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Showing most liked content on 01/16/2018 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Detailing the forward deck of the N17/23 series. The Alkan-Hamy synchronizer gear was a developed copy of the Fokker gear. When combat was imminent, the pilot pulled on the ring-handle to engage the synchronizer, but in normal flight the gear was not engaged. This reduced mechanical failure due to excessive wear. The ammo belt was fed up to the gun on the right side, through a wooden chute with hinged sheet metal cover. The empty cloth ammo belt was fed out the gun's left side and then down inside the fuselage, where it was wound around a spring loaded drum. Because the cloth ammo belt (used by all versions of the Maxim gun) would often flex during high-G manuevers, the belts often jammed the guns during combat. The Germans developed the disintegrating metal link in 1916 to solve the problem, and the other major powers soon copied the German metal link concept. The later Nieuport installation for metal links extended the chute over the side of the fuselage so the expended links could fall clear.
  2. 5 points
    FW-190 A5 flight model attached. It's for the Wolf/Wrench package available here: https://combatace.com/files/file/13692-sf2-ww2-focke-wulf-fw-190a-5/ I started out making an A8 version for Battle of the Bulge use but found the various versions and potential engine options so confusing it seemed better to build an earlier version first to get a baseline BMW-801D engine table and finalize the aerodynamics. Here's a brief review of some of the engine boost systems used for the FW-190: Water/Methanol Injection: This was tried with the early fighter bomber versions but caused engine issues so wasn't continued with. Water/methanol may have been used on later versions but I'm not sure! Injection of C3 fuel directly into the supercharger: This seems to be the system that found favor with the fighter bombers. An additional tank was installed in the fuselage giving a 30 minute supply and could be used for 10 minutes at a time with 10 minutes rest between use. The system could only be used in low blower at low altitudes. Also, due to overheating issues, it could only be used in level flight. For later versions the low blower and level flight restrictions may have been lifted but..........I'm not sure! Nitrous Oxide Injection: Used on some versions to boost high altitude performance. Not going there. The usual "increase the RPM and Boost" system. Going there for this version. The standard WEP boost of 1.42 ATA gives about 1700hp at sea level 1540hp at 20000ft compared to the 1.32 ATA climb power rating of 1480hp at sea level and 1405hp at 20000ft. The max speeds for a good A-5 were around 350mph at sea level and 407mph at about 20000ft. The speed checks I've done with this FM are quite close but I still have to refine the engine table a bit. From about mid 1944 the "Dry Boost" limits were increased again, with a 10minute limit. I will probably make a "standard A8" with those limits at some point as well as a dedicated fighter bomber version. Other Stuff: The A5 FM is meant to represent the "Standard Fighter" version but there were so many assorted "kits" available for the FW-190 it's hard to say how common a standard version was. The fighter bomber versions have a considerably higher empty weight so for this reference FM I'm paying very close attention to the actual empty weight and flight weight of a standard A5. Some Focke-Wulf documents list the flight weight as 4000Kg/8818lbs and I'm very close to that but CHECK YOUR AMMO WEIGHT! From the Focke-Wulf document the ammo weight should be 201kg/443lbs. I was well over that when I checked it but didn't see anything obviously wrong with the gun datas except for a missing cartridge weight entry. I used some data from an AvHistory gun and now the ammo weight is at 520lbs. I've seen what I think are occasional weight glitches in the load out menu but there may be a gun data error somewhere. Here's the FM: FW190a5_DATA0.95.zip
  3. 3 points
    Actually, the pit was a mistake. There was never our intention to use that pit - I forgot to take that extra look because I rushed the release :D Currently busy looking into alternatives as well as finding a suitable pit for the Viggen Pack so we can get that one out the door. Also because I like having fun with some older stuff...
  4. 3 points
    Sans day glo. Detailing continues. The pit got some new colours but it needs some movement to get in better positions.
  5. 2 points
    I've updated a bunch of them done. Here are some...
  6. 2 points
    Somewhere in Nevada.....Area51 unconfirmed....C L A S S I F I E D , circa 1985
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    I attached one to ur message but seems to have gone,or you recd it? heres 2 part basics with txt Airbrakes tut.7z
  9. 1 point
    well then, maybe you should release them??
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    (I HAVE to say this, please forgive me!) duuuudde, you can never be toooo high!!! ---- yes, what Geezer said. Those same figures x/y/z corrdinate style are used for everything from pilots, to muzzle flare location, weapons mounting, lights, exhaust, what have you!
  12. 1 point
    Got my crayons out again...fun plane.
  13. 1 point
    I agree, some ground targets moving around or even static on trenches or near the frontile would be a cool addition. And Yes, Romain Hugault is a great artist, and have a thing for colorful paintschemes lol Mandatory screenshot.
  14. 1 point
    Superb detail! Even the trench rifles and mortars are accurate. I've always thought that FE/FE2 could use more strafing targets. Stuff like vehicles, guns, horses, grunts, etc marching through a sea of mud.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    JA.37 cockpit proposal from the TW F-15A one...
  19. 1 point
    hey JonathanRL, how do you say snot nosed jockeys in Swedish? thank you for releasing this bad boy!
  20. 1 point
    New screesnhot thread is tempting and it's been a while anyway....so here's a contribution...
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point


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