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Showing most liked content on 01/01/2023 in Posts

  1. 5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
    Give me the usual two weeks.
  5. 4 points
  6. 4 points
    Chinese Expeditionary Force over Dhimar... At the same time... Patrol over the Taiwan Strait
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
    Excelent work and many thanks Gepard!!! :) In the next version please add BAM Punta Indio (Base Aeronaval Punta Indio) its located near the blue cross and its operated by the argentine navy (in this timeframe it could house the s-2 trackers, super entendard, neptune, orion and so on) https://www.histarmar.com.ar/Armada Argentina/AviacionNaval/BasesAeronav/BAPIndio-3.htm (in spanish)
  9. 2 points
  10. 1 point
    Benchmark Sims Falcon BMS 4.37 has now been released. Downloads https://www.falcon-bms.com/downloads/
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Holly Molly dude !!!! Awesome work , thank you so much for all the love and time invested doing this great terrain. Gracias Marcos
  14. 1 point
    View File Rio de la Plata terrain Rio de la Plata terrain version 1.3 ***************************************************** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This terrain is written for SF2NA and SF2E or SF2I. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I. Short description: This terrain covers the Bay of the river Rio de la Plata. South of this bay we find Argentina, north of it Urugay and Brazil. East of it is the Atlantic Ocean. The timeframe of the terrain is from 1980 to 2020. It is made as a NavalMap with carrier vs carrier operations in mind. The scenario is, that in 1982, the Royal Navy answered the argentinian invasion on the Falkland islands with sending a Naval Task Force toward Buenos Aires and landing troops on the shores of Argentina. Thatswhy you find a big british beachhead on the map. You can fly following missions for the British and their allies, the Brazilians: SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,SEAD,ANTI_SHIP,RECON,CAS,Armed_Recon For the Argentinians you can fly this missions: SWEEP,CAP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,STRIKE,SEAD,ANTI_SHIP,CAS,RECON New in vesion 1.2: - number of target area increased from 37 to 47 - all target areas are now fitted with objects. Factories, warehouses, commbuilding etc. - Airbase Tandil moved 75 km westward. It is not yet at the correct position. I fear, that if the base is placed at the correct position, the AI would not use it, because it is to far in the west. - At the former position of Tandil Airbase i placed a temporary aifield. - I added the river Rio Paradana and the neigbour rivers. - I relocated Montevideo and the Montevideo Airport. The airport is completly new made. - I reworked all rivermouth tiles, enlarged them to 1024x1024 pixel size. New in version 1.3 - number of targetareas increades to 82 - a lot of new factory target areas for Argentina - included uruguayan airbases - included static Cessna for airfield "population - included some goodies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II. INSTALLATION: To run this terrain you need SF2NorthAtlantic and SF2 Israel or SF2 Europe. Unzip all files into your saved game folder ...ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2XXXX Thats it. If you have SF2Europe installed you must do nothing more. If you miss SF2E and have SF2Israel you must open file Rio_de_la_Plata_Bay.ini with Notepad editor and look for the lines: //CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat change the entry into: CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat save the file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II.A: Goodies I have made a new mainscreen and included a new mainscreensound. Check it out and if you like it then copy the folder Menu to your SF2 mod installation If you own the TK's DLC28 and SF2Israel, you can use the MirageIIIEA and MirageIIIEBR, which you also find in the goodies folder. Simply copy to your objects folder. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ III. Credits. Tileset is basing on Starys Green Hell 3.0 tileset. I converted it to jpg format and merged the 512x512 tiles to 1024x1024 pixel tiles. Tileset green made by Wilches GK-CG1 civil airport building made by GKABS GK-CMT civil airport building made by GKABS GK-CT1 civil airport building made by GKABS Base_C.lod round parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue Base_H.lod small parking area taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1, made by Pureblue ControlTower.LOD made by RussoUK Modern Royal Navy ship pack made by WhiteBoySamurai i added shipnumbers and converted the bmp to jpg files, corrected the hitboxes ARA 25 de Mayo made by Torno for original 25 de Mayo CV, - upgrades by paulopanz i made the angle deck and the Flak working and converted the bmp to jpg files TAM made by SUICIDAL & Torno, taken from SF2 Tanks Pack i converted the bmp to jpg files TAM_Roland made by Gabilon, i made a new skin Unimog made by BANIDOS TEAM and SUICIDAL i converted the bmp to jpg files GearingFRAM1B_ Argentina stock ship of SF2NA, made by TK, modded by me SumnerFRAM2_Argentina stock ship of SF2NA, made by TK, modded by me Fearless Class Austin, stock ship of SF2NA, made by TK, modded by me Cleveland class made by YEYEYE (General Belgrano), modded by me Leopard1A5_Brazil LOD file made by Gabilon, skin made by me Gepard_Brazil LOD file made by Gabilon, skin made by me Factory buildings Made by Geezer Refinery1,2 and Factory-2 Made by Wingwiner, i renamed the files Techniker made by Geezer, moded by me Mainscreensound mady by Andrius Klimka A special Thank you goes to Wilches and Snowburn for their support. I hope i have not forgotten someone. . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed. And i say it again for the YAP, YankeeAirPirates file thiefs, the usage of this terrain and/or parts of the terrain for commercial use is not allowed!!!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany 27. April 2023 Submitter Gepard Submitted 12/31/2022 Category Full Terrains  
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I have uploaded the Rio de la Plata terrain. Here the Planningmap: Its intended as NAVAL Map with carrier vs carrier action. Thatswhy i have included the ships for the british and the argentinian carrier battle group. I also used the stock Austin landing ships to simulate the british Fearless Class, so you can face two british ship groups in a mission. Ground action you find east of the argentinian Air Base Tandil. Here you can fly CAS missions to support argentinian or british tanks. Between Tandil and Buenos Aires the area of Armed_Recon is located. Armed Recon is possible only for the British or Brazilians. Montevideo is set as neutral airport. Have fun and Happy New Year!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    A variety of custom objects and texture upgrades for Gep's outstanding Battle of Britain terrain - subdued dreary look with custom cargo ships, barrage balloons, dock cranes, bridges, port warehouses, etc.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    North vietnamese F-5E Tiger vs chinese H-5. 1979 Borderwar.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    What the F-105 was designed for
  24. 1 point
    the main project. 93rd BW birds were added when they kept popping up during research
  25. 1 point
    Obflugm Edward Reimann MLFA II Neuwmunster 27th December 1916 The dusty Daimler lorry rumbled to a halt and Edward climbed out, grabbed his case and stood back as the lorry turned sharply and headed back out. Edward became aware of the sharp cold straight away. It had been cold in Brussels and cold in the lorry, but that was nothing compared to the biting chill he was now feeling as he gazed across the airfield. He took his case and walked sharply over to the only building which looked used at that moment. He entered and closed the door and was greeted with a warmth he'd not felt for many hours. He had clearly entered an office, as the typewriter and filing cabinet indicated. At that moment the door opposite opened and a middle-aged unteroffizier came in. On seeing Edward he moved towards him. "Yes herr Oberflugmeister? Can I help you?" asked the unteroffizier. "I'm Obflugm Edward Reimann and I've been ordered to report here." explained Edward. "Ah yes. Please wait here a moment and I will see if the CO can see you now" stated the unteroffizier. The NCO went back to the door he'd just come in from and knocked perfunctorily, before entering. A few moments later he re-emerged. "Leutnant Wald will see you now" confirmed the unteroffizier. Edward nodded and entered the small room. The unteroffizier closed the door behind him. "Hello herr Oberflugmeister. Please, take a seat" said Leutnant Wald. Leaving his case, Edward moved towards the nearby chair. "Thank you sir" confirmed Edward as he sat down. Leutnant Wald perused Edward's papers. Nodding to himself occasionally as he read through it. He stopped suddenly and looked at Edward. "It states here you were born in Manchester?" stated Wald. "Yes sir, I was born in the north of England but moved to Germany with my mother when I was two." explained Edward. The Leutnant nodded his understanding and carried on reviewing the paperwork. "Have you had any experience of Roland two seaters?" asked the Leutnant. "I have flown the CII on numerous occasions sir" replied Edward. "Excellent, that will make things far easier herr Oberflugmeister" said Wald. Leutnant Wald proceeded to brief Edward on the unit, it's responsibilities and the situation in general. At the end of the briefing, Leutnant Wald informed Edward where his room was and instructed him to unpack and get some refreshment before reporting back at 11am in his flight gear. Edward found his room easily enough. It was tiny but relatively warm thanks to a small fire, burning brightly in the bricked fireplace. He unpacked his possessions, and made his way to the Kasino where he was able to get hot coffee and a small but filling stollen. Having donned his flying gear he then reported back to Leutnant Wald as instructed. The Leutnant introduced Edward to his beobachter, Flugmaat Edgar Hasse and instructed the young pair what he wanted them to do. Edward was to climb up to about 5000 feet and circle the area around the airfield before heading out to Ostend and then returning. He also instructed Edward to return at once if enemy aircraft should appear. The Roland's engine popped and rumbled as Edward strapped in. A short time later the two seater was in the air and climbing away from the airfield. Edward could feel the warmth from the engine on his face but other than that was thoroughly cold. The skies were wintery but relatively clear as they reached 5000 feet. Edward circled the airfield and then headed north west towards Ostend. On reaching the coast, Hasse tapped Edward on the head and pointed down. Edward looked as directed and saw the dark roads and snowy roofs indicating they were above Ostend. All appeared calm and Edward started back towards Neuwmunster. He landed easily enough some 20 minutes later. On reporting back to Leutnant Wald, he was told the CO was happy with Edward's efforts today and that all being well, he would take part in tomorrow's scheduled flights. Edward spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in the company of his fellow pilots in the Kasino.
  26. 1 point
    found out a few things doing other research.....
  27. 1 point
    I used some of GKABS civilan airport buildings, some of my usual runway and taxiway files and the stock airfield4 to create Buenos Aires Airport
  28. 1 point
    Aeropuerto El Palomar, region Buenos Aires, Argentina
  29. 1 point
    Scandinavian Morning Mission
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Change the warhead weights to what you see below which accounts for the amount of incendiary in the Armor Piercing Incendiary/ Tracer (API/ API-T) rounds used in late WWII M2 .50cal belts and post WWII M3 .50cal belts. The figure I have used is based on the actual grams of incendiary in each shell averaged over the typical belt composition in the case of the M2 and then halved to account for the fact it is incendiary not explosive.
  32. 1 point
    Okay, so now I'm feeling it. This Thundechief is the Cats Meow for dropping sh*t and hauling a$$ outta the drop zone............................. Until you forget just how big the weapon is. But it sure is pretty to look at. Tanks off, let's go downhill Now, to any sane person, this scene right here should have been a clue as to the outcome of what I'm about to do. Obviously, sanity is not a strong family trait.......... The attempted roll-out, flash, shockwave, "Oh Sh*t", and bail-out were almost simultaneous........Next time, "must go faster"
  33. 1 point
    "Yep - Just like it says"
  34. 1 point
    I love THUNDER, and don't tell me I can't... Jane's USAF...back when you could multiplayer. I couldn't find my P-47 screenshot, so I will add this in its stead, after all. tis the Thunder!


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