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Showing most liked content on 04/28/2023 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. 6 points
    With a little bit editing of Nations.ini and Rio_de_la_Plata_Bay_NATIONS.ini the 707 Airliners appear in game. Small problem: plane is to long for the parking position Now i must find a way, that airliners will not appear on military airfields, but only on civil airports. Let's see.
  3. 5 points
    Argentinian Mirage IIIC over the Rio de la Plata Bay, near Buenos Aires.
  4. 5 points
    MiG-15bis - Fighter Leaders School, Parani Air Force, 1959
  5. 5 points

    Version 1.0.0


    USN VFC-111 SunDowner's skins for Capun's F-5E. 4 skins included. Read me included. Hope you guys enjoy, Pappy
  6. 3 points
    VAQ-129 transition from the EA-6B to the EA-18G in 2009
  7. 2 points
    Battle Creek over Italia, 90 desktop comes back online next month, so i might fly somewhere outside of Italy and the Balkans again. but Menrva did provide us a really photogenic terrain....
  8. 2 points
    F-5's....I like that!!! Two more from VFC-111.
  9. 1 point
    In the next update i will do it. Can i set "Airliners" as FriendlyNation and EnemyNation at the same time?
  10. 1 point
    Here's my shot at ECM for the Block 52 Viper by the Viper Team. I modeled it after the ALQ-131 Block III pod, so it works, just not that great against an SA-10 radar apparently. Anyway won't be a thing but you can definitely re-engineer it based off of my work for at least a functioning jammer. F-16C_B52_Data.7z
  11. 1 point
    I have uploaded version 1.3 some minutes ago. An Admin must still give the okay. Big static airliners i have not yet included in the terrain. This will come later. Airliners should appear on random parking slots, if you have airliners in the aircraft list. As goodies i have included a new menu screen, new menu music, and if you own DLC 28 and SF2I, then can you fly my versions of MirageIIIEA and MirageIIIEBR.
  12. 1 point
    F-5E captured 1975 by North Vietnam. Sold to USSR in same year and tested till end of 1970th.
  13. 1 point
    VFC-111 Blue camo F-5's in flight.
  14. 1 point
    always good to check the picture you upload , i know that the F-4EJ does not have A/G capabilities and yet i overlooked the AGM Control Handle on the left side panel , i made a quick check with the real F-4EJ cockpit pictures and than i had to make a change on my cockpit model Sorry here is the correct left side panel part , just in case somebody notice it
  15. 1 point
    Old Polly and new Polly!


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