Caesar 305 Posted June 19, 2007 IVLIVSCAESAR (pronounced: you-lee-uss kai-ssar[trilled]) ought to ring a bell; Classical Latin is the only language I'm any good at, and Cicero (kik-ehr[trilled]-oh) sounds too academic. Caesar fits a bit better as a callsign, in my mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caveman 1 Posted June 19, 2007 umm is there somethin wrong with the name caveman?? i have 2 nicks online caveman as seen here and Flying Chipmunk Of Doom the caveman is really easy i ain't so smart and i'm kinda big so caveman it was. as for the flyingchipmunk well i was playing DoD at the time and was looking for a funney name so one day my wife and i were walking in the mall and went into hot topic and i saw a shirt that i thought said the flying chipmunk of doom will trough poo on you i was laughing so hard i loved it so i used that as my dod name and still do well i saw the shirt again sometime later and it really said the flying hampster of doom. well there you have it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Spectre_USA 7 Posted June 19, 2007 Back when I was a USAF 1 striper, I needed to find an aircraft to wrench on for upgrade training. I was at a unique squadron known as Det 40 STAMP/STRAAP on an AFLC base. Weapons equipped aircraft were in short supply. The Texas ANG had some F-pig-4's, and I started my 3 level training on them, but was told from the get-go, they may be moving to another base. 3 months later they did. Good riddance. I still have scars from the cuts those low slung, antennae wielding suckers had. Needed 3 more months, and one day, a dark angel fell from the sky. It was an AC-130 Spectre from Hurlburt field in Florida there on a 3 month TDY. I taxied the barrel chested beauty in for it's 1st landing, and immediately hit it off with the crew. Finished my 3 level on the left hand turning, toothpick making beast. Even got the nose art tattoo on my right arm. Been using the nick since `bout 1982 or so, and will definitely turn when Spectre is shouted... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CowboyTodd41 134 Posted June 19, 2007 USAFMTL US Air Force Military Training was my last job before I switched to command and control. And am I ever glad you PCS'd from Sheppard before I got there and you had a chance to pull all of my 341's FastCargo PS Now, what my military bros call me (my callsign) is a different story...and no, I ain't tellin! You aircrew guys with your flight suits and your callsigns and the whatnot's Annnnnnyway, my name comes from high school when I used to do a quite good impression of Woody from toy story during quiet moments in english class, thus I became Cowboy Todd. Not a real cowboy though...I grew up in the suburbs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted June 19, 2007 You were in HS when Toy Story came out?!?! Man, I feel old. Anyway, mine is rather self-explanatory. I got it back in the SWOTL days for my tendency to "know" when I have an enemy plane on my six and break before I get hit. I just "used the Force." They say in air combat most of the planes shot down never saw the one who did it. That never happens to's always the one I'm trying to shoot down that gets me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted June 19, 2007 Mine goes back over 10 years. I picked Eraser as a call sign for flight sims and as a multiplayer name in other games. It was a natural choice for forums. the _tr stands for Tamriel Rebuilt, a mod for an RPG series I've been with for four and a half years. Someone already took Eraser, when that happens I just tag _tr onto the end to identify that I'm the same person. Actually, plain Eraser here is probably me, just registered earlier and completely forgot about it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SayethWhaaaa 252 Posted June 19, 2007 I'm a bit of a smartass as those of you who've had the misfortune of dealing with me have discovered Consequently, this is reflected in my nicknames. In Call of Duty (and UO) my buddy and I would team up under the names "ComradeJerkov" and "ComradeFah*ov" respectively. In CoD I also used the name "YourChancesOfEverBeingLaidGeek" so when I got nailed it would appear onscreen "You killed: YourChancesOfEverBeingLaidGeek". In Vietcong I used the name "Cannon Fodder" as I would get killed repeatedly on some servers. Sometimes "CharlieInTheTreeline" also. When I worked with the Freespace 2 community with modding and in online campaigns etc, I used "Callsign", again, because I'm a smartass (but a smartass who'd work as part of a team!) Saywhat?! On the otherhand... that's a different story. It's usually the last thing I hear before the girl slaps me. :black eye: jk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaSpungie 1 Posted June 19, 2007 mine i started 8 years ago when i stared playing worms 2 online as with most games i suck but i like to play I have a multi player board game called gammamaruaders their is a team called Da Boyz whhich I play and since i take a beating and absorb punishment like a sponge and that was the name i use Da Spungies in worms since their are 4 worms in a team everywere else it is DaSpungie and whynot all the cool names have been taken long ago and eagle 7million 500 is not so original nor any other bird of prey with a large number behind it and the call sign dead meat is only good if they come up with a hots shots pc game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Jarhead1 27 Posted June 19, 2007 Mine is easy to figure out, as I am obviously a Marine, and our nicknames are Jarheads, and the 1 is just the number i put on there And if u ever see it as Jarhead 1086, that was my platoon number in recruit training Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted June 19, 2007 And am I ever glad you PCS'd from Sheppard before I got there and you had a chance to pull all of my 341's You aircrew guys with your flight suits and your callsigns and the whatnot's I never pulled 341's. However I promise you, a meeting with me would of been unforgetable, and your hearing would of needed to be checked afterwords. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ezlead 42 Posted June 19, 2007 When I was going through flight school everybody was coming up with cool callsigns. I started using "Sidewinder" like the snake,but my best friend said I was the easiest going Lt. in the Marine Corps. Everybody started calling me Easy so I changed it to Eazy. When I was in Vietnam and the flight leader I was Eazy Lead. Hence ezlead By the way most of the callsigns are pretty cool. They reflect the person. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Redddevil911 0 Posted June 19, 2007 (edited) My online name is to honor my father, he spent 25 years in the British Royal Armies 3rd Parachute Reg, who have the nick name Reddevils. To this day I still got stories from my old man about his days with 3rd Para! He's a cool old guy, made over 500 jumps and has the log book to prove it! I started using this online name way back when MOHAA first came out and I got hocked on online gaming! So this is for my Dad and everyone that wears the uniform in defense of this country or any other, thank you for your service, dedication and sacrifice! I sleep better at night knowing you fine people are standing watch!!! Edited June 19, 2007 by Redddevil911 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FOTF 12 Posted June 19, 2007 mine is a tricky one.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Spectre_USA 7 Posted June 19, 2007 Well, get back with us when you have a few hours, I am sure it will take a while to type out... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest USNadpc Posted June 19, 2007 USN AD PC, US Navy, Jet Mech, Plane Captain. USNadpc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Fates 65 Posted June 19, 2007 The Fates: They controlled the metaphorical thread of life of every mortal and immortal from birth to death (and beyond). Even the gods feared the Moirae. I started in online gaming back in 1998 flying Janes. The name stuck becuase my fighting skills at the times were like fighting against Fates. There was little that could be done to defend, only delay Fates grasp. My skills are no where near what they once were, in any game, but the name has stuck around for almost ten years, even got the hat to prove it. BTW, yell "FATES" out in the crowd....I'll be sure to turn my head around as well. Here's a blast from the past for some: I'm in the white Learjet shirt, see if you can read the hat of the guy in the center.....hehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+NGHENGO 14 Posted June 19, 2007 Well I'ts my turn now, nothing about Military world...... Once upon a long ago there were two teenager, a male and a female...... They were "rocking and rolling" you know what I mean and suddendly for a joke they began to spoke like two little newborn, you know NGHE-NGHE-NGO and NGHE-NGHE-NGA....... From that time I'm NGHENGO and she's NGHENGA. She's still my woman. She's my wife now and she gave me two wonderfull children, Alessandra & Claudio. Here is the family....... NGHENGO & NGHENGA when I was a Topographer in the 1° Reggimento Artiglieria a Cavallo "Voloire", an Artillery Rgt. fitted with 155mm Towed FH-70 and.............12 Year after ALE & "BIMBI" CLAU the way wich Ale call her little brother. Maurizio. Love Story...................... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xrearl 27 Posted June 19, 2007 Now you know! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+allenjb42 4,291 Posted June 19, 2007 allenjb - that's easy, it's me Allen Joseph Burton 42 - the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything (google Douglas Adams if you don't get it!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+comrpnt 16 Posted June 20, 2007 comrpnt - the first part of my email addr assigned by my former University department when I was doing my PhD. comr for Computer Science Research, and then my initials, for Paul N Taylor Unique enough that if I use it most forums or email name generators allow it because no one else would have this name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted June 20, 2007 My name came about in two ways.I used to play chess as a kid with my Grandfather.he had this really cool chess set that had to me the most interesting I always had "whiteknight" on the brain.Also it kinda fits my personality I've been told. :umnik2: The 06604 was just my old zip code.(how original) me at "work" I should be "blackKnight" i guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GASCAN39 7 Posted June 21, 2007 GASCAN is just a play off my last name (Was the old man's call sign when he flew in the AF) The number 39 is what I wore on any jerseys I wore growing up. (No particular reason) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
firehawkordy 34 Posted June 21, 2007 (edited) My last squadron assigned was HCS-5 The FIREHAWKS , and my rate was AVIATION ORDNANCEMAN 1st Class, or Ordie. As Ordie is the common spelling and I am far from being common, I changed it to Ordy. Hence FIREHAWKORDY, in honor of the two things in the Navy I'm proud of. Edited June 21, 2007 by firehawkordy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Brainless 1 Posted June 25, 2007 Alright alright ... I give up! For the past year and half I've been trying to figure out how the heck some of you guys come up with your display name. I see guys like Fates, Buff, Ruggbutt, Nhengo and the list goes on and on. You guys are just more creative than me I guess. Tell us what your name means or maybe where it comes from. I'm sure there's some funny stories that go along with them. Erik I've been away from the site for a while but have just seen this post and couldn't resist replying to it. I started out on this site with my real name ( the one my mother and father gave me) but after a good deal of reflection realised that I ought to come clean and give everyone logging in an insight to my computer abilities and as many a Combate Ace administrator will testify I'm 'Brainless' when it comes to understanding how these darned things work. If I can understand the meaning of the readme notes on how to instal a file and then instal and run the programme/addon then you can be sure anyone can do it!! Brainless Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whitedragon 0 Posted June 26, 2007 well mine comes for two reasons 1 i used to have a albino water dragon it was harf dead when i got it but after some tlc it lived a fall life. Reason 2 some say i have the temper of a dragon but i dont think so Share this post Link to post Share on other sites