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Strike Fighters by Thirdwire

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All SF / WOV / WOE / WOI Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. F-16XL Version 2.0

      F-16XL Version 2.0
      Original Model by wpnssgt via Swede
      Updated models by Dels, smoothed out the tail section, fixed some animations and the nose. Also all new nozzle work. Thank you Dels.
      ini work by moonjumper and usafmtl
      Fm by Fubar512
      Skins by creepin death
      Pit, sounds, effects and drop tanks used with permission from the Mirage Factory.


         (15 reviews)



    2. Indian AF Type 74 Update Pak

      IAF Type 74 Fishbed C Update ver 2.5
      ** Updated to reflect corrections to loadouts and weapons ** Updated 8/19/07 **
      Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser.
      I know there's a version already done and out produced by the Mirage Factory, but since this was finished before I remembered it was available, I thought I'd just go ahead and release it anyway.
      What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, Patch 4 versions of the 21F lod, and 21F data ini.
      == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
      == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21F cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
      -The cockpit is NOT included!! -
      The loadouts have been set for Indian weapons
      It it vitaly important you read the enclosed readme for further, detailed install insturctions!!!!
      With thanks to howling1, Ghostrider883, and Gramps, who started the whole thing!
      Kevin Stein


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    3. Min/MaxExtentPosition exporter

      This script outputs to a text file from MAX the min/maxExtentPosition for all of a models nodes
      The min / max extents are calculated on the bounding box of the node so YMMV if you have very irregular nodes (some hand tuning)
      Obviously this is only of use to people with the max file models…
      The output looks like this

      ------------------------------ Fuselage MinExtentPosition=-0.42,-1.127,-0.86 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.63,0.778 Cockpit MinExtentPosition=-0.42,0.38,-0.727 MaxExtentPosition=0.42,2.484,0.173 Radiator MinExtentPosition=-0.506,-0.535,-0.063 MaxExtentPosition=0.506,0.495,0.935 ---------etc etc
      Please feel free to offer improvements
      See readme for install /use


         (4 reviews)



    4. PAF F-7P Skybolt Update

      PAF F-7P Skybolt Update ver 2.0
      Based on the original mod by Bob 'howling1' Hauser, who's original readme is included at the bottom of the document
      What I've basically done, is 'rearrange' things to use the latest, patch 4 versions of the 21F lod, and 21F data ini. There still exists the problems aforementioned with the outer pylon not existing, so any and all weapons mounted there will be hanging in the slipstream. It's just something we have to live with until such time as someone releases the F/J-7 series with all 4 wing pylons
      == This package is designed to be used ONLY with the latest weapons pak!!! ==
      == This package is also set to use the Magoo/Badger Mig-21F cockpit - make sure you have it installed. ==
      The cockpit isNOT included!!!
      The loadouts have been set for Pakistani weapons; several of which might be new. Please check the 'Loadout Fixes' Thread at the CombatAce Knowledge Base for any further details.
      With thanks to howling1, Ghostrider883,and Gramps who started the whole F/J-7 mod frenzy some years ago.
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    5. Strike Tomcat (v1.2)

      Northrop Grumman "F-14QS" Strike Tomcat
      File size : about 13.3Mb
      Based upon the orig F-14A was made by BPAo and his crew.
      Skins for this add-on were made by kei nagase.
      Thanks to BPAo and his crew. (I got his permission.)
      Thanks to kei nagase. (I got his permission.)
      Strike Tomcat has A2A/A2G abilities and HUD has changed for easy flight.
      Has a night attack ability.
      Default loadout has changed for the best performing.
      Not only players but also AIs has BVR/WVR air combat abilities.
      And Strike Tomcat has LGBs & TV abilities(it has a Laser-designator).
      Strike Tomcat equipped F110-GE-129 engines.
      Installaion :
      Extract zip file to aircraft directory of WoE or Combined WoV/WoE.
      (It doesn't work on SFP1 or WoV.)
      for instance) c:\program files\wings over europe\objects\aircraft\
      Enjoy it !! (then you can choose Strike Tomcat) :-)
      - Land Warrior.


         (9 reviews)

      1 comment


    6. SU-27 Hangar background

      My new SU-27 background to hangar
      enjoy it


         (1 review)



    7. WoE IDF Hawker Hunter Mod

      Hawker Hunter FGA 60 Mod for WoE Mid East Installs ONLY!!
      Another "What If..." aircraft for you alternate history enjoyment!
      This is a ini and skin mod for the stock Hunter FGA 9 that comes with WoE. It creates a new aircraft, for use by the Israeli Defense Forces Air Force.
      It's suggested that you use this in a seperate Mid-East (Arab vs Isrealis) WoE install; this is how I have it. It will work much better in a seperate install.
      It IS required that you have the latest weapons pak installed to get the maximum use out of the available weapons capabilities.
      == REMEMBER: This mod is for use in WOE -ONLY!!!- as all the parts ONLY exist there ==
      You'll find all the inis, bmps, tgas, whathave you for this install. The data ini has had the NationName= set to "ISRAEL", so when you fly you'll get Israeli medals, and have Israeli flightmates. In other words, this is a semi-complete aircraft, missing only the lod files (which cannot be uploaded or shared as they are core files-which makes this WoE ONLY). You get a new hangar screen, the damage tgas and everything else needed!
      == REMEMBER: this is NOT a full aircraft, and you MUST have Wings Over Europe to make use of this aircraft mod. ==
      You'll also have 2 skin folders; IDF and IDF2 representing the 2 different eras the aircraft operated in. The first is the blue/tan camo for the 50s and early 60s, and the 3 tone for use in the 70s and 80s.
      The 3 tone skin represents aircraft from the Advanced Fighter School, and were used for training purposes (although some may have been used in the ground support role during the 73 War, alongside the remaining Sabre 6s <wink>)
      Please read the enclose readme for full install instructions -you're creating a NEW aircraft-, and other important notes.
      REMEMBER: This is for WoE ONLY, and requires the Weapons Pak!!!
      For those without WoE, I am working on a version useing AD's Hunter F.6, so be paitent!
      Happy Hunting (I crack myself up sometimes!!)
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    8. Le Missionneur mission editor tutorial

      Le Missionneur mission editor tutorial. Illustrates creation of a sample strike mission with this excellent editor. Works successfully with SFP1, WOV, WOE and mods.


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    9. Artic Digital skin For F-16A BLK10-NDC

      Skin based on a Camo used in one of my short stories. There are some areas where it needs to be touched up but other than that it looks good for my first skin. Others to soon follow!


         (2 reviews)



    10. Racing Mustang

      This aircraft depicits a racing Mustang as flown at the Reno Air Races. Special thanx to Wolf257 for creating this aircraft.
      Hope you enjoy this...
      Regards, Pappy


         (3 reviews)



    11. RAAF F-4E Package

      Oz F-4E Package for SF/WoV/WoE
      This is an update of nosecone's RAAF F-4E Phantom II skin set.
      Having never seen this mod before, I made several unkind comments on the message boards, for which I apologized publicly. Also, as part of said apology, I'm updating the inis and pathways so it now become a simple drag/drop or copy paste operation.
      As a bonus, I'm including all the ini's necessary to create an RAAF country specific version of the Phantom. All inis, and brand new -only available in this mod!- Hangar & Loading screens are included.
      Amberly Rhino??? That don't sound too bad!!!
      Once unzipped, you get 2 choices:
      1) Add the skin to the existing F-4E in the usual manner or;
      2) Create a RAAF-only version. I've included everything needed to do so.
      You also get a new, Bonus Skin, "RAAFGray" Well, all it is, is the 5 texture bmps, decals ini, texture set ini for a Dark Gray Version of the skin, based off the colors used on the F-111C that's available. I just reused everything that nosecone did, since he mentioned something about the "later versions". You will be re-using the decal set provided (ie: copy into the RAAFGray folder)
      There are full, detailed install instructions in the read me -- so read the cursed thing!!!. There is vitally important information about weapons loads in there. Operation years are a 'best guess', for a "What If..." aircraft.
      All credit goes to nosecone; he created the decals and did all the original work in 2002. All I've done is assemble it into a cohernt package, updated to the latest standard, and create the dark gray skin. (picture not posted here, check the 'Mods and Skinning' Forum for a screenshot)
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    12. WW2 Effects Pack version 0.91

      Some graphic files in this package were created by Deuces or are modified versions of those
      created by him. My apologize to him for ommiting this info in first release.
      This version called 0.91 has new file structure allowing you to chose the effects you want, as suggested by Saganuay82.
      I get rid of the new sounds as they don't seem to work


         (1 review)



    13. World War 2 effects pack

      "WW2 Effects" Pack
      v 0.9 (final beta)
      For Strike Fighters family (including First Eagles)
      This is a compilation of various new effects designed with WW2 combat experience in mind. Included new version of mine "new guns hit effects".
      Detailed effects list and infos in ww2_effects_readme.txt
      Hope you'll like it.


         (5 reviews)



    14. Raytheon T-6A Texan II

      This is a mod of Mdelmast's very nice Pilatus PC-9A. I made it in a USAF training variant, the Raytheon T-6A. I also included the original aircraft. The installer will add new squadron lists, and weapondata, so if you have a lot of weapons not in the newest weapon pack (which this one is, and then some!) then back up your file, before installing this one, and add them manually, information is in the readme for that. Same goes for your squadron ini too. I have 475 squadrons(including WW2 ones) so my new file might help!
      2 FTS squadrons included in the T-6A. I added selectable tail numbers too, thanks to Mdelmast, and Craigbrierly for their advice with the tail art and numbers.
      Thanks goes out most all to Mdelmast for his awesome model!


         (2 reviews)



    15. Free Canadian Forces

      Fictional skin of Free Canadian Forces P-3C
      Made from reading the Wingman series of books by Mack Maloney....
      Thanks and credit to SFP1 Dev A-Team (Capun and crew), Raptorman, and C5 for bringing this to life.
      This skin is of my doing as has nothing to do with the Dev A-Team.
      (as per their instructions)
      Contact me through PM at CA for any questions regarding the skin itself.
      My work cannot be used in any mod without my consent.
      Just PM me and let me know you want to use it!!
      It can NEVER be used in any commercial product.


         (0 reviews)



    16. Marine One

      For those of you who are aspiring Presidents. Here is Marine One for your flying and riding pleasure. Enjoy.
      Readme included in the .rar file.
      Skin is an original creation by me. Enjoy the skin and feel free to use as you wish.
      If you have any questions, problems or comments regarding this skin please send me a message.


         (2 reviews)



    17. VAQ-132 'Scorpions' EA-6B

      Skin represeting VAQ-132 'Scorpions during their 1986 deployment onboard the USS Forrestal.
      Thanks to SidDogg for the template with which to build from.
      Thanks to drdoyo for the number decals.
      Enjoy the skin.
      If you have anyquestions concerns or comments regarding this skin please feel free to contact me.


         (1 review)



    18. Oregon ANG Red Hawk for Mirage Factory's F-15a

      This skin is in memory of Major Gregory D. Young of the Oregon Air National Guard. He was killed on June 26th, 2007 when his F-15 crashed into the Pacific Ocean off the Oregon Coast during ACM training. The cause of the crash is still under investigation.
      This skin is meant to be used with the F-15A from The Mirage Factory found on the Column5 website.
      When the 318th Green Dragons were disbanded at McChord AFB, they're F-15's were sent down to Oregon for use by the Air National Guard.
      So I'm assuming the tail number research has already been done.
      To install, Copy the "318" file and rename it "123". Delete the file anum.tga in the "D" folder. Replace the existing files with these.


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. F-16A ADF Aeronautica Militare

      F-16A ADF of the Aeronautica Militare
      Original Model by the Mirage Factory modded by USAFMTL
      Skins by Ravenclaw007 used with his kind permission.
      Read the readme......


         (7 reviews)



    20. F-104S-ASA-M Starfighter Mods

      A Small Modification of Jet-Zs excellent Italian Air Force F-104S-ASA
      This is a modification of, like it says in the title, of the F-104S-ASA in the final, pen-ultimate Super Starfighter as used by the Italian Air Force.
      It is based on JetZ's work, along with Crab_02 3d modeling to create the weapons pylons and a few other niceties that were needed. In fact, very little of the original data ini has been changed, other than updating the weapons types, and service years, and cockpit tweeks by me. All the rest, is still their work.
      This mod/upgrade/tweek package makes use of several items from the stock games...it is MOST important you have the original 3rd Wire stock issue of the F-104G. Many of it's components are used. --PLEASE NOTE: this is not to be used with any of the Starfighters built and released by Ajundair; it is for the stock 3rd Wire 104G -ONLY-!!!!
      You MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to make use of the pylons/ventral strake kit necessary for your missiles and other neat things!!!
      1) Most important, you'll need to have the stock 3rd Wire F-104G Starfighter, as this is the airframe base. If you don't have it already in game (ie: for WoV*), you can get it at CombatAce or from 3rd Wire's downloads section.
      *It should be noted, that in fully patched up versions of ALL the sims - especially WoV- all the needed lods are already in place inside the object.cat.*
      2) You'll need JetZ's really cool "ITLowVis" skin, availabe at his site:
      If you're a Zipper-head, he's got some SUPERB skins there for the 104. I'd also reccomend getting his F-104S, and 104S-ASA, not only to round out the set, but they're nice additions. And the original basis of this work. The lo-vis skin is part of the 104S/S-ASA package, so you might as well get it all, don't ya think????
      There are further, fully detailed instructions in the read on how to create the full aircraft -- PLEASE read them!!!
      Credits: all credit goes to JetZ and Crab_02 for creating the S and S-ASA version of the Zipper,
      TK for giving us the F-104 in the first place, and WoE (where I got the cockpit parts)
      I can only take credit for some ini editing, that gives us this last operational, full interceptor version of the Starfighter.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    21. F-16I Sufa Version 2.0

      F-16I Sufa Version 2.0
      Original Model by wpnssgt via Swede
      ini work by usafmtl and moonjumper
      Skins by bib
      Decals by usafmtl
      Pit, sounds, effects and drop tanks used with permission from the Mirage Factory.
      We got CFT's now, which happen to of been in the weapons pack all along. Who knew?


         (8 reviews)



    22. A-6A Intruder - 'Flight of the Intruder' Special Edition

      A-6A Intruder, 'Flight of the Intruder' Special Edition Readme
      This is a modification of the A-6A Intruder by Monty CZ/Column5, released to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the publication of the novel 'Flight of the Intruder' by Stephen Coonts.
      Ensure you have the weapons pack installed.
      1) Extract A-6A FOTI file into Objects/Aircraft
      2) Optional: Extract Menu file to your main SF/WOV/WOE folder
      2) Go fly and blow things up!
      External model of plane by Monty CZ
      Flight model by Column5, modded by gbreuder and allenjb42
      Damage model by Monty CZ/Column5
      Loadouts modded by allenjb42 to try to reflect the loadouts mentioned in the book for the various missions depicted.
      Skins for Devil 505 and VA196 by gbreuder, based on work by pappychecksix
      Hangar screen by Wrench, modded by allenjb42
      Loading screen - 'Going In Hot' by William S Phillips, depicting 'Flight of the Intruder' author Stephen Coonts in action over Vietnam.
      Menu music - samples from the 'Flight of the Intruder' movie soundtrack by Basil Poledouris
      Thanks to all of those listed above - they did all the hard work and gave their permissions for release, I just packaged it all together - to Stephen Coonts and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      The Devil 505 skin represents the A-6A flown by Jake Grafton and Morgan McPherson in the book and movie 'Flight of the Intruder' by Stephen Coonts, who really did fly with VA196 over Vietnam. Although Morg gets killed in the first chapter of the book (and after about five minutes of the movie), he and Jake had flown together for two years prior to that point, so you can use the skin to recreate some of their adventures before Morg's untimely death. Besides, you can use the A-6B to fly with Tiger Cole!
      Unfortunately there is no publicly available Morgan Mcpherson pilot model at this time, so if someone would be kind enough to make and release one I would be only too pleased to include it in an update.
      In view of this, the data.ini is set up to use the Jake Grafton pilot available at Wrench's site at http://wrench1smog.com as the pilot, and the default PILOT as the B/N.
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6 skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file within the skin folder and edit it so that all references to the original A-6 model the skin was made for are changed to A-6A FOTI. Check out the skin folders within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


         (5 reviews)



    23. IAF F-16XL

      This is a fictional IAF skin for a fictional aircraft.
      Many thanks and credit to the following....
      Original Model by wpnssgt via Swede
      ini work by moonjumper and usafmtl
      Fm by Fubar512
      Skins by creepin death
      Pit, sounds, effects and drop tanks used with permission from the Mirage Factory.
      You must ask permission to modify or use this skin for any project. This skin
      CANNOT be used in any payware.


         (3 reviews)



    24. Libyan Air Force C-130J

      Fictional skin for the C-130J Model posted by Mdelmst.
      Skins represents the C-130 Hercules aircraft in the Libyan aresnal. Their aresnal includes 5 C-130H Hercules, 2 L-100-20 Hercules, 3 L 100-30 Hercules.
      Any questions or problems regarding the model please contact Mdelmst.
      Any questions or problems regarding the skin please contact me.
      Please view the read me for other details. Thank you and Enjoy.


         (0 reviews)



    25. A-6B Intruder

      A-6B Intruder Readme
      This is a modification of the A-6A Intruder by Monty CZ/Column5
      Ensure you have the weapons pack installed.
      1) Extract file into Objects/Aircraft
      2) Go fly and blow things up!
      External model of plane by Monty CZ
      Flight model by Column5, modded by gbreuder and allenjb42
      Damage model by Monty CZ/Column5
      Skin for VA34 by Paul Nortness
      Skin for VA196 by pappychecksix
      Screens by gbreuder
      Thanks to all of those listed above - they did all the hard work, I just packaged it all together - and of course to TK for creating these great games for us to tinker with.
      The VA196 skin represents the A-6B flown by Jake Grafton and Tiger Cole in the book and movie 'Flight of the Intruder' by Stephen Coonts, who really did fly with VA196 over Vietnam. In the book their callsign was Devil 511, and that's the Modex I've given one of the planes here. In the movie the Modex was 520.
      The data.ini is set up to use the Flight of the Intruder pilots available at Wrench's site at http://wrench1smog.com
      This plane is compatible with all of the A-6 skins currently available. You'll just need to go into the decal.ini file within the skin folder and edit it so that all references to the original A-6 model the skin was made for are changed to A-6B. Check out the skin folders within this download for an example.
      Have fun, and good hunting!
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us
      This mod is dedicated to LT Al Ashall and LT Bob Duncan, an A-6B crew who's story I came across while researching the plane's service history and tactics at www.virtualwall.org
      LT Al Ashall joined Attack Squadron Eighty-Five (ATKRON 85 or VA-85, squadron callsign BUCKEYE) as a replacement toward the end of the squadron's 1967 Viet Nam deployment. On this cruise, Al was teamed with a first-deployment pilot, LT Bob Duncan.
      Homeported at Naval Air Station Oceana (Virginia Beach, VA), VA-85 deployed in USS AMERICA (CV-66) in early 1968. Following work-ups, we proceeded to the South China Sea via Rio de Janario, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Indian Ocean, arriving at Yankee Station the first of May 1968.
      VA-85 had 15 INTRUDER aircraft, 12 A-6A bombers and 3 A-6B SAM killers. These three aircraft were partially stripped of the normal DIANE navigation and attack system, and instead were fitted with surface-to-air radar detection equipment and the gear needed to effectively use the Shrike and long-range Standard ARM (Anti-Radiation Missile) missiles. Four crews, including Bob Duncan and Al Ashall, had qualified on the A-6B in addition to their normal A-6A qualifications.
      Initially, the A-6B's were used in the same manner as the equivalent USAF Wild Weasel aircraft: they accompanied daylight strike forces as advance Iron Hand and SAM suppressors. Normal weapons configuration was 2 Shrikes on the outboard wing pylons and two Standard ARMs on the inboard pylons, with a drop tank on the centerline. Because of the scarcity of the Standard ARMs, we were encouraged to use them only when a really promising target came up, and then only if the target was beyond Shrike range or if the Shrikes had been expended.
      As the cruise progressed, VA-85 increasingly found itself tasked with night single-aircraft missions over North Viet Nam -- exactly what the aircraft was designed for. However, the inability of the A-7As and F-4Bs to operate effectively over land at night meant that there were fewer aircraft over the beach, and consequently these few aircraft drew more concentrated attention from NVN's anti-air defenses.
      The A-6B tactics evolved accordingly. An A-6B would launch with the attack birds, and everyone would go their separate ways . . . the attack birds at low level and the A-6B wandering around feet dry at 20,000 feet or so. If and when the NVN gunners lit off their fire control radars, the A-6B would attempt to engage them with either Shrike or Standard ARMs. Given the limited number of A-6Bs, these missions grew to "double-cycles" -- launch and go over the beach with the first batch, go feet wet to refuel when they went home, and be back in position as the second wave came feet dry.
      As the weather worsened, the A-6As would operate below the cloud cover while the A-6B would remain above (or in) the clag. This situation exacerbated the A-6B's weakest point: a combination of detection system and missile delivery parameters left the A-6Bs vulnerable to a close-in attack from the rear hemisphere. If the A-6B found itself targeted from the rear, SAMs might arrive before the Shrike or Standard ARM missiles could take out the SAM guidance radars. If you were operating within the cloud layers and couldn't see the SAMs, dodging them became a very tricky affair.
      On 29 August 1968 Bob Duncan and Al Ashall were scheduled for one of these missions, a double-cycle in support of two A-6A waves. The first wave came and went with no SAM activity, and the A-6B joined with an EKA-3D to refuel before going feet dry to await the second A-6A wave. Between the A-6B's "Feet dry" call and the arrival of the second A-6A wave, the EKA-3D recorded SAM missile radar activity. As usual, the on-station EC-121 flight following aircraft had lost radar contact with the Buckeye SAM killer after it went feet dry. No calls were heard from the Buckeye A-6B, and it failed to return.
      What happened? What is known is simple: The Buckeye flight went feet dry and was not heard from again. What may be surmised is equally simple: The NVN air defenders waited it out until the A-6B was alone over North Vietnam and then took it under fire from the rear quadrant. While the weather low was reasonable, heavy towering cumulus and high layers blanketed North Viet Nam that night -- the worst possible situation for SAM-dodging. It appears likely that the hunter became the hunted, and lost a missile exchange.
      Al was carried as "Missing in Action" for ten years; during this time he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. On 02 August 1978, his status was changed to "Killed in Action".
      Bob was carried as "Missing in Action" for seven years; on 22 October 1975, his status was changed to "Killed in Action".
      A-6 aircrews were accustomed to operating alone, without radar flight following or other friendly support. Bob and Al recognized the inherent risks and accepted them without qualm. Their professionalism and dedication to duty warrants our respect.
      Bob was more restrained and more married than many of the rest of us, which made for quiet liberties. Never the less, he was a solid officer, a professional aviator, a good friend, and very well liked. Thirty-two years later, his death in combat still brings a sense of sorrow and loss.
      Al was a quiet gent until you got him on liberty . . . then he could be as rowdy as the next guy. He was a solid officer, a professional aviator, and a good friend. Thirty-two years later, his death in combat still brings a sense of sorrow and loss.
      From a friend, squadronmate, roommate, and fellow VA-85 A-6A/A-6B aircrewman,
      Ken Davis
      A memorial from their shipmates in Attack Squadron 85


         (2 reviews)




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