Strike Fighters by Thirdwire
Sub Category
All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons
EF-4C Wild Weasel IV + Linebacker II campaign with it
This is my version of EF-4C based on the F-4C_8thTFW_1967 made by Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski.However some parts from the old EF-4C - like the ER-142 and the avionics .INI- of Column5, Sundowner and Storm are also included.
Be sure that you have your F-4C_8thTFW_1967 and their drop tank and decals mods downloaded and installed properly, because some parts like Ejections seats, drop tanks or decals might not be working.
I don't know when EF-4Cs had been actually retired, I assume sometime in the early '80s, (I saw photos that definetely are post-1975) so I put 1988 just to be sure.And something else...I haven't been able to develop the launchers the way I wanted to.I would like to ask to others to have a look at it.The way it is, it's a dedicated SEAD aircraft with one specific loadout.But that's the way it was in reality, so I decided that it's worth it.The way it is, you have the chance to fly some "hot" Vietnam '72 missions.I guarantee you that you 're going to enjoy it.There is modification of the stock Linebacker II campaign included if you like to test your chances...Default skin is the S.E.A. 67thTFS, but there is an 81thTFS skin if you like to try your luck in '70s Germany.
Mike Druzolowski
If someone else has contributed, please notify me and I 'll mention him.
Request - Hi rez skins for Monty A-6s and MF A-7A/Bs
Kfir C2 no.882
By ekek
Here is a conversion of the stock WOI gray Kfir skin. It represents Kfir C2 no.882 from the hornet squadron in 1977.
I added the black and yellow triangles to the skin and the historically accurate squadron insignia to the decals folder.
Drop the skin folder into the airplane folder and Copy the decals from the 'D' folder into the general decals folder. That's it. It was tested on WOI and it works great.
For all I know, only one airplane (882) was painted the black & yellow triangles. If anyone wants to "generalize" the plane, you can just go into the "decals.ini" and delete the numbers at the end of the serial no. entry (kfirSN082) and then any Kfir number will be available.
have fun!
By Epizikl
To my dear and beloved MOTHER recently gone out of life!
Boot screens for aircraft and helicopters:
- Su-25K, -25SM, -30, -30MKI, -34, -35, -35BM, -37, -39, -47
- MiG-17F, -17PF, -23BN, -23M, -23ML, -27, -27D, -27ML, -29SMT
- Yak-41
- An-12, -30
- Mi-8, -24P, -35M
- Type 75, Typhoon, F-16C, JaguarGR, Lightning F6
Total 47 screens
Designed for all versions of TW
Choose one of the screens and put it in the appropriate directory, after deleting the names of superfluous characters (+ =)
As a supplement attached a new image Loadout for the aircraft:
- MiG-23B, -23BN, -27, -27D, -27K, -27M, -27ML
Images may be one for all of these aircraft
To set the correct directory, you must rename the file accordingly
I ask for their opinions and impressions about this work
Highway Airfield Mod For SF2 Europe
By JSF_Aggie
This is a mod to SF2 Europe's GermanyCE Terrain, that modifies 13
sections of highway into airstrips that are usable in single missions, any
mission editor, and campaigns.
IA-58a Pucara Double Green Scheme
By SayethWhaaaa
This is a double green scheme I made a while ago for Fox Monters's killer Pucara. Everything should be okay with the skins. Any issues, drop me a line.
Please read the README!
IA-58a Pucara Green Grey Scheme
By SayethWhaaaa
This is a green-grey version skin I've had floating around for a while for Fox Monter's killer IA-58A Pucara. As before, this one was also based on a template from one of Fox's skins. Any issues, you know where to find me.
*Note* Please read the README!! file.
su30kn skin
By Guest
this skin for su30kn it seems like the currently added su35bm dark skin failed their are errors for that skin and it doesn't fit the 35bm model i fixed it up to make it work for the kn . credits go out to erwin for the plane and skin and also to x ray and say what and also some of the files from the user wz22103. this will serve as readme. the original skin package from wz22103 is missing some components but my package will work for the su30kn if one want to try try it for the su35bm . thanks . also the screen reflects for the skin only not the canard portion u will need to figure that out your self.
forum skin news of situation
Bronetransporter BTR-60 (SF-1 gen) by BANIDOS TEAM
To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
-This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
future projects as long as proper credit is given..
MiG-23MF Rakshak
By lindr2
MiG-23MF Rakshak Readme
MiG-23MF for India (Indian name 'Rakshak') factory code 32-11MF
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by ghostrider883
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. - part1 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23MF_ind folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar Sapfir-23E
- ASP-23D gunsight
- MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-29-300 Engine
- TP-23 Heat seeker
in production 1982-83 110 planes
QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone
By Wrench
NAA QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone
-For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, and mabye SF2 Series Sims
A modification of the stock F-100D Super Sabre, into the Target Drone as used (up) by the USAF.
This is a semi complete mod, no aircraft lod is included as it uses the stock F-100D lods included in all games excepting WoI. If wanted for use in WoI, you'll need to extract the aircraft lods from any of the other sims, and drop them into the aircraft's main folder.
All other parts are included.
The cockpit has been extensivly modified by using the "moves" pioneered by ArmorDave, and greatly expanded upon by Lexx_Luthor. These moves remove the gunsight, armament panels and other items associated with weapons/weapons controls. The data ini has been edited to add the 08/SF2 advanced AI sections; but ALL weapons have been removed. This aircraft can carry NOTHING other than the drop tanks. Using the AI sections assures it will act in an 'aggressive' manner when confronting Blue Forces. The aircraft has been "nationalized" as Soviet, to doubly assure this. So, don't be surprised with seeing them parked on Red Force airfield ramps. The pilot figure has also been edited out, but the seat remains, which is correct, as these aircraft were STILL human flyable.
The skin supplied herein, whilst highly innaccurate, is based off the original natural metal. In reality, all QF-100s were left painted in their SEA camo, with the addition of hi-viz International Orange markings. I just couldn't quite figure out the exact placements for the Orange on the wings, so didn't bother with the camo skin (even on this skin it's not quite right). I welcome Skinners to create a historically correct one. The decals ini has been edited to only show the aircraft serial numbers; again this is innaccurate, but like the skin itself made for a quick and dirty mod.
It has been tested in an 08 patch level install of WoE. It should work just as well in SF2 'NextGens', but I've not tested that. Some adjustments may be necessary.
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
This mod is dedicated to Delta6Actual, who came up with the idea, but who's computer 'went west'.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
MiG-21 bis 115 GvIAP
By paulopanz
2nd AE "Soviet Lithuania", 115th GvIAP
Kokaidy airbase, Turkestan military district, Uzbekistan, October 1985. It was used in Afghan as bomber. Note inscription on the fuselage 'Soviet Lithuania' - this is squadron personal name. (from Wingspalette)
A complete number set. A brand new light grey soviet skin made on my temps.
Easy install in your main mod folder.
Fly it, please.
MiG-21SM 234th GvIAP, 9th IAD 1974
By paulopanz
234th GvIAP, 9th IAD
Kubinka AB, Autumn 1974.
Complete Set for SF2I.
n. 9-18-19 (see Wingpalette) were “Komsomol (Young Communist League) Warranty [of proper manteinance]” planes, with order of Lenin.
I added some "excellent aircraft" badges, too.
......... I was so bored of those always the same Soviet, silver Migs ....
Easy install in your main mod folder.
Bye. Bye.
Tradução Le Missionneur - Brasil - Portuguese
By flaviodutra
Galera....... espero que possa ajudar na tradução do Lemissioner.......
A instalação é bem simples pois é so colocar o aquivo Brasil.dll na pasta ..\Langues do "Le missioner" e carregar.......
Adicionei umas imagens contendo um gráfico de uma rosa dos ventos com as coordenadas para facilitar a localização e a direção dos veículos durante o jogo, pois toda vez que ia fazer uma missão sempre meu avião iniciava sempre na direção errada... hehehehehe......
Apesar de ter muita gente que somente faz download no forum e critica o nosso esforço dizendo que os arquivos não funcionam e nem ajudam com sugestões, e que na maioria da vezes não fazem um pequeno esforço de prestarem um pouco de atenção nas instruções e tentarem quebrar um pouco a cabeça pensando em como o WOI funciona, a gente ainda assim contribui com o forum..... desculpem a sinceridade mas obrigado pelo desabafo...
Galera valeu...
Forever Tomcat
Galley. . . . . . . I hope can help in the translation of Lemissioner. . . . . . .
The installation is very simple because it is only to place the aquivo Brazil. dll in the paste. . \Langues of the " he/she Reads missioner " and to carry
I added some images containing a graph of a rose of the winds with the coordinates to facilitate the location and the direction of the vehicles during the game, because every time that will make a mission my airplane it always began always in the wrong direction. . . hehehehehe. . . . . .
In spite of having a lot of people that only makes download in the forum and it criticizes our effort saying that the files do
n't work and nor they help with suggestions, and that in most of the times don't make a small effort of they render some attention in the instructions and they try to break a little the head thinking in like WOI it works, we nevertheless contribute with the forum. . . . . excuse the honesty but thank you for the relief. . .
thank you
Forever Tomcat
MiG-23M (Late)
By lindr2
MiG-23M (Late) Readme
MiG-23M (also known like MiG-23M Serie 23, MiG-23M obr.74,MiG-23-izdelie 2M) factory code 32-11M
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first. - part1 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23M_ folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 7.5-8.0
- Radar Sapfir-23D-3
- ASP-23D gunsight
- MiG-23M can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-29-300 Engine
- TP-23 Heat seeker
in production 1974-76 S/N 0390202304-0390209475 and some above {first known MiG-23MF is Serie 13, i don't know anything about Series 10,11,12 {100-120th}}
(first 'Pure' MiG-23M is 0390202304), ( 0390209475 build in oct.76) series {blocks} 23-94 or 2.3-9.4
total prodution in unknown for me but, according russian books MiG-23M manufacture an MiG-23 was increased in the course of a batch production
and has reached a maximum in 1976 (8 airplanes at month), it means ~200-220 'pure' MiG-23M, plus 120-150 MiG-23M early, updated later to Serie 23 standart.
SF2 F-86D/L v1.0
By suhsjake
Upgrade of the F-86D Dog Sabre and F-86L Lima Sabre to SF2I standards. Includes new Med-Rez skins, damage textures, sounds, effects, and weapons.
Known Issues
The AI is really crappy about firing the Mighty Mouse Rockets as a rocket, so I borrowed Hgbns gun data for the Mighty Mouse. But still, the AI is horrible at using the Rocket so don't count on the AI to do a whole hell of a lot. This addon still needs tweaking for the AI to be effective, may require some cheating for the AI to use. I released this to hopefully make this pack better and useable against aircraft
So if you know how to make it better, PM me and I will test and update.
Sabre Dog Team ~ F-86D and L model
Zur ~ Orginal F-86 Model
Hgbn ~ Mighty Mouse Gun Tweak
Spillone104 ~ J47 Sound and Exhaust Effects
RavenClaw ~ 120gal Drop Tanks
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.
RAAF F/A-18A 20 YEARS (Skin) Update 2
By FOX1313
RAAF F/A-18A 20 YEARS (Update 2)
Good day
LSK Mig-21bis
By paulopanz
Sometimes ago I made LSK/NVA historical serials using Soulfreak’s temps, including “Q” badges on known planes.
I wanted to use them on a silver and maybe a camo skin.
But TK made the Camo for SF2EU and Gepard the bluesilver one for SF1.
So I used my decals with those existing skins to add a bit of authenticy to the game.
I hope You like it.
What’s in:
1- original TK skin numbers and patch;
2- original TK skin with new decals;
3- Gepard’s NVAHellblau skin with new decals;
To Install: simply put everything in your main mod folder.
Thanks to Gepard who kindly allowed me to use his brand new NVAHellblau skin in SF2
France vs. UK Campaign
By Gepard
Campaign France vs UK 1960
This package consits of the campaign, the terrain and the groundobject BoforsFlak.
Campaign and terrain are made for WOE. They are compatible with SFP1,WOV,WOI
This campaign is made for stock aircrafts.
You need the
HunterFGA9 from WOE
B-57B from WOE
Super MystereB2 from WOI
MirageIIIC from WOI
VautourIIA from WOI
MystereIVA from WOI
The basic terrain is a moded version of my old Battle of Britain terrain.
The terrain is writen now for WOE.
Unzip Battle of Britain 60.7z into your Terrain folder
Unzip France vs UK.7z into your Campaigns folder
Unzip Boforsflak.7z into your Groundobjects folder
Thats it.
Q: What is to do to make it usable for WOI,WOV and SFP1
For WOI open file Battle of Britain 60.ini with notepad editor
overwrite line
For WOV open file Battle of Britain 60.ini with notepad editor
overwrite line
For SFP1 open file Battle of Britain 60.ini with notepad editor
overwrite line
Campaign, Terrain and related files are FREEWARE. Commercial use is not allowed.
Hope you enjoy it
Michael (Gepard)
BRDM-SA9 Skin update
By EricJ
A simple retexture from the bright green to the olive drab that was typical for Soviet/Russian BRDMs. This is for rebel ryder's SA-9 which can be found here:
MiG-23ME & MS
By lindr2
MiG-23ME & Mig-23MS Readme
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
Skins: whiteknight0660, TMF
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack.Please install it first. - part1 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23ME, MiG-23MS_ folders to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
Mig-23ME (also known like MS early):
- Max G: 7.5
- Radar RP-22SM
- ASP-PF gunsight
- MiG-23ME can use R-13M,R-3R,R-3S missiles,
- R-60,Kh-23 not allowed.
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-27F2M-300 Engine 12500 Kg on AB, but restricted to 10200Kg
Mig-23MS - same as ME, but:
- R-29-300 Engine
in production 1973-75 : Libya - 54 planes, Syria - 24 planes, Algeria - 15 planes, Egypt - 12 planes, Iraq - 24 planes
some planes used VVS in trainer role.
VietnamSEA & Green Hell repaint Mk.9
By Pappa Goat
Here is my repaint of the fantastic work by Stary, Brian32 and Bananimal.
I've repainted the tiles drawn from satellite imagery to compensate for all the things that can effect such imagery, climate, time of day/ year, that all effect how the ground looks from space and also how the camera reads the light.
The work was all done off existing stuff put out there. I use photoshop a lot for my photography and currently live in S. E. Asia, having said that it took nine major goes of tweaking to get satisfied with it, and there's always room for improvement.
Here are some of the changes I have made:
- Restored tiles to compensate for atmospherics that dull down the tones and contrast as well as give everything a blue hue.
- Mildly altered colour balances and channels to enhance natural colours.
- Altered the colours of individual vegetation in the superb GreenHell2 mod to better reflect their true appearance and give a lot more vegetation variation in game.
- Altered the colour of rivers from green, to the more common tea brown one sees in this part of the world. The water is that colour due to that red dirt.
You already have to have the following:
VietnamSEA Tile Repaint v1.0 by Brain32
Green Hell 2 by Stary
Rescaled Green Hell 2 Trees by Bananimal
After that just drop my repainted tiles into you VietnamSEA folder. I've included an alternate version of the GreenHell 2 trees that do not have such enhanced variation in case people do not like mine, or if it eats up the CPU. Likewise on request it included the revamped airbase tiles from the SF2 project... simplez!
MiG-21 BISON for SF2
By EricJ
This is a mod from Wrench and Ghostrider883 (decals as Wrench believes) of the current version of the Indian AF MiG-21. features include new radar, and the ability to launch the R-77 (AA-12 Adder) and A2G missiles as well as other ordnance. Bear in mind that the pit is a stand in only until somebody does a more dedicated cockpit for this bird. It was for the Indo-Pak mod but since I converted it for SF2 Wrench gave me the go-ahead for it, so here it is...
MiG-15bis and UTI for SF2 v1.3
By suhsjake
MiG-15bis and UTI brought close to SF2 standards. Only has Silver Skins.
v1.1 (29 March, 2009)
-Updated Engine Data based on the IL-28
-New Canopy System (animation key 10)
-Disabled Second and Third LOD on bis due to errors
-Added MiG-15Engine.WAV by Tazkiller
v1.2 (30 March, 2009)
-Added Ordway's MiG-15bis Cockpit
-Updated Cockpit Seat Position
-Ejection Seat fuctional
-All Units changed to Metric System
v1.3 (21 November, 2009)
-Updated damageholes to dds format
-Added Tank (ops)
-Added 12.7 UBK for UTI
-Added Early VVS Pilot
-Ground Destroyed model added
-FM Updted
-Bis Wing Textures updated
-UserLists Added
-Short Name Added
Template can be found HERE.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.
lightblue east german MiG-21bis
By Gepard
Light Blue Skin for MiG-21bis, MiG-21MF 512x512 pixel
When the last MiG-21MF and the first MiG-21bis were delivered to the LSK (East German Air Force) they had no green brown camo skin but a light blue skin. Later they were repainted to LSK standard camo colors.
The basic skinwhich i moded, is made by TK, the tactical numbers i have taken from Soulfreaks MiG-21PFM skin.
Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft/MiG-21bis folder.
Thats it.
If you want to use it in a MiG-21MF
open file Decals.ini with Notepad editor
look for line:
replace it with
Thats it.
This skin is FREEWARE. No commercial use is allowed.
Hope you enjoy it
Michael (Gepard)
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