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Showing most liked content on 05/26/2023 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Northrop F-5J Tiger II - 302 Hikotai (Aggressor Flight), Japanese Air Self-Defense Force, 1984 F-5J Skin Credit: pappychksix
  2. 4 points
  3. 4 points
    now i've gone and done it...... so many covered units that its actually more practical to have bmp's in the main folder, and create two "new" stock airframes beyond that. i swear (to those that have worked with me), the decal folders will be smaller than the aircraft folders for a change. especially since two of the aircraf twill be able to share and i will bite the bullet and do some marks on skin meanwhile, a little more progress...
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    Boeing Hornet FRS.1 - 899 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 2013
  6. 2 points
    Supermarine Seafire IIIC - No.2 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1945
  7. 2 points
    this particular sumbitch took me way longer than expected. but the big parts are now done....
  8. 2 points
    What am I doing on a Saturday night? Getting more traps in with the Intruder
  9. 1 point

    Version 2.0


    Small package of cockpit improvements for Su-7/17 ------- Su-7: cockpit by Stary - fixed misspelling and typos on labels, converted files to reduce size, fixed flaps/airbrake indicators, pilot's POV - nothing too drastic -------------- Su-17 - original cockpit for Su-17 looks old (judging by the files, it was made in 2003), here possible replacements: First gen Su-17s (Su-17, Su-17M (Su-20), Su-17M1 (Su-22)) get aforementioned Su-7 pit. It fits fine considering the time period. Second gen Su-17s (Su-17M3 (Su-22M, Su-22M3), Su-17M4 (Su-22M4)) get pit from Su-25. While not a fully accurate replacement, pits of those two jets do share a lot of similarities. Su-25K pit adapted for Su-17: - changed airspeed and Mach indicators - correct weapon stations indicators Also fixed a couple of other problems: - original fuel indicator doesn't work - missing nodes; adapted former second engine exhaust temp indicator to show fuel quantity - it is in the lower right corner - altimeter missing hand for thousands (Soviet altimeters have two hands - one for hundreds, other for thousands) - just changed the single hand to show both with adapted altimeter texture ----------- Installation: remove old cockpit folder, cockpit_ and avionics_ files; drop in new files. new cockpit_ and avionics_ inis should be renamed accordingly to work properly ---------- Su-25K cockpit is taken from here: https://combatace.com/files/file/17601-su-25_frogfoot/
  10. 1 point
    Prowler flying until Cliff7600 gets to it. I decided not to land on a carrier but seems to be okay with landing on airfields (even that was a bit annoying).
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    This is something I just figured out. For some reason the mission glitches and I didn't get a completion when I should. Anyway, this is to show how effective the internal jamming power and capabilities of the jammer and how it reacts to a high-threat environment (Hanoi, Vietnam, 2023) and so on:
  13. 1 point
    The A-7 is a nice plane to fly sometimes. It's just easy to fly and while not fast, does get you around
  14. 1 point
    Recon mission over GKABS D-30 howitzer at Socotra Island terrain.
  15. 1 point
    Trying new forms to make good skins
  16. 1 point
    Some Maverick practice. Didn't hit all the targets I fired at but it was okay, learning how to shoot the missile with the TRAM 90
  17. 1 point
    Colombian IAI Lavi's Made by angelp and Stratos, I'm currently making some skins for them (And having fun )
  18. 1 point
    hey i was out that way. but you mightve been lookin the wrong direction.... wakey wakey, snoozin Navy
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    USAFCAMO3, already in progress coming to a stock model near you


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