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Showing most liked content on 06/12/2023 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    I decided I really didn't want to fly into what I knew would be a SAM & AAA deathtrap.
  2. 5 points
    Don't be such a prude. Just because I get a vicarious thrill out of microwaving large parts of the countryside is no reason to try and take away my ability to get off on being a Galactic Class pyromaniac involved in mass urban renewal.
  3. 4 points
    Just another red Mustang...
  4. 4 points
    you sir, are one of the reasons i now pay close attention to weapon station settings in the data ini
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    Buenas per tutti.. Tuve menos tiempo del esperado y más complicaciones al momento de ponerlo en vuelo que las que podía suponer.. un poco porque hace mucho que no agarro esto y es casi como aprender de nuevo y otro poco porque de veras el data ini se puso complicado con el tema del vertical lift. Igual me acordaba lo suficiente como para por lo menos llegar a carretear jaja Mirando a la cámara Se supone que por su condición V/STOL es embarcado, entonces lo lógico es que tenga las alas plegables. Por las dudas, y por el mismo precio, también le puse sonda.
  9. 2 points
    almost through with what was the worlds 6th largest airforce in 1989...... you wouldnt believe how hard that ANG bicentennial badge was to find. Googles great, except when it aint
  10. 2 points
    Came in real nice but ended up in a bolter. Not that I had problems, but I did forget to drop the hook...
  11. 2 points
    Right...I've been paying too much attention to I and my Flights' kills on that screen. I'll make sure I note the SAM types. OK Righteous, looks like you've pointed to a problem. I don't have any of those INI files in my SF2NA \Effects folder - just a LongRangeMissileEffect.INI. However, I have all 3 in my Nato Fighters 5 MOD's \Effects folder. I've been away from SF2 for a bit and it's possilbe I'm remembering incorrectly and that my last flights before I returned were with NF5. I'm going to copy those INIs from NF5 to SF2NA and do some testing.
  12. 2 points
    more from the nose art gallery....
  13. 1 point
    Thanks to Cliff7600 I can now trap in the Prowler (at least the ICAP III) much better, but this last trap could have been better...
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Will it ever see the light of day?
  16. 1 point
    It is with great pleasure that we introduce DCS: Sinai by OneReTech. An incredible landscape splitting the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, the enchanting Sinai Peninsula is a gem of Egypt that offers an extraordinary blend of rugged and unforgiving mountains, pristine beaches, and extensive cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in rich history, explore the sites, and fight your battles over this new breathtaking landscape. Learn more and download DCS: Sinai on our website or purchase it on Steam today. Thank you for all your dedication, passion and support. E-shop: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/.../sinai_terrain/ Sinai on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/.../DCS_Sinai_Map_by.../
  17. 1 point
    In the last days i went back to the Ukraine/Crimea terrain and started to rework the TOD files of the farmland areas. Is a boring job. Each red cross marks a tree. The trees are now not anymore widely spread at the pampa, but at places where they should be.
  18. 1 point
    Y aquí imágenes del 20 de julio de 2021, after presentación oficial ya con fotos y demás detalles para poder hacer bien el 3D, lo anterior era pura especulación (y resultó ser bastante acertada).. En agosto le metí detalles.. Y.. para septiembre del '21 ya lo tenía en el sim, pero sin skin.. y creo que ahí quedó: Y esto es más especulación, versión biplaza: Después me fijo en qué estado quedó y por ahí con algo de suerte lo subimos.
  19. 1 point
    Hola Mundo! Tanto tiempo.. Bueno, la semana pasada vi esto.. ..y quise retomar con el 3D ahora que estoy volviendo a tener tiempo (poco, pero algo es algo)
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    View File TW EE Lightning (All) Gunsight corrections After michaelk's F.1 Cockpit Tweak uploaded recently I realised I never released my TW EE Lightning Gunsight corrections from 2020! So here you are: So after reading the pilots notes for the F.1, F.2A and F.6 and looking at gunsight camera pictures it turns out the gun sights and event markers are all based off the Lightning F.53 So here they are corrected: - F.1, F.1A, F.2, F.2A fitted with "Pilot Attack Sight" - F.3 fitted with "Light Fighter Sight Type 2 Mk. 2" - F.6 fitted with "Light Fighter Sight Type 2 Mk. 3" To Install simply un-pack and drop into the 'objects' folder in your main mods folder. Credit: me (dtmdragon) Submitter dtmdragon Submitted 03/23/2023 Category Jet Cockpits  
  23. 1 point
    View File TW EE Lightning F.1 Cockpit Tweak TW EE Lightning F.1 Cockpit Tweak 1. Early "Pilot Attack Sight". 2. Early Acq/Lock Marks. 3. Radar Texture (Original TW include). Thanks TW Thanks TW/SF Community. Submitter michaelk Submitted 03/23/2023 Category Jet Cockpits  


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