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Showing most liked content on 01/19/2024 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    Col Joe Davis Jr's colorful F-84G Four Queens/Olie.
  2. 5 points
    I was born in that region of Earth later called Mesopotamia, in the year 3834 B.C., as the millennia are reckoned. I was Akharin, a soldier, a bully and a fool. I fell in battle, pierced to the heart - and did not die.
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
    British Phantom over Dunsfold Airfield.
  5. 3 points
    I'm very happy to announce that v0.9.8 of Operation Desert Storm has just been uploaded and will soon be available for download here at CombatACE.com once it's approved. You're advised to read all details on how to properly install and run the mod. In case of issues, also have a look at the offered suggestions included in the mod's page, which have been updated with new solutions. In case you missed the previous announcement showcasing many of the new additions and improvements, you can read about it all here: Since the announcement was made, in a mere month the team has worked much to fix some other long-standing issues and improve the overall quality consistency of the mod even further! Here below a change log of all major tweaks on top of the ones already mentioned in the previous thread: Standardized brightness and range values of landing lights for all aircraft of the mod. Standardized values for the DetectSystem data of all aircraft, namely MaxVisibleDistance, BaseRCSModifier and HeatSignatureModifier. Added brand new Mirage F1CR by the Mirage F1 Team, with specific tweaks for the ODS mod. Added brand new, proper 3d model for the CVA-59 Forrestal-class aircraft carrier, made by guuruu. Added proper Saudi Arabian E-3A 3d model (E-3A with CFM engines) made by Sundowner. Added Victory Arch aka Swords of Qadisiyah landmark to Baghdad, with 3d models recreated by swambast. Added new hi-res skins for the KC-135A by using templates produced by yakarov79, alongside improved tail decals. Added new hi-res skins for the E-3B/C Sentry by daddyairplanes with templates produced by yakarov79. Added improved skins with more accurate panel lines and colors for the F-15C, F-15D and F-15E aircraft, by daddyairplanes. Added unused AI-only Transfer mission type to all cargo aircraft of the mod. Added missing position/navigation lights on the KC-10 and VC10 K2 aircraft. Improved all ECM data (fixed or removed where necessary) in all relevant aircraft of the mod in order to provide more realistic gameplay. Improved aircraft data for all Mirage F1s for proper AI use of ECM and countermeasures, by pvince. Improved SoundList.ini data for better doppler effects, extended sound range for engines and explosions, by guuruu. Improved LandingAimPoint values for the decks of the CVA-63 and CVN-68 carriers to prevent aircraft from missing the deck. Fixed several issues with AI failing to properly land with more than two dozens of aircraft in the mod (mainly cargo planes). Fixed the AI not landing properly on carriers with S-3, F/A-18s and AV-8B aircraft. Fixed inaccurate values of service ceiling, radius/range, empty weight and fuel capacity on AI-only heavy aircraft (cargo planes, tankers, etc.). Fixed missing or wrongly displayed landing lights on several aircraft of the mod. Fixed overlapping parking spot reported by Viper63a on Ali Al-Salem and Ahmed Al-Jaber airfields by Jimbib. Fixed weapon stations for the F-15C and F-15D aircraft, so that AIM missiles won't be hanging in mid-air without CFTs and their pylons. Fixed Harold pod hanging in mid-air on the center pylon of the Mirage 2000RAD. Fixed inaccurate ECM/CM data and avionics for the Jaguar A, by pvince. I want to thank all previous modders and contributors of CombatACE.com mod that have helped make this happen. In particular, I want to thank @guuruu, @Sundowner, @daddyairplanes, @swambast and @pvince for their last minute efforts in producing brand new additions and improvements. Brand new Forrestal-class aircraft carrier with working weapons and night lighting by @guuruu. Brand new Saudi Arabian E-3A (E-3A with CFM engines) 3d model by @Sundowner with skin and decals by @PeacePuma. Victory Arch aka Swords of Qadisiyah landmark in Baghdad with 3d models recreated by @swambast. While you're waiting for the mod to be approved or while it's being installed on your system, you can enjoy this video by fellow YouTuber and flight sim enthusiast "damson", whom I thank for his testing of the mod and for the very useful feedback he provided about it:
  6. 3 points
    they never do until AFTER you point out the solution to their issue was in the readme...... and then sometimes still want to debate you on it
  7. 3 points
    North American F-100D 'Shavit' - 253 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1973
  8. 3 points
    and yet you use the "dont quote the dark magic to me witch" or "i was there, 3000 years ago" way too little....
  9. 3 points
    Finito . Will be available soon ... 2 weeks ;-)))
  10. 2 points
    North American F-100D 'Shavit' - 117 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1967 Despite a very smooth test and development phase North American Aviation's superb F-107 unexpectedly lost out to Republic Aviation's F-105 Thunderchief in the competition for a new supersonic fighter-bomber for TAC. By early 1959 the end of the F-100D production line was now in sight and with the F-108 and B-70 programmes now on the far horizon North American Aviation needed to stretch the F-100 Super Sabre programme out to plug the gap and urgently proposed a variety of F-100 variants to several friendly nations, including Israel, Japan and the United Kingdom. In April 1959 the Israeli government signed for 50 F-100D's and the first of these entered Heyl Ha'Avir service in February 1960 replacing the obsolete Gloster Meteors of 117 Squadron. The 'Shavit' was a popular machine in Heyl Ha'Avir service and served with distinction during the 1967 'Six-Day' war but losses were heavy during the early days of the 1973 'Yom Kippur' war and two small batches of ex-USAF F-100D's were accquired as attrition replacements allowing No.253 squadron to re-equip with the F-100D before finally retiring the type in November 1977.
  11. 2 points
    single engine Toads!
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    If anyone experience the same problem as Sundowner did (TODEditor freezing after opening/saving some TOD files): I uploaded a minor update (version 0.1.2) of the TODEditor. It now uses the native Windows file dialog. That should fix the freezing issue.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    oh, and i thought you were going by Adam Pierson until recently (Wrench? mid 1990s)
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    As to JDAM. Lets look at its .ini look at this string. its mean that from your aircrafty to your target must be less than 15000 meters if to draw a stright line. But if you will be too close it will miss cuz MaxTurnRate=3.000000 and other data will start work when JDAM try to correct its path. the height and speed should also be enough. It is best to drop it from a high height at high speed and from afar.
  18. 1 point
    I agree, screw his problem with the planes...
  19. 1 point
    legit advice but I've never ever used online payment method. sorry I know it's not really an excuse but I live in freakin Bosnia and that's pretty common here. we like them cash we've always been like 20 something years behind everything that's normal btw I'm downloading the last part
  20. 1 point
    What got me into SF?? I don't want to think that far back....(2005). Lets just say, that coming from the Janes USNF/ATF/FA series (where I built a boatloao of novel conversion mission sets) I was given to understand this was 'the next FA". Unfortunately, it never had the in depth mission builder FA had. But hey, I"m still here. You bunch are stuck with me!
  21. 1 point
    The Draken was amazing for the era in which it was designed as the overall configuration was just about finalised as far back as 1949! Incredible.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Thunderstreak EDIT: ups one day to early, we still have Wednesday. Sorry.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point


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