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Showing most liked content on 02/05/2022 in Posts

  1. 13 points
  2. 9 points
    Old-Fashioned Tweeting.... A Mig-19 lost the Low & Slow duel....
  3. 3 points
    I can tell it by your Loadout, it was surely VERY slow... Mandatory:
  4. 3 points
    I sorted it out, and thanks for info. It was because the unit Id didn't match in both ini's. I had to set both to 053, so you can see above that one was labeled "54".
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    Do you know that 11:15 pm on 28 January was Friday night where I live? Check your calendar next time. Mandatory screenshot:
  7. 2 points
    You're getting older mate! 😂😋
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    Absolutely gorgeous cat! meanwhile...
  10. 1 point
    I finally continued my long term project - Skins for all A-4 Skyhawk squadrons/deployments in Vietnam. New skins aswell as a rework of my older (lower resolution) skins will be included. Have fun! Some progress: VA-15 Valions, 4/1966 - 11/1966, USS Intrepid, A-4B CAG: Line: VA-95 Green Lizards, 4/1966 - 11/1966, USS Intrepid, A-4B VA-153 Det. R Blue Tail Flies, 6/1964 - 12/1964, USS Kearsarge, A-4B VA-12 Flying Ubangis, 3/1970 - 12/1970, USS Shangri-La, A-4C CAG: Line: VA-22 Fighting Redcocks, 3/1965 - 11/1965, USS Midway, A-4C VA-22 Fighting Redcocks, 6/1966 - 2/1967, USS Coral Sea, A-4C CAG: Line: VA-22 Fighting Redcocks, 11/1967 - 5/1968, USS Ranger, A-4C VA-76 Spirits, 1/1967 - 8/1967, USS Bon Homme Richard, A-4C VA-172 Blue Bolts, 6/1966 - 2/1967, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, A-4C CAG: Line: VA-172 Blue Bolts, 3/1970 - 12/1970, USS Shangri-La, A-4C CAG: Line: VA-195 Dambusters, 1/1964 - 11/1964, USS Bon Homme Richard, A-4C VA-195 Dambusters, 4/1965 - 1/1966, USS Bon Homme Richard, A-4C VA-195 Dambusters, 11/1966 - 5/1967, USS Ticonderoga, A-4C VA-195 Dambusters, 12/1967 - 8/1968, USS Ticonderoga, A-4C H&MS-15 Det. N Angels, 8/1965 - 3/1966, USS Hornet, A-4C "Fanny Hill" "Ko Sisters" VA-113 Stingers, 1/1968 - 7/1968, USS Enterprise, A-4F VA-93 Blue Blazers, 1/1968 - 10/1968, USS Bon Homme Richard, A-4F CAG: Line: VMA-211 Wake Island Avengers, 10/1965 - 7/1966, Chu Lai AB, A-4E VA-212 Rampant Raiders, 1/1968 - 10/1968, USS Bon Homme Richard, A-4F VA-212 Rampant Raiders, 8/1969 - 4/1970, USS Hancock, A-4F VA-212 Rampant Raiders, 10/1970 - 6/1971, USS Hancock, A-4F VA-212 Rampant Raiders, 1/1972 - 10/1972, USS Hancock, A-4F VA-192 (Worlds Famous) Golden Dragons, 1/1964 - 11/1964, USS Bon Homme Richard, A-4C VA-106 Gladiators, 6/1968 - 2/1969, USS Intrepid, A-4E to be continiued...
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    It's up to the Mirage F1JE to be uploaded. It waits for approval. The usual preview
  13. 1 point
    that will do it welcome to the wonderful world of ini editing......
  14. 1 point
    If it is DCS related, check ED Forum. There's already an F-111 in the works. 😉
  15. 1 point
    If you want to protect your text from the forum put it in <code> brackets that looks like <> above. [AirUnit054] AircraftType=SeaVixen Squadron=892Sq ForceID=1 Nation=RoyalNavy DefaultTexture=Suez StartNumber=0 CarrierBased=TRUE NavalUnitID=2 ShipID=1 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=12 StartAircraft=12 MaxPilots=12 StartPilots=12 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Intelligence=20 MissionChance[SWEEP]=40 MissionChance[CAP]=50 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=60 MissionChance[ESCORT]=40 MissionChance=65 MissionChance[CAS]=30 MissionChance[SEAD]=50 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=40 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=20 MissionChance[RECON]=10 MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=20 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=0 UpgradeType=NEVER Supply[001].WeaponType=UK250LB Supply[001].Quantity=440 Supply[002].WeaponType=UK500LB Supply[002].Quantity=320 Supply[003].WeaponType=UK1000LB Supply[003].Quantity=240 Supply[004].WeaponType=Matra_Typ155 Supply[004].Quantity=640 Supply[005].WeaponType=VixenTank Supply[005].Quantity=320 Supply[006].WeaponType=RedTopIR Supply[006].Quantity=320 Supply[007].WeaponType=FirestreakIR Supply[007].Quantity=320
  16. 1 point
    Yeah, since i ventured myself on 3D, i got several unfinished/really unfinished MAX files that i can remember just a few ones, mainly, i got all Lindr2 Soviet planes and a few Pasko´s ones too (which i, also shared to several friends as Stary or Logan4), then, since i am a collector myself, got several other raw files from the internet, and, if i get asked at least i have the source URLs hehehe.
  17. 1 point
    noticed it on a seperate question some time ago. typing this directly into the forum strikes through all the words that follow. found that out since i was posting a question and my examples were and [Strike_61] see what i did there?
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Bilbo's ride for his next adventure........
  22. 1 point
    Parani miG-29 demonstrating the effectiveness of it's camo, and waking up everyone in the city below..


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