapped the rear guns on the H-5's to reflect the changes done by the Chinese. Also I have upgraded the cockpits to utilise STARY's pit for the type, and enabled the RWR as well. This enables a viable bombing position and is a really nice upgrade to the aircraft. I have made the weapons for the Harbin H-5 Chinese, and included the weapons in this upload. This is an all inclusive upload, so you will need all 4 files to get the full experience !!! 
      The first 3 files are the actual aircraft, and the "ADDONS" file contains all the sounds, pilots, weapons, guns, decals So please make sure you do use that file as well !!! 
      All the usual shout outs to all the usual people, who keep this sim alive and kicking.
      AS ALWAYS......................ENJOY !!! 


         (1 review)



    5. MiG-25PD 'Foxbat-E' by Coyote Aerospace

      MiG-25PD 'Foxbat-E' by Coyote Aerospace v1.0.0
      We upload here a NEW MOD of the Soviet famous Fighter.
      This 'Foxbat-E' is a Veltro2k creation with skins by Coupi.
      It features 6 historical skins : Soviet (2) and 'exported' ones (4).
      - Installation
      Unzip, open the  folder and drop contents into desired mod folder.
      Allow overwrites if needed, weapons may be the only thing needed.
      - Credits
      Veltro2k: main beautiful model  :)
      Coupi : skin, decals and ini edits
      Boopidoo Aerospace : cockpit from his cute Sukhoi Su-15TM mod
      Pilot, missiles, rails and ejection seat : from several mods uploaded at CombatAce
      (excuse me... I don't remember their author)

      SF2 Complete Edition (version July 2013) waiting for the 'two weeks' ThirdWire W10 edition...
      On behalf of the Coyote Aerospace team, thank you for downloading this mod. 

      We hope you like it !



         (1 review)



    6. MiG-21SMT

      This mod is made for SF2.
      I. History
      One of the major problems of the MiG-21 was the short range of the plane. The reason for it was the small internal fuel volume. To solve the problem additional tanks on the back were installed. First one in the MiG-21PF, later three beginning with MiG-21R. When the soviet Air Force demanded to make the MiG-21 to a nuclear weapon platform soon the short range seemt to be the major problem. So the designers took the latest version of the bird, the MiG-21SM and increased the fuel capacity of the back tanks dramatically. The MiG-21SMT was born.
      In the troops the plane was not liked very well. The pilots hated it to fly such an non agile plane. The plane got the nickname "Humpback" and this was not meant positive.
      Later a lot of SMT were reworked "in field", the big backtank was removed and replaced by the backtank of the MiG-21bis Lasur. Such reworked planes were called MiG-21ST.

      While making the MiG-21SMT  i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
      The LOD file is made:
      by TK
      The skin is made:
      by Spillone104

      The flight model is made :
      by TK
      and modded
      by Spillone104
       a little bit by me

      The Cockpit is made
      by Paladrian (Mago)
      The mods for the  engine exhausts, nose antennas and pitot tubes and the big backtank for the SMT are all made
      by Spillone104
      -Unzip the folders into your object folder

      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      The MiG-21SMT and all containing files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!
      The additionally parts are NOT FREEWARE. Please check the readme of that files.
      VI. Known issues
      The plane is prepared for the file RED3201 which is taken from Red_Pilots_Part1 pack. This pack you find in the download area for first generation SF.

      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      April 2021


         (2 reviews)



    7. TU-160 Blackjack - Cold War version for SF2 1.0.0 by UllyB

      TU_160 Blackjack - Cold War version for SF2 series project by UllyB

          The Tupolev Tu-160, NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown.
          Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service.The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernization programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014.
      TU-160[ColdWar] test package readme (Baffmeister observations & conclusions)
      This test package requires the addition of the Cockpit folder, Skin folder, and Aircraft Lods to work properly.
      No model animation ID for the leading edge flaps. They are presently set up on a rotation axis but they don't look very good so it is probably better to just disable them for the release version.
      The real TU-160 probably used a combination of ailerons, spoilers and differential H-stab deflections for roll control but only ailerons are available at present. The H-stab is built as one piece so no way to get the differential H-stab deflections functioning.
      Slightly modified KH-15 nuclear tipped missle included. The base quantity was increased from 4 to 6 to match the present capacity of AGM missle bay. The maximum capacity is 12 on the real Tu-160 but considering the effect on frame rates with so many nukes going off 6 might even be to many. Maybe 2 per plane would be enough. The maximum of 12 would be a good option for later versions with conventional warheads.
      When carrying conventional bombs the accuracy is very poor which is typical for Bombers in game. Maybe someone could put together a "semi smart" bomb that the AI can use that would improve accuracy.
      The original was set up with both manual doors and automatic doors to operate the rotary launcher. I don't think that can be made to work so just using manual doors.
      For testing the start date is set to 1986 so you can fly F-14 intercepts on the TW Iceland NA terrain. The actual service entry date for the first TU-160 version was April, 1987.
      Probably should be RARE or VERY_RARE for a release version but set to VERY_COMMON for test version. Should only take a few trys to get an F-14 intercept against the TU-160 on the Iceland NA terrain.
      When doing player flown ANTI-SHIP missions I haven't been able to get the AI to successfully "Attack My Target". They can't seem to get within the firing parameters for the KH-15 Missile and end up flying around in circles. It's possible to get them to do an attack if you lead them around first and line them up outside 10KM before giving the "Attack My Target" command.
      The flight model still needs work as do the min/max extents, damage modeling and collision points.
      *The model has Triple dragchute as in the real aircraft and has one historical skin made . Also the model has proper crew windows and proper crew positions inside the plane.

       TO INSTALL:
      - unzip all in main mod folder


      project manager - UllyB
      design, 3D modelling, skin, swing wing & other animations, decals, hangar & loadout pics - AngelP
      FM tweaking & other corrections- Baffmeister
      cockpit - B-1B bomber cockpit - Dels
      weapons tweaking & tester - Baffmeister
      project supervising - Baffmeister & Yakarov79
      Special thanks to Stratos, 76IAP-Blackbird and Logan4 for support, help and ideas
      Special thanks to this wonderful community who gave me ...wings and courage in all these long years.
      I pledge that I will continue the work to this plane bringing, from time to time, upgrades but it will take a while so please be patient.


         (0 reviews)



    8. Antonov An-26 "Curl"

      After successful operations of the An-24T tactical transport in austere locations, interest in a version with a retractable cargo ramp increased. Initial studies for he retractable ramp were carried out as part of the projected An-40 medium transport.
      When given the go-ahead for the An-26 in March 1968, the Antonov OKB adapted the ramp design of the An-40 to the An-24 fuselage, resulting in the An-26. Particular attention was given to the military mission, and the majority of early An-26 production was delivered to the VTA (voyenno-transportnaya aviatsiya).
      Using the majority of the An-24 airframe, with its high-set cantilevered wings, twin turboprops and stalky main undercarriage, the An-26 included military equipment, such as tip-up paratroop canvas seats, an overhead traveling hoist, bulged observation windows and parachute static line attachment cables. The An-26 made its public debut at the 27th Paris Air Show at Le Bourget where the second prototype, CCCP-26184 (c/n00202), was shown in the static aircraft park.
      The An-26 is also manufactured without a license agreement in China by the Xian Aircraft factory as the Y-14, later changed to be included in the Xian Y7 series.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - a new, long awaited, plane
      - 50 military/civil skins (*), all around the world
      - historical decalsets
      - Samdim Design (Dimitri Samborski): original FS model
      - JosefK: strike fighters 2 porting
      - paulopanz: skins & decals


      (*) new and  ported in SF2
      1 Afghani; 1 Belarus; 1 CVL; 2 FAR; 1 Cuba; 1 IrAF; 1 FAPA; 1 JVL; 1 KzAF;
      1 LSK; 2 ML; 3 PWL; 1 SAC; 1 Serb; 2 UkrAF; 1 VMF; 1 VPAF; 7 VVS.
      5 Aerocaribbean; 2 Aeroflot; 1 Artika; 2 Cubana; 2 Interflug; 1 Dosaaf;
      1 Komavia; 1 Raf-Avia; 2 Red Cross; 1 United Nations; 1 Yamal.


         (4 reviews)



    9. MIG-31A update and fixes By PaoloPanz

      fixes include
       taxi dancing 
      - gunflash position
      - steering front wheel 
      - weapons needed 
      - proper loadout immage 
      - decals & random sorting 
      - decals positions 
      be aware of skin changes...backup original skins


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    10. MIG-31A FoxHound

      MIG-31A Foxhound
      The most capable Russian air defense interceptor aircraft, the FOXHOUND has a multiple-target engagement capability and was the first Soviet fighter to have a true look-down, shoot-down capability. The key to the MiG-31's effectiveness is the SBI-16 Zaslon fixed phased array antenna radar, codenamed 'Flash Dance' by NATO, which is said to be the world's most powerful fighter radar. The new Soloviev D-30F6 engine was specified for the MiG-31 in order to improve range, the key performance parameter for which an improvement over the MiG-25 was demanded. By 1987 over 150 FOXHOUNDs were operationally deployed at several locations from the Arkhangelsk area in the northwestern USSR to the Soviet Far East. The FOXHOUND is dedicated to the homeland air defense mission. The FOXHOUND carries the long-range AA-9 air-to-air missiles, and can engage 4 different targets simuitaneouly with the M-9.

      3D Model (Veltro2k)
      Cockpit credit  goes to the creator

      unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun



         (0 reviews)



    11. Sukhoi Su-17/20/22 (Fitter B-C-D-F)

      The Sukhoi Su-17 (NATO reporting name: Fitter) is a Soviet variable-sweep wing fighter-bomber developed from the Sukhoi Su-7.
      It enjoyed a long career in Soviet, later Russian, service and was widely exported to Eastern Bloc, Arab air forces, Angola
      and Peru as the Su-20 and Su-22. It is the first variable-sweep wing of Soviet origin.
      These are earlier models.
      What's In:
      7 Flyable planes
      New Skins, Decals
      Weapons, pilots, sounds
      - original model: Amokfloo
      - first SF-2 pack: Eburger68
      - new templates, skins, decats, tweaks etc: Paulopanz
      - delete any previous version
      - all in your mod folder
      I started working on this plane many years ago. As the model was good I asked only for deleting dorsal antenna.
      All things stopped when someone told me a bigger project was started about ALL Sukhois family.
      In fact I saw a lot of fantastic pictures about it, but years went by and no Sukhoi was realised.
      So I lost any hope about it and decided to finish up my very ancient skinpack using Y. Gordon book.
      This plane has the same dorsal antenna I wanted to delete, but I think is quite good, now in a far better dressing than original one and this is the only one Sukhoi we have to fit in all comunity scenarios.
      I hope you like!



         (3 reviews)



    12. Ilyushin Il-14M/T

      The Ilyushin Il-14  (NATO reporting name: CRATE) was a Soviet twin-engine
      commercial  and  military  personnel and cargo transport Aircraft  that  first
      flew in 1950, and  entered service in 1954. Il-14 was also  manufactured in
      East Germany by VVB Flugzeugbau, in Czechoslovakia as the Avia 14.

      WHAT'S IN:
      -   2 planes (Twin-engined passenger and cargo transport aircraft)
      - 35 skins (VVS, BVVS, LSK, CVL, PWL, EAF, AURI, IAF, AAF, YAF, FAR, FARS,
                  PLAAF, JVL)
      - Historical Numbers
      - Veltro2k: plane
      - Wrench: original templates & Aeroflot first study
      - paulopanz: skinwork and ini tweakings, decals etc. as usual
      To INSTALL:
      - all in your main mod foder
      This is a quite old model at last uploaded and maybe useful for almost EVERY scenario we have, from Germany to Israel, from
      India to Timor, from Taiwan to Sweden ...



         (0 reviews)



    13. TU-160 Blackjack(V2K)

      The Tupolev Tu-160 'White Swan'; NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the comparable XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown.
      Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service. The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernisation programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014.
      aircraft model by Veltro2k: Apr 2014
      pilot models by The Trooper: Feb 2009
      textures and decals by Charles: June 2019
      flight model by Charles: June 2019
      destroyed model (B-1B) by Klavs81, Dels and FastCargo
      cockpit (B-1B) by Dels: Sept 2010
      Best Sim : Thirdwire

      unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun



         (8 reviews)



    14. Third Wire MiG-23 fighters made flyable & updated for SF2

      Third Wire MiG-23 fighters made flyable & updated for SF2
      MiG-23M, MiG-23M (85), MiG-23MF, MiG-23ML, MiG-23MLA, MiG-23MLD, MiG-23MLD (Soviet-Afgan War), MiG-23MLDe, MiG-23P, MiG-23P (82), MiG-23MS
      This is a follow on from my "Third Wire MiG-23MLD updated & flyable for SF2" mod and completely supersedes it.
      - All are flyable with a modified version of Stary's MLD cockpit/ avionics with corrections by Crusader and myself. There are slightly different cockpits/ gunsights depending on the model of aircraft.
      - Wing spoilers are now working as they were always there just not activated. Thanks again Crusader!
      - Opening Canopy.
      - KM-1 Ejection seats added. Grey on most but black for Mig-23MLDe, MiG-23P and MiG-23P (82).
      - Loadouts enhanced and corrected. Some Afghanistan specific ones added.  Use of Kh-25M air-to-surface missile and datalink pod added.
      - Missile positions corrected, especially for the AA-8.
      - Single missile rail for the fuselage AA-8.
      - Improved/ corrected FM.
      - Improved engine sound and afterburner effect.
      - All Mig-23 have an ACM/ boresight radar mode but it is set straight ahead along the gunsight and does not move/ scan. The MLD and P (82) have an ACM/ boresight mode that scans vertically like the F-16 or F-15 etc.
      - MLD, MLDe and P (82) have KDS-23 countermeasure dispenser installed in the centreline drop tank pylon. This is a 12 shot chaff/ flare countermeasure dispenser that could be used once the drop tank had been jettisoned.
      - MLD Leading edge flaps automatically deploy during maneuvering as they did on the MLD with the type 3 wing.
      - MLD Primary and secondary roles expanded to reflect the evolution of the MLD into a more multi role fighter platform.
      - Removed ECM jammer from MLD.
      - Radar data and performance is corrected from the S-23MLA radar to the S-23MLA-II radar for the MLD.
      - Most if not all the exported and Warsaw pack ML aircraft were actually MLA models, this is an error in most publications, model kits and flight sims alike and has only been corrected in recent publications. The ML was operated by the Soviet airforce and by the time the export models were being built the production line had switched to the MLA. This is now corrected in the game.
       All skins updated with cockpit textures and various other minor details.
      - Grey undersides on Soviet Camouflage skins changed from grey to blue/ grey.  Additional dark green added in to the Soviet camouflage of later model MiG-23s. Lots of other texture corrections done.
      - Skins added for Iraqi, Syria (Late), Polish camouflage, Egypt, North Korea, Libya, Soviet desert (in Afghanistan) and Soviet Afghanistan veterans.
      - Corrections to decal size and/ or positions on various skins.
      - Additional MiG-23MLDe variant created. This is the Syrian and Libian specific export model of the MLD which did not have the IFF or aerodynamic enhancements (vortex generators) of the Soviet MLD and had a slightly downgraded radar. Syrian made countermeasure dispensers installed on either side of the tail fin.
      - Additional MiG-23P (82) variant created. This is the Soviet P model that was upgraded to the same standard as the MLD but without the aerodynamic enhancements.
      - Additional MiG-23M (85) variant created. This is a few squadrons of the Soviet M model that had its IFF upgraded some time between 1978 and the early 90's (Same nose IFF antenna as the MLD and P (82).
      - Additional MiG-23MLD (Soviet-Afgan War) variant created. This is the Soviet MLD but reflects the specific loadouts, modifications, countermeasures and markings of the MLD models that served in the Soviet Afgan war.
      - Updated weapons from the RSSW 099 mod.
      To Install:
      1, Delete ALL previous TW MiG-23 mods.
      2, Unpack and drop the 2 parts of this download into your main mods folder.
      3, You MUST override when prompted.
      - ThirdWire.
      - Crusader.
      - Stary.
      - Snailman.
      - Eburger68.
      - Paladrian.
      - Svetlin
      - Cocas
      CombatAce fair agreement applies.
      Dan (dtmdragon).


         (7 reviews)



    15. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

      Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2
      -    Made flyable with the MLD cockpit and avionics available here at CA by Stary 
      -    Leading edge flaps fixed to now automatically deploy during manoeuvring as they did on the MLD with the type 3 wing.
      -    Radar data and performance is corrected from the S-23MLA radar to the S-23MLA-II radar as fitted in the MLD.
      -    KDS-23 countermeasure dispenser installed in the centreline drop tank pylon. This is a 12 shot chaff/ flare countermeasure dispenser that could be used once the drop tank had been jettisoned.
      -    Ejection seat (from ODS mod) and more suitable pilot added.
      -    Canopy can be opened and closed.
      -    Primary and secondary roles expanded to reflect the evolution of the MLD version of the MiG-23 into a more multi role fighter platform.
      -    Loadouts enhanced and corrected. Some Afghanistan specific ones added.
      -    Used of Kh-25M air-to-surface missile and datalink pod added.
      -    Fuselage AA-8 positions corrected.
      -    Removed ECM jammer.
      -    Updated weapons from the RSSW 099 mod.
      -    Various Soviet- Afghan war skins added.
      Drop into your main mods folder to install, OVER-RIDE!!!
      CombatAce fair agreement applies.


         (3 reviews)



    16. Tupolev Tu-98 Backfin

      The Tupolev Tu-98 (NATO reporting name Backfin) was a prototype swept wing jet bomber developed by Tupolev for the Soviet Union.

      Not that much info since this was a prototype. Hence a few modifications where made by me.Using B-58 cockpit. If anyone cares to correct them, be my guest. Also I included and extra lod with alternate mapping.
      3D Model (Veltro2k)
      Cockpit credit  goes to the creator

      unzip ad folders to their appropiate places...have fun



         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    17. Yak-15 "Feather"

      The Yakovlev Yak-15, NATO reporting name: Feather, was a first-generation
      Soviet turbojet fighter developed by the Yakovlev design bureau (OKB) im-
      mediately after World War II.
      It used a reverse-engineered German Junkers Jumo 004 engine.
      Along with the Swedish Saab 21R, it was one of only two jets to be success-
      fully converted from a piston-powered aircraft and enter production.
      280 aircraft were built in 1947.
      Although nominally a fighter, it was mainly used to qualify piston-engine-
      experienced pilots to fly jets.
      @ Original Pasko's model (as just edited by Wrench, Eburger and so on,
      excuse me if I don't remember all) 2012 rebuilt:
      - tail mapping bug fixed
      - rudder mapping main bug fixed
      - front wings upside-down mapping bug solved
      - Inner cockpit corners ouside canopy painted
      - Stary's cockpit fitted in place (thank You man!)
      - a better pilot seat added
      - 13 historical skins made/fixed
      - 2 original fictional camo skin revamped
      - a whole new decalset
      - new hangar & loadout pics
      @ Paul


         (3 reviews)



    18. SF2 MiG-23MF fighter- Cockpit, working Mig-23MF HUD, and aircraft

      Included is the fully working MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B', cockpit and working Mig-23MF HUD cockpit converted to SFP2.
      This MiG-23MF swing wing fighter saw much combat and claimed multiple kills over the years. The Mig-23/Mig-27 was the most important Soviet fighter type from the mid-to-late 1970s. It was designed to replace the famous MiG-21.
      The MiG-23MF was a first generation MiG-23 and was not designed for close-in maneuvering. This would come with the later second generation MiG-23ML ("L"  for lightweight).  However, the MiG-23MF was still formidable if used as a hit and run fighter.
      Short takeoff and landing was a major consideration in the case of a NATO vs WARSAW Pact confrontation. Also, the Mig-23 was designed to be able to be able to accept or decline combat against western fighters using hit and run tactics- maneuverability being a secondary consideration. As a result, it was designed to be faster in speed, faster accelerating and faster climbing than most western fighters...in which it mostly suceeded. It was much faster climbing than the F-4 Phantom with a reported initial climb rate of 45,000+ feet per minute.
      However, it reportedly had an even higher wing loading than the Phantom of about 94/lbs per sq feet at normal takeoff weight and normal wing sweep. One of the contributing results was reportedly a very poor instantaneous turn rate of 11.5 degrees per second at Mach .9 at 15,093 feet and 8.6 degrees per second at Mach .5 at 15,093 feet (Mike Spick-Illustrated Directory of Fighters). The Mig-21 reportedly had a much better maximum instantaneous turn rate of around 18.9 deg/sec. in some configurations. Although a lot of factors are involved in instantaneous turn rates, it does give a general idea.
      It equipped more Soviet fighter and attack regiments than any other Soviet fighter then in service in the 1970s. Over a thousand were estimated to be confronting NATO from both Soviet and WARSAW Pact nations.
      This is from the original Mirage Factory (although it has been modified by so many people over the years that it is basically a new aircraft).
      This Mig-23MF was a major production model after 1978. It could fire beyond visual range (BVR) missiles even for foreign countries and had a standard internal 23mm gun. Its radar was thought to be broadly comparable to the McDonnell Douglas F4J Phantoms' radar...formidable indeed.
      Mig-23s emerged victorious against maneuvering Western-trained Mirage F-1s over Africa on 27 September 1987, so the Mig-23's weapons systems could be effective.
      You can download the original Mirage Factory Mig-23 SFP1 package here:
      The Mig-23MF was the first major production version and also used largely for export. It saw combat in the Middle East with Syria and reportedly had some F-4 and F-16 kills.
      It was a much improved export version after the previous MS version. The Warsaw pact, India, Lybia, Syria, Egypt, Cuba and others used the MF version. It fired radar-guided missiles and so was a BVR threat with its AA-7 Apex missiles.
      Pilot report http://www.warbirdso...87/Default.aspx
      This was so complicated to make work in SFP2, that I had to end up just making it one complete download. If it wasn't loading or blowing up on the runway, then the HUD was not visible, the pilot was out of his seat, the plane was invisible, or the cockpit was invisible, pieces were flying permanently along side you in flight blocking your view, you were flying sideways, and you could not pick weapons. It took pieces from endless airplanes and projects to finally make it work including parts from SFP2.
      To my surprise, -the jewel-, the extremely complex Mig-23MF working HUD from Starfighter in SFP1 actually started working!
      1) Back up your Mig-23MF folder.
      2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23MF intact into your SFP2 aircraft folder as one folder....ie into the C:\mydocuments\thirdwire\SFP2\objects\aircraft
      3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
      MiG-23M 'Flogger-B' First production fighter
      MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B' Improved MiG-23M with a new radar and an infrared sensor pod, major production model after 1978
      For strengths, it had incredible acceleration that reportedly equalled the later F-16 and F-15s. It also had an incredible climb rate and almost unmatched speed at low altitudes.
      For weaknesses, it had a terribly slow turn, slow rate of roll and high angle of attack limitations and vicious stall characteristics in certain situations. Better keep it fast.
      Good tactics in the MF are to sneak in fast at a low altitude, shoot and then run or use your fantastic rate of climb and acceleration in a vertical fight.
      FLIGHT NOTES FROM A MiG-23 PILOT: The Mig-23 had incredible strengths and incredible weaknesses.
      WEAKNESSES: For weaknesses, most Mig-23s never could turn or roll very well compared to its enemies and had very heavy controls. Its roll was hurt by its control system (spoilers and a diferential tail and the disconnection of spoilers at any but 16 degrees).
      In close combat, the earlier versions in particular were a deathtrap because unless the pilot stayed within certain tight maneuvering limits, it would often lose control and simply crash. Its cockpit visiblility was one of the worst of any fighter. Visibility is life in a dogfight.
      It had slushy controls in many areas of its flight regime and its nose would often hunt back and forth. Its unpredictable accelerated stall was often taking ones life into ones hands if attempted. It also had the typical Soviet disadvantage of a very short range. There are reports of its radar not working much of the time and it often not being mission ready.
      It is hard to use an aircraft if it is not working.
      Red Eagles, Steve Davies "Flying the Mig-23"
      It is true that later versions had much improved handling/systems. However, I understand that maneuvering limits still existed.
      Thanks to
      -The Mirage Factory for the original Mig-23 in SFP1.
      -Lindr2 , for the new external model and for armament options.
      -Armourdave and Sal for orignal SU-17 cockpit.
      -Nele for the superb flight model that shows that the Mig-23 goes straight and up like an arrow, but is a bear in the turning and rolling department and accelerated stall department.
      -column5 Previous Flight Model:
      -Pasko Pilot
      -USAFMTL, Crab_02, Sony Tuckson
      Testing, etc:
      -Starfighter2- for the incredible avionics HUD
      -Wrench- helpful hints on moving around the SFP1 cockpit gages and hints on converting aircraft to SFP2.
      TK and Thirdwire - for SFP1 and the armament and options in the SFP2 version.
      Not for payware in anyway. If you develop this more, please quote the authors.


         (0 reviews)



    19. Ilyushin IL-78 Midas

      The Il-78 tanker was developed and designed in the Ilyushin Aviation Complex in Russia. The main reason behind its development was an expansion of the transferable fuel load of an earlier version of tanker, the Il-76.
      The Il-78 has a total transferable fuel load of 85,720 kilograms (188,980 lb), which includes 28,000 kilograms (62,000 lb) from a pair of 18,230-litre (4,010 imp gal; 4,820 US gal) tanks in the freight hold. In comparison, the Il-76 has a capacity of only 10,000 kilograms (22,000 lb).
      Model: Veltro2k
      cockpit: Orig by DELLS or Kesselbrut ?, Mod by Wrench
      FM, Russian skins, Wrench
      IAF Skin: Paulopanz
      Not to be used in whole or part in anything that is payware


         (1 review)



    20. Beriev A-50 Mainstay

      The Beriev A-50 (NATO reporting name: Mainstay) is a Soviet airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft based on the Ilyushin Il-76 transport. The existence of the A-50 was revealed to the Western Bloc in 1980 by Adolf Tolkachev.Developed to replace the Tupolev Tu-126 "Moss", the A-50 first flew in 1978. It entered service in 1984, with about 40 produced by 1992.
      Model: Veltro2k
      cockpit: Orig by DELLS or Kesselbrut ?, Mod by Wrench
      FM, Russian skins, screens: Wrench
      IAF Skin: Paulopanz
      Unpack and add folders as listed.
      CRL+O = Cargo Bay open
      hit+0 = Side Door open
      Not to be used in whole or part in anything that is payware


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    21. A-50_IAF Phalcon

      A-50EI (Il-76) of the Indian Air Force with the EL/W-2090
      The IAI EL/W-2090 is an airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) radar system developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Elta Electronics Industries of Israel. Its primary objective is to provide intelligence to maintain air superiority and conduct surveillance. The system is currently in-service with the Indian Air Force.

      Unpack and add folders as listed.
      Model: Veltro2k
      cockpit: Orig by DELLS or Kesselbrut ?, Mod by Wrench
      FM: Wrench
      IAF Skin: Paulopanz
      CRL+O = Cargo Bay open
      shift+0 = Side Door open
      Not to be used in whole or part in anything that is payware


         (0 reviews)



    22. SF2NA Tu-22 Blinder Pack

      Tupolev Tu-22 (Blinder) Pack for Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic.
      This pack contain many operational version of the Tu-22 supersonic bomber.
      Reconnaisance and bomb strike
      Tu-22R_61: Early operational model with VD-7M engines with less thrust.
      Tu-22R_66: Refurbished R model with newer RD-7M2 engines.
      Tu-22RD_64: The "D" suffix means long range and indicate the presence of the refuelling probe. Old VD-7M engines.
      Tu-22RD_66: Refuelling probe and RD-7M2 engines.
      Tu-22RD_76: Tail turret replaced with ECM defensive suite.
      Tu-22RDK: Special reconnaisance variant with Kub-3 ELINT system.
      Tu-22RDM: Advanced photo cameras, Tangazh ELINT system and Shompol side looking radar.
      Tu-22A_IRAF: Old Tu-22R refurbished with RD-7M2 engines and reconnaisance equipment removed. Sold to Iraq.
      Tu-22A_LARAF: Old Tu-22R refurbished with RD-7M2 engines and reconnaisance equipment removed. Sold to Lybia.
      ECM escort
      Tu-22PD_65: Specifical electronic countermeasures model meant to escort bombers formations. Still retain defensive turret.
      Missile carriers
      Tu-22KD_64: Carries the Kh-22 missile. Built by the beginning with RD-7M2 engines.
      Tu-22KD_76: Defensive ECM added. Still retain defensive turret.
      Tu-22KD_IRAF: KD model used by Iraq.
      Tu-22KPD: Capable of carring the passive antiradiation version of the Kh-22. Improved ECM at the expense of tail turret.
      Tu-22U: Early trainer version with VD-7M engines.
      Tu-22U_IRAF: Trainer sold to Iraq with refuelling probe removed.
      Tu-22UD: Trainer version of the RD model. Equipped with refuelling probe to practice the manouvre but not capable of taking fuel.
      Bomb Bay:
      All the bomb carring planes have 4 "bomb bays". The first one can carry 24x250Kg bombs, the second 18x500Kg bombs, the third 6x1500Kg bombs and the last one could carry a single massive FAB-9000 or nuclear bomb.
      All the models could carry SPRD-63 JATOs. Even if in reality it was only used in certification trials, all the aircrafts had provision to mount them.
      Here you can use them as you like. JATO guns are part of the aircraft and the bottles are set as drop tanks. To activate, press the key assigned to Thrust vectoring down. To operate any kind of gun on the ground you need to have Weapons set to Normal or Easy in Gameplay options.
      Start takeoff run and when the aircraft reach 200Km/h, activate the JATO rockets. Burn time is 15 seconds. Discard then the empty bottles, possibly not over populated areas.
      This pack need SF2NA to work properly. It can also work in SF2 or SF2E but without KD and KPD models.
      Red Side Standard Weapons Pack by Snailman is also required for the approriate bombs.
      Copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
      "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic
      This mod will not overwrite stock Tu-22, Tu-22KD, Tu-22PD and RD but hide them from game. To restore them, simply delete the INI inside.
      Original Tu-22 aircraft: Third Wire
      Tu-128 cockpit: ErikGen
      Fake pilot: FastCargo
      Texture and decals: Spillone104 and Paulopanz using Centurion1 template
      3D details, JATO, effects, sounds and INIs: Spillone104
      Beta testers: 76.IAP-Blackbird,Flogger23, Paulopanz, Eole, Dysko, Canadair and NGHENGO
      Thanks again to who supported, partecipated and tested all of this.
      Reference material:
      Aerofax Tu-22 "Blinder" Tu-22M "Backfire" by Yefim Gordon and Vladimir Rigmant.
      Tupolev Tu-22 Blinder by Sergey Burdin & Alan E. Dawes.
      Legal stuff:
      This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      Happy landing.
      Alex (Spillone104) 19/06/2017


         (12 reviews)



    23. MiG-25R "Foxbat-B"

      MiG-25R Single-seat high-altitude daylight reconnaissance aircraft,
      fitted with cameras, and ELINT equipment.
      NATO codename "Foxbat-B".
      What's in:
      - 1 old model / plane revamped, fixed and great improved
      - a new FM tweaked for SF-2
      - a whole new skinset (original reworked):
      - weapons
      - pilot
      - sounds


      Original plane:
      - Eburger68 for 1st SF-2 portings
      - Dave (USAFTML), Wpnssgt, Tomcat1974, Sundowner,
      Ghostrider, Deuces, Moonjumper, HrntFixr,
      Sidewinder86, Gepard, Wrench, Paladrian (MiG-21 cockpit)
      Boopidoo & Badger the Bad (Su-15 cockpit)
      for original SF-1 model

      - Spillone104 3D works, rope/spike fixed, model, pit and data.ini tweaked;
      - Baffmeister new FM and data.ini;
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, screens;

      References: Y.Gordon - Red Star, Volume n. 34


      - put all the "to mod" folder content inside your mod folder
      - overwrite


      @ paulopanz

      (This is the last plane of the serie but not the last MiG-25 serie evolution: Version 3.0 is in the pipeline. No eta.)


         (7 reviews)



    24. MiG-25P/PD/PDS "Foxbat-A/E"

      MiG-25P Single-seat all-weather interceptor fighter aircraft, powered by two Tumansky R-15B-300 turbojet engines,
      fitted with RP-25 Smerch-A1 radar and armed with four R-40 air-to-air missiles. NATO designation "Foxbat-A"
      MiG-25PD Improved single-seat all-weather interceptor fighter aircraft, which entered service from 1979. Fitted with
      R-15BD-300 engines and new N-005 Saphir-25 (RP-25M) Pulse-Doppler radar with look-down/shoot down capability,
      based on the radar of the MiG-23ML. Could be fitted with four R-60 air-to-air missiles replacing outermost
      two R-40 missiles. Late examples fitted with an undernose IR search and track system. NATO designation "Foxbat-E"
      Export version included.
      MiG-25PDS Upgrade of surviving MiG-25Ps to MiG-25PD standard from 1979. NATO designation Foxbat-E

      What's in:

      - 3 old modelS / 4 planes revamped, fixed and great improved
      - a new FM tweaked for SF-2
      - a whole new skinset (including original reworked):
      - weapons
      - PT-5500 fuel tank
      - pilot
      - sounds


      Original plane:
      - Eburger68 for 1st SF-2 portings
      - Dave (USAFTML), Wpnssgt, Tomcat1974, Sundowner,
      Ghostrider, Deuces, Moonjumper, HrntFixr,
      Sidewinder86, Gepard, Wrench, Paladrian (MiG-21 cockpit)
      Boopidoo & Badger the Bad (Su-15 cockpit)
      for original SF-1 model
      Michael (Gepard) for PDS SF-1 mod

      - Spillone104 3D works, rope/spike fixed, model, pit and data.ini tweaked, new PT-5500 tank;
      - Baffmeister new FM and data.ini;
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, screens;

      References: Y.Gordon - Red Star, Volume n. 34


      - put all the "to mod" folder content inside your mod folder
      - overwrite

      This is the long awaited MiG-25 interceptor models upgrade. Sadly the new model and the new proper pit seem disappeared, as some other dreamed great preview planes, like vaporware.
      But now we have these "oldies but goldies" revamped ...
      And if you'ld like to fly for freedoom as Lt. Belenko you can do as his plane is inside the pack.
      As I remember well when the most feared soviet MiG, landed on Hakhodate Japan airport ....
      Old glory, good, cold war years, when you'ld see your enemy quite straight in his icy eyes.


      @ paulopanz


         (13 reviews)



    25. MiG-25BM "Foxbat-F"

      Single-seat defence-suppression aircraft, armed with Kh-58 or Kh-31 air-to-surface missiles.
      What's in:
      - an old model revamped, fixed and great improved
      - a new FM tweaked for SF-2
      - a whole new skinset (original reworked):
      - weapons
      - PT-5500 fuel tank
      - pilot
      - sounds
      Original plane:
      - Eburger68 for 1st SF-2 portings
      - Dave (USAFTML), Wpnssgt, Tomcat1974, Sundowner,
      Ghostrider, Deuces, Moonjumper, HrntFixr,
      Sidewinder86, Gepard, Wrench, Paladrian (MiG-21 cockpit)
      Boopidoo & Badger the Bad (Su-15 cockpit)
      for original SF-1 model
      - Spillone104 3D works, rope/spike fixed, model tweaked, new PT-5500 tank;
      - Baffmeister new FM and data.ini;
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, screens;
      References: Y.Gordon - Red Star, Volume n. 34
      - put all the "to mod" folder content inside your mod folder
      - overwrite

      @ paulopanz


         (8 reviews)




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