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Showing most liked content on 03/06/2025 in Posts
12 pointshere is the final AIM-4 pack includet are the AIM-4F and AIM-4G AIM-4 Falcon Missiles.7z here is the AIR-2A Genie AIR-2A.7z here are the ini´s for the F-101B Voodoo and the F-106A and F-106A_72 , i includet a manual and an automatic version of the ini´s but the automatic ini´s are not working the way they should so you launch some missiles with the bomb bay closed , i personally use the manual version this way i´m sure the missiles getting launched with the bomb bay open for all other aircrafts you like to use this AIM-4 missiles and AIR-2A you may have to change the positions on the weaponstations your self F-101_&_F-106_INI_Updates.7z NOTE: Please make a backup from your ini´s befor using the new ones above ingame pictures with the new missiles and the updated ini´s F-106A F-101B the AIM-4F early and late and AIM-4G missiles AIR-2A Genie
3 pointsWe should give out some kind of award for stuff like this, sorta like a community thank you for such quality weapons. Nobody has done so well with this stuff. I'm sure have done good but wow, this is impressive.
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2 pointsWhat if Germany would have been reunited in 1956 as neutral country, as Austria in 1955.
1 pointLake Winnebago in an early stage. Screenshots shows flight along east coast to south. Then heading to west. A placeholder tile marks the location of the town of Oshkosh.
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1 pointMaybe people that respect the downloadlimit suffer together with those, that made multiple accounts, too. But answer me 1 question: Do those people pay the bill for the server to keep running (yes, it actually cost money....)? I'll help you out here: No, they don't. And that's the whole point of the restrictions - 1 guy did all the paying in the past....also for YOU to leech your way through the site. Someone has to pay for server and it is not you people out there, that constantly argue "but....but...but....". See it that way: You did nothing else, but download stuff for FREE until now. You and many other leechers that are complaining now, didn't say thanks a single time on stuff, they downloaded. So my advice: Support CA or live with the situation as it is. Until now, you did exactly NOTHING for this site, you just complained...think about it. Bye.
1 pointbeen having the same issues, and like other Kevin i thought it was probably on my end good to know im not quite that crazy....
1 pointFair enough, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Personally, despite the age of the game engine, I don't believe there is a better library out there of add-ons for a combat sim. Considering the price of entry of any TW gen 2 sim has always been at least $40 (it's never been a 'cheap' sim), the cost of a one month subscription every now and again is a bargain to take the game to the next level, especially with quality of the mods. For me, it is more than worth it and brings a lot of joy knowing it adds to helping keep the lights on at CombatACE.
1 pointIf I am not mistaken, SARH missiles don't have a HUD symbol of their own, the target gets the symbol from being locked by radar. I can't remember what symbol it is, most likely [HUD_TD] SymbolType=TD_RADAR
1 pointIt was a Monday, so why not? A gun pass as I blew thru the formation took out 1; zoom to about 1k feet above & behind them (out of gun range), and then it was simply Sparrows & Sidewinders from astern; till the 1st Mig -29 got close. A Split-S, ran for the deck, yelled for help, and left it for the Luftwaffe.
1 pointGoing 1 against..... 8? Ballsy. stupid, but ballsy i mean i brought a buddy even tho this guy wasnt carrying cruise missiles... plenty of flares tho to draw off the Winders
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1 pointI was not really happy with the x-shaped tree with horizontal layer, which i used before. That's why i made a new one. It's an american white oak. I think it looks a little bit better than before.
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1 pointBombing an oil field at night (night vision with ReShade NVG preset I made) (I'm not sure what the policy on shader packs is?)
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1 pointFairey Fulcrum Mk.I - No.600 (City of London) Squadron, Royal Auxilliary Air Force, 1938
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1 pointNakajima Ki-27P - 2nd Fighter Regiment, Parani Army Air Force, 1940
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1 pointArmstrong Whitworth Elswick Mk.II - No.74 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1937
1 pointCurtiss-Wright CW-21B Demon - 3rd Squadron, American Volunteer Group, 1941
1 pointi´m not able to work on any mods right now but i thought that i can share something i did last year when i made my first AN/ALQ-101 ecm pod some years ago i did not have any of the reference material i have today , like manuals and original blue prints and pictures , so the first ALQ-101 pods i made are wrong by the dimensions and as well as the type names for it , that was the reason i started last year and made some new AN/ALQ-101 ecm pods thiis is what i came up with QRC-335A / AN/ALQ-101 AN/ALQ-101A with RAT AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 early version AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 late version AN/ALQ-101 (V2 Special , this are ecm pods for a specific threat expected on the mission the red markings are painted over the existing ones , this pods where always carried in a pair with an normal AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 pod ( early or late ) AN/ALQ-101 (V)3 AN/ALQ-101 (V)4 , USAF and German Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)6 , USAF and Israeli Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)8 , USAF and Iran Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)8 , Royal Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)9 , USAF and Iran Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)10 , USAF AN/ALQ-101 (V) 10 , German Air Force AN/ALQ-101 (V)10 , Royal Air Force all this ecm pods are in this pack , includet are new Loadout.ini for the Buccaneer because of new names for the UK pods , just drop them in to the respective folder and let overwrite if ask to PLEASE remove or delete any existing AN/ALQ-101 pods before you install this new ones ALQ-101 Pack.7z some reference material an F-4D with to AN/ALQ-101 (V)2 pods , the one in front is the one marked special original blue print from westinghouse by going true my Iran Air Force picture i came across this ecm pod , it is clearly an AN/ALQ-101 like the (V)8 but a short version of it , so i start searching for info material on a short version (V)8 and found this page in an T.O. !F-4C-35 manual and there is an AN/ALQ-101 (V)9 listed with a total lenght of 112 inches , so i found the short version pod , i just had no clue that this pod existed and that the Iranian Air Force got them the Iranian Air force modified this ecm pod to an X-Band pod around 2015 with a frequency range from 6.2 to 10.9 Ghz , the call it the Shahin X Band electronic warfare pod this pod is includet in the pack , picture is below Shahin X Band ecm pod have fun with the pods , ravenclaw_007
1 point
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