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SF/WO* Maps/Terrain Mods

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Maps and Terrain mods

    1. Nothingness (Testbed Terrain)

      This is a terrain of simply, nothing.
      Why is this useful? Without all the objects and tiles it needs to load, it helps to minimize loading times. This is particularly useful in skinning (decal positioning), model testing, and target placement (which then can be copy-pasted to other maps). It includes two airfields (enemy and friendly) and two target areas, WITHOUT targets.
      **For this reason, it is recommended that missions using this terrain either be RECON, SWEEP, STRIKE, or CAP.**


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    2. City_tiles_for_EuroWW2_SPRING

      Lo primero y como siempre, he de agradecer sus trabajos a TOD@S los que haceis las mod, pues sin vosotros nada de esto seria lo mismo.
      Igualmente, recordar que todo lo que he presentado son adaptaciones de trabajos ya existentes, que he confeccionado para disfrute propio, pero que me parece
      justo compartir. Por lo tanto corresponde a otros el merito de este trabajo.
      Dejo esta 2ª, y en principio, ultima actualizacion del repintado de EuroWW2. En ella no hay mas que 4 nuevos azulejos que corresponden a las zonas que
      rodean a las ciudades. Con estos azulejos los edificios y arboles de las afueras de las ciudades se corresponden con lo que hay dibujado en el suelo.
      Instalacion: descomprimir en la carpeta "Terrain".
      Un detalle que olvide en "Water_for_EuroWW2", tener en cuenta que hay que instalar EN ESTE ORDEN:
      1º, "Buildings&trees for euro WW2 SPRING".
      2º, "Water For EuroWW2 SPRING".
      3º, "City tiles for EuroWW2 SPRING".
      Saludos a tod@s.


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    3. Water_for_EuroWW2_SPRING

      Aqui estan los TGA para el repintado de EuroWW2: el agua vuelve abrillar....
      He de dar especialmente las gracias a Wingzero, que me explico como hacer los TGA. Sin esa ayuda no habria podido hacerlo.
      He aprovechado tambien para cambiar un tile que no acababa de gustarme.
      Espero que lo disfruteis. Se agradecen los comentarios y sugerencias.


         (1 review)



    4. Zmatt's Tweaked HDR mod for SFP1 and SF2

      **********Enbseries HDR mod for 1st and 2nd gen TW sims**********
      First off, I didn't create any of this stuff. The enbseries mod is a DirectX 9 .dll mod made by Vorontsov Boris for use in any number of games. All credit goes to him for this. You can find more information at his website here:
      This is an upload with my personal enseries.ini file. It is all of the tweaks that I have made to get what I think is the best combination of performance and eye candy. If you need any help installing or tweaking the file beyond what is included in this humble readme then I recommend going here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=43231
      All needed files are included in this .zip. You don't need to download anything else to get pretty HDR goodness.
      For Sfp1 and derivatives:
      Drop the d3d9.dll in the root directory of your installation.
      For WoE that would be C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\
      Now drop the enbseries.ini inside your flight folder.
      Start the game and enjoy!
      For SF2 and derivatives:
      The file structure for SF2 has been changed a lot and requires you to place the files in an alternative location
      For Windows Vista and Windows 7:
      Take both files and drop them in Users/xxyournamexxx/Saved Games/Thirdwire/SF2x/Flight folder
      Where "yourname" is the name of your user account
      For Windows XP: (Thanks to X RAY)
      d3d9.dll goes in the root directory. enbseries.ini in the flight folder under the mods folder.
      The key combo SHIFT+F12 toggles the mod on and off.
      If you want to mess with the .ini yourself then here is a good place to start.The [EFFECT] section lists the different effects that enbseries is capable of. A value of 0 disable the function and a Value of 1 enables it. As shipped in this mod it looks like this:
      Taken from the enbseries site:
      "EnableBloom=(0,1) enables bloom effect, blurring bright screen areas and adding result back to screen, simulating illumination of some objects. It works very fast on modern hardware, but wrong setting or bad drivers will result in overbrighting or some other artifacts. Not uses HDR textures and that's why hardware compatibility is high.
      EnableOcclusion=(0,1) enables screen space ambient occlusions (ssao) and screen space indirect lighting (ssil), this makes shadows and lighting between nearest objects. This effect uses by few modern games, mostly on next-gen game consoles, so it's very slow. Performance directly depends from display resolution, number of pixels drawn on screen, so to run this at HD resolutions you need modern videocard from high price category. It's require support of shaders 3_0, but even if you have it, it's not guarantee fast performance. If too slow for you, reduce display resolution and quality of this effect, even disable it. Hardware compatibility is limited, different drivers and videocards have problems and limited features that result in artifacts. For example antialiasing (multisampling) for HDR textures supported only by DirectX10 compatible videocards and enabled antialiasing in game or in video drivers panel will produce strange artifacts.
      EnableReflection=(0,1) reflection of vehicles. Developed for GTA San Andreasm GTA 3, GTA Vice City, but in some games also works, of course not for cars. Performance highly depends from multiple quality setting of this effect and number of objects drawn. More reflective objects on screen, slower speed. Real time 3d rendering works faster when number of objects is low, but their vertex number is high, for example 10 objects with 10 millions of vertices every will draw about the same speed as 3000 objects with 3 vertices each, for reflection on shaders may be used multiple drawing of the same object. In this case performance highly depends from CPU and system memory speed. Per pixel lighting in newest versions of ENBSeries may be faster for some videocards. About bug solving see another section of this documentation.
      EnableMotionBlur=(0,1) blurring image in fast motion of camera. On modern videocard not too much decrease speed, but costly. Current version of this effect have many problems, not working in most games, wrong, affect HUD, later will be changed. On some videocards do not work correctly, if you have some problems, try to disable.
      EnableWater=(0,1) enable water effects, developed for GTA San Andreas only, but may appear in some other game, not for water surface. Depending from it's presets may affect speed very much, by itself it's fast, but for deepness factor it need scene depth information. Good way to compencate losts for depth is to use scene depth for other effects in parallel (shadows, ssao, dof). Modified water textures or water material (object) setting may produce unpredictable results.
      EnableShadow=(0,1) enable shadow effects, their blurring and color changing. This is not truly soft shadows, because soft shadows have blurring range dependency from distance between shadow caster and shadow receiver objects. Speed depends from quality setting, it use scene depth information for some setting, so performance varies. This effect may work in some other games that use stencil shadows.
      DepthBias=(0..1000) shifts objects when drawing scene depth, offset relative to camera viewpoint. For some videocards and drivers, combination of ENBSeries presets, may need to remove flickering and hiding artefacts of ambient occlusions. Try to set 100 if something wrong happens. This parameter not affect speed.
      EnableDepthOfField=(0,1) enable eye focusing effect. This effect affect performance a lot, because it need scene depth information. Whe used together with other effects that also require scene depth, performance is not too much affected."
      Motion blur, depth of field and occlusion have odd side effects with the SF1 engine. Water is useless as it is meant for GTA only.
      Changed the SF2 install instructions for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Thanks goes to AGOSTINO for bringing the error to my attention.


         (1 review)



    5. Buildings&trees_for_EuroWW2_SPRING

      Repintado completo de este magnifico terreno, usando el estupendo tilest de Brain32 para Germany. No me ha quedado perfecto, pero creo que luce muy bien... espero que os guste!


         (1 review)



    6. New River Tileset for Brain32 GermanyCE Tiles

      this are a set of .tga files that will replace the original one from Brain32 GermanyCE tileset and give the river a more realistic look
      just copy the .tga files in to your GermanyCE folder and let the existing files overwrite
      you need Brains32 GermanyCE tileset http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6192
      thanks to:
      - Brain32 for his excellent GermanyCE tileset
      have fun


         (2 reviews)



    7. GermanyCE Typo fix_WoE

      The german city of Leipzig is erroneously called "Liepzig" in game. Hence a little corrective fix of the 2 affected INI's (_movement.ini and _targets.ini).
      You have to simple unzip the 2 files in a temporary place and drop them in your GermanyCE terrain folder (or you may go for the "hard way", extracting these two files, searching manually for "Liepzig" and replacing this by the correct spelling "Leipzig").


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    8. Map ini tweaks for Israel, Germany, Vietnam, AE and Libya

      Map ini Tweaks for SF1 series
      This is an extraction from a super vannila pack of WOX that we share in the small circle of Insky team.
      It includes ini tweaks for Israel, Germany (4season mod), Vietnam (Greenhell2), AE(with Tree mod) and
      Libya(3.0 Ultimate final) maps.
      What the tweak does:
      1. fixing water shimmering problem
      2. bringing latest shader effect
      3. Introducing tree blending effect for a smoothier terrain look
      4. bringing sun shadows for hills on terrain. as the sun moves the hills cast shadows of different angle.
      enjoy it and feel free to report any problem


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    9. Buildings&trees for Battle of Britain V1.1

      Quedan corregidos un par de estupidos errores (la ley del cortapega) en los bordes de las ciudades. Tambien he editado y retocado un par de tiles que no acababan de gustarme...


         (1 review)



    10. Buildings&trees for EuroWW2 V2.0 prewiew

      Bueno, empece intentando llenar un poco, el suelo de este estupendo terreno, y al final lo estoy "repintando" entero. Estoy usando para ello los magnificos tiles para Germany de Brain32. Todavia no esta terminado, pero cuelgo unas capturas de pantalla a ver que os parece. Se agradecen las sugerencias...


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    11. North Africa (Western Desert) ver.2

      North Africa Terrain Upgrade For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO mods

      This started out as a simple targets upgrade, and turned into a major rework of Edward's "North Africa" or Western Desert Terrain for WW2. As you can expect, the targets have been greatly 'enhanced', with some additions, some areas have been retiled for ease of targetization. The visuals (ie: the eye candy) has been enhanced by these revamped target areas. This will allow single mission and campain builders more latitude in their creation of missions and campaigns. It also has the side effect of enhancing in-game generated single mission play, too!
      This is a COMPLETE terrain, designed to REPLACE the original verison in it's entirety. All necessary parts are included; tiles, inis, LOTS of new terrain items, with the excpetion for some 'permission-only' GroundObject items. 2 re-done planning maps (1 & 2) are also included. Also, there are at LEAST 3 Easter Eggs on the map.
      There ARE some historical flaws (and probably physical geographic ones as well!!), which as most of you know gauls the daylights out of me; they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below.
      The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! (however, that is easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them).
      It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 SF/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well, in any case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects.
      As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings...
      Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod.
      Happy Landings!!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    12. Buildings&trees for Battle of Britain

      Bueno, como habia comentado, aqui esta la oportunidad de salir de debajo de esos impresionantes globos alabeando por las "calles" de Londres... No es perfecto, pero espero que os guste.


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    13. CloudScape v1

      CloudScape Mod for Strike Fighters Gold, Wings over Europe, and Wings over Israel
      This mod has been tested in all the above listed sims. I have every reason to believe it will work in Wings over Vietnam and Strike Fighters Project 1 as well.
      For me, an essential part of the immersion in a flight sim is just watching the clouds go by. In real life, I watch clouds often and commonly photograph them. I like clouds that form into interesting and complex shapes.
      My intent here was to create cloudscapes that are appealing to the eye and thus increase the immersion into the game.
      In 2007, I created a cloud mod for First Eagles with the same idea in mind. When I placed the same mod into WoI and SFG, I felt the image didn't fit with the bluer skies of the modern era sims.
      Tweaking the colors didn't work well enough. So I kept the same alpha channel (mask), modded it a lot, and created a completely new image with it. I think this one works better. This new image, on first glance, doesn't look nearly as nice as the default. Don't be put off. Most of the cloud's appearance is managed by the alpha channel embedded into the image.
      Of the over 60 different clouds I tried, I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I am including just two and letting you decide which you like best.
      If you already have an edited environmentsystem.ini file or a cloud1.tga file you can opt to use just the cloud1.tga file. Always be sure to BACK UP YOUR ORIGINALS! I have tested the image alone with the Widesky mod and it works just fine.
      --More information available in the README.txt
      Happy Flying!
      Eric Wicklund
      aka ShrikeHawk


         (2 reviews)



    14. Buildings_for_Tunisia_WWII_V1.0

      Un poco de detalle extra al hacer un vuelo rasante sobre Tunez...
      Proximamente: "Buildings&trees for Battle of Britain" y "EuroWW2 V2.0"


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    15. Buildings_for_NAfrica_WWII

      Al igual que en terreno de europa, darle algo de detalle al suelo.


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    16. Buildings&trees for EuroWW2

      Me encanta el mod EuroWW2, pero el terreno me parecia un poco soso visualmente, asi que me he puesto manos a la obra para darle algo de atractivo visual. Espero que os guste.


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    17. Malvinas/Falklands Tileset UPDATED!! missing tile

      UPDATED added the missing tile (SEA_Island.tga) i forget upload this.
      Well this is a new tileset for Malvinas/Falklands terranin available in Falklands 1982 ALL-Inclusive MOD.
      Instalation: just drop ALL in folder ..Terrains/Malvinas
      Agregado el azulejo que faltaba mil perdones gente!!
      Bueno aca les dejo un Tileset para el terreno malvinas que viene con el MOD Falklands 1982.
      Para instalarlo copien todo a la carpeta ..Terrains/Malvinas
      Espero les guste


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      1 comment


    18. black sea terrain

      info website http://forum.biohazcentral.com/lofiversion...php/t35960.html
      credit - http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showuser=1796
      this is complete with update
      i'm a plaaf supporter , just want to say from my af to your af safe skies and happy flying.
      no screen look at info website


         (2 reviews)



    19. Black VietnamSEA HM bmps

      Black Repainted HM_bmps for VietnamSEA Based Terrains ONLY, for use in Post-08 Patch Levels


      For Add-On Terrains for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:/SF2:E

      This "repair package" is for those people still having trouble/issues with items placed near the sea/land transitions, and for those terrains using the Desert tileset that have NOT been brought up to 08 patch levels. The problem manifests itself as 'partly sunken ships' in port, or GroundObjects and Building that seem to be below ground level when near the shoreline.
      You'll note the listing of the NextGen sims, albeit THEIR terrains need NO adjusting; this is for 3rd Party, Add-Ons to be used in all the aforementioned sims, that were originally designed for use in the Classic Series, and have been migrated over. This will also fix them for use in the Classic Series.
      This fix has been covered innumerable times in several hundred posts on the CombatAce message boards, and even has it's own thread in the dreaded Knowledge Base.
      What this fix does, is change the Height statements for those terrains built in the 06 patch level, and before, and will bring them up to date with the O8 Level for the Classic Series, and will work the same for the NextGen series.
      Some knowledge of use of Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool is needed, as you will probably be needing it to extract the terrain ***_data.ini from one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ - Desert, VietnamSEA and GermanyCE, to make comparisons to for the terrain to be repaired. For the most part, the data in the Install Section below will have all the details necessary; but just be prepared.
      I'll try to keep the install/ repair procedures as easy as possible for the less experienced users.
      As always, unzip this pak to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme. It should be mentioned at this point, you're REALLY going to want to read the document all the way through before installing. This will aquiant you with the procedures and help you in the long run.
      Kevin Stein


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    20. Black Desert HM bmps

      Black Repainted HM_bmps for Desert Based Terrains ONLY, for use in Post-08 Patch Levels


      For Add-On Terrains for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and SF2/SF2:/SF2:E

      This "repair package" is for those people still having trouble/issues with items placed near the sea/land transitions, and for those terrains using the Desert tileset that have NOT been brought up to 08 patch levels. The problem manifests itself as 'partly sunken ships' in port, or GroundObjects and Building that seem to be below ground level when near the shoreline.
      You'll note the listing of the NextGen sims, albeit THEIR terrains need NO adjusting; this is for 3rd Party, Add-Ons to be used in all the aforementioned sims, that were originally designed for use in the Classic Series, and have been migrated over. This will also fix them for use in the Classic Series.
      This fix has been covered innumerable times in several hundred posts on the CombatAce message boards, and even has it's own thread in the dreaded Knowledge Base.
      What this fix does, is change the Height statements for those terrains built in the 06 patch level, and before, and will bring them up to date with the O8 Level for the Classic Series, and will work the same for the NextGen series.
      Some knowledge of use of Skypat's Cat Extractor Tool is needed, as you will probably be needing it to extract the terrain ***_data.ini from one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ - Desert, VietnamSEA and GermanyCE, to make comparisons to for the terrain to be repaired. For the most part, the data in the Install Section below will have all the details necessary; but just be prepared.
      I'll try to keep the install/ repair procedures as easy as possible for the less experienced users.
      As always, unzip this pak to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme. It should be mentioned at this point, you're REALLY going to want to read the document all the way through before installing. This will aquiant you with the procedures and help you in the long run.
      Kevin Stein


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    21. Modern Darwin/Timor

      Modern Darwin Terrain Ver 2.0

      for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E


      UPDATED to Version 2.0 6/11/09

      This is a rebuild of MY rebuild of Edward's WW2 Pacific Theatre map of Northern Australia, Timor, and parts of Indonesia. This moves it up into modern-ish times; the operational time frame I've designed it for is apporximately 1950-2050. Modern place names have been used were needed (and discoverable!). It has been extensively updated for Post-08 Patch Level installs for the Classic Series ™ {herein after to be known as "TOS"}, and is usable in the New Series {herein after to be known as "NextGen"}.
      The Update is designed to COMPLETLY replace the earlier version I'd released some years ago, and is a COMPLETE terrain with just about everything needed for installation.
      It has been extensively re-tiled, with the addition of MANY parts from the WoV "GreenHell" ™ mod by Brain32 & CA_Stary, while still using ONLY the original stock tiles (in other words, TODs for the jungle/paddy/grass. City TODs are still the stock ones, due to target placements within the cities) . The target areas have been 'cleaned up' and enhanced, including some that are of a 'fictional nature' to enchance gameplay. The movement ini has had some additions for CAS missions on Timor., The data ini has also been brought up to present (post-08) standards, with all effects activated. For mission and campaign builder, 2 Friendly Carrier stations have been added.
      I've included several new ground objects, mostly to replace some that have gone missing from General Usage ™. Included are 1 new destroyer, 2 1/2 aircraft carriers, and some other things. (I say 2 1/2 carriers, as one, HMAS Australia, is just ini edits to create a "What If..." for the RAN). There's also quite a few surprises ... so keep a sharp eye out, especially when flying near coastlines/ports at night ...
      *NextGen users take note -- you =MAY= be making data ini adjustementst for use in SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E. I've experienced NO anomalies during testing. Your mileage may vary*
      **SF/SFG/SF2 Only users take note: you will be missing 2 of the naval vessels; the SumnerFRAM2 destroyer and the SCB-125 Essex class aircraft carrier. You will have to import the various and sundry bits from WoV or Post-08 Patch WoE. Or find "other alternatives". Or switch to WoE/WoV as your main gaming install.
      It is also suggested (read: REQUIRED!!) you have the latest weapons pak installed for the various guns, SAMs, and whathaveyous. This is mostly for the ships, and air defense units --this is MOST critical for NextGen SF2 series users!!!! Any additional Ground Objects you can get your hands on, is also HIGHLY reccomended!! (Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak, Kesselbruts Zil Trucks, you get the idea...)
      As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It is also HIGHLY reccomended you read this document ALL the way through to get an understanding of what's to be accomplished, and how to do it.
      Happy Landings!!
      Kevin Stein
      ps: yes, I've reused the same screenie. Just too lazy to take/make a new one


         (2 reviews)



    22. Civil Mod "FireFighters"

      The CIVIL Mod "Firefighters" is made for FIRST EAGLES.
      I made this mod for my son, because i believe that it is not really good if a 7 years old boy is dropping bombs or firing missiles or shooting guns. So i decided to make a civil version of TK's sims. That my son is a fan of the Feuerwehr (fire brigade in english), gave me the idea to make a mod for the flying firefighters who use agricultural planes or old military planes like the Tracker, the B-26 etc to fight against wood fires all around the world.
      This mod includes a modified version of my Vogesen terrain, the Z-37 Cmelak agricultural airplane and modified files to make modern planes usable in FIRST EAGLES.
      You can fly firefight missions (mostly suppress woodfires), Search missions (SAR) and you can drop parachutists.
      1.) You need a clean installation of First Eagles (FE)
      2.) Open folder objects/aircraft and delete all subfolders (planes)
      3.) Open folder objects/groundobject and delete all subfolders (Groundobjects)
      4.) Unzip the Civil Mod into your civil First Eagles installation
      5.) to make the O-1E Cessna and the C-130 usable you must include the files O-1E.lod, C-130A.lod, C-130A_LOD002 - 005 in the relating folders. This files are part of original SFP1,WOE,WOV game. You must extract them from SFP1,WOE or WOV objects.cat by using the SFP1E tool which you can find at CombatAce.com
      Thats it
      With the Civil Mod comes the file meine.ini which you find in Controls folder. This file allows you to use flaps, breaks etc in game. This are the option settings i use in my game. You can replace this file by your own controls file from an other SFP1,WOE,WOV,WOI game.
      I want to say thank you to Darreck for the Coolingtowers, RussoUK2004 for the VW, suicidal for the Lamas, Canadair for the Waterdrop effect and all the othersfor hints, files, ideas etc.
      If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.
      If you want to modify CIVIL MOD "Firefighters" then feel free to make it so.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      Mai 2009
      I wrote this mod in german language. Into english retranslated files you find in subfolder Terrain/Vogesen Zivil/ENGLISH. Please copy the files Vogesen Zivil-targets and Movement into your Vogesen Zivil folder. MISSIONSUMMARY and MISSIONTYPE in your MENU folder.
      I hope that my translated files are good enough. Feel free to modify them.


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      1 comment


    23. taiwan terrain

      this is taiwan terrain, i forgot who created but no readme file , this terrain was downloaded from avsim .
      i want to say thanks for who ever created it. remember cat pointer
      i want to say to the formosa terrain creator thanks to you for the formosa terrain also and if you can use taiwan terrain to add some stuff to your formosa it would be great .
      to the ca community we know that avsim is temporary gone but we can help out upload all you can any avsim files to ca , so that at least we have a small backup to reference by. plus we can create a small private section for the creator of avsim.
      enjoy this terrain - ca community
      this terrain would also be a great complement to my movieintro for the sim. found here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9012
      and don't forget marc's excellent j11s .
      sorry no screen but should be surprise.


         (3 reviews)



    24. Better widesky

      Made By InskyGroups Orsin。
      --InskyGroups 2009


         (2 reviews)



    25. India_V121_update

      April 30th, 2009 update
      1)fix mistake in the India_data.ini file for oase texture to have the water effect working properly.
      2)fix small glitches on some transition texture
      Install: just drop/overwrite the files into your India folder.
      previous readme.
      Just a small update to the recent India V12 release.
      Here the readme .
      India/Burma/China terrain for SFP1 by S.Ansons
      v1.21 update April 26th, 2009 small update to v1.2.
      Have smoothed the hfd file to round a bit the edges of the gange, brahmaputra and irrawaddy valleys.
      Planning maps updated to have the correct colors for mountains/desert/snow in some areas.
      Add a sample mission with F_80C to discover Burma landscape.
      v1.2 complete is required. Install: Drop the .hfd and planningmaps files into your India terrain folder.
      drop the test_india2.msn file into your mission folder.
      v1.2 April 25th, 2009
      1.2 Release : Add Trees and rivers to the Map with several new tiles.
      The Gange, Brahmaputra, Irawaddy mouths have been simulated with
      a lot of river branches. Add cows , bushes, grass and temples.
      Rework of transition tiles for the cities.
      Add reworked PlanningMaps.
      Credits : Thanks to CA_STARY (Green Hell), The Wrench, Polak
      (Desert tiles) , TK.
      India_data.ini has been updated to have no shimmering water and to allow all the trees to be rendered once in game.
      Install: Just put the India folder into your terrain folder.
      Warning: Be sure to set the cat pointer in the India.ini file to the correct
      .cat file depending on your game.
      Have fun !


         (1 review)



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