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  1. 11 points
  2. 3 points
    F-100D Super Sabre, Armee de l Air
  3. 3 points
    B-24 Liberator with flak damage over the Reich...1944
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
    Hello everyone, I am re-creating the posts after hte ideas came up about the name of proejcts and what it is about. This project is to be known as SF2 Avionics Community Pack (SF2:ACP for short), because the purpose of this projects is to create the assets for anyone to usse for our mods, as well for customizing our SF2 installation. You will need to put them into aircraft folder and customize the .ini files, in order, for them to appear in-game. This is what I find so enjoayble and I noticed that not many simulation does this. This s project aims to bring the realistic, immersive expereicnes in cockpits with actual textures for radar scope, RWR, HUD, and any avionics that is currently moddable in SF2 and aircraft mods. I will exlpain the limitation of SF2 engine, so we can get better pictures of what we can and can't do for now. I said "for now, is becauuse I have the hope htat someday, somehow, someone manage to make it possible to make avioincs further moddable in SF2. 1) Texture issues: What can be done is chan ging radar scope texture. But the problem is that, the radar symbols / lines colors can not be changed. We are stuck with default green SF2 radar symbosl /lines / circles. And eve with new textures, the radar lines / symbols/ shapes will be applied on top of it. So it mean, if you have 'black line' on top of radar scope like A-4s as an exampe, the radar still overlap it. Another issues is that, most of SF2 default aircraft does not have texture-able radar scope for 'turned off' radar, so it seem strange how CRT (texture) would suddenly show up when turnig radar on. I wished that the radar scope woudl be texture-able, so that it seem taht only radar lines / symbols / shapes would appear, therefore preserving the immersive experiences. 2) Lighting, after attempting to use the actual colors of radar scope based on the pictures, as an example, they usually show upup too bright comnpared ot another instructments / avionics in cockpit. So they need to be darken, in order to blend naturall in cockpits. And another issue is radar colors of green, it need to be readable, therefore further darken the texture. So they might will appear darker compared to the photo. (I am currenlty wokring on this part on both F-89s and A-4s radar scope and RWR new textures). 3) Avionics DLLs, there are only two DLLs I believe, that we can use either one of Avionics DLL for early and modern aircraft. But I still have the hope. The reason why I have hope is because, I am part of the community that is modding Jane's series simulation. That simulation is almost 30 years old and people still mods it. It amazes me, therefore gives me hopes. Besides the lmitation, it does not stop us from wanting to create the mods that would improve the experiences in avioincs. What inspired me to do this, I was customizing SF2 installation for early cold war era (My favorite era), in Asia, midddle east, and other theatre, along with later cold war era, I noticed that there is always room of growth and improvement for cockpits. That is when I came up the awy to improve F-89 series radar scope, as you can see it in another theatre abou Stary's F-89 cockpits. Then here it is, SF2: Avionics Community Pack! What would be great help if we can share the pictures and information on the avioinics for various planes, so we can get busy with the avioniocs improvement. If anyoneo have the requests for radar scope, or any avioinics improvement, it would be great help if the resources can be provided too. The next posts will cover what I am doing with both F-89s and A-4s gunsights, radar scope, and rwr, along with F-89's radar scope. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLAOD: SF2 ACP v0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheers!
  8. 1 point
    They wanted you to get the full 1917 effect!
  9. 1 point
    I would say that is the best idea. I would recommend using the toolkit tool and then restarting after you clear everything out. Hope it works for you! I haven't seen any of that behavior so far. Good luck!
  10. 1 point
    Hello everyone! It have been long days gathering the information on F-8s and F-89s cockpit, gunsight, FCS / Radar scope / screen, etc... To my surprise, F-89 is quite very interestinga nd complciated inthe evolution of avionics. This is why I find late 40s to 70s avionics to be most interesting! What I realized is that (Always feel to correct me if I make mistakes from my finding on specific aircraft avionics), is that F-89D to J did not have gunsight, unlike early series (F-89A to C). And that F-89A to C uses A-1C(M) gunsight which is same used in early series of F-86s. however, the F-86D and later uses more advanced Hughes FCS (Fire control System) that no longer reply on seperated radar. For example, F-89A and B uses Hughes E-1 FCS with AAN/APG-33, then F-89D use improved E-4 FCS with AN/APG-40 radar and AN/APA-84 computer. Then F-89D uses E-6 FCS ,. F-89H operated with E_9, evnetualy E-9 get get further imprpoved and modified, therefore became MG-12 for F_89J. now the biggest question , how do we 'simulate' E-6, E-9, and MG-12 in SF2? That's the question. However, for F-89A to C, it have some challenges. I want to figure out how to simulate their system. However, at the same time, managed to find the pictures of F-8s cockpit with differnt radar upgrades. The biggest challenge is that most pictures are in black / white, which mean I can not tell which color it is exactly. So I am using an educaated guesses, based on finding the colorized picture I cn find and find the pattern in radar scope color. I want to make sure I have the accurate colors. However, here are screenshot of F8U-1 / F-8A with new Mark 11 Mod 7 gunsight reticles: The radar scope texture is being worked on for F-8 series too. Eagle114th
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Thats offly ridiculous that the button does not even direct us to the patch. What are we supposed to do write it down and type it in? Geeze the year is 2024, not 1995. Why not make the link in the game active so we can click on it and it directs us to the download? A lot simpler.
  13. 1 point
    Hello everyone! F-8 Crusader avionics are being worked on now. Here is updated Mark 11 gunsight And the leading symbols also match the colors of Mark 11 gunsight The radar scope texture is being worked on. When they are completed, the screenshot in F-8s will be posted. Eagle114th
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    View File Viper Dawn : First USAF F-16A Block 10s (for TW F-16A) Viper Dawn : First USAF F-16A Block 10s (for TW F-16A) This mod utilizes the stock TW F-16A Netz and previous work to represent the first three operational USAF F-16A wings (not the training wings). Featuring historical serial numbers for each unit, and markings to reflect the eras this is the most accurate skin representation of the early block (1/5/10) F-16s to date. I use the same TW model for all three as the biggest visible difference in the three was the black radome on the Block 1s. I represented this via decal for the appropriate serial numbers and they were all delivered to the 388th TFW in in 1979. Otherwise it would be impossible to distiguish between teh three models in game. Included - 2 363rd TFW skins for the 17th TFS "Owls" and 19th TFS "Gamecocks". Note the 17th would go on to rename as the Hooters after they transitioned to the C/D model F-16 - 4 388th TFW skins, represented these units in operation from the first USAF Vipers in 1979 until their transition to Block 15s in 1983 - 12 474th TFW skins. The 474th operated the Block 10 from late 1980 until the wing was disbanded in late 1989. These dozen skins reflect some of teh marking changes for the three squadrons over nearly a decade of service - weapons in use by the early Vipers in the early 1980s, with some ini tweaks by myself Required valid copy of Strike Fighters 2: Israel Instructions unzip, unload contents of "2 Mod folder" into mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites if needed NOTE: there are two previous F-16A Block 10 mods based on the TW model. this mod is based on them, but with improvement. because they leverage the TW model and are image and ini only, i have kept teh basic inis in this release for your convienence. But it was made much easier to create standing on their shoulders ****************NOTE*************** This mod heavily leverages decals that are meant for a Team Viper Block 10 set, and feature decals and number list entries for the B models as well. Due to lack of a TW two seat F-16, these are restricted by ini however, when a Team Viper Block 10 becomes available, the decal set here will be ready to go speeding up release of this skin set for the new models. Credits TW original game Dave, MigBuster original ini work to change up the stock Netz, templates ravenclaw_007 weapons daddyairplanes various ini edits, skins, decals. and research. a f ck ton of research i hope you enjoy this md ads much as i enjoyed creating it Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 1 Nov 2024 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION FROM THE COYOTE AEROSPACE TEAM, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Submitter daddyairplanes Submitted 11/01/2024 Category F-16  
  16. 1 point
    just a cool shot while prepping the next release
  17. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Tu-16 Badger Pack by Pasko 11/1/2024 -For SF2, Full 5 Merged REQUIRED. Must Have SF2:NA!!!!!) -Another 1stGen Salvage Operation- This is a revamp of Pasko's Tu-16 Badger(s) from SF1 to SF2 "standards". This package contains the 3 variants of the Badger he and his team created 'way back in 2005. As stated above, a full-5 merged install is required; or at =LEAST= having SF2:NA in the merged install. This is because the Cruise Missile versions use the stock 3W cruise missiles (Although I've supplied the early versions). The 3 aircraft included herein are ... Tu-16 Badger-A (free fall bombs only) Tu-16K-10-26 Badger C (cruise missiles only; 1 centerline, 2 wing mounted) Tu-16G Badger K (2 cruise missiles, wing mounted only) A cockpit is supplied for each, with a working bombsight for the standard bomber. (See notes about the issues flying bombers in SF2). All weapons, execpting the KS-1 & KSR-2 missiles are stock 3W items (FAB, RBK, K10S). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All new Hangar and Loading screens have also been included, for you enjoyment. The aircraft are supplied with a number skins for the varying Air Force users. Some (re)use their original 1stGen decals, with a slight repaint to stop any 'fuzziness'. Many decals used (for Middle East and Soviet birds) are stock items. You'll get: Tu-16A: Soviet Silver Ukraine Silver (<1991) Egypt AF Silver (<1966) Iraq Silver (<1973) Indonesia Silver (<1961) PLAAF China Sliver (<1959) Iraq Green Stripe Camo (<1978)* Iraq Sand/Green Camo (<1980)* Tu-16C: Soviet Naval Aviation Silver (blue borts) Tu-16G: Soviet Naval Aviation Silver (blue borts) As indicated above, you can see the the SF2 "date switch" is active. The star (*) tagged above indicates these years are "best guess". When possible the original readme for all skins are within each skin folder, and notes are sometimes made on the textureset.ini. The PLAAF bird only gets 24 bort number decals, which are (hopefully!) historically correct and nearly the right color blue <grin>! Pilot figures are also included. For exact in-game usage for the C & G models, I'd suggest giving their data inis a looksee, as they have several Secondary Roles to fulfill. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Drop down you'll see: Tu-16 Badger-A (Pasko) Tu-16K-10-26 Badger C (Pasko) Tu-16G Badger K (Pasko) The (Pasko) differentializes these from the stock 3W Badgers (and any mods thereof). So you can't mistook them for anything other than what they is. As always fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is of course, in the Notes section below. Good Hunting & Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. 1 point
    The radr scop etexture is based on two images found: One of them is AN/APG-33 radar website: https://aeroantique.com/products/radar-indicator-lens-an-apg-40-fire-control-radar?variant=6386100240414 And another from war thunder F-89 cockpit:
  19. 1 point
    Hello everyone! It have been a long time since I have done any modding, I am doing small projects for SF2, such as avionics texture and effects modding. I have been modding Jane's series sim and thought i would like to do some for SF2 too. Here is screenshot of new radar scope for Stary excellent F-89 cockpits. I do realize this cockpit have been not updated for many years, so I want to bring this back up. If someone want new texture for radar, please let me know and I'll uplaod the file here. Cheers
  20. 1 point
    A flock of seagulls??? A brace of badgers? A murder of crows??? A clowder of cats???? A herd of goats?? A pride of lions? A pack of wolves??? !!! No idea what to title this.... (posted these as 2 entries, as one follows the others)
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Danish Super Sabres in action.
  26. 1 point
    Super Mystere over Guernsey
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point



    WhiteBoySamurai Ka-29 Helix model skinpack, skins orgin Alphasim model skins, I just adapt the model... model link..... http://combatace.com/files/file/15363-ka-29-helix-b/ I hope you will like it... Good hunting...


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