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Showing most liked content on 08/16/2024 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    YOU MUST HAVE THE F-51D/K from FastCargo ! -Textures in 4K with Normal map and specular map - 3 Fighters Squadron WW2 ETO with invasion strips : 487thFS (x11 nose arts), 343rdFS (x5 nose arts), 375thFS (one nose art! if you know of any websites where I could find nose art for the 375thFS, I'd be interested! ;) ) - Simply extract the contents of the file into the mod folder
  3. 2 points
    Sundowner's New Photo Phantoms are out no Marines were harmed while getting these screenies. This was an exposure sortie prior to the unit's return to Vietnam
  4. 1 point
    Man, what a great job! I really like the weathering & new specular maps. Looking forward to see more of your work.
  5. 1 point
    i reject teh (old) reality, and subsitute my own (new) one now to fine tune that reality with the three different styles of "ANG" badge across the Magnolia Militia fleet......
  6. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it. So please no copying of my skins for any use other than your own. What we have here is an almost completely new RF-4B model, there are 3 separate versions to choose from all with small differences and skins. They are all from VMCJ-1 which was the only RF-4B unit that was stationed in Vietnam for almost the full duration of the war. Please read the readme as I'm struggling with using a keyboard at the moment..... RF-4B_Update_1.7z
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    I've sent the new skins to stratos and it's currently between him and angelp
  9. 1 point
    Hi, there is only the mod0 in the download and no mod1 and no Pit with RWR or RadarScreen. If you want, i have some Nice Pit tweaks for the A-6B.
  10. 1 point
    I fly around with no external indication at all, so to find my way around I have to use NAV equipment; in case of older planes this is navigational marker on radiocompass. Oftentimes, instead of correct bearing it chooses to show me the butt for some reason. This is the case, for example, for F-106 pit and others based on it After looking into the matter the culprit is found. Originally, it looks like this: [CourseArrow] Type=COURSE_ARROW NodeName=HSIcenter MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [CourseCounter] Type=COURSE_ARROW CounterNodeFormat=course_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=DEG While it should be: [CourseArrow] Type=BEARING_MARKER NodeName=HSIcenter MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [CourseCounter] Type=BEARING_MARKER CounterNodeFormat=course_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=DEG After looking into the pits made by Stary, the following is found too: [CourseArrow] Type=BEARING_MARKER //Type=COURSE_ARROW NodeName=course_arrow MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [BearingMarker] Type=MAGNETIC_COMPASS //Type=BEARING_MARKER NodeName=bearing_marker MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 So apparently, CourseArrow became BEARING_MARKER while BearingMarker is now just MAGNETIC_COMPASS. Not sure when it happened, between SF1 and SF2 (never played SF1 for that matter), or later during updates... In case if you encounter the same problem and want it gone, find the node which is ought to show you the correct course and define it as BEARING_MARKER. Works for analog counters as well


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