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Your Favorite Third Wire Sim and Why?

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Mine is WOI. Great plane selections and that theater has always interested me. I have a few mods etc added but that is my main fly only not mod sim.


What is yours?

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I personally use WOE for modding stuff and my WOI is what i use to play, and its a combined install of SFP1 and WOV. I have fun with it. But I keep one copy modded of each and one fresh and patched for anything i break, lol

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It has to be WOI. Just has some sort of sparkle in it the others don't. If I wasn't addicted to adding downloads, I'd leave it the way it came.

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WOE. I have more interest in these planes and theaters than any others. That being said, WOV, WOI and FE come in at a very close second. But if I was stuck on a desert island with only one sim to play it would be WOE.

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All of them I have them all and will purchase the next set enjoy them and the carriers are great stuff hoping Thirdwire will also hae a deck crew and all the goodies with the next Strike Fighters over VietNam?? :bowdown2:

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WOE (it's home !!) and my old very big, :smile: partly unpatched SFP1,





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WoE, the good old Europe below, variety of planes, and it's home of incoming DS mod


Waiting for WOI Suez addon, then things may change.

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WoE with Nato Fighter, then WoI (does not really need mods), SFP1 with some campaigns like Harrier and WoV.

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My favorite depends on day and feeling. Sometimes FE, Sometimes WOE, Sometimes WOI.

THe reason is simple: I love them all.

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WoV first and WoI second, because real history is much more interesting than "what if" ... i dont like FE too much ... i think that TW system is better designed for '60-70 era airplane.

Edited by erikgen

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WOI - great Terrain - great stock campaigns - great jets - just a few mods needed out of the box to make it brilliant



for the first time I am prefering the campaigns more than single missions!

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WOE, great planes, and well known place for me...

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WOV, mainly because it's what I read about the most as a kid, and I just love the time frame as far as airframes go.


WOE is a close 2nd.


Does Desert Storm count Dave?

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WOV - nostalgia, real combat situations, great aircraft flown by great pilots for a great country, Yankee Station, carriers, YAP add-on

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Does Desert Storm count Dave?


No that goes under the title of the best mod ever made. :smile:

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Strike Fighters 2.


Odd choice? Let me explain.


I only came to SFG this time last year (late Jan 2008) after visiting my local PC World and buying a 'four for a tenner' pack of flight sims that included First Eagles and two other titles I've never tried and can't even remember. I instantly became hooked and bought WOE and WOV and then WOI came out. I was like a kid in a sweet shop!


Now that they are all being re-released on Vista (with enhancements if SF2 is anything to go by) I've revamped my PC (Vista and 'scorched earth' as someone here once said) and I'm just going to enjoy them as they came out and savour them a bit more than I did last year.


I'm now getting moist in anticipation of Strike Fighters:Vietnam...

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WOV - have all of 'em though (except SF2 as I refuse to use Vista), but I was in High School during Linebacker, and I was trying to track units and squadron colors on F-4s back then. Now I can fly 'em.


Mike D.

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WOV - have all of 'em though (except SF2 as I refuse to use Vista).


Mike D.



You do realize that SF2 works just fine on XP, right? :biggrin:

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All for different reasons; WOV History and my beloved F-4, WOI history and The 'Nass, SFG Easiest to mod, WOE wider variety of Aircraft.

I'm Looking forward to SFG 2 and all the others to come (BTW I can use SFG 2 on xp right?) ok thank you

Edited by Viper6

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Wings Over Europe would have to be my favourite, thus far.

I like it, most, for the simple fact that, in it's unmodded state, it encompasses the era of fighter aircraft that interests me, most... specifically being the 1970s and onward. This allows me to fly F-15s, A-10s and Harriers. probably the three most intriguing fighters of that specific era. The other reason for liking WoE, is the theoretical conventional conflict scenario, between NATO and WP nations, in Europe. Mind you, I love the Vietnam terrain, especially with the lush, Green Hell II tree mod. SFP1, WoV and WoI all have interesting traits, about them. but I guess, as of the Oct'08 patch, the entire line are more or less, technically identical, it's just up to the user, as to which theatre of operations they wish to engage in.

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I jump between WOE,WOV,WOI.I usualy use Strike Fighters P1 as my test game.It really depends on what new goodie has been released and what game it fits into better.But to be honest I always seem to find time for First Eagles.At least for now thats my favorite.

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SFP1 and WOV mainly because they run the smoothest on my computer and because I grew up in the Vietnam era. Israel is not my war. As far as SFP2 is concerned, any sim with no multiplay is just a playstation game, and not worth any further consderation or mention.

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Now that all the games are basically on the same level, I still like WOI the best, I think the stock campaigns are awesome and really represent the wars well. Next, the original Strike Fighters Project 1 campaign has always intrigued me, since it is fictional and during the Cold War (A part of history I am extremely interested in) the fact that all kinds of things can be explored interest me.


I really don't like WOV, I like the era and the history of the conflict, I like flying scripted single missions, but flying a campaign where I fly up to bomb 1 fuel tank on an air base seven out of ten times kills it for me, even though this is probably how the pilots felt at the time. Although SEAD in a Thud is pretty fun.


Wings Over Europe is what I put all my mods into, for the most part, but i rarely if ever play the campaigns. I am just so burned out on NATO vs.Warsaw Pact in Germany. Give me NATO vs Warsaw Pact in Norway, Turkey, Middle East, Antartica, anywhere I'm down, just don't have any interest in Central Europe at this point.


However, I have to say my favorite Thirdwire "title" is the all inclusive Operation Tainted Cigar mod, that I have updated myself here and there adding new things that have been released since the mod. I have probably flown that campaign from all flyable squadrons. Most of my campaign flight hours are over Cuba.


Edit: I also want to add I fly First Eagles a lot, I dig the simplicity and challenge of Great War air combat.

Edited by Jeremiah Weed

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SFP1 and WOV mainly because they run the smoothest on my computer and because I grew up in the Vietnam era. Israel is not my war. As far as SFP2 is concerned, any sim with no multiplay is just a playstation game, and not worth any further consderation or mention.


Doghouse you are my friend but man this is a "why you like one", not a why you don't. Its not a playstation game nor never will be. I happened to not like MP, doesn't me I am going to slam a sim that has it. :deadhorse:

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Give me NATO vs Warsaw Pact in Norway, Turkey, Middle East, Antartica, anywhere I'm down, just don't have any interest in Central Europe at this point.


hehehe, yeah...about that. (I need a person who can do nodes...that's all I need)




Anyway, took WOI for a spin, found out what that "sparkle" I mentioned before was. It's the whole thing in general, it's perfect!

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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