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Showing most liked content on 04/05/2023 in Posts

  1. 17 points
  2. 6 points
    Quick and dirty. A first attempt to create the coastline airport of Buenos Aires. It need a lot of work to fit it in.
  3. 5 points
    I moved the airfield 2 km westward. Then i made some changes in the coastline, added some port tiles and enlarged the island Costanera Sur a little bit. I must still relocate the target area of the port and rework the area, where i have now located the port. Then i perhaps will rework the island again, relocate the powerplant, perhaps include the shipyard. This would need reworking of 2 tiles. Lets see.
  4. 4 points
    seem like the issue has something to do with TSL protocols. which also is/are causing my email (office 2007) to no longer function. made a LOT of progress, d/led some MS programs to fix the issue, and maybe try again on Thursday. Won't have time tommorrow as I"m running around (and it's my BD too, 66 years older)
  5. 3 points
    MO-9 Block 30, is uploaded and just waiting for approval.
  6. 3 points
  7. 1 point
    i´m working on some new F-4E cockpits and came across of some AN/ALE-40 info , based on that info did most F-4s get an ALE-40 CHAFF dispenser by 1974 and the FLARE dispenser by 1978 , the AN/ALE-40 control panel in the cockpit is first showing in the 1979 flight manual in SF2 we have the AN/ALE-40 chaff and flare dispenser on the F-4E _75 what would be wrong if my info is correct , it would be interesting to know wehr the chaff only dispenser was mounted on the pylon , on the inner or the outer or on both sides or are this the chaff bundles that was carried in the air brake housing , and how was the chaff deployed given that no AN/ALE-40 control panel was in the cockpit until 1978/1979 i think i have to change that F-4E-75 model AN/ALE-40 control panel in the rear F-4 cockpit
  8. 1 point
    View File General Atomics MQ-9 Block 30 ER Reaper Hello and thank you for downloading my work. https://gkabs.net https://gulfknights.net What's included: General Atomics MQ-9 Block 30 ER Reaper weapon included: AGM-114K AIM-9X AIM-92D ATAL Brimstone GBU-12D GBU-38 GBU-54 M272 Gorgon Comm. Gorgon Recce. Hatchet MQ9 EA Pod MQ9 ESM Pod MQ9 RWR Pod MQ-9 Tank All my files should include the Strike Fighters 2 Series game file (.LOD) and the texture required. (tested and work only for SF2) Installation: Copy files to their proper folder //Please add to Soundlist (If you don't have the WAV sound added) under the Flight directory and change the XXX with the correct number [SoundList] SoundFileXXX=MQ-9 [MQ-9] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE FrequencyControl=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=1500.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=60 OutsideConeAngle=180 ConeOutsideVolume=90 If you need any further help, please read the Knowledge Base at: https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ LICENSE: You are allowed to use this model and everything included with it for personal non-profit use for Strike Fighters 1 and 2. For use outside of this scope, you need to contact me for permission. gkabs@gkabs.net 1.0.0 Credit goes to the following: Third Wire for making this outstanding game. Compufat for editing the data file and testing, making all the texture for the Drone. angelp for making the new weapons/texturing all the new weapons. as well as the data files for the model. and finally making the required addon in 3ds max for the model. ravenclaw_007 for GBU weapons. Zurawski for using his outstanding MQ-10A Kodiak cockpit Coupi for making the screenshots also the hangar and loading screens Finally not to forget the wonderful site of https://combatace.com and all the nice members and their dedicated support for this game. //For any feedback or any correction that you find that needs to be corrected, please can you send me a //PM. Software used: 3d Max 2009 UVLayout v2 Pro Substance Painter Adobe Photoshop Mixamo If you need any assistance please contact me at gkabs@gkabs.net gulfknights.net Submitter GKABS Submitted 04/05/2023 Category Other  
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    View File Canuck FAW.4 RAF & IAC Canuck FAW.4 "What if" RAF version by Spinners !!! IMPORTANT : this mod is NOT release under the CombatAce Modders Licensing Agreement rules !!! (see readme) This is a "What if" version of the CF-100 Mk4B in service with the Royal Air Force. The main interest is the 3 skins : - RAF 151 sq - RAF 153 sq - Irish Air Corp Credits go to : Sundowner : Aircraft model, cockpit model, various ini work, some skin work, research. 1977Frenchie : Skins, decals, hangar and loading screens, research. Baffmeister : Flight model, some ini work, some research, package compilation and readme. Wilches : Beta testing and research. Crusader : Research. Bunyap & 331KillerBee : weapon. and : Spinners : RAF what-if version, skins edits, decals, hangar and loading screens. Cliff7600 : ini edits and readme. Read the readme file for installation and important notes. Submitter Cliff7600 Submitted 04/03/2023 Category What If Hangar  
  11. 1 point
    I would assume you already stumbled upon this, but it was great information with great photos about RAF Phantoms getting the ALE-40 around the time of the Falklands War: AN/ALE 40 :: David Gledhill (david-gledhill.co.uk)
  12. 1 point
    This is a skin that will definitely make an appearance for FCK-1:
  13. 1 point
    The coastline of Buenos Aires is formed so difficult, that it would need to create a lot of new tiles. A tile has the size of 2x2 km. The distance from the airport in the north to the tank farm are aprox 17 km. Some areas would need 2 tiles side by side, so that it would need 25 to 30 new tiles. All tiles are water tiles, which means each tile is 4.097kB in size. Then alle new tiles must populated with TOD files with 500 kB each. I fear, that the workload for the computer would be to high, so that slide show effects could appear.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S - No.14 'Aggressor' Squadron, Indian Air Force, 1986 The unfortunate MiG-21bis 'Vikram' is by paulopanz and friends - check it out and ghostrider883's additional skins too!


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